Bible Study Guides – The Holy Spirit, Part II

February 21, 2004 – February 27, 2004

Memory Verse

“For the fruit of the Spirit [is] in all goodness and righteousness and truth.” Ephesians 5:9.

Suggested Reading: Testimonies, vol. 8, 19–23; Steps to Christ, 57–65.


“While the wind is itself invisible, it produces effects that are seen and felt. So the work of the Spirit upon the soul will reveal itself in every act of him who has felt its saving power. When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life. Sinful thoughts are put away, evil deeds are renounced; love, humility, and peace take the place of anger, envy, and strife. Joy takes the place of sadness, and the countenance reflects the light of heaven. No one sees the hand that lifts the burden, or beholds the light descend from the courts above. The blessing comes when by faith the soul surrenders itself to God. Then that power which no human eye can see creates a new being in the image of God.” Maranatha, 70.

1 What must be the experience of one who enters the kingdom of God? John 3:3–6.

note: “Repentance, faith, and baptism are the requisite steps in conversion. . . . As Christians submit to the solemn rite of baptism, He registers the vow that they make to be true to Him. This vow is their oath of allegiance.

“Christ has made baptism the sign of entrance to His spiritual kingdom. He has made this a positive condition with which all must comply who wish to be acknowledged as under the authority of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. . . . Those who are baptized in the threefold name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, at the very entrance of their Christian life declare publicly that they have forsaken the service of Satan and have become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King. . . .

“The obligations in the spiritual agreement entered into at baptism are mutual. As human beings act their part with whole-hearted obedience, they have a right to pray, ‘Let it be known, Lord, that Thou art God in Israel.’ The fact that you have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is an assurance that if you will claim their help, these powers will help you in every emergency.” The Faith I Live By, 145.

2 How willing is the Lord to give us the Holy Spirit? Luke 11:13.

note: “Why do we not hunger and thirst for the gift of the Spirit, since this is the means by which we are to receive power? Why do we not talk of it, pray for it, preach concerning it? The Lord is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to us than parents are to give good gifts to their children. For the baptism of the Spirit every worker should be pleading with God. Companies should be gathered together to ask for special help, for heavenly wisdom, that they may know how to plan and execute wisely.” Testimonies, vol. 8, 22.

3 When the Holy Spirit comes to us, what will He do? John 16:7–10.

note: “It is the Spirit that causes to shine into darkened minds the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness; that makes men’s hearts burn within them with an awakened realization of the truths of eternity; that presents before the mind the great standard of righteousness, and convinces of sin; that inspires faith in Him who alone can save from sin; that works to transform character by withdrawing the affections of men from those things which are temporal and perishable, and fixing them upon the eternal inheritance. The Spirit recreates, refines, and sanctifies human beings, fitting them to become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King.” God’s Amazing Grace, 194.

4 What is the work of the Holy Spirit everywhere in the world? Genesis 6:3. Compare Acts 7:51.

note: “The people of God are to be called out from their association with worldlings and evil-doers, to stand in the battle for the Lord against the powers of darkness. When the earth is lightened with the glory of God, we shall see a work similar to that which was wrought when the disciples, filled with the holy Spirit, proclaimed the power of a risen Saviour. The light of heaven penetrated the darkened minds of those who had been deceived by the enemies of Christ, and the false representation of him was rejected; for through the efficiency of the holy Spirit they now saw him exalted to be a prince and Saviour, to give repentance unto Israel, and remission of sins. They saw him encircled with the glory of heaven, with infinite treasures in his hands to bestow upon those who turn from their rebellion. As the apostles set forth the glory of the only begotten of the Father, 3,000 souls were pricked to the heart, and they were made to see themselves as they were, sinful and polluted, and Christ as their Saviour and Redeemer. Christ was lifted up, Christ was glorified, through the power of the Holy Spirit resting upon men.” The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, vol. 3, 1075.

5 How freely is the Spirit offered to us? John 7:37–39.

note: “As a people, we must prepare the way of the Lord, under the overruling guidance of the Holy Spirit. The gospel is to be given in its purity. The stream of living water is to deepen and widen in its course. In all fields, nigh and afar off, men will be called from the plow and from the more common commercial business vocations that largely occupy the mind, and will be educated in connection with men of experience. As they learn to labor effectively, they will proclaim the truth with power. Through most wonderful workings of divine providence, mountains of difficulty will be removed, and cast into the sea. The message that means so much to the dwellers upon the earth, will be heard and understood. Men will know what is truth. Onward, and still onward the work will advance, until the whole earth shall have been warned. And then shall the end come.” Review and Herald, July 5, 1906.

6 To whom will the Spirit be given? Acts 5:32.

note: “God is no respecter of persons. Those that honor Him He will honor. Of those who obey His commandments it is written, ‘Ye are complete in Him.’ [Colossians 2:10.] They cooperate with Him in the work of soul-saving. God says to them: ‘But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference; and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment spotted with the flesh.’ [Jude 1:20–23.]

“In order to be successful in the service of God, man must be guided by the Holy Spirit. . . . And the one who refuses to unite with Christ, the one who exchanges the pure principles of heaven for the corrupting principles of the world, thus searing his conscience, might better be separated from the work that is to represent in this world God’s justice, mercy, truth, and holiness.” Pacific Union Recorder, May 8, 1902.

7 Who will the Spirit of God lead us to exalt? John 15:26; 16:14, 15.

note: “The Holy Spirit exalts and glorifies the Saviour. It is his office to present Christ, the purity of his righteousness, and the great salvation that we have through him. [John 16:14 quoted.] The Spirit of truth is the only effectual teacher of divine truth. How must God esteem the human race, since he gave his Son to die for them, and appoints his Spirit to be man’s teacher and continual guide.” Steps to Christ, 91.

8 What does the apostle exhort in reference to our receiving the Holy Spirit? Ephesians 5:18.

note: “The heart that has once tasted of the love of Christ, cries out continually for a deeper draft; and as you impart, you will receive in richer and more abundant measure. Every revelation of God to the soul increases the capacity to know and to love. The continual cry of the heart is, More of thee, and ever the Spirit’s answer is, Much more; for our God delights to do ‘exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.’ [Ephesians 3:20.] To Jesus, who emptied himself for the salvation of lost humanity, the Holy Spirit was given without measure. So it will be given to every follower of Christ when the whole heart is surrendered for his indwelling. Our Lord himself has given the command, ‘Be filled with the Spirit’ [Ephesians 5:18], and this command is also a promise of its fulfillment. It was the good pleasure of the Father that in Christ should ‘all the fullness dwell;’ and ‘in him ye are made full.’ [Colossians 1:19.]” Review and Herald, November 5, 1908.

9 What will be received when the Holy Spirit comes into the heart? Acts 1:8; Ephesians 3:14–16.

note: “God desires that the receivers of His grace shall be witnesses to its power. Those whose course has been most offensive to Him He freely accepts; when they repent, He imparts to them His divine Spirit, places them in the highest positions of trust, and sends them forth into the camp of the disloyal to proclaim His boundless mercy.

“Provision is made by God Himself for every soul that turns to the Lord, to receive His immediate cooperation. The Holy Spirit becomes His efficiency.

“It is the Spirit’s power that we need. This can do more for us in one minute than we can ever accomplish by talking.

“Only to those who wait humbly upon God, who watch for His guidance and grace, is the Spirit given. The power of God awaits their demand and reception. This promised blessing, claimed by faith, brings all other blessings in its train.” My Life Today, 47.

10 What is the fruit that we are to bear? Galatians 5:22, 23; Ephesians 5:9.

note: “Shall we consider that we are capable of fashioning our lives and characters to enter into the portals of glory? We cannot do it. We are dependent every moment upon the Spirit of God operating upon us and upon our children. . . .

“Your compassionate Redeemer is watching you in love and sympathy, ready to hear your prayers, and render you the assistance which you need in your life-work. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith and charity are the elements of the Christian character. These precious graces are the fruits of the Spirit. They are the Christian’s crown and shield. . . .

“As you receive the Spirit of Christ, . . . you will grow and bring forth fruit. The graces of the Spirit will ripen in your character. Your faith will increase, your convictions deepen, your love be made perfect. More and more you will reflect the likeness of Christ in all that is pure, noble, and lovely. . . .

“Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own.” Sons and Daughters of God, 32.

11 Against what are we warned? Ephesians 4:29, 30; 1 Thessalonians 5:19.

note: “The work is before us; will we engage in it? We must work fast, we must go steadily forward. We must be preparing for the great day of the Lord. We have no time to lose, no time to be engaged in selfish purposes. The world is to be warned. What are we doing as individuals to bring the light before others? God has left to every man his work; every one has a part to act, and we cannot neglect this work except at the peril of our souls.

“O my brethren, will you grieve the Holy Spirit, and cause it to depart? Will you shut out the blessed Saviour, because you are unprepared for His presence? Will you leave souls to perish without the knowledge of the truth, because you love your ease too well to bear the burden that Jesus bore for you? Let us awake out of sleep. ‘Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour’ (1 Peter 5:8).” Review and Herald, March 22, 1887.

12 What blessings of the Holy Spirit are we promised today? Hosea 6:3; Joel 2:23, 28, 29; Zechariah 10:1.

note: “The Lord did not lock the reservoir of heaven after pouring His Spirit upon the early disciples. We, also, may receive of the fullness of His blessing. Heaven is full of the treasures of His grace, and those who come to God in faith may claim all that He has promised. If we do not have His power, it is because of our spiritual lethargy, our indifference, our indolence. Let us come out of this formality and deadness.” Review and Herald, June 4, 1889.

Bible Study Guides – The Holy Spirit, Part I

February 14, 2004 – February 20, 2004

Memory Verse

“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.” John 14:16.

Suggested Reading: The Desire of Ages, 662–680.


“The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost was the former rain, but the latter rain will be more abundant. The Spirit awaits our demand and reception. Christ is again to be revealed in His fullness by the Holy Spirit’s power. Men will discern the value of the precious pearl, and with the apostle Paul they will say, ‘What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.’ Philippians 3:7, 8.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 121.

1 While in the upper room, what statement concerning Himself did Jesus make to His disciples which caused them sorrow? John 13:33–36.

note: “The disciples could not rejoice when they heard this [that Christ would be departing]. Fear fell upon them. They pressed close about the Saviour. Their Master and Lord, their beloved Teacher and Friend, He was dearer to them than life. To Him they had looked for help in all their difficulties, for comfort in their sorrows and disappointments. Now He was to leave them, a lonely, dependent company. Dark were the forebodings that filled their hearts.” The Desire of Ages, 662.

2 What promise did Jesus give to comfort their troubled hearts? John 14:1–3.

note: “With the deepest interest Jesus poured forth the burden of his soul in words of comfort, of counsel and prayer, which would ever remain imprinted on the minds and hearts of his disciples. These words from the lips of the Saviour, traced by the inspired John in chapters fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen, were repeated again and again by the disciples to stay their sinking hearts in their great disappointment and trial. Not until after the resurrection, however, were the words spoken upon this memorable occasion fully understood and appreciated. But the truths uttered by the Redeemer in that upper chamber have spread from the testimony of the disciples over all lands, and will live through all ages to comfort the hearts of the desponding, and give peace and hope to thousands who believe.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3, 88, 89.

3 What further promise did Jesus make to them? John 14:16–18.

note: “The Comforter that Christ promised to send after He ascended to heaven, is the Spirit in all the fullness of the Godhead, making manifest the power of divine grace to all who receive and believe in Christ as a personal Saviour. There are three living persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ.” Evangelism, 615.

“God does not ask us to do in our own strength the work before us. He has provided divine assistance for all the emergencies to which our human resources are unequal. He gives the Holy Spirit to help in every strait, to strengthen our hope and assurance, to illuminate our minds and purify our hearts.” Testimonies, vol. 8, 19.

4 What did Jesus say the Holy Spirit would do when He comes? John 14:26. Compare Isaiah 59:19.

note: “We need the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit in order to discern the truths in God’s word. The lovely things of the natural world are not seen until the sun, dispelling the darkness, floods them with its light. So the treasures in the word of God are not appreciated until they are revealed by the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness.

“The Holy Spirit, sent from heaven by the benevolence of infinite love, takes the things of God and reveals them to every soul that has an implicit faith in Christ. By His power the vital truths upon which the salvation of the soul depends are impressed upon the mind, and the way of life is made so plain that none need err therein. As we study the Scriptures, we should pray for the light of God’s Holy Spirit to shine upon the word, that we may see and appreciate its treasures.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 113.

5 Of whom will the Spirit testify? John 15:26.

note: “The Spirit is given as a regenerating agency, to make effectual the salvation wrought by the death of our Redeemer. The Spirit is constantly seeking to draw the attention of men to the great offering that was made on the cross of Calvary, to unfold to the world the love of God, and to open to the convicted soul the precious things of the Scriptures.

“Having brought conviction of sin, and presented before the mind the standard of righteousness, the Holy Spirit withdraws the affections from the things of this earth and fills the soul with a desire for holiness. ‘He will guide you into all truth’ (John 16:13), the Saviour declared. If men are willing to be molded, there will be brought about a sanctification of the whole being. The Spirit will take the things of God and stamp them on the soul. By His power the way of life will be made so plain that none need err therein.” The Acts of the Apostles, 52, 53.

6 How will the working of the Holy Spirit affect the world? John 16:7–11.

note: “Angels are helping in this work to restore the fallen and bring them back to the One who has given His life to redeem them, and the Holy Spirit is co-operating with the ministry of human agencies to arouse the moral powers by working on the heart, reproving of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.” Testimonies, vol. 6, 260.

7 What will the Holy Spirit do for the believer? Of whom will the Spirit not speak? John 16:13.

note: “The preaching of the word is of no avail without the presence and aid of the Holy Spirit; for this Spirit is the only effectual teacher of divine truth. Only when the truth is accompanied to the heart by the Spirit, will it quicken the conscience or transform the life. A minister may be able to present the letter of the word of God; he may be familiar with all its commands and promises; but his sowing of the gospel seed will not be successful unless this seed is quickened into life by the dew of heaven. Without the co-operation of the Spirit of God, no amount of education, no advantages, however great, can make one a channel of light. Before one book of the New Testament had been written, before one gospel sermon had been preached after Christ’s ascension, the Holy Spirit came upon the praying disciples.” Gospel Workers, 284.

8 After His resurrection, in what words did Jesus renew to the disciples the promise of the Holy Spirit? John 20:21, 22.

note: “The act of Christ in breathing upon His disciples the Holy Ghost, and in imparting His peace to them, was as a few drops before the plentiful shower to be given on the day of Pentecost. Jesus impressed this fact upon His disciples, that as they should proceed in the work intrusted to them, they would the more fully comprehend the nature of that work, and the manner in which the kingdom of Christ was to be set up on earth. They were appointed to be witnesses for the Saviour; they were to testify what they had seen and heard of His resurrection; they were to repeat the gracious words which proceeded from His lips. They were acquainted with His holy character; He was as an angel standing in the sun, yet casting no shadow. It was the sacred work of the apostles to present the spotless character of Christ to men, as the standard for their lives. The disciples had been so intimately associated with this Pattern of holiness that they were in some degree assimilated to Him in character, and were specially fitted to make known to the world His precepts and example.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3, 243, 244.

9 Just before His ascension, what did Christ bid His disciples to do? Luke 24:49. Of what did Jesus assure the disciples on the day of His ascension? Acts 1:4, 5.

note: “As the disciples returned from Olivet to Jerusalem, the people looked on them, expecting to see on their faces expressions of sorrow, confusion, and defeat; but they saw there gladness and triumph. The disciples did not now mourn over disappointed hopes. They had seen the risen Saviour, and the words of His parting promise echoed constantly in their ears.

“In obedience to Christ’s command, they waited in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father—the outpouring of the Spirit. They did not wait in idleness. The record says that they were ‘continually in the temple, praising and blessing God.’ Luke 24:53. They also met together to present their requests to the Father in the name of Jesus. They knew that they had a Representative in heaven, an Advocate at the throne of God. In solemn awe they bowed in prayer, repeating the assurance, [John 16:23, 24 quoted]. Higher and still higher they extended the hand of faith . . . .

“As the disciples waited for the fulfillment of the promise, they humbled their hearts in true repentance and confessed their unbelief. As they called to remembrance the words that Christ had spoken to them before His death they understood more fully their meaning. Truths which had passed from their memory were again brought to their minds, and these they repeated to one another.” The Acts of the Apostles, 35, 36.

10 Where were the disciples on the day of Pentecost? What was their spiritual condition? Acts 2:1.

note: “For ten days the disciples prayed before the Pentecostal blessing came. It required all that time to bring them to an understanding of what it meant to offer effectual prayer, drawing nearer and nearer to God, confessing their sins, humbling their hearts before God, and by faith beholding Jesus, and becoming changed into His image. When the blessing did come, it filled all the place where they were assembled, and, endowed with power, they went forth to do effectual work for the Master.” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 170.

11 With what outward manifestations was the Holy Spirit bestowed upon the disciples? Acts 2:2–4.

note: “The Holy Ghost assuming the form of tongues of fire divided at the tips, and resting upon those assembled, was an emblem of the gift which was bestowed upon them of speaking with fluency several different languages, with which they had formerly been unacquainted. And the appearance of fire signified the fervent zeal with which they would labor, and the power which would attend their words.

“Under this heavenly illumination, the scriptures which Christ had explained to them, stood forth in their minds with the vivid luster and loveliness of clear and powerful truth. The vail which had prevented them from seeing the end of that which was abolished was now removed, and the object of Christ’s mission and the nature of his kingdom were comprehended with perfect clearness.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3, 266.

12 To what power must we yield to be disciples of the Lord? Romans 8:9, 14.

note: “The Holy Spirit . . . beareth witness with our spirits that we are the children of God. When this witness is borne, it carries with it its own evidence. At such times we believe and are sure that we are the children of God.

“The Lord has fullness of grace to bestow on every one that will receive the heavenly gift. The Holy Spirit will bring the God-entrusted capabilities into Christ’s service, and will mold and fashion the human agent according to the divine Pattern, in proportion as the human agent shall earnestly desire the transformation.

“Those who consent to be led by the Spirit of God will be illuminated and sanctified. They will discern the hatefulness of sin and the beauty of holiness. They will esteem it a great honor to be called the sons of God, knowing that they are wholly unworthy to be associated with Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father. Christ took upon Him our nature, that He might associate us with Himself. He suffered in the flesh . . . that He might bring many sons and daughters to God.

“It is the Spirit that causes to shine into darkened minds the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness; that makes men’s hearts burn within them with an awakened realization of the truths of eternity; that presents before the mind the great standard of righteousness, and convinces of sin; that inspires faith in Him who alone can save from sin; that works to transform character by withdrawing the affections of men from those things which are temporal and perishable, and fixing them upon the eternal inheritance. The Spirit recreates, refines, and sanctifies human beings, fitting them to become members of the royal family, children of the heavenly King.” Sons and Daughters of God, 28.

Bible Study Guides – Personal Victory Through Believing

February 7, 2004 – February 13, 2004

Memory Verse

“What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive [them], and ye shall have [them].” Mark 11:24.

Suggested Reading: Steps to Christ, 115–126; Education, 253–261.


“The greatest victories gained for the cause of God are not the result of labored argument, ample facilities, wide influence, or abundance of means; they are gained in the audience chamber with God, when with earnest, agonizing faith men lay hold upon the mighty arm of power.

“True faith and true prayer—how strong they are! They are as two arms by which the human suppliant lays hold upon the power of Infinite Love. Faith is trusting in God,—believing that He loves us, and knows what is for our best good. Thus, instead of our own way, it leads us to choose His way. In place of our ignorance, it accepts His wisdom; in place of our weakness, His strength; in place of our sinfulness, His righteousness. Our lives, ourselves, are already His; faith acknowledges His ownership, and accepts its blessings. Truth, uprightness, purity, are pointed out as secrets of life’s success. It is faith that puts us in possession of these. Every good impulse or aspiration is the gift of God; faith receives from God the life that alone can produce true growth and efficiency.” Gospel Workers, 259.

1 What is the victory that overcomes the world? 1 John 5:4.

note: “Faith familiarizes the soul with the existence and presence of God, and, living with an eye single to the glory of God, more and more we discern the beauty of His character, the excellence of His grace. Our souls become strong in spiritual power; for we are breathing the atmosphere of heaven, and realizing that God is at our right hand, that we shall not be moved. We are rising above the world, beholding Him who is the chief among ten thousand, the one altogether lovely, and by beholding we are to become changed into His image.” Selected Messages, Book 1, 335.

2 What explanation is given as to what is to be overcome in the world? 1 John 2:16.

note: “Satan is busily at work in our crowded cities. His work is to be seen in the confusion, the strife and discord between labor and capital, and the hypocrisy that has come into the churches. That men may not take time to meditate, Satan leads them into a round of gayety and pleasure-seeking, of eating and drinking. He fills them with ambition to make an exhibition that will exalt self. Step by step, the world is reaching the conditions that existed in the days of Noah. Every conceivable crime is committed. The lust of the flesh, the pride of the eyes, the display of selfishness, the misuse of power, the cruelty, and the force used to cause men to unite with confederacies and unions—binding themselves up in bundles for the burning of the great fires of the last days—all these are the working of Satanic agencies. This round of crime and folly men call ‘life.’ . . .

“The world, who act as though there were no God, absorbed in selfish pursuits, will soon experience sudden destruction, and shall not escape. Many continue in the careless gratification of self until they become so disgusted with life that they kill themselves. Dancing and carousing, drinking and smoking, indulging their animal passions, they go as an ox to the slaughter. Satan is working with all his art and enchantments to keep men marching blindly onward until the Lord arises out of His place to punish the inhabitants of earth for their iniquities, when the earth shall disclose her blood and no more cover her slain. The whole world appears to be in the march to death.” Evangelism, 26.

3 What promise is given to those who pray in faith? Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24.

note: “The faith which brings an answer to our prayers must be based, not on our supposed needs, but on a statement in the word of God where the thing for which we ask is promised to us. The Lord has not pledged Himself to answer every request we may make, but He has promised to fulfill His own word. We must therefore study the scriptures, know what God has promised and the conditions upon which the promise is based, and then ask in faith.” Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, CA, 1912, 23.

4 What is man’s condition by nature? Romans 7:14; John 8:34. Compare Proverbs 5:22.

note: “Oh, how many flatter themselves that they have goodness and righteousness, when the true light of God reveals that all their lives they have only lived to please themselves! Their whole conduct is abhorred of God. How many are alive without the law! In their gross darkness they view themselves with complacency; but let the law of God be revealed to their consciences, as it was to Paul, and they would see that they are sold under sin and must die to the carnal mind. [Romans 7:14.] Self must be slain.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 475.

5 What promise of victory over the powers of darkness was given to the disciples? Luke 9:1. Compare 1 John 4:4.

note: “God calls upon all who will to come and drink of the waters of life freely. The power of God is the one element of efficiency in the grand work of obtaining the victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. It is in accordance with the divine plan that we follow every ray of light given of God. Man can accomplish nothing without God, and God has arranged His plans so as to accomplish nothing in the restoration of the human race without the cooperation of the human with the divine. The part man is required to sustain is immeasurably small, yet in the plan of God it is just that part that is needed to make the work a success.” God’s Amazing Grace, 319.

6 What encouraging report of victory did the 70 disciples who were sent out to witness give? Luke 10:17.

note: “Like the twelve apostles, the seventy disciples whom Christ sent forth later received supernatural endowments as a seal of their mission. When their work was completed, they returned with joy. [Luke 10:17, 18 quoted.]” The Ministry of Healing, 94.

7 In what words did the Saviour give assurance of victory for the future? Luke 10:18–20.

note: “Henceforth Christ’s followers are to look upon Satan as a conquered foe. Upon the cross, Jesus was to gain the victory for them; that victory He desired them to accept as their own. [Luke 10:19 quoted.]

“The omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit is the defense of every contrite soul. No one who in penitence and faith has claimed His protection will Christ permit to pass under the enemy’s power. It is true that Satan is a powerful being; but, thank God, we have a mighty Saviour, who cast out the evil one from heaven. Satan is pleased when we magnify his power. Why not talk of Jesus? Why not magnify His power and His love?” The Ministry of Healing, 94.

8 When an afflicted woman touched the Saviour, what occurred? What question did Jesus ask? What did Jesus say had gone from Him? Luke 8:43–46.

note: “The golden opportunity had come. She [a woman with affliction] was in the presence of the Great Physician! But amid the confusion she could not speak to Him, nor catch more than a passing glimpse of His figure. Fearful of losing her one chance of relief, she pressed forward, saying to herself, ‘If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole.’ As He was passing, she reached forward, and succeeded in barely touching the border of His garment. But in that moment she knew that she was healed. In that one touch was concentrated the faith of her life, and instantly her pain and feebleness gave place to the vigor of perfect health. . . .

“The Saviour could distinguish the touch of faith from the casual contact of the careless throng. Such trust should not be passed without comment. He would speak to the humble woman words of comfort that would be to her a wellspring of joy,—words that would be a blessing to His followers to the close of time.” The Desire of Ages, 343, 344.

9 What comforting words did Jesus speak to the woman? What made her whole? Luke 8:47, 48.

note: “Looking toward the woman, Jesus insisted on knowing who had touched Him. Finding concealment vain, she came forward tremblingly, and cast herself at His feet. With grateful tears she told the story of her suffering, and how she had found relief. Jesus gently said, ‘Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.’ [Luke 8:48.] He gave no opportunity for superstition to claim healing virtue for the mere act of touching His garments. It was not through the outward contact with Him, but through the faith which took hold on His divine power, that the cure was wrought.” The Desire of Ages, 344, 347.

“The wondering crowd that pressed close about Christ realized no accession of vital power. But when the suffering woman put forth her hand to touch Him, believing that she would be made whole, she felt the healing virtue. So in spiritual things. To talk of religion in a casual way, to pray without soul hunger and living faith, avails nothing. A nominal faith in Christ, which accepts Him merely as the Saviour of the world, can never bring healing to the soul. The faith that is unto salvation is not a mere intellectual assent to the truth. He who waits for entire knowledge before he will exercise faith, cannot receive blessing from God. It is not enough to believe about Christ; we must believe in Him. The only faith that will benefit us is that which embraces Him as a personal Saviour; which appropriates His merits to ourselves. Many hold faith as an opinion. Saving faith is a transaction by which those who receive Christ join themselves in covenant relation with God. Genuine faith is life. A living faith means an increase of vigor, a confiding trust, by which the soul becomes a conquering power.” Ibid., 347.

10 When the palsied man was brought before Him, what did Jesus say to him? Luke 5:18–20.

note: “The palsied man had sunk into despair. Then he heard of the works of Jesus. Others, as sinful and helpless as he, had been healed, and he was encouraged to believe that he, too, might be cured if he could be carried to the Saviour. But hope fell as he remembered the cause of his malady, yet he could not cast away the possibility of healing.

“His great desire was relief from the burden of sin. He longed to see Jesus and receive the assurance of forgiveness and peace with heaven. Then he would be content to live or to die, according to God’s will.” The Ministry of Healing, 73, 74.

11 How did Jesus rebuke the unbelief of the Pharisees? Luke 5:21–24.

note: “The rabbis had waited anxiously to see what disposition Christ would make of this case [the palsied man]. They recollected how the man had appealed to them for help, and they had refused him hope or sympathy. Not satisfied with this, they had declared that he was suffering the curse of God for his sins. These things came fresh to their minds when they saw the sick man before them. They marked the interest with which all were watching the scene, and they felt a terrible fear of losing their own influence over the people.” The Desire of Ages, 268.

“The Pharisees were dumb with amazement and overwhelmed with defeat. They saw that here was no opportunity for their jealousy to inflame the multitude. The wonderful work wrought upon the man whom they had given over to the wrath of God had so impressed the people that the rabbis were for the time forgotten. They saw that Christ possessed a power which they had ascribed to God alone; yet the gentle dignity of His manner was in marked contrast to their own haughty bearing. They were disconcerted and abashed, recognizing, but not confessing, the presence of a superior being. The stronger the evidence that Jesus had power on earth to forgive sins, the more firmly they entrenched themselves in unbelief. . . .

“Physical disease, however malignant and deep-seated, was healed by the power of Christ; but the disease of the soul took a firmer hold upon those who closed their eyes against the light. Leprosy and palsy were not so terrible as bigotry and unbelief.” Ibid., 270, 271.

12 What gracious invitation is extended to all the afflicted and oppressed? Matthew 11:28–30.

note: “Wearing Christ’s yoke and learning of Him the lesson of meekness and lowliness, we find rest in faith, and confidence and trust. We find that Christ’s yoke is easy and His burden light.” Testimonies, vol. 9, 124.

Bible Study Guides – Justified by Faith

January 31, 2004 – February 6, 2004

Memory Verse

“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1.

Suggested Reading: Steps to Christ, 57–65; Christ’s Object Lessons, 396–404.


“In order for man to be justified by faith, faith must reach a point where it will control the affections and impulses of the heart; and it is by obedience that faith itself is made perfect.” Faith and Works, 100.

1 How many have sinned? Romans 3:9–19.

note: “Many are deceived concerning the condition of their hearts. They do not realize that the natural heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. They wrap themselves about with their own righteousness, and are satisfied in reaching their own human standard of character; but how fatally they fail when they do not reach the divine standard, and of themselves they cannot meet the requirements of God.

“We may measure ourselves by ourselves, we may compare ourselves among ourselves, we may say we do as well as this one or that one, but the question to which the judgment will call for an answer is, Do we meet the claims of high heaven? Do we reach the divine standard? Are our hearts in harmony with the God of heaven?” Selected Messages, Book 1, 320, 321.

2 What description is given of the natural heart? Jeremiah 17:9.

note: “While professing to be Christians, many have the mold of the world upon them, and their affections are not set upon God. They are double minded, making an attempt to serve God and mammon at the same time; but the world’s Redeemer has declared, ‘Ye cannot serve God and mammon’ (Matthew 6:24). By trying to serve two masters, they are unstable in all their ways, and cannot be depended upon. To all appearances they are serving God, while at the same time in heart they are yielding to the temptation of Satan and cherishing sin. They may speak words that are smoother than oil, yet their hearts are full of deception and deceit in all their practices. Professing to be righteous, yet they have a heart that is desperately wicked.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 938.

3 How is man’s helplessness to change his condition illustrated? Jeremiah 13:23.

note: “If you see your sinfulness, do not wait to make yourself better. How many there are who think they are not good enough to come to Christ. Do you expect to become better through your own efforts? . . . There is help for us only in God. We must not wait for stronger persuasions, for better opportunities, or for holier tempers. We can do nothing for ourselves. We must come to Christ just as we are.

“Yield yourself to Christ without delay; He alone, by the power of His grace, can redeem you from ruin. He alone can bring your moral and mental powers into a state of health. Your heart may be warm with the love of God; your understanding, clear and mature; your conscience, illuminated, quick, and pure; your will, upright and sanctified, subject to the control of the Spirit of God. You can make yourself what you choose. If you will now face rightabout, cease to do evil and learn to do well, then you will be happy indeed; you will be successful in the battles of life, and rise to glory and honor in the better life than this.” The Faith I Live By, 133.

4 What statement of the scriptures denies the possibility of justification by the law? Romans 3:20.

note: “We have transgressed the law of God, and by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified. The best efforts that man in his own strength can make, are valueless to meet the holy and just law that he has transgressed; but through faith in Christ he may claim the righteousness of the Son of God as all-sufficient. Christ satisfied the demands of the law in His human nature. He bore the curse of the law for the sinner, made an atonement for him, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Genuine faith appropriates the righteousness of Christ, and the sinner is made an overcomer with Christ; for he is made a partaker of the divine nature, and thus divinity and humanity are combined.” Selected Messages, Book 1, 363, 364.

5 What garment will be found upon those who are saved? Matthew 22:11; Revelation 19:7, 8.

note: “The white robe of innocence was worn by our first parents when they were placed by God in holy Eden. They lived in perfect conformity to the will of God. All the strength of their affections was given to their heavenly Father. A beautiful soft light, the light of God, enshrouded the holy pair. This robe of light was a symbol of their spiritual garments of heavenly innocence. Had they remained true to God it would ever have continued to enshroud them. But when sin entered, they severed their connection with God, and the light that had encircled them departed. Naked and ashamed, they tried to supply the place of the heavenly garments by sewing together fig leaves for a covering.

“This is what the transgressors of God’s law have done ever since the day of Adam and Eve’s disobedience. They have sewed together fig leaves to cover the nakedness caused by transgression. They have worn the garments of their own devising, by works of their own they have tried to cover their sins, and make themselves acceptable with God.

“But this they can never do. Nothing can man devise to supply the place of his lost robe of innocence. No fig-leaf garment, no worldly citizen dress, can be worn by those who sit down with Christ and angels at the marriage supper of the Lamb.

“Only the covering which Christ Himself has provided can make us meet to appear in God’s presence. This covering, the robe of His own righteousness, Christ will put upon every repenting, believing soul. ‘I counsel thee,’ He says, ‘to buy of Me . . . white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear.’ Revelation 3:18.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 311.

6 What provision has been made for the sinner’s justification? Romans 3:21–26.

note: “Justification from sin is not merely the granting of pardon, or forgiveness. You may pardon a transgression, but not justify the offender. Justification from sin includes all this, and more. It is the accounting just, or righteous, before God of those who are unrighteous. It is a judicial act by which the innocence of the person is fully established. It is even more than this. ‘It is not only forgiveness for sins, but reclaiming from sin.’ [Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 114.] It constitutes a change of standing before God, from a condition of guilt and condemnation to one of perfect and complete righteousness. It is a removal of all guilt, a justification from all sin and uncleanness. It includes complete remission of every sin, and an imputation of the righteousness of Jesus Christ to the penitent believer, so that we stand in the presence of the holy God free from all unrighteousness. This is an act of God alone. He and He alone is the one who justifies. Nothing that man can do can in any way justify a wrong committed. We are justified by faith, and not by works. The sinner believes, and God supplies the fact.” Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, CA, 1912, 21.

7 What did Peter tell those to do who inquired how they might be saved? Acts 2:38; 3:19.

note: “Repent, repent, was the message rung out by John the Baptist in the wilderness. Christ’s message to the people was, ‘Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.’ Luke 13:5. And the apostles were commanded to preach everywhere that men should repent.

“The Lord desires His servants today to preach the old gospel doctrine, sorrow for sin, repentance, and confession. We want old-fashioned sermons, old-fashioned customs, old-fashioned fathers and mothers in Israel. The sinner must be labored for, perseveringly, earnestly, wisely, until he shall see that he is a transgressor of God’s law, and shall exercise repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ.” Evangelism, 179, 180.

8 What gracious promise is given to all who confess their sins? 1 John 1:9.

note: “True confession is always of a specific character, and acknowledges particular sins. They may be of such a nature as to be brought before God only; they may be wrongs that should be confessed to individuals who have suffered injury through them; or they may be of a public character, and should then be as publicly confessed. But all confession should be definite and to the point, acknowledging the very sins of which you are guilty. . . .

“Confession will not be acceptable to God without sincere repentance and reformation. There must be decided changes in the life; everything offensive to God must be put away.” Steps to Christ, 38, 39.

9 How far is the sinner who believes separated from his sins? Psalm 103:12.

note: “Forgiveness has a broader meaning than many suppose. When God gives the promise that He ‘will abundantly pardon,’ He adds, as if the meaning of that promise exceeded all that we could comprehend: ‘My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.’ Isaiah 55:7–9. God’s forgiveness is not merely a judicial act by which He sets us free from condemnation. It is not only forgiveness for sin, but reclaiming from sin. It is the outflow of redeeming love that transforms the heart. David had the true conception of forgiveness when he prayed, ‘Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.’ Psalm 51:10.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 114.

10 How tenderly does the Lord regard the forgiven sinner? Psalm 103:13, 14.

note: “In his restless youth the prodigal looked upon his father as stern and severe. How different his conception of him now! So those who are deceived by Satan look upon God as hard and exacting. They regard Him as watching to denounce and condemn, as unwilling to receive the sinner so long as there is a legal excuse for not helping him. His law they regard as a restriction upon men’s happiness, a burdensome yoke from which they are glad to escape. But he whose eyes have been opened by the love of Christ will behold God as full of compassion. He does not appear as a tyrannical, relentless being, but as a father longing to embrace his repenting son. The sinner will exclaim with the Psalmist, ‘Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear Him.’ Psalm 103:13.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 204.

11 Whom does the Lord justify? What is counted for righteousness? Romans 4:5.

note: “Righteousness is obedience to the law. The law demands righteousness, and this the sinner owes to the law; but he is incapable of rendering it. The only way in which he can attain to righteousness is through faith. By faith he can bring to God the merits of Christ, and the Lord places the obedience of His Son to the sinner’s account. Christ’s righteousness is accepted in place of man’s failure, and God receives, pardons, justifies, the repentant, believing soul, treats him as though he were righteous, and loves him as He loves His Son. This is how faith is accounted righteousness; and the pardoned soul goes on from grace to grace, from light to a greater light. He can say with rejoicing, ‘Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; that being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life’ (Titus 3:5–7).” Selected Messages, Book 1, 367.

12 What is the experience of those who are justified by faith? Romans 5:1.

note: “Christ is ‘the Prince of Peace’ (Isaiah 9:6), and it is His mission to restore to earth and heaven the peace that sin has broken. [Romans 5:1 quoted.] Whoever consents to renounce sin and open his heart to the love of Christ, becomes a partaker of this heavenly peace.

“There is no other ground of peace than this. The grace of Christ received into the heart, subdues enmity; it allays strife and fills the soul with love. He who is at peace with God and his fellow men cannot be made miserable. Envy will not be in his heart; evil surmisings will find no room there; hatred cannot exist. The heart that is in harmony with God is a partaker of the peace of heaven and will diffuse its blessed influence on all around. The spirit of peace will rest like dew upon hearts weary and troubled with worldly strife.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 27, 28.

Food for Life – Green Pea Soup

“Grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables constitute the diet chosen for us by our Creator. These foods, prepared in as simple and natural a manner as possible, are the most healthful and nourishing. They impart a strength, a power of endurance, and a vigor of intellect, that are not afforded by a more complex and stimulating diet.

“But not all foods, wholesome in themselves, are equally suited to our needs under all circumstances. Care should be taken in the selection of food. Our diet should be suited to the season, to the climate in which we live, and to the occupation we follow. Some foods that are adapted for use at one season or in one climate are not suited to another. So there are different foods best suited for persons in different occupations. Often food that can be used with benefit by those engaged in hard physical labor is unsuitable for persons who follow sedentary pursuits. God has given us an ample variety of healthful foods, and each person should choose from it the things that experience and sound judgment prove to be best suited to his own necessities. . . .

“Persons who have accustomed themselves to a rich, highly stimulating diet, have an unnatural taste, and they can not at once relish food that is plain and simple. It will take time for the taste to become natural, and for the stomach to recover from the abuse it has suffered. But those who persevere in the use of wholesome food will, after a time, find it palatable. Its delicate and delicious flavors will be appreciated, and it will be eaten with greater enjoyment than can be derived from unwholesome dainties. And the stomach, in a healthy condition, neither fevered nor overtaxed, can readily perform its task.” Life and Health, July 1, 1905.

Recipe Green Pea Soup

6 cups boiling water

32 oz package frozen green peas

1 medium onion, finely chopped

1 teaspoon garlic powder

2 teaspoons salt (optional)

1 1/2 cups water

3/4 cup raw cashews

Add peas, onion, and seasonings to boiling water. Return to boiling and cook for 2 minutes. Blend cashews in 1 1/2 cups water until very smooth. Blend cooked peas and onion (with water) until creamy. Stir the blended cashews and pea mixture together. Serve immediately.

Happy Cooking!

Submitted by Anna Schultz

A member of the LandMarks editorial staff, Anna Schultz enjoys cooking and trying new recipes in her home near Sedalia, Colorado. She may be contacted by e-mail at:

Ask the Pastor – Make Peace and Create Evil


I have been troubled for some time about Isaiah 45:7, which says, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these [things].” Can you help me understand what this is talking about?


This is one of those texts that, if taken out of context, can be confusing. Isaiah 45 begins with God’s call to Cyrus. Cyrus was the king who invaded Babylon and took the empire from the control of Belshazzar. Although Cyrus was a heathen king, practicing a heathen religion, he was used of God to fulfill His Word. God used this king in spite of his belief structure to accomplish His will in overthrowing Babylon.

The heathen faith of Cyrus was centered in a concept called dualism. That is a belief in which two equal gods—one good, one evil—struggle for the supremacy of the world. This theory is still prevalent today, in many forms, around the world. Many non-Christians still practice the ying/yang, good/evil, and light/darkness as a religion. God, in addressing Cyrus, makes this statement (Isaiah 45:7) about light and darkness and good and evil to let him know that there were not two equal gods warring but that Jehovah was the only God, and He was in charge of the universe.

Jehovah God is responsible for everything that takes place, in the same way that a parent is responsible for what their child does. The parent does not do the evil that the child does, but the ultimate responsibility rests with the parent, by virtue of creation. God created all of His creatures with free will. It was a risk, but that is the only way that freedom could exist. When sin entered, through Adam’s disobedience, God took the responsibility and made possible a way of escape. (See John 3:16.)

As the plan of salvation is fulfilled, it will be shown that God is indeed love. He made Himself vulnerable by taking responsibility for the evil that came into the world. The mind of the Hebrew saw God in this way. Jehovah God was the power and force behind everything that happened.

In the process of all this, Cyrus needed to understand that the false gods of his kingdom were responsible for nothing. God was responsible for everything. The worlds hung in space by His Word. The light and the darkness were not the result of a war between rival gods, but God was responsible for it all. God took the blame for the evil as well as the good, but He was not the author of evil. Evil existed because of freedom gone awry.

God wanted Cyrus to understand that Someone greater than the gods of his kingdom was in control, and it was God’s plan that good should prevail, not evil. Notice verse 8 of this chapter: “Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it.”

The Bible holds all the answers, which will clarify any questions, if we will just study things through by first starting with the immediate context and then incorporating our understanding of the plan of salvation. I hope that this has helped you in your quest for greater understanding of God’s Word.

Pastor Mike Baugher is Associate Speaker for Steps to Life Ministry. If you have a question you would like Pastor Mike to answer, e-mail it to:, or mail it to: LandMarks, P. O. Box 782828, Wichita, KS 67278.

Restoring the Temple – Combating Food Cravings

According to a survey published in the book Food Cravings (Lisa Shock, Apple Publishing Company Limited, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1999), food cravings plague 97 percent of women and 68 percent of men. Women suffer more with this disorder than men. Often women will experience food cravings during their menstrual cycle, premenstrual syndrome, menopause, and pregnancy.

Food cravings manifest themselves in many forms, with foods such as chocolate, French fries, potato chips, sour pickles, pizza, ice cream, and alcoholic beverages. These forms indicate different deficiencies in the body. A person may also crave dirt or sand, which indicates a mineral deficiency.

Cravings are triggered by many different things, including depression, anxiety, chemical imbalances, and pregnancy. The main trigger of cravings is stress. Understanding the causes of these cravings will assist a great deal in the process of eliminating them. The body and the mind work together to keep the body healthy and to preserve life.

Food cravings are misguided attempts to restore balance to the body. When one craves starches, it indicates that the brain is low in serotonin. The most common cause for low serotonin is low blood sugar levels, which causes the body to crave starches or sugars. Most sweets and non-complex starches are what we call devitalized foods. Such foods do not provide the body with the necessary nutrients it needs, thus causing the craving to continue even stronger than before. Fiberless foods cause many diseases.

A deficiency of essential fatty acids is often the source of a fat craving. Parasite problems are common with fat cravings also. Parasites have numerous methods of creating food cravings to keep themselves fed. Their favorite foods are fats, sugars, and proteins. Tapeworms absorb vitamin B-12, gradually causing B-12 deficiency. When protein is craved, there may be problems with parasites. Protein craving can also result from protein deficiency. A sour food craving indicates a chemical imbalance, requiring a neutralization of acids in the body. This begins with over-consumption of acid-forming foods. When the body is more alkaline, sour food cravings will not occur. Last, but not least, is the craving for caffeine, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco. These substances rob the body of different nutrients, leaving it deficient.

Is there help for this disorder? Oh, yes! There is help through the use of the Eight Doctors that make house calls. These doctors will help to check all compulsory-eating habits, because they lead to emotional or physiological needs. This is usually filled by food cravings. The doctors will help to re-educate our minds; we cannot do it by ourselves; we need help from above. The first doctor is trust in God. The second is to obtain some negative ions from fresh air. The third is daily exercise that will keep the blood circulating. The fourth is sunshine, which makes rosy cheeks and disinfects. The fifth is proper rest that produces hormones. The sixth is the use of lots of water—both internally and externally—that assists in the revitalization of the body. The seventh is controlling yourself in all things; and the eighth is following the diet that man was given by the Designer of good nutrition. Following these doctors, you will no longer be a slave to food cravings, but you will have victory in Christ Jesus the Lord!

LaVerne Jackson is Associate Director and Business Manager of Missionary Education and Evangelistic Training (M.E.E.T.) Ministry in Huntingdon, Tennessee. She has a Masters Degree in Nutrition and is a Nutritional Consultant. She has been in Medical Missionary work for over 25 years. She may be contacted by e-mail at: or by telephone at: 731-986-3518.

Preparing for the Latter Rain, Part IV

In this parallel, we will study the fourth event in the ministry of Jesus that the Spirit of Prophecy states has a parallel with the second advent movement. Mark gives us this account of the event: “On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. And as he taught them, he said, ‘Is it not written: “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations”? But you have made it “a den of robbers.” ’ The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him . . . .” Mark 11:15–18, NIV.

The Spirit of Prophecy gives the following appraisal of the situation: “At the close of His [Jesus’] mission He came again to the temple, and found it still desecrated as before. The condition of things was even worse than before.” The Desire of Ages, 589.

It is clear from this statement that the ministry of Jesus had no positive effect on the attitude of the priests, rulers, and people. The condition of the church was even worse at the close of His ministry. “In place of humble repentance of sin, they had multiplied the sacrifice of beasts . . . . He knew that His blood, so soon to be shed for the sins of the world, would be as little appreciated by the priests and elders as was the blood of beasts which they kept incessantly flowing.” Ibid., 590.

No Concept

The priests and elders had no concept of Jesus’ mission to cleanse the heart from sin through the shedding of His blood. They did not perceive the deep spiritual significance of the sacrificial system they themselves were administering.

“He knew that His efforts to reform a corrupt priesthood would be in vain; nevertheless His work must be done; to an unbelieving people the evidence of His divine mission must be given.” Ibid.

It is interesting to note that Jesus did not expect any repentance or conversion on the part of the corrupt priesthood. They had gone so far in unbelief that they could not recognize the evidence that Jesus was the Lamb of God. But the evidence of His divine mission to cleanse their hearts from sin must be given to the people one last time.

We may ask ourselves, “How can such an event as this ever have a parallel in the second advent movement?” Let’s go back to a reference we studied earlier concerning the first parallel.

“When Jesus began His public ministry, He cleansed the temple from its sacrilegious profanation. Almost the last act of His ministry was to cleanse the temple again. So in the last work for the warning of the world, two distinct calls are made to the churches; the second angel’s message [Revelation 14:8], and the voice heard in heaven, ‘Come out of her, my people, . . . for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.’ [Revelation 18:4, 5.]” Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, vol. 2, 725, 726.

A similar statement is recorded in the December 6, 1892, issue of the Review and Herald: “When Jesus began His public ministry, He cleansed the temple from its sacrilegious profanation. Among the last acts of His ministry was the second cleansing of the temple. So in the last work for the warning of the world, two distinct calls are made to the churches. The second angel’s message is, ‘Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.’ [Revelation 14:8.] And in the loud cry of the third angel’s message, a voice is heard from heaven, ‘Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.’ [Revelation 18:4, 5.]”

Two Distinct Calls

In these two references, we are told that “two distinct calls” are made to the churches in the second advent movement and that they are parallel to the two cleansings of the temple.

The first distinct call:

  1. is the second angel’s message—Revelation 14:8.
  2. was given in the summer and fall of 1844.
  3. was given because the churches rejected the first angel’s message.
  4. is a parallel to the first cleansing of the temple.

The second distinct call:

  1. is the message of Revelation 18:1–5.
  2. is still future.
  3. will be given because the churches reject the third angel’s message.
  4. is parallel to the second cleansing of the temple.

A pathetic summary of the first advent movement is given in the following reference: “At the beginning of His ministry, Christ had driven from the temple those who defiled it by their unholy traffic . . . . At the close of His mission He came again to the temple, and found it still desecrated as before. The condition of things was even worse than before.” The Desire of Ages, 589.

Following are two solemn parallel statements that summarize the condition of the churches at the end of the second advent movement:

“This scripture [Revelation 18:1, 2, 4] points forward to a time when the announcement of the fall of Babylon, as made by the second angel of Revelation 14 (verse 8), is to be repeated, with the additional mention of the corruptions which have been entering the various organizations that constitute Babylon, since that message was first given, in the summer of 1844.” The Great Controversy, 603.

Here, again, we are given a picture of churches that are getting worse, during the time of the third angel’s message, even with the abundant availability of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.

“A terrible condition of the religious world is here described. With every rejection of truth the minds of the people will become darker, their hearts more stubborn, until they are entrenched in an infidel hardihood. In defiance of the warnings which God has given, they will continue to trample upon one of the precepts of the Decalogue . . . . Christ is set at nought in the contempt placed upon His word and His people.” Ibid.

We see that as Jesus was unable to prevent the church from worsening, while He ministered to them, so the great proliferation of the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy is unable to prevent the church in the second advent movement from following the same path as the first advent church. Just as the priests and elders set about to kill Jesus when He cleansed the temple the second time, so in the second advent movement, Christ is set at nought in the contempt placed upon His Word by the ministers and people.

The Second Distinct Call

The next few statements are very clear as to the time when the second cleansing of the churches will take place in the second advent movement. This is called the “second distinct call.” We find eight more phrases in the Spirit of Prophecy that refer to this event. Four of these are found in this next reference.

“God still has a people in Babylon; and before the visitation of His judgments these faithful ones must be called out . . . . Hence the movement symbolized by the angel coming down from heaven, lightening the earth with his glory and crying mightily with a strong voice, announcing the sins of Babylon. In connection with his message the call is heard: ‘Come out of her, My people.’ These announcements, uniting with the third angel’s message, constitute the final warning to be given to the inhabitants of the earth.” Ibid., 604.

The announcements that unite with the third angel’s message are referred to in a later reference as “the loud cry of the third angel.”

“Revelation 18 points to the time when, as the result of rejecting the threefold warning of Revelation 14:6–12, the church will have fully reached the condition foretold by the second angel, and the people of God still in Babylon will be called upon to separate from her communion. This message is the last that will ever be given to the world.” Ibid., 390.

Just as Jesus cleansed the temple a second time to remind the people that it was His work to remove sin from the heart, so the final call to come out of Babylon and to separate from her sins is the last message that will ever be given to the world.

“The latter rain is to fall upon the people of God. A mighty angel is to come down from heaven, and the whole earth is to be lightened with his glory.” Review and Herald, April 21, 1891.

In this reference, we see that the latter rain is during the time when the mighty angel of Revelation 18:1, 2 comes down from heaven and the time when the second cleansing takes place. Two more phrases are used in this next reference.

“I asked what had made this great change. An angel answered, ‘It is the latter rain, the refreshing from the presence of the Lord, the loud cry of the third angel.’ ” Early Writings, 271.

We find one more descriptive phrase in the following reference.

“ ‘The commencement of that time of trouble,’ here mentioned, does not refer to the time when the plagues shall begin to be poured out, but to a short period just before they are poured out, while Christ is in the sanctuary. . . . At that time the ‘latter rain,’ or refreshing from the presence of the Lord, will come, to give power to the loud voice of the third angel.” Ibid., 85, 86.

This statement reveals that this short time of trouble is associated with the latter rain that occurs just before probation closes. This short time of trouble intensifies into the time of trouble when the plagues are being poured out following the close of probation.

Time Period of Second Cleansing

We see, now, that there are nine terms that all apply to the time period of the second cleansing of the churches just before probation closes. Let’s review them.

  1. The second “distinct call.”
  2. The angel coming down from heaven.
  3. The call to “Come out of her, My people.”
  4. “The final warning.”
  5. The last message to the world.
  6. The latter rain.
  7. The refreshing from the presence of the Lord.
  8. The loud cry of the third angel.
  9. A short time of trouble.

I am not aware of another event leading up to the close of probation that receives as much attention in the Spirit of Prophecy as the warning to the world of the second cleansing of the second advent churches.

We have already seen that these nine phrases refer to the time just before the close of probation, and accordingly, they have been placed in that position on the time line. Notice that this fourth parallel is the last event before the close of probation.

Two Groups

The references in the Ellen G. White 1888 Materials and the Review and Herald of December 6, 1892, both say that the two distinct calls are the last work for the warning of the world. At the time of the second cleansing of the churches, that is, during the latter rain, there are only two groups left in the world—the faithful people of God and all the rest who have rejected God’s grace. When the latter rain begins, denominational distinctions such as Protestants, Catholics, Seventh-day Adventists or independent Seventh-day Adventists become meaningless. These two groups are clearly defined in the following references.

“Servants of God . . . will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will be given. . . . Satan also works with lying wonders, even bringing down fire from heaven in the sight of men. Revelation 13:13. Thus the inhabitants of the earth will be brought to take their stand.” The Great Controversy, 612.

“Every man will be tested. Obedience or disobedience is the question to be decided by the whole world. All will be called to choose between the law of God and laws of men. Here the dividing line will be drawn. There will be but two classes. Every character will be fully developed; and all will show whether they have chosen the side of loyalty or that of rebellion.” The Desire of Ages, 763.

“The Sabbath will be the great test of loyalty, for it is the point of truth especially controverted. When the final test shall be brought to bear upon men, then the line of distinction will be drawn between those who serve God and those who serve Him not.” The Great Controversy, 605.

The Sabbath will be the great test of loyalty. It will be the point of truth that will draw the line of distinction between these two groups shown on the chart. This is the period of time in which the second cleansing of the churches takes place.

We listed nine terms that apply to this same time period. One of the phrases used was the call to “Come out of her [Babylon], My people.” Revelation 18:4. From this, we know that the disobedient group is also called Babylon.

The Laodicean Church

There remains a group of people who do not fit into either of these two groups; that is, they do not fit with the obedient people of God nor are they called Babylon. The Bible and Spirit of Prophecy identify them as the Laodicean church.

“I was shown that the testimony to the Laodiceans applies to God’s people at the present time, and the reason it has not accomplished a greater work is because of the hardness of their hearts. . . . The heart must be purified from sins which have so long shut out Jesus.” Testimonies, vol. 1, 186.

We need to understand that Laodiceans are Seventh-day Adventists who have rejected the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy counsel to put away sin and come into unity with Christ during the time of the second and third parallels in the second advent movement. The third parallel is still being acted out at the present time. These Laodicean Seventh-day Adventists, because they fail to meet the conditions, are included with the disobedient group.

Come Out of Babylon

We must realize that the call to come out of Babylon does not go to Seventh-day Adventists. There are two reasons:

  1. Those who have rejected the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy are not called Babylon; they are called Laodicea, so the call is not for them.
  2. The call goes only to those who have not heard and rejected the Three Angels’ Messages.

The next two statements provide some important information concerning this subject.

“The light that was shed upon the waiting ones penetrated everywhere, and those in the churches who had any light, who had not heard and rejected the three messages, obeyed the call and left the fallen churches. . . . Some chose life and took their stand with those who were looking for their Lord and keeping all His commandments.” Early Writings, 278.

Notice, the call to come out of Babylon is for those “who had not heard and rejected” the Three Angels’ Messages. They now leave the fallen churches (Babylon) and join with those who are keeping all the commandments, those who have put away every sin and have received the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the latter rain.

Put Away Every Sin

We see, in this next reference, a hopeless situation for those who reject the counsel in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy requiring them to put away sin and unite with Christ at the center of the church.

“The time of God’s destructive judgments is the time of mercy for those who have no opportunity to learn what is truth. . . . His hand is still stretched out to save, while the door is closed to those who would not enter. Large numbers will be admitted who in these last days hear the truth for the first time.” Review and Herald, July 5, 1906.

This statement makes it clear that the character preparation to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit ends when the latter rain begins for those who have heard the Three Angels’ Messages. They have either completed that preparation by accepting and obeying the instruction in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy to put away sin and come into unity, or they have rejected it. If they are living in obedience to this counsel, they now receive the Holy Spirit and go forward, calling a people out of Babylon. If they have rejected this counsel, they remain as Laodiceans, and their probation is now closed. We will study the instruction concerning this preparation in greater detail in the next parallel.

Dear people of God, do you want to be among the “servants of God” during this final warning? Then we must obey the instructions of the early rain character preparation that we might receive the Holy Spirit when the latter rain begins. It is impossible to be a “servant of God” during the latter rain and still have one sin remaining in the life. You cannot call people out of sin if you are in sin yourself. We must put away every sin now. Then we can be among the servants of God who hasten from place to place to give the final warning.

God has given us clear instruction as to what we must do to prepare our hearts for the final outpouring of His Spirit. In our next study, we will review God’s instruction in reference to the early rain character preparation that is needed if we would receive the latter rain.

To be continued . . .

Maurice Hoppe is Director of Revelation Ministry, which is dedicated to helping people prepare for the soon coming of Jesus. His special emphasis is the closing scenes of this earth’s history, the parallels between the first and second advents, and the need for unity among the people of God. He may be contacted by e-mail at:, or at: P. O. Box 184, Days Creek, OR 97429.

The Pen of Inspiration – Was the Blessing Cherished?

Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, and a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient; whereunto also they were appointed. But ye are a chosen a generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” [1 Peter 2:7–9.]

These words apply to every one to whom the Holy Spirit was manifested, and who appreciated its light. But there is a great work for those who have been illuminated to do for the Master. “Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While ye have the light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them.” [John 12:35, 36.] In order to increase our spiritual endowment, it is necessary to walk in the light. In view of the event of Christ’s soon coming, we must vigilantly be working to prepare our own souls, to keep our own lamps trimmed and burning, and to urge upon others the necessity of getting ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. Watching and working must go together; faith and works must be united, or our characters will not be symmetrical and well-balanced, perfect in Christ Jesus. Should we give our lives up to prayerful meditation, our lights would grow dim, for light is given to us that we may impart it to others, and the more we impart light, the brighter our own light will become. If there is any one thing in the world in which we may manifest enthusiasm, it may be manifested in seeking the salvation of the souls for whom Christ died. Work of this kind will not cause us to neglect personal piety. The exhortation is given for us to be “not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.”

To have an eye single to the glory of God means to have singleness of purpose, to show forth the work that has been wrought in your heart, that subdues your will to the will of God, and brings into captivity every thought to the glory of God. The world has been looking upon you to see what would be the after-influence of the work of revival that came to the College, the Sanitarium, the Office of publication, and to the members of the church in Battle Creek [Michigan]. What testimony have you borne in your daily life and character? God expected you all to do your best, not to please, amuse, and glorify yourselves, but to honor him in all your ways, returning unto him according to the light and privileges that he had given you through the endowment of his grace. He expected you to testify before heavenly intelligences, and to be living witnesses to the world, of the power of the grace of Christ. The Lord tested you, to see if you would treat his rich blessing as a cheap, light matter, or regard it as a rich treasure to be handled with reverent awe. If all had treated the gift of God in this manner,—for the work was of God,—then, according to the measure of each one’s responsibility, the grace given would have been doubled, as were the talents of him who traded diligently with his lord’s money.

God has been testing the fidelity of his people, proving them to see what use they would make of his intrusted precious blessing. This blessing came from our Intercessor and Advocate in the heavenly courts; but Satan was ready to enter any avenue that was open for him, in order that he might turn the light and blessing into darkness and cursing. How may the blessing be turned into a curse? By persuading the human agent not to cherish the light, or not to reveal to the world that it has been effective in transforming the character. Imbued with the Holy Spirit, the human agent consecrates himself to co-operate with divine agencies. He bears the yoke of Christ, lifts his burdens, and works in Christ’s line to gain precious victories. He walks in the light as Christ is in the light. The scripture is fulfilled to him, “We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” [11 Corinthians 3:18.]

Another year has now passed into eternity with its burden of record; and the light which shone from heaven upon you was to prepare you to arise and shine, to show forth the praises of God to the world as his commandment-keeping people. You were to be living witnesses; but if no special endeavor of a high and holy character bears testimony before the world, if no higher effort has been made than that which is seen in the popular churches of the day, then the name of God has not been honored, and his truth has not been magnified before the world, by presenting divine credentials in the people who have received great light. If they have had no greater appreciation of the manifest power of God than to eat and drink, and rise up to play, as did ancient Israel, then how can the Lord trust his people with rich and gracious manifestations? If they act directly contrary in almost every respect to the known will of God, and are found in carelessness, in levity, in selfishness, in ambition and pride, corrupting their way before the Lord, how can he give them another outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

God has the richest blessing for his people; but he cannot bestow it until they know how to treat the precious gift in showing forth the praises of Him who has called them out of darkness into his marvelous light. “Wherefore, seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” [Hebrews 12:1, 2.] A portion of the joy which was set before Christ, was the joy of seeing his truth armed with the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit, impressing his image upon the life and character of his followers

Divine intelligences co-operate with human agencies as they seek to magnify the law and make it honorable. The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. [Psalm 19:7.] It is in the converted soul that the world sees a living testimony. Then shall the Lord of heaven have room to work? Shall he find a place in the hearts of those who claim to believe the truth? Shall his pure, disinterested benevolence meet with a response from the human agent? Shall the world see a display of the glory of Christ in the characters of those who profess to be his disciples? Shall Christ be favored and glorified in seeing his own sympathy and love pouring forth in streams of goodness and truth from his human agents? In implanting his gospel in the heart, he is pouring out the resources of heaven for the blessing of the world. “We are laborers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” [1 Corinthians 3:9.]

What has the rich blessing of God done for those who were humble and contrite in heart to receive it? Has the blessing been cherished? Have the receivers been showing forth the praises of Him who has called them out of darkness into his marvelous light? There are some who are already questioning the work that was so good, and that should have been most highly appreciated. They are looking upon it as a certain species of fanaticism. It would be surprising if there were not some, who, not being well-balanced in mind, have spoken and acted indiscreetly; for whenever and wherever the Lord works in giving a genuine blessing, a counterfeit is also revealed, in order to make of none effect the true work of God. Therefore we need to be exceedingly careful, and walk humbly before God, that we may have spiritual eyesalve that we may distinguish the working of the Holy Spirit of God from the working of that spirit that would bring in wild license and fanaticism. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” [Matthew 7:20.] Those who are really beholding Christ will be changed into his image, even by the Spirit of the Lord, and will grow up to the full stature of men and women in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit of God will inspire men with love and purity; and refinement will be manifest in their characters.

But because some have misappropriated the rich blessing of heaven, shall others deny that Jesus, the Saviour of the world, has passed through our churches, and that to bless? Let not doubt and unbelief question this; for in so doing, you are treading on dangerous ground. God has given the Holy Spirit to those who have opened the door of their hearts to receive the heavenly gift. But let them not yield to the temptation afterward to believe that they have been deceived. Let them not say, “Because I feel darkness, and am oppressed with doubt, and never saw Satan’s power so manifest as now, therefore I was mistaken.” I warn you to be careful. Sow not one expression of doubt. God has wrought for you, bringing sound doctrines of truth into actual contact with the heart. Blessing was given you, that it might produce fruit in sound practices and upright characters.

The sin for which Christ reproved Chorazin and Bethsaida was the sin of rejecting evidence that would have convinced them of the truth, had they yielded to its power. The sin of the scribes and Pharisees was the sin of placing the heavenly work which had been wrought before them, in the darkness of unbelief, so that the evidence which should have led them into a settled faith was questioned, and the sacred things which should have been cherished were regarded as of no value. I fear that the people have permitted the enemy to work along these very lines, so that the good which emanated from God, the rich blessing which he has given, have come to be regarded by some as fanaticism. If this attitude is preserved, then when the Lord shall again let his light shine upon the people, they will turn from the heavenly illumination, saying, “I felt the same in 1893, and some in whom I have had confidence, said that the work was fanaticism.” Will not those who have received the rich grace of God, and who take the position that the working of the Holy Spirit was fanaticism, be ready to denounce the operations of the Spirit of God in the future, and the heart thus be proof against the solicitations of the still, small voice? The love of Jesus may be presented to those who thus barricade themselves against it, and exercise no constraining power upon them. The riches of the grace of heaven may be bestowed and yet rejected, instead of being cherished and gratefully recognized. With the heart men did believe unto righteousness, and for a time confession was made unto salvation; but, sad to relate, the receiver did not co-operate with heavenly intelligences, and cherish the light by working the works of righteousness.

Review and Herald, February 6, 1894.

Ellen G. White (1827–1915) wrote more than 5,000 periodical articles and 40 books during her lifetime. Today, including compilations from her 50,000 pages of manuscript, more than 100 titles are available in English. She is the most translated woman writer in the entire history of literature, and the most translated American author of either gender. Seventh-day Adventists believe that Mrs. White was appointed by God as a special messenger to draw the world’s attention to the Holy Scriptures and help prepare people for Christ’s second advent.

Nature Nugget – Crocodilian Watchcare

Crocodilians, of which there are 23 species, are found in 91 countries of the world and are divided into three families: Alligatoridae (alligators and caimans), Crocodylidae (crocodiles), and Gavialidae (Gharials). All crocodilians are carnivores, feeding on a variety of carrion and live prey. The crocodiles have buccal, salt-secreting glands, which allow them to live in brackish environments and tolerate seawater for periods of time.

The American Alligator is found in freshwater lakes, rivers, swamps, and occasionally brackish water in North America from the Atlantic coastal plain of the Carolinas south to southern Florida and west on the Gulf coastal plain to south Texas. They can attain weights over 600 pounds and measure as much as 19 feet in length. Despite their large size and short legs, they can run up to 30 M.P.H. for a short distance.

The American Crocodile inhabits freshwater rivers and lakes and brackish coastal habitats such as tidal estuaries, lagoons, and mangrove swamps from southern Florida to northern South America. They feed primarily at night on aquatic organisms such as fish, crabs, turtles, and on birds. Their length measures between 19 and 23 feet.

Found throughout most of Africa and Madagascar and until recently Israel, the Nile Crocodile inhabits rivers, lakes, freshwater swamps, and brackish water. Fish and other small vertebrates form the greatest part of their diet, but as adults, they can take antelope, buffalo, young hippos, and large cats. Nile Crocodiles reportedly reach over 19 feet in length and have a confirmed reputation as man-eaters.

The largest living crocodile of them all and largest living reptile on earth is the Saltwater Crocodile, which has been confirmed to reach 20.7 feet and weigh over 1.5 tons. Salties, as they are called, are found from coastal east India to Southeast Asia and southeast through the Indonesian Islands to Papua, New Guinea, and northern Australia. They inhabit brackish water areas of coastlines and river mouths, freshwater rivers, billabongs, and swamps. Having a high tolerance of salinity has enabled the saltie to travel long distances by sea to populate islands. Feeding on crustaceans, turtles, monitor lizards, snakes, fish, and birds, they occasionally take buffalo, domestic livestock, wild boar, and monkeys. They also have a reputation as a man-eater.

Most crocodilians lay their eggs in holes in sand banks where the sun will incubate them or in mounds they build out of vegetation and mud, which act as compost piles and produce heat to incubate the eggs. Most crocodilian females are extraordinary parents. After laying their eggs they stay close by to guard the nest against predators. When the eggs are ready to hatch, the young start chirping, which signals the female to dig them up. Gently she takes each one in her dangerously toothy mouth and transports them safely to the water. The young stay close to and are guarded by the female for up to two years.

Just as the eggs and young of the crocodilians are under impressive, toothy watchcare, more so are those who serve Christ under His mighty watchcare. “Those who follow Christ are ever safe under His watchcare. Angels that excel in strength are sent from Heaven to protect them. The wicked one cannot break through the guard which God has stationed about His people.” The Great Controversy, 517. “How graciously and tenderly our heavenly Father deals with His children! He preserves them from a thousand dangers to them unseen and guards them from the subtle arts of Satan, lest they should be destroyed.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 373.

David Arbour writes from his home in DeQueen, Arkansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at: