The average person’s body is composed of nearly 70% water, plus compounds including vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and trace minerals, the balance of which is important to proper functioning of the body. By elements, the adult body consists of 65% oxygen, 18% carbon, 10% hydrogen, 3% nitrogen, 1.5% calcium, 1% phosphorus, and 1.5% other elements.
There are 21 essential mineral elements necessary for the human body. The ground on which we walk contains these same minerals. The difference is that in the ground they are in the inorganic form, and in our bodies they are in the organic form. Man cannot utilize the inorganic form found in the ground. When we eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains, we get the organic minerals. But man cannot eat clay and live, even if it has all of the necessary minerals, because they are in the inorganic form. This also holds true for our drinking water, as it contains inorganic minerals which our bodies cannot assimilate. The best water for drinking is distilled water (rain water is also distilled water). In this article we are going to take a look at each one of these 21 organic minerals that our body needs, tell how they help our bodies, and what natural foods contain these minerals.
Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body for building the bones and teeth. It soothes the nerves thus decreasing nervousness. Calcium contracts the heart and is needed for the contraction of all muscles. Calcium is required for the complex processes of blood coagulation. Some natural food sources high in calcium are blackstrap molasses, almonds, oranges, and most greens such as kale, turnips, collards, and similar greens.
Chlorine is a trace mineral that is needed in very small amounts. Its main function is acting as a part of the hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach for digesting proteins. It is found in kale, beets, radishes, rye flour, coconuts, tomatoes, and ripe olives.
Chromium is a trace mineral, and its main function is to aid in the synthesization of fatty acids. Those who have problems with low blood sugar or diabetes should eat lots of natural whole grains, as this trace mineral is lost in the refining processes of our food.
Cobalt is a trace mineral the body needs in very minute amounts. It is an essential element in vitamin B12. Cobalt stimulates the production of red cells. It is found in kelp and all green leafy vegetables.
Copper is a trace mineral found in all tissues of the body. An excess can be dangerous and cause insanity. Recent studies done by Dr. Oscar Roth of Yale University School of Medicine revealed serum copper is high with use of birth control pills. Copper is needed for skin and hair pigmentation, for bone formation, and in the production of red blood cells. Some foods that contain copper are wheat germ, nuts, honey, raisins, soybeans, and oats.
Fluorine is another trace element that the body needs. It exists in the body in compounds called fluorides. Its action is to strengthen the bones, and it acts strongly on the spleen, the teeth, and the enamel of the teeth. Foods containing fluorine are cabbage, cauliflower, avocados, tomatoes and watercress. Note: The sodium fluoride that is added to our water supply is not natural and not as beneficial as naturally occurring fluorine.
Iodine is a trace mineral. Iodine is the thyroid gland’s favorite nutrient and helps regulate the body’s metabolism and sodium-potassium ratio balance. Major symptoms of iodine deficiency are feeling cold, being tired, prone to gain weight, painful menstruation, and poor memory. Some food sources of iodine are kelp, sea salt, sunflower seeds, turnip greens, and cantaloupe.
Iron is a mineral that aids in the production of hemoglobin and aids the red cells in carrying oxygen to the tissues. It supplies energy and vitality, nourishes the tissues from the bloodstream, aids in resistance to disease, and in the growth of children. The highest food source of iron is blackstrap molasses (3 times higher than liver). Other sources of iron are almonds, kelp, lentils, oats, raisins, and whole wheat flour.
Manganese is a mineral needed for the glandular system, such as the pituitary gland, pancreas, liver, and kidneys. It acts upon the nervous system and aids in muscle coordination. Epilepsy, uncontrollable muscle convulsions, and their accompanying blackouts, seem in some cases to result from manganese deficiency. Food sources of manganese are buckwheat, oats, barley, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, peas, beans, almonds, and brown rice.
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals next to calcium. Magnesium helps in the metabolizing of calcium and vitamin C. It may affect nervous irritability and regulates muscle contractions. Nuts and cereal grains are especially rich in magnesium.
Molybdenum is a trace mineral that assists in the metabolizing of iron that has been stored in the liver. It also helps in converting nitrogen, left over from the digestion of protein, into uric acid. It then travels to the kidneys and is discharged through the urine. Natural food sources of molybdenum are soybeans, peas, honey, whole rye and wheat, squash, vegetables, blackstrap molasses, sea salt, and fruits.
Nickel is another trace mineral, but the role it plays in the human body is not clear. Vegetables provide the main food source for nickel.
Phosphorus performs more functions in the body than any other mineral. Approximately 80% is in the bones, and 20% is found in the tissues. It is closely related with calcium, and is therefore found in bones, teeth, muscle, and brain. It is needed for nerve tissue, especially the heart. Some natural food sources for phosphorus are whole grains, seeds, and nuts. Many processed foods and soft drinks contain added phosphates; these are harmful and should be avoided.
Potassium helps the body keep a proper acid-alkaline balance. It is essential for muscle contractions; therefore, it is vital for proper heart function, especially the normal heart beat. Some natural food sources are all green leafy vegetables, oranges, whole grains, nuts, and bananas.
Selenium is an anti-oxidant which helps prevent the hemoglobin in red blood cells from being damaged by oxidation. Some natural food sources are kelp, garlic, grains, and most vegetables.
Silicon is essential for building strong bones, and for the normal growth of hair, nails and teeth. It is beneficial in all healing processes, and protects the body against many diseases. Some natural food sources are fruits, particularly apples, whole grains, beets, onions, parsnips, and almonds.
Sodium has a special function in the body to prevent clotting of the blood, to stimulate the spleen, to regulate heat in body fluids, neutralize acid, and relax the heart muscle as well as other muscles in the body. Sodium as an organic mineral does not present any problem to the body if used in moderation; but sodium chloride (common table salt) the inorganic form, can cause problems such as fluid retention, kidney damage, heart problems and high blood pressure, among other things. Some natural food sources are kelp, celery, romaine lettuce, watermelon, and sea salt.
Sulphur is found in every cell of the body. The cells that contain most of the sulphur are those of the skin, hair, and joints. That is why it is sometimes called the beauty mineral. Some natural food sources are radishes, turnips, onions, celery, string beans, kale, watercress, and soybeans.
Tin is needed for the human body, but little more than this is presently known. This trace mineral is found in all vegetation growing on soil that is not depleted of tin.
Vanadium is also a trace mineral that the human body needs, but little more than this is presently known. Natural food sources are whole unrefined grains.
Zinc is needed for the brain, the retina of the eye, and the visual process, as well as for normal growth, especially of the bones. It is also needed for the development of the sex organs, and for the normal function of the prostate gland. A zinc deficiency leads to a diminished sensitivity to taste and smell. Some natural food sources are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, nuts and green leafy vegetables.
Have you noticed how each one of these 21 minerals can be found in the natural foods God has given us to eat? I want to encourage you to get your minerals from the natural food as grown, and not in any supplemental form. Vitamin or mineral supplements are not natural. The synthetic ones are chemicals; and the ones derived from the plant itself are refined in the sense that they are separated from the rest of the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that were in the plant from the beginning.
If the good Lord would have wanted us to take a calcium pill, He would have created a tree that grew calcium pills. Instead, He created the almond tree and the orange tree to grow almonds and oranges, which are high in calcium.
Natural Medicine, by Jerry Hoover, N.D., Copyright 1993, KNI Printers, Inc., Anaheim, California 92806, pages 246–251.