Question – Should I try to make the world a better place?


Should I try to make the world a better place?


As close as we are to Christ’s soon return, should I be concerned with trying to make the world a better place to live?

The Bible tells us that the closer we are to the second coming the more wicked the world will become. Goodness comes only from God, and He will one day withdraw His sustaining hand, and evil will come rushing in to the exclusion of everything else.

But what about today? Are we meant to do all we can to make this world better? Or is our mission to tell others of a better land to which all are invited?

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

How do we prepare to carry out such a great responsibility? We know that change, on our own, is impossible. It is only by the power and grace of God that we are able to be transformed once again into His image, but we must be willing to obey God’s law and receive this transformation. It is only then that we are able to complete the commission we have been given to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world.

“The law of God is the mirror to show man the defects in his character.” The Review and Herald, March 8, 1870

“What have you been beholding? … Make a decided change, and look to Jesus, that by beholding His perfection, you may become changed into His image. Then His spirit will take possession of your mind and character. By your piety and godliness, by your words and actions, by your spiritual activity for truth and righteousness, you will represent Christ.

“When a man turns away from human imperfections, and beholds Jesus, a divine transformation takes place in his character. He fixes his eye upon Christ as on a mirror which reflects the glory of God, and by beholding, he becomes ‘changed into the same image, from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord’ (2 Corinthians 3:18). …

“With a contrite heart, study His life and character. … By tasting the good word of life, by feeding on the bread of life, you may see the power of a world to come, and be created anew in Christ Jesus. …

“The Spirit of Christ, working upon the heart conforms it to His image; for Christ is the model upon which the Spirit works. By the ministry of His word, by His providences, by His inward working, God stamps the likeness of Christ upon the soul.

“To possess Christ is your first work, and to reveal Him as One who is able to save to the uttermost all who come to Him, is your next work.” This Day With God, 46

Question – Why do I suffer?


“Why is it so hard?”

“There are thousands in the Christian age who have fallen into an error similar to that of the Jewish people. They feel that they must depend on their obedience to the law of God to recommend them to His favor. The nature and importance of faith have been lost sight of, and this is why it is so hard for many to believe in Christ as their personal Saviour.” The General Conference Bulletin, March 5, 1895

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

“Be anxious for nothing … .” Philippians 4:6, first part

“Why am I left alone?”

“You may never be lonesome, never feel that you are alone, if you will take Jesus as your Companion and your Everlasting Friend.” Mind, Character, and Personality, Vol. 2, 632

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid … for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

“Why do I suffer?”

“But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” 1 Peter 5:10

“To have strong faith, we must be placed in circumstances where our faith will be exercised. … It is our privilege to be strong in the strength of God under all circumstances and to glory in the cross of Christ.

“In this life we must meet fiery trials and make costly sacrifices, but the peace of Christ is the reward. …

“Persecution should bring joy to the disciples of Christ, for it is an evidence that they are following in the steps of their Master.” God’s Amazing Grace, 90

“Why do I worry?”

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? … Therefore do not worry about tomorrow … .” Matthew 6:25, 34, first part

“A life in Christ is a life of restfulness. … Your weakness is united to His strength, your ignorance to His wisdom, your frailty to His enduring might. …

“Commit the keeping of your soul to God, and trust in Him. … Rest in God.” A New Life, 39, 40

May we always remember that the whys of this world have but one answer, Jesus Christ.

Question – What does it mean to be a peculiar people?


What does it mean to be a peculiar people?


The dictionary gives us two definitions of the word peculiar when used as an adjective. The first use refers to something that is strange or odd. But the second use refers to something particular or special. It is this definition that is used in the context of the biblical description of God’s people.

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special [peculiar] people … .” 1 Peter 2:9

“For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special [peculiar] treasure above all the peoples … .” Deuteronomy 14:2

“Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special [peculiar] people … .” Titus 2:14

“That which more especially distinguishes God’s people from the popular religious bodies is not their profession alone, but their exemplary character and their principles of unselfish love. The powerful and purifying influence of the Spirit of God upon the heart, carried out in words and works, separates them from the world, and designates them as God’s peculiar people. The character and disposition of Christ’s followers will be like the Master. He is the pattern, the holy and perfect example given for Christians to imitate. …” That I May Know Him, 317

“The Lord hath set apart him that is godly for Himself, and this consecration to God and separation from the world is plainly declared and positively enjoined in both the Old and New Testaments. There is a wall of separation which the Lord Himself has established between the things of the world and the things He has chosen out of the world and sanctified unto Himself. The calling and the character of God’s people are peculiar. … and these peculiarities distinguish them from all people.” The Review and Herald, July 5, 1875

“God’s people are to be distinguished as a people who serve Him fully, wholeheartedly, taking no honor to themselves, and remembering that by a most solemn covenant they have bound themselves to serve the Lord, and Him only.” Our High Calling, 345

“I saw that God was purifying unto Himself a peculiar people. He will have a clean and a holy people, a people in whom He can delight.” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 6, 221

“The religion of Christ does not consist in merely having our names written on the church book; they must be written in the Lamb’s book of life. Examine again the text [Titus 2:11–14]. From this it will be seen that there is a decided difference between the followers of Christ and the world. They are a peculiar people; Jesus came to make them thus. …

“Let us open the door of our hearts, that Jesus may come in and that sin may go out. Let us forsake the evil and choose the good … .” The Review and Herald, March 16, 1886

Question: What is the unpardonable sin?


What is the unpardonable sin?


What constitutes the sin against the Holy Ghost? It is willfully attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit.” Counsels for the Church, 81

“They [the Pharisees] attributed to satanic agencies the holy power of God, manifested in the works of Christ. Thus the Pharisees sinned against the Holy Ghost. Stubborn, sullen, ironhearted, they determined to close their eyes to all evidence, and thus they committed the unpardonable sin.” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Vol. 5, 1092

“In rejecting Christ the Jewish people committed the unpardonable sin; and by refusing the invitation of mercy, we may commit the same error. We offer insult to the Prince of life, and put Him to shame before the synagogue of Satan and before the heavenly universe when we refuse to listen to His delegated messengers, and instead listen to the agents of Satan, who would draw the soul away from Christ. So long as one does this, he can find no hope or pardon, and he will finally lose all desire to be reconciled to God.” The Desire of Ages, 324, 325

“Wrongs remain unconfessed. … Sin is cherished and the result is hardness of heart.” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 13, 331

“The unpardonable sin is the sin that refuses to be pardoned; it is the refusal to hear Him concerning a sin, and to turn from that sin; it is the sin of refusing His instruction; it is the sin of unbelief concerning His warnings; it is the stubbornness of the heart that will not turn from sin, which seals the fate of any people or any individual.” The Review and Herald, May 19, 1903

“Never had Nero heard the truth as he heard it upon that occasion. Never had the enormous guilt of his own life been revealed to him as it was revealed that day. The light of heaven had pierced the sin-polluted chambers of his soul. He quaked with terror at the thought of a tribunal before which he, the ruler of the world, should be arraigned, and where his deeds should meet a just reward. …

“For a moment, heaven had been opened before him by the words of Paul, and its peace and purity had appeared desirable. That moment the invitation of mercy was extended even to the guilty and hardened Nero. But only for a moment. The command was issued for Paul to be taken back to his dungeon; and as the door closed upon the messenger of God, so the door of repentance was forever closed against the emperor of Rome. Not another ray of light was ever to penetrate the dense darkness that enveloped him.” Sketches from the Life of Paul, 315, 316

Question – Can there ever be true unity?


Can there ever be true unity?


Of course, there can be no unity with the world or the devil—not in one single thought or action—if our desire is to be saved.

“Satan is rich in this world’s goods, and he is full of cunning to deceive, and his most effective agents are those whom he can lead to take a form of godliness while they deny the power of God by their un-Christlike characters. The children of God are to stand firmly for the right under all circumstances. They are not to be deceived by those who have the mind and spirit of the world.” In Heavenly Places, 168

“Christ and the world are not in partnership. … The slightest diversion from Christ is so much influence, power, and efficiency given to the enemy.” The Review and Herald, August 23, 1892

“Satan’s deceptive workings are constantly being carried on in every place. Those who truly love God will reveal their love for Him in every and under every circumstance. … They will not be persuaded to forget the Lord at any time. …

“We must be as decidedly a peculiar people, holy unto the Lord, as the Israelites were required to be, else we cannot properly represent our wise, compassionate, glorified Redeemer.” Lift Him Up, 146

“When absolute homage is paid to the word of God in matters of doctrine and principle, there will be no easy fellowship with the world.” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 4, 412

For those who believe in God and who seek to do His will, there is unity in thought, spirit, action, and purpose.

“A Christian, as described by the Scriptures, is a person who is separated from the world in his aims and practices and is united with Christ … .” In Heavenly Places, 168

“The secret of unity is found in the equality of believers in Christ. The reason for all division, discord, and difference is found in separation from Christ. Christ is the center to which all should be attracted; for the nearer we approach the center, the closer we shall come together in feeling, in sympathy, in love, growing into the character and image of Jesus.” That I May Know Him, 99

“… if all are seeking the meekness and lowliness of Christ they will have the mind of Christ. Then there will be unity of spirit.” Last Day Events, 92

“The animating Spirit of God, working through human agencies, leads the believers to be of one mind, one soul, unitedly loving God and keeping His commandments—preparing here below for translation.” The Review and Herald, October 20, 1904

Question – Counsel on Leaving the Cities?


What is Mrs. White’s counsel on leaving the cities?


“Get out of the cities as soon as possible and purchase a little piece of land where you can have a garden, where your children can watch the flowers growing and learn from them lessons of simplicity and purity.

“Out of the cities, is my message at this time. Be assured that the call is for our people to locate miles away from the large cities. …

“The Lord calls for His people to locate away from the cities, for in such an hour as ye think not, fire and brimstone will be rained from heaven upon these cities. …

“As God’s commandment-keeping people we must leave the cities. As did Enoch, we must work in the cities but not dwell in them.

“The cities are to be worked from outposts. …

“For years I have been given special light that we are not to center our work in the cities.” Last Day Events, 95, 96

“Again and again the Lord has instructed that our people are to take their families away from the cities, into the country, where they can raise their own provisions; for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be a very serious one. We should now begin to heed the instruction given us over and over again: Get out of the cities into rural districts, where the houses are not crowded closely together, and where you will be free from the interference of enemies.” Selected Messages, Book 2, 141

“It was not God’s purpose that people should be crowded into cities, huddled together in terraces and tenements. In the beginning He placed our first parents in a garden, amid the beautiful sights and sounds of nature, and these sights and sounds He desires men to rejoice in today. The more nearly we can come in harmony with God’s original plan, the more favorable will be our position for the recovery and the preservation of health. …

“He [God] wants them to take their families out of the cities, that they may better prepare for eternal life. In a little while they will have to leave the cities. … Satan is in them, controlling men in their work of destruction. … Every mind is controlled either by the power of Satan or the power of God. … God can fill our lives with His peace and gladness and joy. He wants His joy to be in us, that our joy may be full.” Manuscript Releases, Vol. 12, 30, 31

“Your letter tells me, my brother, that there are many who are stirred deeply to move out of Battle Creek. There is need, great need, of this work being done, and now. Those who have felt at last to make a move, let it not be in a rush, in an excitement, or in a rash manner, or in a way that hereafter they will deeply regret that they did move out. …

“Take heed that there shall be no rash movements made in heeding the counsel in moving from Battle Creek. Do nothing without seeking wisdom of God, who hath promised to give liberally to all who ask, and who upbraideth not. All that anyone can do is to advise and counsel, and then leave those who are convicted in regard to duty to move under divine guidance, and with their whole hearts open to learn and obey God.” Country Living, 25

Question – What does it mean “to have an eye single to the glory of God”?


What does it mean “to have an eye single to the glory of God”?


“To have an eye single to the glory of God means to have singleness of purpose, to show forth the work that has been wrought in your heart, that subdues your will to the will of God, and brings into captivity every thought to the glory of God. … What testimony have you borne in your daily life and character? God expected you all to do your best, not to please, amuse, and glorify yourselves, but to honor Him in all your ways, returning unto Him according to the light and privileges that He had given you through the endowment of His grace. He expected you to testify before heavenly intelligences, and to be living witnesses to the world, of the power of the grace of Christ. The Lord tested you, to see if you would treat His rich blessing as a cheap, light matter, or regard it as a rich treasure to be handled with reverent awe. If all had treated the gift of God in this manner—for the work was of God,—then, according to the measure of each one’s responsibility, the grace given would have been doubled, as were the talents of him who traded diligently with his lord’s money.” The Review and Herald, February 6, 1894

Question: Can eating cheese keep me out of heaven?


Can eating cheese keep me out of heaven?


If you have already read John Pearson’s article Following Counsel, then you know that Sister White is very specific regarding the consumption of cheese: Counsels on Diet and Foods, 370; Testimonies, Vol. 2, 68; Counsels on Health, 114; The Ministry of Healing, 302, to name a few.

The decision to eat, or not eat, cheese, as with all things that the Bible and Inspiration provide counsel for, is a matter of obedience.

“Obey, obey, for Christ’s sake and for your own soul’s sake. Obey that which your conscience tells you is truth. Accept the grace and righteousness of Christ. God is tenderly calling you, ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light’ (Matthew 11:28–30). If you refuse the invitation to repentance, to freedom from sin, the great day of God will find you hopeless, shelterless, disobedient, a transgressor of His law. He will not then be able to give you a place in His kingdom. God help you to come now, is my prayer.” This Day With God, 153

“We must make it our lifework to understand the will of God. … Your every word and action is to be in accordance with the will of God … .” Our Father Cares, 272

“It is by following in the path of obedience in simple faith that the character attains perfection. …

“Christ has promised us sufficient power to reach this high standard. He says, ‘Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in My name, I will do it. If ye love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive’ (John 14:13–17). …”

“We cannot overestimate the value of simple faith and unquestioning obedience.” That I May Know Him, 116

If God asks me to do, or not to do, anything for which the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy provide clear direction, then I must obey, for nothing in this world should be more important to me than obedience to God. Disobedience is an outward expression of selfishness within and a sign that I have not surrendered my will to God. Obedience is the outward expression of my love for and surrender to Him.

Question – Where is Heaven?


Where is Heaven?


Heaven. The home of God. Does heaven have an address? Do we have directions with which to find it? If we could stand just outside Earth’s atmosphere and gaze across the wide expanse of space—at least all that the human eye could see—could we discern it, perhaps just there, left of Jupiter about a zillion miles?

Mrs. White writes regarding a vision during which she heard the voice of God coming from the open space in Orion (Maranatha, 279). So is that where heaven is?

Inspiration tells us precisely where heaven should be found, and it’s not somewhere out there.

“To save the transgressor of God’s law, Christ, the One equal with the Father, came to live heaven before men, that they might learn to know what it is to have heaven in the heart. He illustrated what man must be to be worthy of the precious boon of the life that measures with the life of God.

“The life of Christ was a life charged with a divine message of the love of God, and He longed intensely to impart this love to others in rich measure. Compassion beamed from His countenance, and His conduct was characterized by grace, humility, truth, and love. Every member of His church militant must manifest the same qualities, if he would join the church triumphant. The love of Christ is so broad, so full of glory, that in comparison to it, everything that men esteem as great, dwindles into insignificance. When we obtain a view of it, we exclaim, O the depth of the riches of the love that God bestowed upon men in the gift of His only begotten Son!” Christian Education, 76

Our focus now should not be outward, but inward. One day soon, Jesus will come and He will take His children home to heaven. Until that glorious morning, we must receive the transformation of character that results in living each day in such a way that heaven can be found in us.

[Emphasis supplied.]

Question – How can I tell my family and friends about the Sabbath?


How can I tell my family and friends about the Sabbath, if they don’t want to hear?


“At this time a living testimony is to be borne in the lives of God’s professed people, so that the world may see that in this age, when evil reigns on every side, there is yet a people who are laying aside their will and are seeking to do God’s will—a people in whose hearts and lives God’s law is written.

“God expects those who bear the name of Christ to represent Him. Their thoughts are to be pure, their words noble and uplifting. The religion of Christ is to be interwoven with all that they do and say. They are to be a sanctified, purified, holy people, communicating light to all with whom they come in contact. It is His purpose that by exemplifying the truth in their lives they shall be a praise in the earth. The grace of Christ is sufficient to bring this about. But let God’s people remember that only as they believe and work out the principles of the gospel can they fulfill His purpose. Only as they yield their God-given capabilities to His service will they enjoy the fullness and the power of the promise whereon the church has been called to stand. …

“God desires His people to show by their lives the advantage of Christianity over worldliness; to show that they are working on a high, holy plane. … He longs to make them channels through which He can pour His boundless love and mercy.” Lift Him Up, 189

“Those who study the word of God, and day by day receive instruction from Christ, bear the stamp of heaven’s principles. A high, holy influence goes forth from them. A helpful atmosphere surrounds their souls. The pure, holy, elevated principles that they follow enable them to bear a living testimony to the power of divine grace. …

“… By seeing their good works, others are led to glorify the Father who is above; for it is made manifest that there is a God on the throne of the universe whose character is worthy of praise and imitation. …

“The world watches to see what fruit is borne by professed Christians.” The Review and Herald, July 27, 1905

“God enjoins upon all His followers to bear a living testimony in unmistakable language by their conduct, their dress and conversation, in all the pursuits of life, that the power of true godliness is profitable to all in this life and in the life to come.” The Faith I Live By, 235 [Emphasis supplied.]