Health Nugget – The Blessing of Health Reform

It was the autumn of 1978 when we arrived at Wildwood Sanitarium and Hospital to begin classes, home training, and work, and I selected the nurse’s training program. I did not realize how abundantly God would bless that choice in the years to come, not only for me, but also for many others.

In our world today, health problems are rampant. In Testimonies, vol. 3, 139, Sister White says, “The violation of physical law, and the consequence, human suffering, have so long prevailed that men and women look upon the present state of sickness, suffering, debility, and premature death as the appointed lot of humanity. Man came from the hand of his Creator perfect and beautiful in form, and so filled with vital force that it was more than a thousand years before his corrupt appetite and passions, and general violations of physical law, were sensibly felt upon the race. More recent generations have felt the pressure of infirmity and disease still more rapidly and heavily with every generation. The vital forces have been greatly weakened by the indulgence of appetite and lustful passion.”

She further states that “Sickness, suffering, and death are work of an antagonistic power. Satan is the destroyer; God is the restorer.” Counsels on Health, 168

“The words spoken to Israel are true today of those who recover health of body, or health of soul: ‘I am the Lord that healeth thee.’

“The desire of God for every human being is expressed in the words, ‘Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.’ 3 John 2.” The Ministry of Healing, 113

“The Lord desires us to obey the laws of health and life. He holds each one responsible to care properly for his body that it may be kept in health.” Letter 123, 1903.

Sister White also gives the following counsel regarding what is the most important subject to be taught in childhood:

“A practical knowledge of the science of life is necessary in order to glorify God in our bodies. It is therefore of the highest importance that among studies selected for childhood, physiology should occupy the first place.” Healthful Living, 13

Unfortunately, I think that most of us did not receive this most wonderful and practical knowledge in our childhood, but it is not too late to begin at whatever age you are, as I was already 40 when I began it at Wildwood.

Let us consider what the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20: “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

And Sister White says, “We are God’s workmanship, and His word declares that we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully made.’ He has prepared this living habitation [our body] for the mind; it is ‘curiously wrought,’ a temple which the Lord Himself has fitted up for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.” Healthful Living, 9

True Medical Missionary Work and the Great Final Test

“The truth for this time, the third angel’s message, is to be proclaimed with a loud voice [the power of the Holy Spirit] as we approach the great final test. This test must come to the churches in connection with true medical missionary work. We are told that in time of trouble ‘there will be sick ones, plenty of them, that will need help’ so because of the need, but also ‘for their own sake, they should, while they have opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes, prevention and cure, and those who will do this will find a field of labor anywhere.’ ” Pamphlet 144, 29, 30

Oh, friend, it seems that we are now entering the time. Now is our opportunity to “become intelligent in regard to disease, its cause, prevention and cure.”

“Nature will want some assistance to bring things to their proper condition, which may be found in the simplest remedies, especially in the use of nature’s own furnished remedies—pure air, and with precious knowledge of how to breathe; pure water, with a knowledge of how to apply it; plenty of sunlight in every room of the house if possible, and with an intelligent knowledge of what advantages are to be gained by its use. All these are powerful in their efficiency, and the patient who has obtained a knowledge of how to eat and dress healthfully may live for comfort, for peace, for health, and will not be prevailed upon to put to his lips drugs, which, in the place of helping nature, paralyzes her powers. If the sick who are suffering will do only as well as they know in regard to living out the principles of health reform perseveringly, then they will in nine cases out of ten recover from their ailments.” Medical Ministry, 223, 224

“The true method of healing the sick is to tell them of the herbs that grow for the benefit of man. … They can themselves administer the simple herbs if necessary.

“To educate the human family that the doctor alone knows all the ills of infants and persons of every age is false teaching, and the sooner we as a people stand on the principles of health reform, the greater will be the blessing that will come to those who would do true medical work.” Pamphlet 144, 13

“[W]hen the plagues of God shall be all around you, you will then see the principles of health reform and strict temperance in all things—that temperance alone is the foundation of all the graces that come from God, the foundation of all victories to be gained.” Temperance, 201

The blessing of health reform will come to all who live its principles to the glory and honor of God. [Emphasis supplied.]