The joy of holiness in this time in history is almost like an oxymoron, a seeming contradiction. Many really believe that those three words do not fit together and therefore choose a path contrary to holiness to enjoy the temporary emotional stimulation which they believe to be joy.
The word joy means the emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; gladness; delight. Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1939.
By looking around you can see the emotional expectation of good, gladness and delight in this world. But, without the word holiness, this turns out to be just a temporary upheaval of emotions. Many of these experiences bring sorrow and sin into the life and not the joy of holiness.
So, “What is holiness? Doing everything with an eye single to the glory of God. Holiness is so living that men shall see your good works, and by seeing them shall glorify God. This is the work of the unfallen angels of heaven. This was the life work of Christ upon the earth. Christ has given this command to every soul that believes in His name.” The Medical Missionary, October 1, 1893.
Again, “What is holiness? It is willing, whole-hearted service to your Redeemer. You are to be a representative of God in this world. God wants you to take your religion right along with you into your business relations. At every turn, you should remember that you are a representative of Christ. Ask your Heavenly Father to give you strength to flee from evil, that you may not fall under temptation, and become a captive of Satan.” The Review and Herald, August 14, 1888.
And again, “What is holiness? It is wholeness to God. Our words, our actions, the manner of spirit manifested, is the outward and visible manifestation of what is within, and testifies as to whether we have on the robe of Christ’s righteousness, woven in the loom of heaven, or are clothed with our own natural citizen’s dress. We are to give evidence to the world in our outward acts as to what is the influence of the truth upon our hearts. The world observes our lives, hears our words, watches and measures our characters by these outward signs, and estimates the truth we profess to believe, according to that which we reveal as having been accomplished by it for us.” Ibid., July 18, 1893.
Read again the above three paragraphs and ask yourself if you have found the joy of holiness. In Steps to Christ, 25, it says of David, “He longed for the joy of holiness—to be restored to harmony and communion with God.”
Could it be that you are out of harmony and communion with God? Remember David’s prayer: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence; and take not Thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free spirit.” Psalm 51:10–12. The joy of holiness is included in the joy of salvation. Plead for it as did David.
Father: I want that joy of holiness within my heart. Bring my heart into harmony and communion with Thee. Remove from my heart anything that would cause me to be out of harmony with Thee. Create in me a clean heart so that the joy of Your holiness may flow forth as streams of blessing to others. Amen.