“The work is nearing its close. We are nearer the end
than when we first believed.”Evangelism, 398
Mrs. White wrote this statement in 1909. It isn’t difficult to look around at current events and the feelings expressed by the population of the world to know that this statement is even more appropriate now than it was 115 years ago.
Those who diligently study the Scriptures can, with certainty, acknowledge that they are seeing prophecy fulfilled right before their eyes. Those of us who were taught that Jesus’ coming is very soon and have lived our entire lives believing that it could happen in our lifetime must surely feel that “it is near—even at the doors!” Matthew 24:33, last part
“There is a great work to be done, and we have only a little while in which to do it.” Evangelism, 398, 399
But the question we must all ask ourselves today, every day, is, Am I ready for Jesus to come?
“We are nearing the end of time, and we want now, not to meet the world’s tastes and practices, but to meet the mind of God; to see what saith the Scriptures, and then to walk according to the light which God has given us. …
“Many professed Christians are in a fair way to lose both worlds. To be half a Christian and half a worldly man makes you about one-hundredth part a Christian and all the rest worldly.
“The mind must be educated and disciplined to love purity. A love for spiritual things should be encouraged; yea, must be encouraged, if you would grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth. … The will must be exercised in the right direction. I will be a whole-hearted Christian. I will know the length and breadth, the height and depth, of perfect love. … Ample provisions are made by Christ to satisfy the soul that hungers and thirsts for righteousness.” The Faith I Live By, 152
“We are to fix the eye of faith steadfastly upon Jesus. When the days come, as they surely will, in which the law of God is made void, the zeal of the true and loyal should rise with the emergency, and should be the more warm and decided, and their testimony should be the more positive and unflinching. But we are to do nothing in a defiant spirit, and we shall not, if our hearts are fully surrendered to God.” Selected Messages, Book 3, 405
“The righteousness which God requires is internal as well as external. The heart must be purified, else Christ cannot be enthroned there. The life must be conformed to the will of God.
“External forms cannot take the place of inward piety. The Jewish teachers exalted themselves as righteous; they called all those who differed from them accursed, and closed the gates of heaven to them, declaring that those who had not learned in their schools, were not righteous. But with all their criticisms and exactions, with all their forms and ceremonies, they were an offense to God. They looked down upon and despised the very ones precious in the sight of the Lord. …
“Human devices, human plans, and human counsels will be without power. Only in Christ Jesus will the church near the period of Christ’s coming be able to stand. She is required of her Redeemer to advance in piety, to have increasing zeal, understanding better as she nears the end that her own ‘high calling’ is ‘of God in Christ Jesus.’
“There are glorious truths to come before the people of God. Privileges and duties which they do not even suspect to be in the Bible will be laid open before the followers of Christ. As they follow on in the path of humble obedience, doing God’s will, they will know more and more of the oracles of God, and be established in right doctrines.
“The baptism of the Holy Spirit will dispel human imaginings, will break down self-erected barriers, and will cause to cease the feeling that ‘I am holier than thou.’ There will be a humble spirit with all, more faith and love; self will not be exalted. … Christ’s spirit, Christ’s example, will be exemplified in His people. We shall follow more closely the ways and works of Jesus. … The love of Jesus will pervade our hearts.” That I May Know Him, 114
Our work in the final days of Earth’s history is to be a beacon of God’s love, the bearers of the good news that Jesus Christ has died to offer forgiveness and a new life to all who would surrender themselves to Him. But before we can bring this news to a dying world, we must be fit ourselves to bear it. Satan knows that he has but a short time to bring his own message—a deceptive message so mingled with truth that even some of God’s people—the very elect—could be, and sadly will be, deceived.
“As we near the end, temptations will be stronger and more seductive, but we need not yield to them, we need not open the door of the heart and invite Satan to enter. There is no power in earth or hell to compel [anyone] to sin and dishonor [their] holy faith … .
“I advise you to make a halt, to turn around and decide that it is best to be Christians in the full acceptation of the term. Submit your will to God, that you may choose the path of righteousness and truth. Let not your passions sway your reason, and iniquity triumph over truth.” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 13, 89, 90
“Many things intended to deceive us will come, bearing some of the marks of truth. Just as soon as these shall be set forth as the great power of God, Satan is all ready to weave in that which he has prepared to lead souls from the truth for this time.
“Some will accept and promulgate the error, and when the reproof comes that will place matters in the true light, those who have had little experience and who are ignorant of the oft-repeated workings of Satan, will cast away with the rubbish of error that which has been before them as truth. Thus the light and warnings which God gives for this time will be made of no effect.” Selected Messages, Book 3, 404
We must suit up for the conflict—put on the whole armor of God—call upon the Holy Spirit for the power to fight through the army of darkness bringing the light of glory to shine all around, even into the darkest corners.
“Day after day is passing into eternity, bringing us nearer to the close of probation. As never before we must pray for the Holy Spirit to be more abundantly bestowed upon us, and we must look for its sanctifying influence to come upon the workers, that those for whom they labor may know that they have been with Jesus and have learned of Him.
“We need spiritual eyesight, that we may see the designs of the enemy, and as faithful watchmen proclaim the danger. We need power from above, that we may understand, as far as the human mind can, the great themes of Christianity and their far-reaching principles. …
“We are living in the last days, when error of a most deceptive character is accepted and believed, while truth is discarded. … He calls upon us to work diligently in gathering up the jewels of truth, and placing them in the framework of the gospel. In all their divine beauty they are to shine forth in the moral darkness of the world.” Gospel Workers, 288, 289
“The third angel is represented as flying swiftly through the midst of heaven, proclaiming his message with a loud voice. This representation symbolizes the work of God’s agencies near the end of time. With joyful countenances and uplifted heads, with the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness shining upon them, with rejoicing that their redemption draweth nigh, they go forth as soldiers of the cross.
“They make it manifested that they have tasted the power of the world to come, that they are not standing on sliding sand, but on the solid Rock, that they cannot be easily moved away from the faith once delivered to the saints. They are strengthened by their Leader to cope with difficulty, and are messengers of righteousness, representing Christ and revealing the triumphs of His grace.” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 18, 137
Jesus came to this world as a man that He might make salvation free to all who would accept it. This He accomplished when He gave up His life on the cross. He is called the Pattern Man, bearing our human nature, yet still one with God. He lived a life meant to be the pattern for all who are willing to commit their lives to His service and leadership. Loving kindness, compassion, integrity, holiness, righteousness, honesty, purity, and sinlessness—all are represented in the character of Christ, the same character that we can develop when we follow in His footsteps.
But the men in Jesus’ day, hated him. There is a stark difference between Christ’s character and the character of sinful man. All who do not love and follow Him hate Him because of the purity and holiness of His character, traits of character they do not themselves possess.
“The difference between the character of Christ and the character of other men of His day was everywhere apparent; and because of this difference the world hated Him. It hated Him for His goodness and His strict integrity. And Christ declared that those who manifest the same attributes would be likewise hated. As we near the end of time this hatred for the followers of Christ will be more and more manifest.
“Christ took humanity and bore the hatred of the world that He might show men and women that they could live without sin, that their words, their actions, their spirit, might be sanctified to God. We can be perfect Christians if we will manifest this power in our lives. When the light of heaven rests upon us continually, we shall represent Christ. It was the righteousness revealed in His life that distinguished Him from the world and called forth its hatred.” The Upward Look, 303
Still, in spite of the hatred of the world, God sends His people out to bear the gospel of salvation to a world in desperate need of saving.
“Everywhere are seen wrecks of humanity, broken-down family altars, ruined homes. There is a strange abandonment of principle, the standard of morality is lowered, and the earth is fast becoming a Sodom. The practices which brought the judgment of God upon the antediluvian world, and which caused Sodom to be destroyed by fire, are fast increasing. We are nearing the end, when the earth is to be purified by fire.” Evangelism, 678
“But near the end of earth’s harvest a special bestowal of the spiritual grace is promised, to prepare the church for the coming of the Son of men. This outpouring of the Spirit is likened to the falling of the latter rain; and it is for this added power that the Christians are to send their petitions to the Lord of the harvest ‘in the time of the latter rain.’ In response, ‘The Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain.’ …
“Those only who are constantly receiving fresh supplies of grace will have power proportionate to their daily need and their ability to use that power. Instead of looking forward to some future time when, through a special endowment of spiritual power, they will receive a miraculous fitting up for soul winning, they are yielding themselves daily to God, that He may make them vessels meet for His use. Daily they are improving the opportunities for service that lie within their reach. Daily they are witnessing for the Master wherever they may be … .” My Life Today, 60
“The work for these last days is a missionary work. Present truth, from the first to the last letter of its alphabet, means missionary effort. The work to be done calls for sacrifice at every step of advance. The workers are to come forth from trial, purified and refined, as gold tried in the fire.” The Review and Herald, November 18, 1902
Are we ready? God is calling us to surrender right now, to put away our sins when they are revealed to us. We are not to try a little today or a little tomorrow to give up sin. We are called to give up all of our sins today. Christ provides sufficient provision that anyone, all men and women, possessing a character like His, may be more than overcomers.
Judy Rebarchek is the managing editor of the LandMarks magazine. She may be contacted by email at judyrebarchek@stepstolife.org