Bible Study Guides – Review of the Quarter

March 20, 2004 – March 26, 2004

Memory Verse

“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” John 5:39.

Suggested Reading: The Great Controversy, 598–602.


“Do you ask, What shall I do to be saved? You must lay your preconceived opinions, your hereditary and cultivated ideas, at the door of investigation. If you search the Scriptures to vindicate your own opinions, you will never reach the truth. Search in order to learn what the Lord says. If conviction comes as you search, if you see that your cherished opinions are not in harmony with the truth, do not misinterpret the truth in order to suit your own belief, but accept the light given. Open mind and heart that you may behold wondrous things out of God’s word.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 112.

1 What statement is made concerning the study of the scriptures? By what does the believer live? How are we kept from sin? What is the result of rejecting the Word of God?

note: “We must be constantly meditating upon the word, eating it, digesting it, and by practice, assimilating it, so that it is taken into the life current. He who feeds on Christ daily will by his example teach others to think less of that which they eat, and to feel much greater anxiety for the food they give to the soul.” Counsels on Diet and Foods, 89, 90.

(See John 5:39; 11 Timothy 2:15; Matthew 4:4; Psalm 119:11; Jeremiah 8:9.)

2 Quote a text in which we are exhorted to pray. Relate some incidents in the life of Jesus concerning prayer. What promises are given to those who pray?

note: “Never is one repulsed who comes to Him with a contrite heart. Not one sincere prayer is lost. Amid the anthems of the celestial choir, God hears the cries of the weakest human being. We pour out our heart’s desire in our closets, we breathe a prayer as we walk by the way, and our words reach the throne of the Monarch of the universe. They may be inaudible to any human ear, but they cannot die away into silence, nor can they be lost through the activities of business that are going on. Nothing can drown the soul’s desire. It rises above the din of the street, above the confusion of the multitude, to the heavenly courts. It is God to whom we are speaking, and our prayer is heard.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 174.

(See Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Luke 9:28; 6:12; Matthew 14:23; 17:1; Matthew 21:22; Luke 11:9–13.)

3 What hinders our prayers from being answered? What should be included in each prayer? For whom should we pray?

note: “The Lord’s care is over all His creatures. He loves them all and makes no difference, except that He has the most tender pity for those who are called to bear life’s heaviest burdens. God’s children must meet trials and difficulties. But they should accept their lot with a cheerful spirit, remembering that for all that the world neglects to bestow, God Himself will make up to them in the best of favors.

“It is when we come into difficult places that He reveals His power and wisdom in answer to humble prayer. Have confidence in Him as a prayer-hearing, prayer-answering God. He will reveal Himself to you as One who can help in every emergency. He who created man, who gave him his wonderful physical, mental, and spiritual faculties, will not withhold that which is necessary to sustain the life He has given. He who has given us His word—the leaves of the tree of life—will not withhold from us a knowledge of how to provide food for His needy children.” The Ministry of Healing, 199.

(See Psalm 66:18; Proverbs 28:9; Philippians 4:6; James 5:16; 1 Timothy 2:1, 2.)

4 For what purposes were the experiences of Bible characters recorded? What promise is given if we pray when in trouble? What can we learn from the prayers of godly men?

note: “The Lord in His providence brings men where He can test their moral powers and reveal their motives of action, that they may improve what is right in themselves and put away that which is wrong. God would have His servants become acquainted with the moral machinery of their own hearts. In order to bring this about, He often permits the fire of affliction to assail them that they may become purified. . . .

“Not in freedom from trial, but in the midst of it, is Christian character developed. Exposure to rebuffs and opposition leads the follower of Christ to greater watchfulness and more earnest prayer to the mighty Helper. Severe trial endured by the grace of God develops patience, vigilance, fortitude, and a deep and abiding trust in God. It is the triumph of the Christian faith that it enables its follower to suffer and be strong; to submit, and thus to conquer; to be killed all the day long, and yet to live; to bear the cross, and thus to win the crown of glory.” God’s Amazing Grace, 330.

(See Romans 15:4; 1 Corinthians 10:11; Psalm 50:15; 107:4–7; Nehemiah 1:4–11; Daniel 9:3–5; 1 Kings 18:17–45; Jonah 1:1–12; 2:1–10; 3:4–10.)

5 What is the foundation of true faith? How only can the Word of God be understood? With what is true faith always accompanied?

note: “The Scriptures are the great agency in the transformation of character. Christ prayed, ‘Sanctify them through Thy truth; Thy word is truth.’ John 17:17. If studied and obeyed, the word of God works in the heart, subduing every unholy attribute. The Holy Spirit comes to convict of sin, and the faith that springs up in the heart works by love to Christ, conforming us in body, soul, and spirit to His own image. Then God can use us to do His will. The power given us works from within outwardly, leading us to communicate to others the truth that has been communicated to us.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 100.

(See Romans 10:17; Hebrews 11:3; James 2:15–17, 20.)

6 What is man’s condition by nature? How helpless are we to change our sinful condition? What promise is given to all who confess their sins?

note: “God requires that we confess our sins, and humble our hearts before Him; but at the same time we should have confidence in Him as a tender Father, who will not forsake those who put their trust in Him. Many of us walk by sight, and not by faith. We believe the things that are seen, but do not appreciate the precious promises given us in God’s Word; and yet we cannot dishonor God more decidedly than by showing that we distrust what He says, and question whether the Lord is in earnest with us or is deceiving us.

“God does not give us up because of our sins. We may make mistakes, and grieve His Spirit; but when we repent, and come to Him with contrite hearts, He will not turn us away. There are hindrances to be removed. Wrong feelings have been cherished, and there have been pride, self-sufficiency, impatience, and murmurings. All these separate us from God. Sins must be confessed; there must be a deeper work of grace in the heart. Those who feel weak and discouraged may become strong men of God, and do noble work for the Master. But they must work from a high standpoint; they must be influenced by no selfish motives.” Selected Messages, Book 1, 350, 351.

(See Jeremiah 17:9; 13:23; 1 John 1:9.)

7 What promise is given to those who pray in faith? Give two examples of healing in answer to faith. What invitation has Jesus extended to the weary?

note: “Some are always anticipating evil or magnifying the difficulties that really exist, so that their eyes are blinded to the many blessings which demand their gratitude. The obstacles they encounter, instead of leading them to seek help from God, the only Source of strength, separate them from Him, because they awaken unrest and repining.

“Do we well to be thus unbelieving? Why should we be ungrateful and distrustful? Jesus is our friend; all heaven is interested in our welfare; and our anxiety and fear grieve the Holy Spirit of God. We should not indulge in a solicitude that only frets and wears us, but does not help us to bear trials. No place should be given to that distrust of God which leads us to make a preparation against future want the chief pursuit of life, as though our happiness consisted in these earthly things.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 293, 294.

(See Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24; Luke 8:43–46; 5:18–20; Matthew 11:28–30.)

8 With what promise did Jesus encourage His disciples in the upper room? What did Jesus say the Holy Spirit would do when He comes? Relate the experience of Pentecost.

note: “The Holy Spirit has been given us as an aid in the study of the Bible. Jesus promised, [John 14:26 quoted]. When the Bible is made the study book, with earnest supplication for the Spirit’s guidance, and with a full surrender of the heart to be sanctified through the truth, all that Christ has promised will be accomplished. The result of such Bible study will be well-balanced minds. The understanding will be quickened, the sensibilities aroused. The conscience will become sensitive; the sympathies and sentiments will be purified; a better moral atmosphere will be created; and new power to resist temptation will be imparted. Teachers and students will become active and earnest in the work of God.” Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 357.

(See John 14:1–3, 26; Acts 2:1–4.)

9 When the Holy Spirit comes to us, what will He do? To whom has the Lord promised to give His Holy Spirit? Who will the Spirit of God lead us to exalt?

note: “We need the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit in order to discern the truths in God’s word. The lovely things of the natural world are not seen until the sun, dispelling the darkness, floods them with its light. So the treasures in the word of God are not appreciated until they are revealed by the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness.

“The Holy Spirit, sent from heaven by the benevolence of infinite love, takes the things of God and reveals them to every soul that has an implicit faith in Christ. By His power the vital truths upon which the salvation of the soul depends are impressed upon the mind, and the way of life is made so plain that none need err therein. As we study the Scriptures, we should pray for the light of God’s Holy Spirit to shine upon the word, that we may see and appreciate its treasures.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 113.

(See John 16:7–10; Acts 5:32; John 15:26; 16:14, 15.)

10 Name some of the fruit of the Spirit. What are the works of the flesh? In what way is a change wrought in the life?

note: “Jesting, joking, and worldly conversation belong to the world. Christians who have the peace of God in their hearts will be cheerful and happy without indulging in lightness or frivolity. While watching unto prayer they will have a serenity and peace which will elevate them above all superfluities. The mystery of godliness, opened to the mind of the minister of Christ, will raise him above earthly and sensual enjoyments. He will be a partaker of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. The communication opened between God and his soul will make him fruitful in the knowledge of God’s will and open before him treasures of practical subjects that he can present to the people, which will not cause levity or the semblance of a smile, but will solemnize the mind, touch the heart, and arouse the moral sensibilities to the sacred claims that God has upon the affections and life. Those who labor in word and doctrine should be men of God, pure in heart and life.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 241.

(See Galatians 5:19–24; 6:14.)

11 Name the gifts of the Spirit. Where are the gifts placed? How long will they continue?

note: “Those who do labor together should seek to be in perfect harmony. And yet no one should feel that he cannot labor with those who do not see just as he sees, and who do not in their labors follow just his plans. If all manifest a humble, teachable spirit, there need be no difficulty. God has set in the church different gifts. These are precious in their proper places, and all may act a part in the work of preparing a people for Christ’s soon coming.” Gospel Workers, 481.

(See 1 Corinthians 12:8–10, 28; 13:8.)

12 In what different ways does the Lord communicate with man? How does the Lord communicate through a prophet? How may we distinguish a true prophet, or teacher, from a false? Cite a text showing that the gift of prophecy will be exercised in the church of the last days.

note: “Before the final visitation of God’s judgments upon the earth there will be among the people of the Lord such a revival of primitive godliness as has not been witnessed since apostolic times. The Spirit and power of God will be poured out upon His children.” The Great Controversy, 464.

(See Acts 3:22; Hebrews 1:1, 2; Numbers 12:6; Deuteronomy 13:1–3; Joel 2:28, 29.)

Bible Study Guides – The Gift of Prophecy

March 13, 2004 – March 19, 2004

Memory Verse

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” Acts 2:17.

Suggested Reading: Testimonies, vol. 5, 654–691.


“During the ages while the Scriptures of both the Old and the New Testament were being given, the Holy Spirit did not cease to communicate light to individual minds, apart from the revelations to be embodied in the Sacred Canon. . . . And mention is made of prophets in different ages, of whose utterances nothing is recorded. In like manner, after the close of the canon of Scripture, the Holy Spirit was still to continue its work, to enlighten, warn, and comfort the children of God.

“God has . . . promised to give visions in the ‘last days’; not for a new rule of faith, but for the comfort of His people, and to correct those who err from Bible truth.” The Faith I Live By, 293.

1 By what means has the Lord communicated with man since the fall? Acts 3:22; Hebrews 1:1, 2.

note: “Through nature, through types and symbols, through patriarchs and prophets, God had spoken to the world. Lessons must be given to humanity in the language of humanity.” The Desire of Ages, 34.

“As an educating power, the Bible is without a rival. This sacred word is the will of God revealed to men, and its study will ennoble every thought, feeling, and aspiration. Here we learn what God requires of the creatures formed in his image. Here we learn how to improve the present life so as to secure the future, immortal life. Here we may hold communion with patriarchs and prophets, and listen to the voice of the Eternal as he speaks with men.” The Signs of the Times, August 12, 1886.

2 How is the instrument chosen through whom the prophetic gift is to be exercised? Romans 12:6; Deuteronomy 18:15. Compare 1 Corinthians 12:11; Acts 7:37.

note: “No one can of himself choose to be a prophet, teacher, worker of miracles, or any other office bestowed by the Holy Spirit. God, through the Spirit, selects the instrument. We may decline the holy calling, and fail to fill the place to which the Lord has called us; but the gifts of the Spirit, whether of prophecy or some other gift, are distributed as the Spirit Himself wills.” Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, CA, 1912, 36. [Emphasis supplied.]

3 How does the Lord reveal Himself to those whom He has chosen to exercise the prophetic gift? Numbers 12:6. Compare Daniel 2:19; 7:1.

note: “The Bible points to God as its author; yet it was written by human hands; and in the varied style of its different books it presents the characteristics of the several writers. The truths revealed are all ‘given by inspiration of God’ (11 Timothy 3:16); yet they are expressed in the words of men. The Infinite One by His Holy Spirit has shed light into the minds and hearts of His servants. He has given dreams and visions, symbols and figures; and those to whom the truth was thus revealed, have themselves embodied the thought in human language.” The Faith I Live By, 10.

4 Against what are we cautioned? Matthew 24:24.

note: “We shall encounter false claims; false prophets will arise; there will be false dreams and false visions; but preach the Word, be not drawn away from the voice of God in His Word. Let nothing divert the mind. The wonderful, the marvelous, will be represented and presented. Through satanic delusions, wonderful miracles, the claims of human agents will be urged. Beware of all this.” Selected Messages, Book 2, 49.

5 How can we distinguish the true from the false? Deuteronomy 13:1–3.

note: “There will be false dreams and false visions, which have some truth, but lead away from the original faith. The Lord has given men a rule by which to detect them: ‘To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.’ [Isaiah 8:20.] If they belittle the law of God, if they pay no heed to his will as revealed in the testimonies of his Spirit, they are deceivers. They are controlled by impulse and impressions, which they believe to be from the Holy Spirit, and consider more reliable than the inspired word. They claim that every thought and feeling is an impression of the Spirit; and when they are reasoned with out of the Scriptures, they declare that they have something more reliable. But while they think that they are led by the Spirit of God, they are in reality following an imagination wrought upon by Satan.” The Signs of the Times, March 27, 1884.

6 How did the prophets of old speak? 11 Peter 1:20, 21; 1 Peter 1:10–12.

note: “God is its Author; but the Scriptures were written by human hands, and they bear marks of the individuality of the different writers. In every book of the Bible, the stamp of the mind and character of the writer is manifest. . . .

“Christ . . . uses human instrumentalities, and He does not destroy the individuality of His servants. He puts the Holy Spirit upon them, and shuts them in with Himself, and they have the mind of Christ, and become co-workers with him. He presents before their minds figures and illustrations with which they are familiar, to make plain the truth He wishes them to communicate, and the Holy Spirit assists them in the use of these figures and illustrations.” The Bible Echo, August 19, 1895.

7 How did the prophets communicate to the people that which was revealed to them? Jeremiah 51:60, 61; 11 Chronicles 20:14, 15.

note: “There was Mount Moriah . . . . There, for ages, holy prophets had uttered their messages of warning.” The Great Controversy, 18, 19. [Emphasis supplied.]

“[Ezra applied] himself diligently to a study of the history of God’s people, as recorded in the writings of prophets and kings.” Conflict and Courage, 259. [Emphasis supplied.]

8 When there is no prophetic instruction, how are the people affected? Proverbs 29:18; Lamentations 2:9.

note: “The reproofs, the cautions, the corrections of the Lord, have been given to His church in all ages of the world. These warnings were despised and rejected in Christ’s day by the self-righteous Pharisees, who claimed that they needed no such reproof and were unjustly dealt with. They would not receive the word of the Lord through His servants because it did not please their inclinations. Should the Lord give a vision right before this class of people in our day, pointing out their mistakes, rebuking their self-righteousness and condemning their sins, they would rise up in rebellion, like the inhabitants of Nazareth when Christ showed them their true condition.

“If these persons do not humble their hearts before God, if they harbor the suggestions of Satan, doubt and infidelity will take possession of the soul, and they will see everything in a false light. . . .

“Has God ever revealed to these self-deceived ones that no reproofs or corrections from Him are to have any weight with them unless they come through direct vision? I dwell upon this point because the position that many are now taking upon it is a delusion of Satan to ruin souls. When he has ensnared and weakened them through his sophistry, so that when they are reproved they persist in making of none effect the workings of God’s Spirit, his triumph over them will be complete.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 689, 690.

9 What exercise of the prophetic gift was seen in the early church? Acts 11:27, 28; 13:1; 21:8, 9.

note: “In the history of the early church, when in various parts of the world many groups of believers had been formed into churches, the organization of the church was further perfected, so that order and harmonious action might be maintained. Every member was exhorted to act well his part. Each was to make a wise use of the talents entrusted to him. Some were endowed by the Holy Spirit with special gifts—‘first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.’ 1 Corinthians 12:28. But all these classes of workers were to labor in harmony.” The Acts of the Apostles, 91, 92.

10 What exercise of spiritual gifts is promised for the church? Acts 2:17, 18, 38, 39. Compare Joel 2:28, 29.

note: “If this prophecy of Joel met a partial fulfillment in the days of the apostles, we are living in a time when it is to be even more evidently manifest to the people of God. He will so bestow His Spirit upon His people that they will become a light amid the moral darkness; and great light will be reflected in all parts of the world. O that our faith might be increased, that the Lord might work mightily with His people.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 4, 1175.

11 What is said concerning the prophetic gift in the church of the last days? Revelation 12:17; 19:10.

note: “That the Testimonies were not given to take the place of the Bible, the following extract from a testimony published in 1876 will show:

“ ‘Brother J would confuse the mind by seeking to make it appear that the light God has given through the Testimonies is an addition to the word of God, but in this he presents the matter in a false light. God has seen fit in this manner to bring the minds of His people to His word, to give them a clearer understanding of it. The word of God is sufficient to enlighten the most beclouded mind and may be understood by those who have any desire to understand it. But notwithstanding all this, some who profess to make the word of God their study are found living in direct opposition to its plainest teachings. Then, to leave men and women without excuse, God gives plain and pointed testimonies, bringing them back to the word that they have neglected to follow.’ ” Testimonies, vol. 5, 663.

“Let the Testimonies be judged by their fruits. What is the spirit of their teaching? What has been the result of their influence? ‘All who desire to do so can acquaint themselves with the fruits of these visions. For seventeen years God has seen fit to let them survive and strengthen against the opposition of Satan’s forces and the influence of human agencies that have aided Satan in his work.’

“ ‘God is either teaching His church, reproving their wrongs and strengthening their faith, or He is not. This work is of God, or it is not. God does nothing in partnership with Satan. My [Ellen G. White’s] work . . . bears the stamp of God or the stamp of the enemy. There is no halfway work in the matter. The Testimonies are of the Spirit of God, or of the devil.’ ” Ibid., 671.

12 What encouraging promise is made to those who believe the Lord’s prophets? 11 Chronicles 20:20.

note: “The light of prophecy still burns for the guidance of souls, saying, ‘This is the way, walk ye in it.’ [Isaiah 30:21.] It shines on the pathway of the just to commend, and on the way of the unjust to lead to repentance and conversion. Through its agency sin will be rebuked and iniquity unmasked. It is progressive in the performance of its duty to reflect light on the past, the present, and the future.

“If those who have received the light will appreciate and respect the testimonies of the Lord, they will see the religious life in a new light. They will be convicted. They will see the key that unlocks the mysteries that they have never understood. They will lay hold of the precious things that God has given them to profit withal and will be translated from the kingdom of darkness into God’s marvelous light. . . .

“He [God] has made provision that all may be holy and happy if they choose. Sufficient light has been given to this generation, that we may learn what our duties and privileges are and enjoy the precious and solemn truths in their simplicity and power.

“We are accountable only for the light that shines upon us. The commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus are testing us. If we are faithful and obedient, God will delight in us, and bless us as His own chosen, peculiar people.” My Life Today, 42.

Bible Study Guides – The Gifts of the Spirit

March 6, 2004 – March 12, 2004

Memory Verse

“Charity never faileth: but whether [there be] prophecies, they shall fail; whether [there be] tongues, they shall cease; whether [there be] knowledge, it shall vanish away.” 1 Corinthians 13:8.

Suggested Reading: Christ’s Object Lessons, 327–333.


“The apostle says, ‘Let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.’ 1 Corinthians 7:24. The businessman may conduct his business in a way that will glorify his Master because of his fidelity. If he is a true follower of Christ he will carry his religion into everything that is done and reveal to men the spirit of Christ. The mechanic may be a diligent and faithful representative of Him who toiled in the lowly walks of life among the hills of Galilee. Everyone who names the name of Christ should so work that others, by seeing his good works, may be led to glorify their Creator and Redeemer.” Steps to Christ, 82.

1 Concerning what are we admonished not to be ignorant? 1 Corinthians 12:1.

note: “Many have excused themselves from rendering their gifts to the service of Christ because others were possessed of superior endowments and advantages. The opinion has prevailed that only those who are especially talented are required to consecrate their abilities to the service of God. It has come to be understood by many that talents are given to only a certain favored class to the exclusion of others who of course are not called upon to share in the toils or the rewards. But it is not so represented in the parable. When the master of the house called his servants, he gave to every man his work. [Matthew 25:14–30.]” Steps to Christ, 82.

2 Where did the Lord place these gifts? 1 Corinthians 12:28.

note: “Solemn are the responsibilities resting upon those who are called to act as leaders in the church of God on earth. In the days of the theocracy, when Moses was endeavoring to carry alone burdens so heavy that he would soon have worn away under them, he was counseled by Jethro to plan for a wise distribution of responsibilities. ‘Be thou for the people to Godward,’ Jethro advised, ‘that thou mayest bring the causes unto God: and thou shalt teach them ordinances and laws, and shalt show them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do.’ Jethro further advised that men be appointed to act as ‘rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.’ These were to be ‘able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness.’ They were to ‘judge the people at all seasons,’ thus relieving Moses of the wearing responsibility of giving consideration to many minor matters that could be dealt with wisely by consecrated helpers. [Exodus 18:19–22.]” The Acts of the Apostles, 92, 93.

3 What unity is there in the diversity of these gifts? 1 Corinthians 12:4–6.

note: “The vine has many branches, but though all the branches are different, they do not quarrel. In diversity there is unity. All the branches obtain their nourishment from one source. This is an illustration of the unity that is to exist among Christ’s followers. In their different lines of work they all have but one Head. The same Spirit, in different ways, works through them. There is harmonious action, though the gifts differ. . . . The man who is truly united with Christ will never act as though he were a complete whole in himself. . . .

“The perfection of the church depends not on each member being fashioned exactly alike. God calls for each one to take his proper place, to stand in his lot to do his appointed work according to the ability which has been given him.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 6, 1090.

4 Name the gifts of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:8–10.

note: “The talents that Christ entrusts to His church represent especially the gifts and blessings imparted by the Holy Spirit. [1 Corinthians 12:8–11 quoted.] All men do not receive the same gifts, but to every servant of the Master some gift of the Spirit is promised.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 327.

5 How are the gifts distributed? 1 Corinthians 12:8–10.

note: “To every man God has given ‘according to his several ability.’ The talents are not apportioned capriciously. He who has ability to use five talents receives five. He who can improve but two, receives two. He who can wisely use only one, receives one. None need lament that they have not received larger gifts; for He who has apportioned to every man is equally honored by the improvement of each trust, whether it be great or small. The one to whom five talents have been committed is to render the improvement of five; he who has but one, the improvement of one. God expects returns ‘according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.’ 11 Corinthians 8:12.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 328.

“We cannot all have the same minds nor cherish the same ideas; but one is to be a benefit and blessing to the other, that where one lacks, another may supply what is requisite. You have certain deficiencies of character and natural biases that render it profitable for you to be brought in contact with a mind differently organized, in order to properly balance your own.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 128.

6 To what is the church possessing all these gifts compared? 1 Corinthians 12:22–27.

note: “All minds are not molded alike, and it is well that it is so, for if they were exactly similar, there would be less harmony and natural adaptability to each other than now. But we are all represented as being members of the body, united in Christ. In this body there are various members, and one member cannot perform exactly the same office as another. The eyes are made for seeing, and in no case can they perform the work of the ears, which is that of hearing; neither can the ears take the place of the mouth, nor the mouth perform the office of the nose. Yet all these organs are necessary to the perfect whole and work in beautiful harmony with one another. The hands have their office, and the feet theirs. One is not to say to the other, ‘You are inferior to me;’ the hands are not to say to the feet, ‘We have no need of you;’ but all are united to the body to do their specific work and should be alike respected, as they conduce to the comfort and usefulness of the perfect whole.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 128.

7 For what did the apostle Paul fervently thank the Lord? 1 Corinthians 1:4–6.

note: “The apostle’s great love for the Corinthian believers was revealed in his tender greeting to the church. He referred to their experience in turning from idolatry to the worship and service of the true God. He reminded them of the gifts of the Holy Spirit which they had received, and showed that it was their privilege to make continual advancement in the Christian life until they should attain to the purity and holiness of Christ. ‘In everything ye are enriched by Him,’ he wrote, ‘in all utterance, and in all knowledge; even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: so that ye come behind in no gift; waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ [1 Corinthians 1:5–8.]” The Acts of the Apostles, 301, 302.

8 How long will the gifts of the Spirit be required? 1 Corinthians 13:8.

note: “Peter exhorts his brethren to ‘grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.’ 11 Peter 3:18. When the people of God are growing in grace, they will be constantly obtaining a clearer understanding of His word. They will discern new light and beauty in its sacred truths. This has been true in the history of the church in all ages, and thus it will continue to the end. ‘The path of the righteous is as the light of dawn, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.’ Proverbs 4:18, R.V., margin.” Steps to Christ, 112.

9 Why will the gifts not then be required? 1 Corinthians 13:9, 10.

note: “So long as the Holy Spirit strives with men, the gifts of the Spirit will be seen to a greater or less degree. God placed these gifts in the church ‘for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.’ And they will remain there during the militant period of the church.” Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, CA, 1912, 35.

“The gift of prophecy was provided by God for the guidance of the church through the ages (see Psalm 77:20; Hosea 12:13; Revelation 12:17; 19:10). When the need for such guidance no longer exists—that is, when the people of God reach their heavenly home—prophecies will cease. . . . Paul is setting forth the superiority of love over various spiritual gifts that were useful in building up the church, but which, with the church triumphant in the kingdom of glory, will no longer be needed.” Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 6, 783, 784.

10 What distinction does the Bible recognize in these gifts? 1 Corinthians 12:31.

note: “Spiritual gifts are imparted by the Holy Spirit for the building up of the church to a state of perfection and unity in Christ (see Ephesians 4:12, 13). Doubtless those [gifts] that deal directly with the main purpose of the church, namely, the preaching of the gospel, and that contribute most to general edification (see 1 Corinthians 14:1) are considered to be of primary importance.” Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 6, 777.

11 What gift is mentioned as one of these “best gifts”? 1 Corinthians 14:1, 39, first part.

note: “Paul reaffirms the priority given to prophecy [in 1 Corinthians 14:1], where he pointed to the gift of prophecy as the most desirable spiritual endowment Christians could seek. It is highly desirable that one be able to speak under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in such a way that the church will be edified.” Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 6, 794.

12 What gift was not to be forbidden? 1 Corinthians 14:39, last part. What caution is given regarding this gift? 1 Corinthians 14:27–29.

note: “ ‘And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.’ [Acts 2:1–4.] The Holy Ghost assuming the form of tongues of fire divided at the tips, and resting upon those assembled, was an emblem of the gift which was bestowed upon them of speaking with fluency several different languages, with which they had formerly been unacquainted. And the appearance of fire signified the fervent zeal with which they would labor, and the power which would attend their words.” Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3, 265.

“Some of these persons have exercises which they call gifts and say that the Lord has placed them in the church. They have an unmeaning gibberish which they call the unknown tongue, which is unknown not only by man but by the Lord and all heaven. Such gifts are manufactured by men and women, aided by the great deceiver. Fanaticism, false excitement, false talking in tongues, and noisy exercises have been considered gifts which God has placed in the church. Some have been deceived here. The fruits of all this have not been good. ‘Ye shall know them by their fruits.’ [Matthew 7:16.] Fanaticism and noise have been considered special evidences of faith. Some are not satisfied with a meeting unless they have a powerful and happy time. They work for this and get up an excitement of feeling. But the influence of such meetings is not beneficial. When the happy flight of feeling is gone, they sink lower than before the meeting because their happiness did not come from the right source. The most profitable meetings for spiritual advancement are those which are characterized with solemnity and deep searching of heart; each seeking to know himself, and earnestly, and in deep humility, seeking to learn of Christ.” Testimonies, vol. 1, 412.

Bible Study Guides – Fruit of the Spirit; Works of the Flesh

February 28, 2004 – March 5, 2004

Memory Verse

“And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.” Galatians 5:24.

Suggested Reading: Christ’s Object Lessons, 67–69; Steps to Christ, 57–65.


“When one is fully emptied of self, when every false god is cast out of the soul, the vacuum is filled by the inflowing of the Spirit of Christ. Such a one has the faith that purifies the soul from defilement. He is conformed to the Spirit, and he minds the things of the Spirit. He has no confidence in self. Christ is all and in all. He receives with meekness the truth that is constantly being unfolded, and gives the Lord all the glory, saying, ‘God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit.’ ‘Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.’ [1 Corinthians 2:10, 12.]

“The Spirit that reveals, also works in him the fruits of righteousness. Christ is in him, ‘a well of water springing up into everlasting life.’ [John 4:14.] He is a branch of the True Vine, and bears rich clusters of fruit to the glory of God. What is the character of the fruit borne?—The fruit of the Spirit is ‘love,’ not hatred; ‘joy,’ not discontent and mourning; ‘peace,’ not irritation, anxiety, and manufactured trials.” Gospel Workers, 287.

1 What is the fruit of the Spirit? Galatians 5:22, 23.

note: “ ‘If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new’ (11 Corinthians 5:17). Nothing but divine power can regenerate the human heart and imbue souls with the love of Christ, which will ever manifest itself with love for those for whom He died. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. When a man is converted to God, a new moral taste is supplied, a new motive power is given, and he loves the things that God loves; for his life is bound up by the golden chain of the immutable promises to the life of Jesus. Love, joy, peace, and inexpressible gratitude will pervade the soul, and the language of him who is blessed will be, ‘Thy gentleness hath made me great’ (Psalm 18:35).” Selected Messages, Book 1, 336.

2 What spiritual experience constitutes the kingdom of God within the heart? Romans 14:17.

note: “Who are the subjects of the kingdom of God?—all those who do His will. They have righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. The members of Christ’s kingdom are the sons of God, partners in His great firm. The elect of God are a chosen generation, a peculiar people, a holy nation, to show forth the praises of Him who hath called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. They are the salt of the earth, the light of the world. They are living stones, a royal priesthood. They are in copartnership with Jesus Christ. These are they that follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. . . .” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 422.

3 In contrast to the fruit of the Spirit, what are mentioned as works of the flesh? Galatians 5:19–21.

note: “Paul charged his brethren to beware lest in trying to correct the faults of others they should commit sins equally great themselves. He warns them that hatred, emulation, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, and envyings are as truly the works of the flesh as are lasciviousness, adultery, drunkenness, and murder, and will as surely close the gate of heaven against the guilty.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 244.

4 What change is wrought in the life of every true Christian? Galatians 5:24; 6:14.

note: “The lower passions have their seat in the body and work through it. The words ‘flesh’ or ‘fleshly’ or ‘carnal lusts’ embrace the lower, corrupt nature; the flesh of itself cannot act contrary to the will of God. We are commanded to crucify the flesh, with the affections and lusts. How shall we do it? Shall we inflict pain on the body? No; but put to death the temptation to sin. The corrupt thought is to be expelled. Every thought is to be brought into captivity to Jesus Christ. All animal propensities are to be subjected to the higher powers of the soul. The love of God must reign supreme; Christ must occupy an undivided throne. Our bodies are to be regarded as His purchased possession.” The Adventist Home, 127, 128.

5 How is the daily experience of such set forth? Galatians 2:20.

note: “When the apostle Paul, through the revelation of Christ, was converted from a persecutor to a Christian, he declared that he was as one born out of due time. Henceforward Christ was all and in all to him. ‘For me, to live is Christ,’ he declared. [Philippians 1:21.] This is the most perfect interpretation in a few words, in all the Scriptures, of what it means to be a Christian. This is the whole truth of the gospel. Paul understood what many seem unable to comprehend. How intensely in earnest he was! His words show that his mind was centered in Christ, that his whole life was bound up with his Lord. Christ was the author, the support, and the source of his life.” Review and Herald, October 19, 1897.

6 How does the change in the life of a Christian occur? Romans 8:11–13; John 3:3–8.

note: “The same divine mind that is working upon the things of nature is speaking to the hearts of men and creating an inexpressible craving for something they have not. The things of the world cannot satisfy their longing. The Spirit of God is pleading with them to seek for those things that alone can give peace and rest—the grace of Christ, the joy of holiness. Through influences seen and unseen, our Saviour is constantly at work to attract the minds of men from the unsatisfying pleasures of sin to the infinite blessings that may be theirs in Him. To all these souls, who are vainly seeking to drink from the broken cisterns of this world, the divine message is addressed, ‘Let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.’ Revelation 22:17.” Steps to Christ, 28.

7 How is man’s wretched state by nature described? Romans 7:14, 23.

note: “Wrongs cannot be righted, nor can reformations in conduct be made by a few feeble, intermittent efforts. Character building is the work, not of a day, nor of a year, but of a lifetime. The struggle for conquest over self, for holiness and heaven, is a lifelong struggle. Without continual effort and constant activity, there can be no advancement in the divine life, no attainment of the victor’s crown.” The Ministry of Healing, 452.

8 How is the sinner delivered? Romans 8:1, 2.

note: “With what care should Christians regulate their habits, that they may preserve the full vigor of every faculty to give to the service of Christ. If we would be sanctified in soul, body, and spirit, we must live in conformity to the divine law. The heart cannot preserve consecration to God while the appetites and passions are indulged at the expense of health and life. . . .

“Paul’s inspired warnings against self-indulgence are sounding along the line down to our time. . . . He presents for our encouragement the freedom enjoyed by the truly sanctified. [Romans 8:1 quoted.] He charges the Galatians to ‘walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.’ Galatians 5:16, 17.” Counsels on Health, 69.

9 By what is a tree known? Matthew 7:17–20. What application is made of this principle to our Christian experience? Luke 6:43–45. Compare James 3:10–12.

note: “A good tree will not produce corrupt fruit. Good conversation will accompany a good conscience, as surely as good fruit will be produced by a good tree. If a man is unkind and churlish in his family and to others connected with him, no one need to inquire how he will manage in the church. He will exhibit the same petulant, overbearing disposition which he shows at home. No man can have the spirit and the mind of Christ without being rendered better by it in all the relations and duties of life. Murmuring, complaining, and fretful passion are not the fruit of good principles. You will need to be instant in prayer, because you have not strengthened the high, noble, moral traits of character. This is to be done now by you. The work will be difficult, but it is positively essential.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 347.

10 What disposition is finally made of trees that do not yield good fruit? Matthew 3:10; 7:19; Luke 13:7, 9. Compare John 15:6.

note: “Not by its name, but by its fruit, is the value of a tree determined. If the fruit is worthless, the name cannot save the tree from destruction. John declared to the Jews that their standing before God was to be decided by their character and life. Profession was worthless. If their life and character were not in harmony with God’s law, they were not His people.” The Desire of Ages, 107.

“We must present the principles of truth, and let them work upon the hearts of the people. We may pick the leaves from a tree as often as we please, but this will not cause the tree to die; the next season the leaves will come out again as thick as before. But strike the ax at the root of the tree, and not only will the leaves fall off of themselves, but the tree will die. Those who accept the truth, in the love of it, will die to the world, and will become meek and lowly in heart like their divine Lord. Just as soon as the heart is right, the dress, the conversation, the life, will be in harmony with the Word of God. We all need to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. May He help us to plant our feet firmly upon the platform of eternal truth.” My Life Today, 265.

11 How only can we bear good fruit? John 15:4, 5.

note: “O that all might realize that without Christ they can do nothing! Those who do not gather with Him scatter abroad. Their thoughts and actions will not bear the right character, and their influence will be destructive of good. Our actions have a twofold influence; for they affect others as well as ourselves. This influence will either be a blessing or a curse to those with whom we associate. How little we appreciate this fact. Actions make habits, and habits, character, and if we do not guard our habits, we shall not be qualified to unite with heavenly agencies in the work of salvation, nor be prepared to enter the heavenly mansions that Jesus has gone to prepare; for no one will be there except those who have surrendered their will and way to God’s will and way. He whose character is proved, who has stood the test of trial, who is a partaker of the divine nature, will be among those whom Christ pronounces blessed.” Fundamentals of Christian Education, 194.

12 What is the blessed result of truly abiding in Christ? John 15:7, 8.

note: “The Lord Jesus is dishonored by low ideas or designs on our part. He who does not feel the binding claims of God’s law, and neglects to keep every requirement, violates the whole law. He who is content to partially meet the standard of righteousness, and who does not triumph over every spiritual foe, will not meet the designs of Christ. He cheapens the whole plan of his religious life, and weakens his religious character, and under the force of temptation his defects of character gain the supremacy, and evil triumphs. We need to be persevering and determined, to meet the highest standard possible. Pre-established habits and ideas must be overcome in many cases, before we can make advancement in religious life. The faithful Christian will bear much fruit; he is a worker; he will not lazily drift, but will put on the whole armor to fight the battles of the Lord. The essential work is to conform the tastes, the appetite, the passions, the motives, the desires, to the great moral standard of righteousness. The work must begin at the heart. That must be pure, wholly conformed to Christ’s will, else some master passion, or some habit or defect, will become a power to destroy. God will accept of nothing short of the whole heart.” Fundamentals of Christian Education, 118, 119.

Food for Life – Spinach Quiche

Favorite Recipes from Staff and Friends of Steps to Life

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein [there is] life, [I have given] every green herb for meat: and it was so.” Genesis 1:30. “The diet of the animals is vegetables and grains. Must the vegetables be animalized, must they be incorporated into the system of animals, before we get them? Must we obtain our vegetable diet by eating the flesh of dead creatures? God provided fruit in its natural state for our first parents. He gave to Adam charge of the garden, to dress it, and to care for it, saying, ‘To you it shall be for meat.’ One animal was not to destroy another animal for food.” Counsels on Diet and Foods, 396.

“Ellen White liked cooked greens every day, and these would vary according to season. From the fields came dandelion and mustard greens, and, of course, there were other more conventional leafy dishes.

“The dish of greens was usually especially for Ellen White. One day as Sara McEnterfer passed the bowl of dandelion greens to Ellen White, she said, ‘Mother, here is your horse feed.’ The latter looked over the table at the other dishes and quietly replied, ‘Well, I don’t know as my horse feed is any worse than your cow’s peas.’ ” Ellen G. White: The Later Elmshaven Years 1905–1915, vol. 6, by Arthur L. White, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD, 1982, 395.

Recipe – Spinach Quiche

Partially bake a 10” x 2” deep pie shell at 425 degrees for 7 minutes.

Cook until tender, in a small amount of water:

2 10-ounce packages fresh spinach

1/2 teaspoon salt

When cooked, drain well and chop the spinach.

Blend until creamy:

1 cup raw cashews

1 cup water

Add to the cashews and blend:

2 Tablespoons chicken-style seasoning

1/4 teaspoon garlic salt

2 Tablespoons Arrowroot powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon onion powder

2 cups tofu, well-drained

Transfer cashew mixture to large mixing bowl. Fold in spinach. Pour mixture into partially baked shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.

Patricia Evans is a LandMarks reader from Polk City, Florida. She actively shares her enthusiasm for a vegetarian lifestyle through cooking schools and through nutrition presentations given at local public schools. These recipes are selected from her recently published cookbook, Abundant Life. For more information you may contact Pat at:

Ask the Pastor – Israel, No Longer a Nation?


Could you please help me understand Jeremiah 31:36, which says, “If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord, [then] the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.” I know we do not believe that the nation of Israel will play a part in the last days, but what does this mean?


Jeremiah 31 is a communication from God to the children of Israel designed to create hope and confidence that nothing is going to interfere with His plan for complete restoration from the ravages of sin.

Verse 36 is an assurance from God that nothing will stop the promise of fulfillment from taking place. But we must remember that all promises of God are based on conditions. Exodus 19:5–6 tells us, “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth [is] mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These [are] the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.” Deuteronomy 11:26–28 comes to bear on this subject also.

God makes it very clear to Israel, from the very beginning of their existence, that His promises to them are based upon the condition of obedience. Having said all this, when we come to a passage which says that they will continue being a nation as long as the sun shines during the day and the moon and stars shine at night [Jeremiah 31:35], we see that this was said to let them know that nothing would stop God from keeping them from any mischief that the devil and all his host could bring against them—if they were living up to their end of the bargain. It was their part to be obedient to the commandments. If they failed in that, then they would become cursed and no longer be able to claim God’s protective care.

The interesting thing is that this whole passage is in the setting of the New Covenant. If only Israel would have understood that along with the promise of God to call them His people, He would make it possible for them to keep His commandments! Jeremiah 31:33 says: “But this [shall be] the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Here God is promising that He would put things together in such a way that it would be entirely possible to keep His law. He would write it upon the tables of their hearts. That is, He would give them such a love for Him, that obedience would be second nature to them. Love would be the motivating factor.

But the children of Israel rejected the plan of God and did their own thing, rather than working with God and His plan. As a sure result, when He came, they crucified Him. While the sands of their probation were trickling through the glass of time, they stoned Stephen, and probation closed upon them as a nation, forever closing the door to their being a nation again.

The promise found in Jeremiah 31:36 now passes on to the church. What we do with it will determine our future with God also.

Pastor Mike Baugher is Associate Speaker for Steps to Life Ministry. If you have a question you would like Pastor Mike to answer, e-mail it to:, or mail it to: LandMarks, P. O. Box 782828, Wichita, KS 67278.

Restoring the Temple – Blood Pressure


I have been told that I have high blood pressure. What is high blood pressure, and what is normal blood pressure? —jb, washington


You may have noticed that if you force the same amount of water through hoses of different diameters, the water comes out with different forces. Water flowing ten gallons per minute through a 5/8-inch hose will eject with greater force than the same amount of water flowing through a 1-inch hose. It is the same in your body. Many complex factors determine the level of blood pressure, but essentially it is dependent upon the diameter of the vessel (artery or vein) and the volume and force of the fluid (blood) flowing through it.

Since we always have blood in our vessels while we are living, we always have blood pressure. Blood pressure needs to be at a certain level to keep us alive and healthy. With too little pressure, the life-bearing components of blood cannot cross or perfuse through the blood vessel walls. Too much pressure causes damage to blood vessels in the entire body and affects many organs, which can lead to problems such as kidney disease, eye disease, or stroke. Ellen White experienced the effects of high blood pressure, which made her incapable of writing for several days. This episode is recorded in Testimonies, vol. 1, 577.

Scholars credit Galen, a Greek physician born in 130 a.d., as the one who first proposed the existence of blood. However, the first mention of blood in the Bible is in Genesis 4:10 when Cain killed Abel. Galen believed that the heart actually made blood. It was not understood until about 1616 that the heart was a pump that circulated blood. In 1733, Stephen Hales, a British veterinarian, was the first to measure blood pressure by inserting a tube into the artery of a horse and noting the level of the blood in the glass. Fortunately, blood pressure measurement has become a lot easier and less painful. Samuel von Bosch invented the first sphygmomanometer, or blood pressure-measuring device, in 1881. It was improved by the early 1900s to what we know today as the blood pressure cuff.

When getting your blood pressure checked, you will have noted that there are two numbers. The measurement of 120/80 (mm Hg) is considered to be normal blood pressure. The first or top number is a measurement of systolic blood pressure. This is the maximum pressure in your arteries, which occurs when your heart contracts. The second or bottom number is a measurement of diastolic blood pressure. This reflects the lowest pressure in your arteries, which occurs when your heart is at rest between beats.

High blood pressure, called hypertension, is generally thought to begin at 140/90. Primary hypertension means that no obvious cause can be found. Secondary hypertension is caused by another health problem, such as kidney or hormonal disease. There are several risk factors for hypertension. “Risk factor” is a term that means that certain groups of people have the problem more than others. Medical studies have shown that one risk factor is age. Newborns can have levels as low as 50/40, but the systolic can increase to over 200 in some elderly people. Race is another risk factor, with high blood pressure occurring more often in some races than others. Weight is a third factor; the more overweight a person is, the more likely he or she is to have high blood pressure.

Risk factors, however, can relate to lifestyle as much as, if not more than, hereditary. Just because we get old does not mean that we are doomed to hypertension. Certain populations may have more of certain diseases because they “inherit” the lifestyle of their parents. In other words, if they grew up eating diets high in meat, dairy products, and refined foods, for example, they usually continue to eat the same way as adults and teach the same diets to their children. What we truly inherit from our parents is a potential weakness in certain areas. This does not predict your future, but what it says is that if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, you will feel the consequences, and the area that fails may be the weak one that you inherited. In some families, this is the heart; in others, it is gastrointestinal tract, and so forth.

Many people ask, “What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?” The truth is that there may not be any. This is why hypertension is called “the silent killer.” You may never realize that you have high blood pressure, but what is going on behind the scenes can be very harmful. High blood pressure makes the heart work harder, which makes the heart muscle become larger. This increases the heart’s demand for oxygen, but when the demand exceeds the supply, the heart may fail. The other problem relating to high blood pressure relates to the damage of the blood vessels. Sustained high blood pressure causes damage in the blood vessel walls, which is called atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. These changes lead to damage in the organs that the vessels supply, such as the kidneys and the retinas of the eyes. When a person notices symptoms relating to any of these damages, it generally means that the blood pressure has been high for a long time.

Medical treatment usually entails two things: lifestyle modification and medication. Lifestyle modification is often suggested, but has not been fully examined by the field of medicine as a potential remedy of the hypertension. Lifestyle changes include reducing weight, eliminating alcohol ingestion, and modifying sodium and fat intake. Changing one’s lifestyle to fit the one given to us by the Lord in the Bible is the best effort in not only treating the symptoms of disease but in removing the cause.

Sheryle Beaudry, a certified teletriage nurse, writes from Estacada, Oregon where she lives with her husband and twin daughters. She may be contacted by e-mail at: If there is a health-related question you would like answered in LandMarks, please e-mail your question to:, or mail it to: LandMarks, Steps to Life, P. O. Box 782828, Wichita, KS 67278.

The Pen of Inspiration – Christ the Center of the Message

The third angel’s message calls for the presentation of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, and this truth must be brought before the world; but the great Center of attraction, Jesus Christ, must not be left out of the third angel’s message. By many who have been engaged in the work for this time, Christ has been made secondary, and theories and arguments have had the first place. The glory of God that was revealed to Moses in regard to the divine character has not been made prominent. . . . [Exodus 33:19; 34:6 quoted.]

A vail has seemed to be before the eyes of many who have labored in the cause, so that when they presented the law, they have not had views of Jesus, and have not proclaimed the fact that, where sin abounded, grace doth much more abound. [Romans 5:20.] It is at the cross of Calvary that mercy and truth meet together, where righteousness and peace kiss each other. The sinner must ever look toward Calvary; and with the simple faith of a little child, he must rest in the merits of Christ, accepting his righteousness and believing in his mercy. Laborers in the cause of truth should present the righteousness of Christ, not as new light, but as precious light that has for a time been lost sight of by the people. We are to accept Christ as our personal Saviour, and he imputes unto us the righteousness of God in Christ. Let us repeat and make prominent the truth that John has portrayed: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” [1 John 4:10.]

In the love of God has been opened the most marvelous vein of precious truth, and the treasures of the grace of Christ are laid open before the church and the world. [John 3:16 quoted.] What love is this,—what marvelous, unfathomable love!—that would lead Christ to die for us while we were yet sinners. What a loss it is to the soul who understands the strong claims of the law, and who yet fails to understand the grace of Christ which doth much more abound! It is true that the law of God reveals the love of God when it is preached as the truth in Jesus; for the gift of Christ to this guilty world must be largely dwelt upon in every discourse. It is no wonder that hearts have not been melted by the truth, when it has been presented in a cold and lifeless manner. No wonder faith has staggered at the promises of God, when ministers and workers have failed to present Jesus in his relation to the law of God. How often should they have assured the people that “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” [Romans 8:32.]

Satan is determined that men shall not see the love of God, which led him to give his only begotten Son to save the lost race; for it is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance. O, how shall we succeed in setting forth before the world the deep, precious love of God? In no other way can we compass it than by exclaiming, “Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God”! [1 John 3:1.] Let us say to sinners, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world!” [John 1:29.] By presenting Jesus as the representative of the Father, we shall be able to dispel the shadow that Satan has cast upon our pathway, in order that we shall not see the mercy and love of God’s inexpressible love as manifested in Jesus Christ.

Expel Phariseeism

Look at the cross of Calvary. It is a standing pledge of the boundless love, the measureless mercy, of the heavenly Father. O that all might repent and do their first works. When the churches do this, they will love God supremely and their neighbors as themselves. . . . Divisions will then be healed, the harsh sounds of strife will no more be heard in the borders of Israel. Through the grace freely given them of God, all will seek to answer the prayer of Christ, that his disciples should be one, even as he and the Father are one. [John 17:21.] Peace, love, mercy, and benevolence will be the abiding principles of the soul. The love of Christ will be the theme of every tongue. . . . The people of God will be abiding in Christ, the love of Jesus will be revealed, and one Spirit will animate all hearts, regenerating and renewing all in the image of Christ, fashioning all hearts alike. As living branches of the true Vine, all will be united to Christ, the living head. Christ will abide in every heart, guiding, comforting, sanctifying, and presenting to the world the unity of the followers of Jesus, thus bearing testimony that the heavenly credentials are supplied to the remnant church. In the oneness of Christ’s church it will be proved that God sent his only begotten Son into the world.

When God’s people are one in the unity of the Spirit, all of Phariseeism, all of self-righteousness, which was the sin of the Jewish nation, will be expelled from all hearts. The mold of Christ will be upon each individual member of his body, and his people will be new bottles into which he can pour his new wine, and the new wine will not break the bottles. [Matthew 9:17.] . . .

Jesus came to impart to the human soul the Holy Spirit, by which the love of God is shed abroad in the heart; but it is impossible to endow men with the Holy Spirit, who are set in their ideas, whose doctrines are all stereotyped and unchangeable, who are walking after the traditions and commandments of men, as were the Jews in the time of Christ. They were very punctilious in the observances of the church, very rigorous in following their forms, but they were destitute of vitality and religious devotion. They were represented by Christ as like the dry skins which were then used as bottles. The gospel of Christ could not be placed in their hearts; for there was no room to contain it. They could not be the new bottles into which he could pour his new wine. Christ was obliged to seek elsewhere than among the scribes and the Pharisees for bottles for his doctrine of truth and life. He must find men who were willing to have regeneration of heart. He came to give to men new hearts. He said, “A new heart also will I give you.” [Ezekiel 36:26.] But the self-righteous of that day and of this day feel no need of having a new heart. Jesus passed by the scribes and the Pharisees, for they felt no need of a Saviour. They were wedded to forms and ceremonies. These services had been instituted by Christ; they had been full of vitality and spiritual beauty; but the Jews had lost the spiritual life from their ceremonies, and clung to the dead forms after spiritual life was extinct among them. When they departed from the requirements and commandments of God, they sought to supply the place of that which they had lost, by multiplying their own requirements, and making more rigorous demands than had God; and the more rigid they grew, the less of the love and Spirit of God they manifested. . . . [Matthew 23:2–5, 23 quoted.]

Love of God vs. Legalism

The remnant church is called to go through an experience similar to that of the Jews; and the true Witness, who walks up and down in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, has a solemn message to bear to his people. [Revelation 2:4, 5 quoted.] The love of God has been waning in the church, and as a result, the love of self has sprung up into new activity. With the loss of love for God there has come the loss of love for the brethren. . . .

A legal religion has been thought quite the correct religion for this time. But it is a mistake. The rebuke of Christ to the Pharisees is applicable to those who have lost from the heart their first love. A cold, legal religion can never lead souls to Christ; for it is a loveless, Christless religion. When fastings and prayers are practiced in a self-justifying spirit, they are abominable to God. The solemn assembly for worship, the round of religious ceremonies, the external humiliation, the imposed sacrifice,—all proclaim to the world the testimony that the doer of these things considers himself righteous. These things call attention to the observer of rigorous duties, saying, This man is entitled to heaven. But it is all a deception. Works will not buy for us an entrance into heaven. The one great Offering that has been made is ample for all who will believe. The love of Christ will animate the believer with new life. He who drinks from the water of the fountain of life, will be filled with the new wine of the kingdom. Faith in Christ will be the means whereby the right spirit and motive will actuate the believer, and all goodness and heavenly-mindedness will proceed from him who looks unto Jesus, the author and finisher of his faith. Look up to God, look not to men. God is your heavenly Father who is willing patiently to bear with your infirmities, and to forgive and heal them. [John 17:3 quoted.] By beholding Christ, you will become changed, until you will hate your former pride, your former vanity and self-esteem, your self-righteousness and unbelief. You will cast these sins aside as a worthless burden, and walk humbly, meekly, trustfully, before God. You will practice love, patience, gentleness, goodness, mercy, and every grace that dwells in the child of God, and will at last find a place among the sanctified and holy.

Review and Herald, March 20, 1894.

Ellen G. White (1827–1915) wrote more than 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books during her lifetime. Today, including compilations from her 50,000 pages of manuscript, more than 100 titles are available in English. She is the most translated woman writer in the entire history of literature, and the most translated American author of either gender. Seventh-day Adventists believe that Mrs. White was appointed by God as a special messenger to draw the world’s attention to the Holy Scriptures and help prepare people for Christ’s second advent.

Nature Nugget – The Praying Mantis

Relatives of the cockroach, the praying mantises, or mantids, are carnivorous insects that are named for the constant position in which they hold their front legs when at rest. Their front legs are held folded together as if they were praying, when in reality they are preying rather than praying. Because of this deceptively humble appearance of praying or meditating, they are considered sacred by certain Eastern cultures. The word mantid derives from a Greek word meaning prophet or seer. There are 2,000 species of mantids in the world, with the largest species reaching six inches in length and the smallest one reaching a mere one centimeter. The mantids are the only insects that can rotate their heads in almost a full 360-degree circle. Their large compound eyes are sensitive to the slightest movement up to 60 feet away.

Praying mantises use their front legs to capture their prey, usually insects, but they have also been known to take small mice and reptiles and occasionally hummingbirds. Their front legs are equipped with rows of sharp spikes that the mantises use to hold their prey. Mantids hunt by locating themselves near a flower or other insect-attracting location and patiently waiting for an insect to come within striking range of its forelegs. They occasionally will even stalk their prey by creeping toward it slowly, swaying back and forth, thus mimicking the foliage in a breeze. Farmers and gardeners consider praying mantises beneficial insects, because they eat a lot of insect pests. As a result, their egg cases are commonly sold for placement in gardens.

In North America, praying mantises are green, gray, or brown, which helps to camouflage them among the plants where they live. In tropical rainforest areas, some mantids resemble leaves in shape and color. In Africa and the Far East, there are mantids called flower mantises, which so closely resemble flowers that nectar-gathering insects will often land on them.

Praying mantises are also known for their behavior of the female cannibalizing the smaller male after mating. In temperate areas, the females lay their eggs in the fall as a frothy, gummy mass that hardens into an egg case. These egg cases are attached to objects such as twigs or stems. Tiny nymphs emerge the following spring or early summer.

Mantises are preyed upon by numerous species of spiders, insect-eating mammals, and birds. In the bodies of some species of mantises, there is a hollow chamber that is used to detect the high frequency calls of bats, one of their most feared predators. While flying around at night, if one of these mantises detects the calls of a bat, it drastically changes its flight pattern, often spiraling down to the ground to avoid the bat.

As the praying mantis appears to be in a constant state of praying and meditating, this should be a reminder to us that we should keep our hearts and minds in a prayerful attitude throughout the day. “Keep the mind in a praying mood, uplifted to God.” Testimonies, vol. 2, 701. “Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 18. In Ephesians 6:18, Paul admonishes us to pray always “with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.” If we keep a prayer on our hearts continually, we have the promise of deliverance from the snares of the enemy: “Not one watching, praying, believing soul will be ensnared by the enemy.” Testimonies, vol. 6, 404.

David Arbour writes from his home in DeQueen, Arkansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at:

The Power of Speech, Part II

Editor’s Note: Steps to Life Ministries, just as every Christian ministry and church, occasionally struggles through a crisis. More often than not, a contributing factor, and perhaps the major component of such crises, has to do with speech. Believing this to be a spiritual problem, we have chosen to seek counsel from the Bible and from the Pen of Inspiration. This article continues with a collection of counsel compiled to help heal wounds and bring harmony and unity.]

One sin unconfessed and unrepented of, will close for you the gates of the city of God.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 12, 40.

The Measure of Forgiveness

“If your brethren err, you are to forgive them. When they come to you with confession, you should not say, I do not think they are humble enough. I do not think they feel their confession. What right have you to judge them, as if you could read the heart? The word of God says, ‘If he repent, forgive him. And if he trespasses against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.’ Luke 17:3, 4. And not only seven times, but seventy times seven—just as often as God forgives you.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 249, 250.

No Compromise with Evil

“The gospel makes no compromise with evil. It cannot excuse sin. Secret sins are to be confessed in secret to God; but, for open sin, open confession is required. The reproach of the disciple’s sin is cast upon Christ. It causes Satan to triumph, and wavering souls to stumble. By giving proof of repentance, the disciple, so far as lies in his power, is to remove this reproach.” The Desire of Ages, 811.

Sincere Confession Essential

“Many, many confessions should never be spoken in the hearing of mortals; for the result is that which the limited judgment of finite beings does not anticipate. . . . God will be better glorified if we confess the secret, inbred corruption of the heart to Jesus alone than if we open its recesses to finite, erring man, who cannot judge righteously unless his heart is constantly imbued with the Spirit of God. . . . Do not pour into human ears the story which God alone should hear. . . .

“Your sins may be as mountains before you; but if you humble your heart, and confess your sins, trusting in the merits of a crucified and risen Saviour, He will forgive, and will cleanse you from all unrighteousness. . . . Desire the fullness of the grace of Christ. Let your heart be filled with an intense longing for His righteousness.” The Faith I Live By, 128.

Pentecostal Energy Needed

“The Lord calls for a renewal of the straight testimony borne in years past. He calls for a renewal of spiritual life. The spiritual energies of His people have long been torpid, but there is to be a resurrection from apparent death. By prayer and confession of sin we must clear the King’s highway. As we do this, the power of the Spirit will come to us. We need the pentecostal energy. This will come; for the Lord has promised to send His Spirit as the all-conquering power.” Gospel Workers, 307, 308.

Search Heart for Lurking Sin

“In this great day of atonement our work is that of heart-searching, of self-abasement, and confession of sin, each humbling his own soul before God, and seeking pardon for himself individually. Anciently every one that did not on the day of atonement afflict his soul, was cut off from the people. God would have us work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. If each will search and see what sins are lurking in his own heart to shut out Jesus, he will find such a work to do that he will be ready to esteem others better than himself. He will no longer seek to pluck the mote out of his brother’s eye while a beam is in his own eye.” Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists, 213.

Destroy Root of Bitterness

“The prejudices and opinions that prevailed at Minneapolis are not dead by any means; the seeds sown there in some hearts are ready to spring into life and bear a like harvest. The tops have been cut down, but the roots have never been eradicated, and they still bear their unholy fruit to poison the judgment, pervert the perceptions, and blind the understanding of those with whom you connect, in regard to the message and the messengers. When, by thorough confession, you destroy the root of bitterness, you will see light in God’s light. Without this thorough work you will never clear your souls. You need to study the word of God with a purpose, not to confirm your own ideas, but to bring them to be trimmed, to be condemned or approved, as they are or are not in harmony with the word of God. The Bible should be your constant companion. You should study the Testimonies, not to pick out certain sentences to use as you see fit, to strengthen your assertions, while you disregard the plainest statements given to correct your course of action.” Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 326.

“Take your brother right by the hand, and ask him to forgive you. It will not hurt you to get down on your knees, if necessary to do so. Get all the roots of bitterness out of the way. Have all these feelings blotted out by hearty confession one to another. Do not be satisfied with a sort of general confession. Come right to the point. Let the blood of Jesus cancel your wrongs in the Book of Life. You want to be set free, that you may perfect holiness in the fear to God.” Review and Herald, August 14, 1888.

Confession of Sin

“The Scripture bids us, ‘Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.’ James 5:16. To the one asking for prayer, let thoughts like these be presented: ‘We cannot read the heart, or know the secrets of your life. These are known only to yourself and to God. If you repent of your sins, it is your duty to make confession of them.’ Sin of a private character is to be confessed to Christ, the only mediator between God and man. For ‘if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.’ 1 John 2:1. Every sin is an offense against God and is to be confessed to Him through Christ. Every open sin should be as openly confessed. Wrong done to a fellow being should be made right with the one who has been offended. If any who are seeking health have been guilty of evilspeaking, if they have sowed discord in the home, the neighborhood, or the church, and have stirred up alienation and dissension, if by any wrong practice they have led others into sin, these things should be confessed before God and before those who have been offended. ‘If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ 1 John 1:9.” The Ministry of Healing, 228, 229.

Danger of Rebellion

“It is hardly possible for men to offer greater insult to God than to despise and reject the instrumentalities He would use for their salvation. The Israelites had not only done this, but had purposed to put both Moses and Aaron to death. Yet they did not realize the necessity of seeking pardon of God for their grievous sin. That night of probation was not passed in repentance and confession, but in devising some way to resist the evidences which showed them to be the greatest of sinners. They still cherished hatred of the men of God’s appointment, and braced themselves to resist their authority. Satan was at hand to pervert their judgment and lead them blindfold to destruction.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 402.

“The enmity that is cherished toward the servants of God by those who have yielded to the power of Satan changes at times to a feeling of reconciliation and favor, but the change does not always prove to be lasting. After evil-minded men have engaged in doing and saying wicked things against the Lord’s servants, the conviction that they have been in the wrong sometimes takes deep hold upon their minds. The Spirit of the Lord strives with them, and they humble their hearts before God, and before those whose influence they have sought to destroy, and they may change their course toward them. But as they again open the door to the suggestions of the evil one, the old doubts are revived, the old enmity is awakened, and they return to engage in the same work which they repented of, and for a time abandoned. Again they speak evil, accusing and condemning in the bitterest manner the very ones to whom they made most humble confession. Satan can use such souls with far greater power after such a course has been pursued than he could before, because they have sinned against greater light.” Ibid., 662, 663.

Disposal of Sin

“Some men’s sins are open beforehand, confessed in penitence, and forsaken, and they go beforehand to judgment. Pardon is written over against the names of these men. But other men’s sins follow after, and are not put away by repentance and confession, and these sins will stand registered against them in the books of heaven.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 916.

True Confession

“Confession of sin, whether public or private, should be heartfelt and freely expressed. It is not to be urged from the sinner. . . .

“True confession is always of a specific character, and acknowledges particular sins. They may be of such a nature as to be brought before God only; they may be wrongs that should be confessed to individuals who have suffered injury through them; or they may be of a public character, and should then be as publicly confessed. But all confession should be definite and to the point, acknowledging the very sins of which you are guilty.” Steps to Christ, 38.

“Confession will not be acceptable to God without sincere repentance and reformation. There must be decided changes in the life; everything offensive to God must be put away.” Ibid., 39.

“The examples in God’s word of genuine repentance and humiliation reveal a spirit of confession in which there is no excuse for sin or attempt at self-justification.” Ibid., 41.

Erroneous Ideas of Confession

“There are confessions of a nature that should be brought before a select few and acknowledged by the sinner in deepest humility. The matter must not be conducted in such a way that vice shall be construed into virtue and the sinner made proud of his evil doings. If there are things of a disgraceful nature that should come before the church, let them be brought before a few proper persons selected to hear them, and do not put the cause of Christ to open shame by publishing abroad the hypocrisy that has existed in the church. It would cast reflections upon those who had tried to be Christlike in character. These things should be considered.

“Then there are confessions that the Lord has bidden us make to one another. If you have wronged your brother by word or deed you are first to be reconciled to him before your worship will be acceptable to heaven. Confess to those whom you have injured, and make restitution, bringing forth fruit meet for repentance. If anyone has feelings of bitterness, wrath, or malice toward a brother, let him go to him personally, confess his sin, and seek forgiveness.

“I [Ellen White] recognize, on the other hand, the danger of yielding to the temptation to conceal sin or to compromise with it, and thus act the hypocrite. Be sure that the confession fully covers the influence of the wrong committed, that no duty to God, to your neighbor, or to the church is left undone, and then you may lay hold upon Christ with confidence, expecting His blessing. But the question of how and to whom sins should be confessed is one that demands careful, prayerful study. We must consider it from all points, weighing it before God and seeking divine illumination. We should inquire whether to confess publicly the sins of which we have been guilty will do good or harm. Will it show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of the darkness into His marvelous light? Will it help to purify the minds of the people, or will the open relation of the deceptions practiced in denying the truth have an after influence to contaminate other minds and destroy confidence in us?” Testimonies, vol. 5, 645, 646.

Unforgiving Receive no Mercy

“He who is unforgiving cuts off the very channel through which alone he can receive mercy from God. We should not think that unless those who have injured us confess the wrong we are justified in withholding from them our forgiveness. It is their part, no doubt, to humble their hearts by repentance and confession; but we are to have a spirit of compassion toward those who have trespassed against us, whether or not they confess their faults. However sorely they may have wounded us, we are not to cherish our grievances and sympathize with ourselves over our injuries; but as we hope to be pardoned for our offenses against God we are to pardon all who have done evil to us.” Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, 113, 114.

Set Things in Order

“God requires things to be set in order. He calls for men of decided fidelity. He has no use in an emergency for two-sided men. He wants men who will lay their hand upon a work, and say, This is not according to the will of God. It is this miserable thing in dealing with wrongs that God has condemned. The work that will meet the mind of the Spirit of God has not yet begun in Battle Creek [Michigan]. When the work of seeking God with all the heart commences, there will be many confessions made that are now buried. I do not at present feel it my duty to confess for those who ought to make, not a general, but a plain, definite confession, and so cleanse the Lord’s institutions from the defilement that has come upon them.” General Conference Daily Bulletin, March 2, 1899.

“It is not yet too late to redeem the neglect of the past. Let there be a renewal of the first love. Search out the ones you have driven away; bind up by confession the wounds you have made. Many have become discouraged in the struggle of life whom one word of kindly cheer and courage would have strengthened to overcome. Come close to the great heart of pitying love, and let the current of that divine compassion flow into your heart and from you to the hearts of others. Never, never become cold, heartless, unsympathetic. Never lose an opportunity to say a word that will encourage hope. We can not tell how far-reaching may be the influence of our words of kindness, our efforts to lighten some burden.” Pacific Union Recorder, April 10, 1902.

Be Reconciled to Thy Brother

“I [Ellen White] am instructed to say that there are sins between man and his God that no other human being need know anything about. If the one on whom such sins rest will make his peace with God, the Lord will forgive him, and the burden will roll off his soul. He will then make confession to his fellow-men, if he has wronged them, and as he confesses, God will be merciful, and will forgive his sin.

“One such confession is an evidence of the presence of the miracle-working power of God, and it leads to other confessions, not general confessions, but confessions of particular wrongs that have existed between brethren. God values above gold or silver the one who makes such a confession. ‘I will make a man more precious than fine gold,’ He says, ‘even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.’ [Isaiah 13:12.]” Ibid., December 1, 1904.

“During the past night I [Ellen White] seemed to be standing before a large company of believers. I was saying to them, Now, at the very beginning of this meeting, is the time for you individually to search your own hearts and discern your individual needs. Have you committed wrongs and concealed them? If so, you have a work of confession to do. You have not to confess the sins of your neighbor or your brother, but you need to come to God in repentance and confession of your own wrong-doing.” Ibid., May 6, 1909.

“A brother said he was laboring to find rest for his soul, but he does not feel free. He said that he had felt an antipathy to a certain brother. He begged his brother to give him his hand and forgive him for his feelings. This confession was well wet down with tears.” Review and Herald, May 4, 1876.

“Now, as the old year is passing away and the new year coming in, is a good time for those who have cherished alienation and bitterness to make confession to one another.” Ibid., December 26, 1882.

An Individual Work

“Are we by repentance and confession sending our sins beforehand to Judgment, that they may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come? This is an individual work,—a work which we cannot safely delay. We should take hold of it earnestly; our salvation depends upon our sincerity and zeal. Let the cry be awakened in every heart, ‘What must I do to be saved?’ ” Ibid., August 28, 1883.

“We each have a work to do that no one can do for us. The Lord would be pleased to see us humble our hearts before him, confessing our sins, and righting every wrong that exists between us and our brethren. There is danger that the adversary will suggest that we need not humble our hearts before God; that we need not make confession to our brethren of the wrongs we have done them in speaking of their faults, magnifying their errors, putting wrong constructions upon their words, and letting into our hearts enmity against them. Some have entertained such feelings. Alienation, prejudice, and jealousy have ruled in hearts, and love for Jesus and for one another has been supplanted by these weeds of Satan’s planting. Brethren, shall we let the enemy triumph by allowing these wrongs to go uncorrected?” Ibid., March 4, 1884.

To be continued . . .

Pastor Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life Ministry and pastor of the Prairie Meadows Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at: or by telephone at: 316-788-5559.