Keys – How Blind is Blind?

“Marvelous beyond expression is the blindness of the people of this generation. Thousands reject the word of God as unworthy of belief and with eager confidence receive the deceptions of Satan.” Darkness Before Dawn, 23.

We have been given the greatest gift that heaven could give, and yet, so few realize it. Almost the whole world denies it, believing in it when they choose, expecting the goodness and mercy of God to be theirs when they want it. How many times have we heard or even said ourselves, I will live the way God wants me to live when this or that happens. But once we have this or that, we see not nor appreciate the God to whom we owe everything.

“That He might save the souls of perishing human beings, He made a gift of such magnitude that it can never be said that God could have made His gift, His donation to the human family, greater. His gift defies computation.” Our High Calling, 28.

“In this our day men choose to follow their own desires and their own will.

“Can we be surprised that there is so much spiritual blindness?” Manuscript 163, 1903.

“So great has been the spiritual blindness of men that they have sought to make of none effect the Word of God. They have declared by their traditions that the great plan of redemption was devised in order to abolish and make of none effect the law of God, when Calvary is the mighty argument that proves the immutability of the precepts of Jehovah. … There must be a searching out of the peculiar sins which have been offensive to God, which have dishonored His name and quenched the light of His Spirit and killed the first love from the soul. …

“Victory is assured through faith and obedience. … The work of overcoming is not restricted to the age of the martyrs. The conflict is for us, in these days of subtle temptation to worldliness, to self-security, to indulgence of pride, covetousness, false doctrines, and immorality of life.” That I May Know Him, 256.

Dear Lord, take away our blindness so that we are able to clearly see our true condition and that You are the remedy. Help us not to turn blindly away from You who loved us enough to give Your Son, nor from Him, who was willing to give His life to save ours.