Reporting From Kansas, USA

Our goal at Steps to life has simply been to be a humble instrument in the hand of God for the preaching of the Three Angels’ Messages to all the world through television, radio, video, and audio tapes, seminars and revival meetings, evangelism meetings, and the printed page. In addition to this, we want to be a humble instrument in the hand of God to awaken a sleeping church with the Elijah message—”to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” (Luke 1:17) We believe that the work will be finished in the world-field in the same way that it is finished in our local community (which is the largest metropolitan area in the state of Kansas). For this reason we are actively engaged in evangelistic work here.

From the beginning, we have found that it is the lessons that the Lord is teaching us that enables us to give counsel and to be a blessing to God’s people in other parts of the world enduring similar trials. When people have related to us their trials, we have marveled that God has already led us through a very similar experience right here in Wichita, and we have been able to relate our experience which God used to bring encouragement to others. This we believe is of the Lord and want all praise and thanksgiving to go to Him alone.

One of the main lessons we are learning is that the only way that we can stay on the strait and narrow is to be involved in evangelism. From the trials we have been through in the past, we have learned that any time we lose sight of the big picture, we in are danger of making a serious mistake. Although we believe in literature distribution, if that does not result in Bible studies, almost no harvest will be reaped. In his last sermon, Marshall said that we must go far beyond giving out literature. Giving Bible studies that do not result in baptisms and having baptisms without a church to bring people to where they can get rooted and grounded in the Third Angel’s Message and become sanctified will not accomplish our mission.

Can you be saved if you are not involved in working for the salvation of others? “If they [church members] refuse to practise self-denial, and fail to place themselves in the channel where the Lord, by his Spirit can work through them, they are not registered as Christians in the books of heaven.” Review and Herald, March 22, 1898.

For this reason, Marshall established a ministry to help every one of God’s people to be involved in all phases of evangelism. Some people can sponsor radio or television programs; others can organize churches and use Steps to Life Bible Studies to bring eternal life to their acquaintances; others can take the prophecy seminar scripts and use them to hold prophecy seminar meetings, and others can distribute Land Marks to help awaken and prepare the church for the coming of the Lord. Some can start Bible Correspondence Schools. Audio and video tapes are produced, not only for home church meetings, but to help God’s bleeding, torn, and scattered flock to organize and become more successful in evangelism, church organization and administration and to help us all to put on the wedding garment. The bottom line is that we exist as servants of God’s last army which has the responsibility of giving the Loud Cry under the Latter Rain.

The End