Bible Study Guides – Beware of Stubbornness!

August 21 – 27 

Key Text

“Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him” (Psalm 2:11, 12).

 Study Help: Patriarchs and Prophets, 617–622.


“When the appeals of the Holy Spirit come to the heart, our only safety lies in responding to them without delay. … It is unsafe to delay obedience. You may never hear the invitation again.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 281.


  •  How did God talk to the king of Egypt? Exodus 5:1; 6:10, 11.

Note: “God spoke to the Egyptian king by the mouth of Moses, giving him the most striking evidences of divine power; but the monarch stubbornly refused the light which would have brought him to repentance. God did not send a supernatural power to harden the heart of the rebellious king, but as Pharaoh resisted the truth, the Holy Spirit was withdrawn, and he was left to the darkness and unbelief which he had chosen.” The Review and Herald, June 20, 1882.

  • Did God expect Pharaoh to listen? Exodus 3:19.

Note: “God speaks to men through His servants, giving cautions and warnings, and rebuking sin. He gives to each an opportunity to correct his errors before they become fixed in the character; but if one refuses to be corrected, divine power does not interpose to counteract the tendency of his own action. He finds it more easy to repeat the same course. He is hardening the heart against the influence of the Holy Spirit. A further rejection of light places him where a far stronger influence will be ineffectual to make an abiding impression.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 268.


  •  What was Pharaoh’s initial response to God? Exodus 5:2.

Note: “The seeds of rebellion that he [Pharaoh] sowed when he rejected the first miracle produced their harvest. As he continued to venture on in his own course, going from one degree of stubbornness to another, his heart became more and more hardened, until he was called to look upon the cold, dead faces of the firstborn.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 268.

  • How persistent was God in talking to Pharaoh? Exodus 7:15–18; 8:1, 2, 20, 21; 9:1–3; 13; 10:3, 4. Who encouraged Pharaoh to listen to God? Exodus 8:19; 10:7.

Note: “The Lord gave him [Pharaoh] evidence of His power by working signs and miracles before him. The great I AM acquainted Pharaoh with His mighty works, showing him that He was the ruler of heaven and earth, but the king chose to defy the God of heaven. He would not consent to break his proud, stubborn heart even before the King of kings, that he might receive the light; for he was determined to have his own way and work out his rebellion. He chose to do his own will and set aside the command of God, and the very evidence given him that Jehovah was above all the gods of the nations, above all the wise men and magicians, only served to blind his mind and harden his heart.” Conflict and Courage, 89.

  • What would God have done if Pharaoh had repented? 2 Peter 3:9.

Note: “Had Pharaoh accepted the evidence of God’s power given in the first plague, he would have been spared all the judgments that followed. But his determined stubbornness called for still greater manifestations of the power of God, and plague followed plague, until at last he was called to look upon the dead face of his own firstborn, and those of his kindred; while the children of Israel, whom he had regarded as slaves, were unharmed by the plagues, untouched by the destroying angel. God made it evident upon whom rested His favor, who were His people.” Conflict and Courage, 89.


  •  What warning should we take from Pharaoh’s refusal to listen to God? Hebrews 3:12, 13.

Note: “He who has once yielded to temptation will yield more readily the second time. Every repetition of the sin lessens his power of resistance, blinds his eyes, and stifles conviction. Every seed of indulgence sown will bear fruit. God works no miracle to prevent the harvest. ‘Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap’ (Galatians 6:7). He who manifests an infidel hardihood, a stolid indifference to divine truth, is but reaping the harvest of that which he has himself sown. It is thus that multitudes come to listen with stoical indifference to the truths that once stirred their very souls. They sowed neglect and resistance to the truth, and such is the harvest which they reap.

“Those who are quieting a guilty conscience with the thought that they can change a course of evil when they choose, that they can trifle with the invitations of mercy, and yet be again and again im-pressed, take this course at their peril. They think that after casting all their influence on the side of the great rebel, in a moment of utmost extremity, when danger compasses them about, they will change leaders. But this is not so easily done. The experience the education, the discipline of a life of sinful indulgence, has so thoroughly molded the character that they cannot then receive the image of Jesus. … Mercy might interpose and give them an opportunity to accept her overtures; but after light has been long rejected and despised, it will be finally withdrawn.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 268, 269.

“One cherished sin will, little by little, debase the character, bringing all its nobler powers into subjection to the evil desire. The removal of one safeguard from the conscience, the indulgence of one evil habit, one neglect of the high claims of duty, breaks down the defenses of the soul and opens the way for Satan to come in and lead us astray.” Conflict and Courage, 114.

  • If we realize we have the spirit of Pharaoh, what must we do? Isaiah 27:5.

Note: “Every provision has been made for our infirmities, every encouragement offered us to come to Christ.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 156.


  •  In the end, why did Pharaoh do what God had asked? Exodus 12:30–32.
  • Whom did God intend to benefit by His messages to Pharaoh? Exodus 3:19, 20.

Note: “ ‘For this cause have I raised thee up, for to show in thee My power’ (Exodus 9:16). Not that God had given [Pharaoh] an existence for this purpose, but His providence had overruled events to place him upon the throne at the very time appointed for Israel’s deliverance. Though this haughty tyrant had by his crimes forfeited the mercy of God, yet his life had been preserved that through his stubbornness the Lord might manifest His wonders in the land of Egypt. The disposing of events is of God’s providence. He could have placed upon the throne a more merciful king, who would not have dared to withstand the mighty manifestations of divine power. But in that case the Lord’s purposes would not have been accomplished. His people were per-mitted to experience the grinding cruelty of the Egyptians, that they might not be deceived concerning the debasing influence of idolatry. In His dealing with Pharaoh, the Lord manifested His hatred of idolatry and His determination to punish cruelty and oppression.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 267, 268.

  • If we are unwilling to listen to God, what can we learn from Pharaoh’s example? Proverbs 1:24–28; Zechariah 7:11, 12; Hebrews 12:25.

Note: “God sent him [Pharaoh] a message of warning and mercy, but he refused to acknowledge the God of heaven and would not render obedience to His commands. He asked, ‘Who is the Lord, that I should obey his voice?’ (Exodus 5:2). …

“Every additional evidence of the power of God that the Egyptian monarch resisted, carried him on to a stronger and more persistent defiance of God. … This case is a clear illustration of the sin against the Holy Ghost. … Gradually the Lord withdrew His Spirit. Removing His restraining power, He gave the king into the hands of the worst of all tyrants—self.” Conflict and Courage, 89.


  •  How many times did God try to get Balaam’s attention? Numbers 22:22–27.
  • What prevented Balaam from recognizing God’s message sooner? 2 Peter 2:20, 21. When we are frustrated and believe things aren’t going our way, is God, perhaps, trying to get our attention?

Note: “Balaam was blinded to the heavenly interposition and knew not that God was obstructing his path.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 441, 442.

“A single cherished sin poisoned the entire character [of Balaam] and caused [his] destruction.” Conflict and Courage, 114.

“When one clearly sees a duty, let him not presume to go to God with the prayer that he may be excused from performing it. He should rather, with a humble, submissive spirit, ask for divine strength and wisdom to meet its claims.” Ibid., 113.

“We are apt to look upon men of experience as safe from the allurements of sinful pleasure. But still we often see those whose early life has been exemplary being led away by the fascinations of sin, and sacrificing their God-given manhood for self-gratification. For a time they vacillate between the promptings of principle and their inclination to pursue a forbidden course; but the current of evil finally proves too strong for their good resolutions, as in the case of the once wise and righteous king, Solomon.” The Health Reformer, June 1, 1878.


 1     How many people does God talk to who are unlikely to listen to Him?

2     In what ways do we defy God like Pharaoh did?

3     What must we do if we have ignored God?

4     How do we harden our heart today against God?

5     What are the similarities and differences between Pharaoh and Balaam?

Copyright © 2015 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – Discernment

August 14 – 20

Key Text

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put dark-ness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight” (Isaiah 5:20, 21)!

 Study Help: The Desire of Ages, 668–672.


“Let God’s people pray to Him for clear spiritual discernment, that they may distinguish the theories of men from the Word of the living God. Let them study the Scriptures.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 18, 151.


  •  How can we be sure that we are hearing the voice of God? John 10:27; Matthew 7:16–20, 24–27; Galatians 5:22, 23.

 Note: “The good tree will produce good fruit. If the fruit is unpalatable and worthless, the tree is evil. So the fruit borne in the life testifies as to the condition of the heart and the excellence of the character. Good works can never purchase salvation, but they are an evidence of the faith that acts by love and purifies the soul. And though the eternal reward is not bestowed because of our merit, yet it will be in pro-portion to the work that has been done through the grace of Christ. “Thus Christ set forth the principles of His kingdom and showed them to be the great rule of life. To impress the lesson He adds an il-lustration. It is not enough, He says, for you to hear My words. By obedience you must make them the foundation of your character. Self is but shifting sand. If you build upon human theories and inventions, your house will fall.” The Desire of Ages, 314.

  • What demonstrated that Jesus heard His Father accurately? How should this description of Jesus apply to us also? John 5:19, 20, 36.42


  •  What has been the varied experience of God’s church through the ages with regard to listening to the Lord’s voice? 2 Kings 22:13; 23:3; Zechariah 7:11–13; Jeremiah 29:17–19.
  • What personal testimony did Jeremiah and David declare of their listening to the voice of God? Jeremiah 15:16; Psalm 119:57–60.
  • What can we learn from the experience of Jesus’ disciples in listening to God’s voice? Mark 7:5–8; Matthew 28:19, 20.

Note: “It was most difficult for them [Jesus’ disciples] to keep His lessons distinct from the traditions and maxims of the scribes and Pharisees. They had been educated to accept the teaching of the rabbis as the voice of God, and it still held a power over their minds and molded their sentiments. Earthly ideas, temporal things, still had a large place in their thoughts. They did not understand the spiritual nature of Christ’s kingdom, though He had so often explained it to them. Their minds had become confused. They did not comprehend the value of the Scriptures Christ presented. Many of His lessons seemed almost lost upon them.” The Desire of Ages, 670.

“In the commission to His disciples, Christ not only outlined their work but gave them their message. Teach the people, He said, ‘to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you’ (Matthew 28:20). The disciples were to teach what Christ had taught. That which He had spoken, not only in person, but through all the prophets and teachers of the Old Testament, is here included. Human teaching is shut out. There is no place for tradition, for man’s theories and conclusions, or for church legislation. No laws ordained by ecclesiastical authority are included in the commission. None of these are Christ’s servants to teach. ‘The law and the prophets,’ with the record of His own words and deeds, are the treasure committed to the disciples to be given to the world. Christ’s name is their watchword, their badge of distinction, their bond of union, the authority for their course of action, and the source of their success. Nothing that does not bear His superscription is to be recognized in His kingdom.” Ibid., 826.


  •  From the apostle Paul’s experience, how important is it to listen to the voice of our own conscience? Acts 24:16; 1 Timothy 1:19; 1 John 3:21.
  • What will eventually happen if we neglect to follow the voice of conscience? Matthew 6:22, 23; Titus 1:15; 1 Timothy 4:2.

Note: “When a person once neglects to heed the invitations, reproofs, and warnings of the Spirit of God, his conscience becomes seared, and the next time he is admonished, it will be more difficult to yield obedience than before. And thus with every repetition. Conscience is the voice of God, heard amid the conflict of human passions; when it is resisted, the Spirit of God is grieved.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 120.

“Singleness of purpose, wholehearted devotion to God, is the condition pointed out by the Saviour’s words. Let the purpose be sincere and unwavering to discern the truth and to obey it at whatever cost, and you will receive divine enlightenment. Real piety begins when all compromise with sin is at an end. …

“But when the eye is blinded by the love of self, there is only darkness. ‘If thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness’ (Matthew 6:23). It was this fearful darkness that wrapped the Jews in stubborn unbelief, making it impossible for them to appreciate the character and mission of Him who came to save them from their sins.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 91, 92.

  • What should we do with each impression or idea that we may have about what God is telling us? John 5:39; Hebrews 4:12.

Note: “Impressions and feelings are no sure evidence that a person is led by the Lord. Satan will, if he is unsuspected, give feelings and impressions. These are not safe guides. All should thoroughly acquaint themselves with the evidences of our faith, and the great study should be how they can adorn their profession and bear fruit to the glory of God.” Testimonies, vol. 1, 413.

“If you are in doubt upon any subject you must first consult the Scriptures.” Ibid., vol. 5, 512.


  •  What is God’s attitude toward any dishonesty? Proverbs 19:5; Acts 5:3–5.

Note: “God hates hypocrisy and falsehood. Ananias and Sapphira practiced fraud in their dealing with God; they lied to the Holy Spirit, and their sin was visited with swift and terrible judgment.” The Acts of the Apostles, 72.

“From the stern punishment meted out to those perjurers, God would have us learn also how deep is His hatred and contempt for all hypocrisy and deception.” Ibid., 75.

“In much of the service professedly done for God, there is self-emulation and self-exultation. God hates pretense. When men and women receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, they will con-fess their sins, and, pardon, which means justification, will be given them. But the wisdom of the human agents who are not penitent, not humbled, is not to be depended on, for they are blinded in regard to the meaning of righteousness and sanctification through the truth. When men are stripped of self-righteousness, they will see their spiritual poverty. Then they will approach that state of brotherly kindness that will show that they are in sympathy with Christ.” This Day With God, 326.

  • What can happen when we are not honest with ourselves in the study of Scripture? Ezekiel 14:3, 4. What can we do about this? Verse 6.

Note: “Take up the Bible without prejudice and in a humble, teachable spirit, and, with the understanding open to the impressions of the Spirit of God, let its convincing power mold the life and conscience.” The Bible Echo, September 2, 1895.

“You should not search for the purpose of finding texts of Scripture that you can construe to prove your theories; for the word of God declares that this is wresting the Scriptures to your own destruction. You must empty yourselves of every prejudice and come in the spirit of prayer to the investigation of the word of God.” Fundamentals of Christian Education, 308.


  •  What essential character quality must each one of us learn from Jesus? Matthew 11:29; Psalms 22:26; 25:9.

Note: “Meekness and humility will characterize all who are obedient to the law of God.” The Signs of the Times, July 22, 1897.

“If our will is not in accord with the divine requirements, we are to deny our inclinations, give up our darling desires, and step in Christ’s footsteps.” The Review and Herald, October 23, 1900.

“Each must have an individual experience and put forth personal efforts to reach souls. God requires each to put all his powers into the work and, through continual effort, educate himself to do that work acceptably. … All the workers must use tact and bring their faculties under the controlling influence of the Spirit of God. They must make it a business to study His word and hear God’s voice addressing them from His living oracles in reproof, in instruction, or in encouragement, and His Spirit will strengthen them, that they may, as God’s workers, advance in religious experience. Thus they will be led on step by step to greater heights, and their joy will be full.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 576, 577.

“If you are willing to learn meekness and lowliness of heart in Christ’s school, He will surely give you rest and peace. It is a terribly hard struggle to give up your own will and your own way. But this lesson learned, you will find rest and peace. Pride, selfishness, and ambition must be overcome; your will must be swallowed up in the will of Christ.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 5, 1091.


 1     What evidence demonstrates that we have heard God?

2    What prevented God’s people in the past from hearing Him?

3     How can we maintain a good conscience?

4     How do we know if we are being honest with God?

5     What should we do if we find that our will is not in harmony with God’s requirements?

Copyright © 2015 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – How to Study the Bible

August 7 – 13

Key Text

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7).

 Study Help: The Great Controversy, 593–602.


“ ‘If any would not work, neither should he eat’ (2 Thessalonians 3:10). The same rule applies to our spiritual nourishment; if any would have the bread of eternal life, let him make efforts to obtain it.” Faith and Works, 49.


  •  What is required when studying the Bible? Proverbs 2:1–5.

Note: “We cannot obtain wisdom without earnest attention and prayerful study. Some portions of Scripture are indeed too plain to be misunderstood, but there are others whose meaning does not lie on the surface to be seen at a glance. Scripture must be compared with Scripture. There must be careful research and prayerful reflection. And such study will be richly repaid. As the miner discovers veins of precious metal concealed beneath the surface of the earth, so will he who perseveringly searches the word of God as for hid treasure find truths of the greatest value, which are concealed from the view of the careless seeker.” Steps to Christ, 90, 91.

  • Can we rest satisfied with what has already been discovered in the Scriptures by ourselves or by others? Matthew 13:52; Proverbs 4:18.

Note: “We are to discover new aspects of truth in both the Old and the New Testament, to behold the exceeding breadth and compass of truths which we imagine we understand, but of which we have only a superficial knowledge. He who earnestly searches the Scriptures will see that harmony exists between the various parts of the Bible.” The Bible Echo, October 15, 1892.


  •  What is more important than intelligence in order to rightly understand the Bible? Matthew 11:25; Psalm 25:9.

Note: “It is sometimes the case that men of intellectual ability, improved by education and culture, fail to comprehend certain passages of Scripture, while others who are uneducated, whose understanding seems weak and whose minds are undisciplined, will grasp the meaning, finding strength and comfort in that which the former declare to be mysterious or pass by as unimportant. Why is this? It has been explained to me that the latter class do not rely upon their own understanding. They go to the Source of light, the One who has inspired the Scriptures, and with humility of heart ask God for wisdom, and they receive it. There are mines of truth yet to be discovered by the earnest seeker. Christ represented the truth as treasure hid in a field. It does not lie right upon the surface; we must dig for it. But our success in finding it does not depend so much on our intellectual ability as on our humility of heart and the faith which will lay hold upon divine aid.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 704.

  • Who will give us an understanding of essential Bible truths? Proverbs 2:6; Luke 10:21; 24:45. Why isn’t it necessary to our salvation to be able to explain everything that is difficult to understand in the Bible?

Note: “Many feel that a responsibility rests upon them to explain every seeming difficulty in the Bible in order to meet the cavils of skeptics and infidels. But in trying to explain that which they but imperfectly understand, they are in danger of confusing the minds of others in reference to points that are clear and easy to be understood. This is not our work. Nor should we lament that these difficulties exist, but accept them as permitted by the wisdom of God. It is our duty to receive His word, which is plain on every point essential to the salvation of the soul, and practice its principles in our life, teaching them to others both by precept and example. Thus it will be evident to the world that we have a connection with God and implicit confidence in His word. A life of godliness, a daily example of integrity, meekness, and unselfish love will be a living exemplification of the teaching of God’s word, and it will be an argument in favor of the Bible which few will be able to resist.” Ibid., 705, 706.


  •  What attitude should we have when we study the Bible? Psalms 10:17; 46:10; Isaiah 57:15.

Note: “We should come with reverence to the study of the Bible, feeling that we are in the presence of God. All lightness and trifling should be laid aside. While some portions of the word are easily understood, the true meaning of other parts is not so readily discerned. There must be patient study and meditation and earnest prayer. Every student, as he opens the Scriptures, should ask for the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, and the promise is sure that it will be given.

“The spirit in which you come to the investigation of the Scriptures will determine the character of the assistant at your side. Angels from the world of light will be with those who in humility of heart seek for divine guidance. But if the Bible is opened with irreverence, with a feeling of self-sufficiency, if the heart is filled with prejudice, Satan is beside you, and he will set the plain statements of God’s word in a perverted light.” Testimonies to Ministers, 107, 108.

  • How should we respond to other people’s conclusions about what the Bible says? 2 Timothy 2:15; Acts 17:11.

Note: “Truth is eternal, and conflict with error will only make manifest its strength. We should never refuse to examine the Scriptures with those who, we have reason to believe, desire to know what is truth as much as we do. Suppose a brother holds a view that differs from yours, and he comes to you, proposing that you sit down with him and investigate that point in the light of the Scriptures; should you rise up filled with prejudice and condemn his ideas while refusing to give him a hearing? The only right way would be to sit down as Christians and investigate the position presented in the light of God’s word, which will reveal truth and unmask error. To ridicule his ideas would not weaken his position, though it were false, or strengthen your position, though it were true. If the pillars of our faith will not stand the test of investigation, it is time that we knew it; for it is foolish to become set in our ideas and think that no one should interfere with our opinions. Let everything be brought to the Bible; for it is the only rule of faith and doctrine.” The Bible Echo, October 15, 1892.


  •  How can we be sure that we understand any portion of the Bible correctly? Isaiah 28:10, 13; 2 Corinthians 13:1.

Note: “’The Holy Scriptures ought to be explained by other and clearer texts; … this Holy Book is, in all things necessary for the Christian, easy of understanding, and calculated to scatter the darkness. We are resolved, with the grace of God, to maintain the pure and exclusive preaching of His only word, such as it is contained in the biblical books of the Old and New Testaments, without adding anything thereto that may be contrary to it. This word is the only truth; it is the sure rule of all doctrine and of all life, and can never fail or deceive us. He who builds on this foundation shall stand against all the powers of hell, while all the human vanities that are set up against it shall fall before the face of God.’” The Great Controversy, 203.

“The Book of books has the highest claims to our reverent attention. Superficial study cannot meet the claims it has upon us, nor furnish us with the benefit that is promised. We should seek to learn the full meaning of the words of truth and to drink deep the spirit of the holy oracles.” The Bible Echo, October 1, 1892.

“You must dig deep in the mine of truth if you would find its richest treasures. Comparing scripture with scripture, you may find the true meaning of the text; but if you do not make the sacred teachings of God’s Word the rule and guide of your life, the truth will be nothing to you.” My Life Today, 22.

  • How did Jesus use this method to overcome Satan’s temptations? Matthew 4:6, 7; Isaiah 59:19.

Note: “Temptations often appear irresistible because, through neglect of prayer and the study of the Bible, the tempted one cannot readily remember God’s promises and meet Satan with the Scripture weapons. But angels are round about those who are willing to be taught in divine things; and in the time of great necessity they will bring to their remembrance the very truths which are needed.” The Great Controversy, 600.


  •  Why do we need to pray before we open the Bible? 1 Corinthians 2:11–13; James 1:5; Psalm 10:17.

Note: “Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit we shall be continually liable to wrest the Scriptures or to misinterpret them. …

“There is much reading of the Bible that is without profit and in many cases is a positive injury. When the word of God is opened without reverence and without prayer; when the thoughts and affections are not fixed upon God or in harmony with His will, the mind is clouded with doubt; and in the very study of the Bible, skepticism strengthens. The enemy takes control of the thoughts, and he suggests interpretations that are not correct.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 704, 705.

  • Whose help should we be asking for in prayer? Luke 11:9–13. What will that Helper do for us? John 16:13; 14:13, 16, 17, 26.

Note: “The Bible should never be studied without prayer. The Holy Spirit alone can cause us to feel the importance of those things easy to be understood, or prevent us from wresting truths difficult of comprehension. It is the office of heavenly angels to prepare the heart so to comprehend God’s word that we shall be charmed with its beauty, admonished by its warnings, or animated and strengthened by its promises. We should make the psalmist’s petition our own: ‘Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law’ (Psalm 119:18).” The Great Controversy, 599, 600.


 1     How much attention and focus should I give to studying the Bible?

2     What is more important than intelligence in the study of the Scriptures?

3     How can we guarantee the help of angels in understanding the Bible?

4     Why are we often overcome by temptation?

5     How should we prepare each time before we begin to study the Bible?

Copyright © 2015 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – Listening to God’s Word

July 31 – August 6

Key Text

“Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).

 Study Help: The Great Controversy, 197–210.


“God speaks to us in His word.” Steps to Christ, 87.


  •  How much authority does the Word of God have over human teaching? Psalm 119:105; Isaiah 8:20.

Note: “The Holy Scriptures are the perfect standard of truth.” Education, 17.

“ ‘All human teaching should be subordinate to the oracles of God.’ ” The Great Controversy, 204.

“The Lord has one path of safety for His people, and that is the path of obedience to His word. That word is given to us as our guide.” The Bible Echo, August 19, 1895.

  • How can we use our reasoning powers properly in understanding God’s Word? Isaiah 1:16–18; 1 Corinthians 1:18, 25; 2:14–16.

Note: “When we come to the Bible, reason must acknowledge an authority superior to itself, and heart and intellect must bow to the great I AM.” Steps to Christ, 110.

“We are to beware of deifying reason, which is subject to the weakness and infirmity of humanity.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 703.

“With your Bibles open before you, consult sanctified reason and a good conscience. Your heart must be moved, your soul touched, your reason and intellect awakened by the Spirit of God; and then holy principles revealed in the word of God will give light to the soul.” The Review and Herald, February 7, 1893.


  •  What will be the result if we personally listen to God through His word? Deuteronomy 4:6; Psalm 119:94, 97–100.

Note: “The precious book of God contains rules of life for men of every class and every vocation.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 416.

“We shall advance in true spiritual knowledge only as we realize our own littleness and our entire dependence upon God; but all who come to the Bible with a teachable and prayerful spirit, to study its utterances as the word of God, will receive divine enlightenment.” Ibid., vol. 5, 704.

“In searching the Scriptures for yourself, you will become established in the faith. It is of the greatest importance that you continually search the Scriptures, storing the mind with the truths of God.” The Bible Echo, October 15, 1892.

“Conservative traditions received from educated men, and from the writings of great men of the past, are not safe guides for us in these last days. … Daily, hourly, we must be actuated by the principles of Bible truth—righteousness, mercy, and the love of God. He who would have moral and intellectual power must draw from the divine source. At every point of decision inquire, ‘Is this the way of the Lord?’ ” The Review and Herald, February 7, 1893.

  • What assurance do we have that God will talk to us, individually, through the Bible? John 6:63; Jeremiah 15:16; Psalm 34:8.

Note: “The word of the living God is not merely written but spoken. The Bible is God’s voice speaking to us, just as surely as though we could hear it with our ears. If we realized this, with what awe would we open God’s word, and with what earnestness would we search its precepts! The reading and contemplation of the Scriptures would be regarded as an audience with the Infinite One.” Testimonies, vol. 6, 393.

“When Satan presses his suggestions upon our minds, we may, if we cherish a ‘Thus saith the Lord,’ be drawn into the secret pavilion of the Most High.” Ibid.

“So many are full of busy plans, always active; and there is no time or place for the precious Jesus to be a close, dear companion. They do not refer every thought and action to Him, inquiring: ‘Is this the way of the Lord?’ If they did they would walk with God, as did Enoch.” Ibid.


  •  Why were the Scriptures written? John 20:31.
  • If we reject God’s voice in His written Word, can we expect Him to communicate His will to us through other means? Luke 16:31; Proverbs 28:9. Why?

Note: “The law and the prophets are God’s appointed agencies for the salvation of men. … If they do not listen to the voice of God in His word, the testimony of a witness raised from the dead would not be heeded.

“Those who heed Moses and the prophets will require no greater light than God has given; but if men reject the light, and fail to appreciate the opportunities granted them, they would not hear if one from the dead should come to them with a message. They would not be convinced even by this evidence; for those who reject the law and the prophets so harden their hearts that they will reject all light.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 265.

  • Why can’t we rely on anyone else to listen to God for us? Ezekiel 14:12–14; 33:14–16.

Note: “We must study the truth for ourselves; no man should be relied upon to think for us, no matter who he may be or in what position he may be placed. We are not to look upon any man as a perfect guide for us. We are to counsel together and be subject one to another; but at the same time we are to exercise the ability God has given us to learn what is truth. Each one of us must look to God for divine enlightenment, that we may individually develop a character that will stand the test of the great day. …

“Many are drifting into darkness and infidelity, picking flaws with the Bible, bringing up superstitious inventions, unscriptural theories, and speculations of vain philosophy; but it is the duty of everyone to seek a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. The importance and benefit of Bible study cannot be overestimated. In searching the Scriptures our minds are led to dwell upon the infinite sacrifice of Christ, on His mediation in our behalf. As we see His love, as we meditate upon His humiliation and sufferings, the same spirit of self-denial and sacrifice for the good of others will be kindled in our hearts.” The Bible Echo, October 15, 1892.


  •  Why were the people of Berea commended? Acts 17:10–12.

Note: “No man can safely trust his soul to the minister, or to men who are learned and talented. Jesus charged the priests and rulers, who were regarded as learned in the Scriptures, as being ignorant both of the Scriptures and the power of God. Those to whom God has intrusted talents are responsible for the use of their gifts, and should study the Bible as a book that may be understood. A single text has proved in the past, and will prove in the future, a savor of life unto life to many a soul. As men diligently search, the Bible will open out new treasures of truth that will be as bright jewels to the mind.” The Signs of the Times, August 20, 1894.

“Unless the mind is used, it will cease to expand; unless the taste is cultivated to love the Bible, it will cease to relish the truths of God’s word. The student can see only to the depth of what he has explored, and he cannot appreciate that which lies beyond the compass of his own narrow boundaries. But his very ignorance will make him conceited, talkative, and boastful. What can I say to you, young men and young women, to arouse you to vigor in your efforts to overcome obstacles? Mental effort will become easier and more satisfactory as you put yourselves to the task of understanding the deep things of God. You should each decide that you will not be a second-class student, that you will not allow others to think for you.” The Review and Herald, May 20, 1890.

  • What was Timothy told to do while he waited for Paul to return? 1 Timothy 4:13, 15, 16.
  • What does Jesus say of those who hear His words and obey them? Matthew 7:24, 25.

Note: “Those who hear and obey the words of Christ are building upon the rock, and when the tempest comes, their house will not be over-thrown. They will through faith in Christ Jesus gain eternal life.” This Day with God, 215.


  •  How deeply should we study the Bible? Colossians 3:23; 1 Thessalonians 5:21.

Note: “There is but little benefit derived from a hasty reading of the Scriptures. One may read the whole Bible through and yet fail to see its beauty or comprehend its deep and hidden meaning. One passage studied until its significance is clear to the mind and its relation to the plan of salvation is evident, is of more value than the perusal of many chapters with no definite purpose in view and no positive instruction gained. Keep your Bible with you. As you have opportunity, read it; fix the texts in your memory. Even while you are walking the streets you may read a passage and meditate upon it, thus fixing it in the mind.” Steps to Christ, 90.

“You are to offer to God nothing less than your best. You should do better and better work as you put in practice what you learn. You should seek to fathom every subject requiring your investigation, comparing not only the ideas and thoughts of men concerning the matter, but also comparing Scripture with Scripture, that you may know that you do know every point of the faith. The taxation of your mind will only strengthen your mental powers for greater effort.” The Review and Herald, May 20, 1890.

“An understanding of Bible truth depends not so much on the power of intellect brought to the search as on the singleness of purpose, the earnest longing after righteousness.” The Great Controversy,


 1     What are the conditions to receiving enlightenment from God as we study the Bible?

2     What question should we ask when making any decision?

3     What effect will searching the Scriptures have upon us?

4     What do we become when we are ignorant of our Bible?

5     Instead of reading many Bible chapters without learning anything, how can we discover the deep, hidden truths of the Bible?

Copyright © 2015 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Recipe – Maple Walnut Cookies


Maple Walnut Cookies

(a.k.a. Brain Food Cookies, Mood Enhancing Cookies, Prozac Cookies)

2 ½ c. walnuts, ground in food processor 1/3 c. carob chips
2/3 c. whole wheat pastry flour 1/3-½ c. maple syrup
1 tsp. salt 2 tsp. vanilla
1/3 c. ground flaxseed

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl add all ingredients in given order; mix well. Drop small spoonful of dough on slightly oiled cookie sheet and flatten with fork. Bake 10-15 minutes or until golden brown, checking often to prevent burning. Let cool before removing from sheet.


* May add chopped dates, dried cherries, etc., decreasing amount of maple syrup.

Recipe from Dr. Neil Nedley


Food – Nuts for Walnuts

Walnuts are round edible single-seeded fruits from the trees of the Juglans genus belonging to the tree nut family. Wrapped up in its small case is a nearly perfect package of protein, carbohydrate, healthy fat, antioxidants, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals. Their benefits ranging from heart health, tumor protection, depression and beauty cannot be overlooked.

The plant is believed to have originated in India and the regions surrounding the Caspian Sea, and in the 4th century A.D., the ancient Romans introduced the walnut to many European countries. Since then it has been cultivated there extensively. Today China is the largest producer of walnuts, closely followed by the United States, Ukraine and Romania. In the United States, California produces 99 percent of the nation’s commercial English walnuts.

There are almost 30 varieties of walnuts, of which the three most commonly known are Persian or English walnut, black walnut, and butternut walnut. It takes 15 years for the tree to grow until it starts producing fruit. Walnut trees have an average lifespan of 80 years; however, under favorable conditions some may live for 300 years or more.

Among all other nuts, walnuts contain the highest amount of antioxidants, making them extremely effective in aiding in destroying free radicals and combating heart disease. Adequate intake has been shown to significantly raise blood levels of healthy omega-3 fats which may prevent the formation of blood clots which can cause sudden cardiac death, as well as lowering bad cholesterol and increasing the production of good cholesterol, thus also maintaining safe insulin levels with type 2 diabetes.

The antioxidant properties of walnuts help lower the risk of chronic oxidative stress, and the anti-inflammatory properties help lower the risk of chronic inflammation. Lowering these two risks helps diminish the greatest threat for cancer development. Prostate, breast cancer and bowel cancer risk has been found to be reduced by the consumption of approximately 3 ounces per day. Studies have found that the greater the omega-3 acids, the smaller the tumor.

Walnuts which are rich in B-vitamins and antioxidants aid in preventing skin from free radical damage, wrinkles, and signs of aging. The walnut’s oil protects the skin from dryness and returns its natural moisture. It is also used as base oil in many massage oils used for massage therapy. Walnuts are a good hair food as they contain biotin or vitamin B7 that helps strengthen hair, reduce hair fallout, and improve hair growth to a certain extent.

Because the shell is shaped somewhat like a human skull and the crinkly kernel resembles a brain, the walnut has historically been regarded as brain food. In fact, because it provides omega-3 fatty acids coupled with iodine and selenium, it does indeed aid in ensuring optimal healthy brain function. Consuming walnuts may increase serotonin and melatonin levels, which are directly linked to mood, cognitive function, and sleep. Boosting levels of omega-3s may have a natural effect on decreasing the symptoms of depression.


Maple Walnut Cookies

(a.k.a. Brain Food Cookies, Mood Enhancing Cookies, Prozac Cookies)

2 ½ c. walnuts, ground in food processor 1/3 c. carob chips
2/3 c. whole wheat pastry flour 1/3-½ c. maple syrup
1 tsp. salt 2 tsp. vanilla
1/3 c. ground flaxseed

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl add all ingredients in given order; mix well. Drop small spoonful of dough on slightly oiled cookie sheet and flatten with fork. Bake 10-15 minutes or until golden brown, checking often to prevent burning. Let cool before removing from sheet.


* May add chopped dates, dried cherries, etc., decreasing amount of maple syrup.

Recipe from Dr. Neil Nedley


Health – Thoughts on Nuts

The following is an excerpt from the book, Proof Positive, by Neil Nedley, M.D.
He shares some very interesting insight into nut consumption and your health.

“… Nuts in general have been studied extensively and have been found not only to lower blood cholesterol levels, but also to provide a corresponding decrease in the risk of heart disease. …

“This study on nut consumption was conducted at Loma Linda University and has received international attention. [Fraser GE, Sabate J, et al. A possible protective effect of nut consumption on risk of coronary heart disease. The Adventist Health Study. Arch Intern Med 1992 Jul;152(7):1416-1424.] The initial study focused on the amount of nuts eaten by the participants in the Adventist Health Study. They found that those consuming nuts less than once per week had the highest risk of heart attack. Those who consumed nuts one to four times per week lowered their risk about 25 percent … Those who consumed nuts more than five times a week cut their risk in half. The study was controlled for other lifestyle variables so that the researchers could be more certain that the nuts were the only factor involved. Many health professionals were surprised by the findings of this study. Previously, health professionals commonly encouraged patients to avoid nuts because of their high fat content. Now we know that nuts in small to moderate amounts are part of a healthful diet because they supply some fat nutrients that are beneficial for preventing heart disease.

“Regarding peanuts, the fat in peanuts has a specific chemistry and triglyceride structure (apart from the saturated and polyunsaturated content) that makes them surprisingly harder on your arteries than other vegetable fats. [Kritchevsky D. Dietary fat and experimental atherosclerosis. Int J Tissue React 1991;13(2):59-65.] Thus, a person who wants to protect his arteries would be wise to choose other nuts such as almonds, walnuts, or pecans in place of peanuts. Almonds have another advantage. They are unique among the nut food group in that they contain far more vitamin E than other nuts; in fact, they exceed just about all other foods in this regard. … The realization of some of the peanut fat’s negative aspects leaves me impressed with a statement I read about nuts that was written nearly 100 years ago in the classic book on the principles of health, The Ministry of Healing, [298], written by Ellen White: ‘With nuts may be combined grains, fruits, and some roots, to make foods that are healthful and nourishing. Care should be taken, however, not to use too large a proportion of nuts. … some nuts are not so wholesome as others. Almonds are preferable to peanuts, but peanuts in limited quantities, used in connection with grains, are nourishing and digestible.’

“Why did she warn against excessive nut consumption? One likely reason is that a high fat diet (even if from ‘good’ fats) tends to promote weight gain. For many people, a large proportion of nuts in their diet may contribute to obesity. The overweight condition itself can raise cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems.’ ” Proof Positive, 68, 69.

Dr. Nedley then goes on to share about a study done by Dr. Sabate [Sabate J, Fraser GE, et al. Effects of walnuts on serum lipid levels and blood pressure in normal men. N Engl J Med 1993 Mar 4;328(9):603-607].

“Dr. Sabate took the nut research a step further. Instead of using Seventh-day Adventists again, who are already on a better overall diet than most Americans, he now studied individuals on an average American diet. One half of the total group was placed on an average diet. The other half were fed an identical-looking diet with one major difference. Walnuts were blended up and added to various food items. Other sources of fat were decreased to keep the calorie and total fat levels the same in the two groups. … Walnuts reduce cholesterol: The study group ate 1 ½ cups – 84 grams of walnuts daily for 4 weeks. Average LDL – bad cholesterol was reduced by 18 mg/dl.

“Eating walnuts daily had some amazing results. LDL cholesterol, the ‘bad cholesterol,’ dropped by 18 points. This represents a remarkable lowering of heart attack risk. For each percentage point drop in the bad cholesterol, there is a two to three percent drop in the heart attack rate. [Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults. The Expert Panel. Arch Intern Med 1988 Jan;148(1):36-69.]

“An 18 point drop in LDL translates into a 36 to 54 percent drop in heart disease risk. The benefits of walnuts may not simply be due to their excellent P/S ratio. These nuts are also high in so-called omega-3 fatty acids, which have some special benefits.” Ibid., 69.

The foregoing excerpts give us a deeper understanding of how certain nuts work on our bodies. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14) and God has provided for each of our needs. We are blessed to have such information to guide us along the nutrition pathway.

Question and Answer – What is the “great gulf” in Luke 16:26?

The Gulf of Disobedience

“The closing scenes of this earth’s history are portrayed in the closing of the rich man’s history. The rich man claimed to be a son of Abraham, but he was separated from Abraham by an impassable gulf—a character wrongly developed. Abraham served God, following His word in faith and obedience. But the rich man was unmindful of God and of the needs of suffering humanity. The great gulf fixed between him and Abraham was the gulf of disobedience. There are many today who are following the same course. Though church members, they are unconverted. They may take part in the church service, they may chant the psalm, “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God” (Psalm 42:1); but they testify to a falsehood. They are no more righteous in God’s sight than is the veriest sinner. The soul that longs after the excitement of worldly pleasure, the mind that is full of love for display, cannot serve God. Like the rich man in the parable, such a one has no inclination to war against the lust of the flesh. He longs to indulge appetite. He chooses the atmosphere of sin. He is suddenly snatched away by death, and he goes down to the grave with the character formed during his lifetime in copartnership with Satanic agencies. In the grave he has no power to choose anything, be it good or evil; for in the day when a man dies, his thoughts perish (Psalm 146:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6).

“When the voice of God awakes the dead, he will come from the grave with the same appetites and passions, the same likes and dislikes, that he cherished when living. God works no miracle to re-create a man who would not be re-created when he was granted every opportunity and provided with every facility. During his lifetime he took no delight in God, nor found pleasure in His service. His character is not in harmony with God, and he could not be happy in the heavenly family.

“Today there is a class in our world who are self-righteous. They are not gluttons, they are not drunkards, they are not infidels; but they desire to live for themselves, not for God. He is not in their thoughts; therefore they are classed with unbelievers. Were it possible for them to enter the gates of the city of God, they could have no right to the tree of life, for when God’s commandments were laid before them with all their binding claims they said, No. They have not served God here; therefore they would not serve Him hereafter. They could not live in His presence, and they would feel that any place was preferable to heaven.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 269, 270.

Inspiration – The Gift of Speech

Speech is one of the great gifts of God. It is the means by which the thoughts of the heart are communicated. It is with the tongue that we offer prayer and praise to God. With the tongue we convince and persuade. With the tongue we comfort and bless, soothing the bruised, wounded soul. With the tongue we may make known the wonders of the grace of God. With the tongue also we may utter perverse things, speaking words that sting like an adder.

The tongue is a little member, but the words it frames have great power. The Lord declares, “The tongue can no man tame” (James 3:8). It has set nation against nation, and has caused war and bloodshed. Words have kindled fires that have been hard to quench. They have also brought joy and gladness to many hearts. And when words are spoken because God says, “Speak unto them My words” (Ezekiel 2:7), they often cause sorrow unto repentance.

Of the unsanctified tongue the apostle James writes: “The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity; so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell” (James 3:6).  Satan puts into the mind thoughts which the Christian should never utter. The scornful retort, the bitter passionate utterance, the cruel, suspicious charge, are from him. How many words are spoken that do only harm to those who utter them and to those who hear! Hard words beat upon the heart, awaking to life its worst passions. Those who do evil with their tongues, who sow discord by selfish, jealous words, grieve the Holy Spirit; for they are working at cross-purposes with God.

The apostle, seeing the inclination to abuse the gift of speech, gives direction concerning its use. “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth,” he says, “but that which is good to the use of edifying” (Ephesians 4:29). The word “corrupt” means here any word that would make an impression detrimental to holy principles and undefiled religion, any communication that would eclipse the view of Christ, and blot from the mind true sympathy and love. It includes impure hints, which, unless instantly resisted, lead to great sin. Upon every one is laid the duty of barring the way against corrupt communications.

It is God’s purpose that the glory of Christ shall appear in His children. In all His teaching, Christ presented pure, unadulterated principles. He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth. Constantly there flowed from His lips holy, ennobling truths. He spoke as never man spoke, with a pathos that touched the heart. He was filled with holy wrath as He saw the Jewish leaders teaching for doctrines the commandments of men (Matthew 15:9), and He spoke to them with the authority of true greatness. With terrible power He denounced all artful intrigue, all dishonest practises [sic]. He cleansed the temple from its pollution, as He desires to cleanse our hearts from everything bearing any resemblance to fraud. The truth never languished on His lips. With fearlessness He exposed the hypocrisy of priest and ruler, Pharisee and Sadducee.

Guard well the talent of speech; for it is a mighty power for evil as well as for good. You can not be too careful of what you say; for the words you utter show what power is controlling the heart. If Christ rules there, your words will reveal the beauty, purity, and fragrance of a character molded and fashioned by His will. But if you are under the guidance of the enemy of all good, your words will echo his sentiments.

The great responsibility bound up in the use of the gift of speech is plainly made known by the word of God. “By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned” (Matthew 12:37), Christ declared. And the psalmist asks, “Lord, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in Thy holy hill? He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbor, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor. In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoreth them that fear the Lord. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not. He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved” (Psalm 15:1–5).

“Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile” (Psalm 34:13). The wild beast of the forest may be tamed, “but the tongue can no man tame” (James 3:8). Only through Christ can we gain the victory over the desire to speak hasty, unchristlike words. When in His strength we refuse to give utterance to Satan’s suggestions, the plant of bitterness in our hearts withers and dies. The Holy Spirit can make the tongue a savor of life unto life.

The Review and Herald, May 12, 1910.

Nature – The Bat

The prophet Isaiah paints a dismal picture of the awful and awesome events of the end of the world. As one illustration of the change in attitude of the people at that time, he writes that they would cast their idols “ to the bats ” (Isaiah 2:20).

In using this illustration Isaiah could well have had in mind the Egyptian leaf-nosed bats whose incredible numbers made them well known throughout Palestine. They were regarded as loathsome and disquieting creatures whose dung-filled haunts produce an overpowering smell.

The only other mention of bats in the Bible is in the Leviticus and Deuteronomy lists of animals unfit for food. One might wonder if anyone would eat a bat, yet this is common practice even today among many natives of the South Pacific. …

Four Hebrew words are used in the Scriptures for bat. Many scholars accept this as proof that there were several varieties in ancient Palestine. Backing this up is the fact that over 15 different kinds of bats are found there [today, over 30 species are found].

A number of foreign words for bats are descriptive of their mannerisms or physical structure. One Hebrew word, for instance, means “night flier.” The German fledermaus means “flitter mouse”; this is a good description of the bats’ style of flying for most have an uneven fluttering flight. Fledermaus and the term chiroptera from the Greek for “handwing” can be found on the 40-pfennig 1962 stamp of the German Democratic Republic. …

The bat is one of the most marvelous creatures of God’s kingdom. However, more fallacies than truth have spoiled its name. It has been associated with things dark and evil such as the pictures one often sees of Satan with bat’s wings.

The saying “blind as a bat” is misleading, for although small and not too useful in daylight, bats have perfectly good eyes. They also have no interest in getting entangled in a person’s hair and only fly near to catch the mosquitoes that follow people.

More than 1,000 known kinds of bats fall into two main classes: fruit and insect eaters. Fruit-eating bats are generally large and found only in the tropics and subtropics. It is the so-called flying fox and as the largest living bat has a wing span of between four and five feet.

Insect eaters are small bats and are found wherever insects are. They rid the world of millions of insects with some devouring half their weight in insects each night in order to survive. Insect-eating bats live in old buildings, grottoes, and caverns. We can easily imagine that some inhabited the tombs among which the demoniac of Mark 5 lived. …

It is well known that bats hunt almost entirely by sound. In its normal flight a bat will emit from twenty to two hundred ultrasonic cries a second. The frequency of the beeps depends upon the bat’s distance from an obstacle. Ounce for ounce and watt for watt the bat’s sonar is a billion times more sensitive and efficient than any radar or sonar device yet contrived by man.

Ernest N. Wendth, The Youth’s Instructor Magazine, March 21, 1967.

“Satan did not appear to Christ as he is often falsely represented, as an imp with bats’ wings and cloven hoofs. The Scriptures plainly declare that he ‘is transformed into an angel of light’ (2 Corinthians 11:14). It was as a heavenly angel that Satan accosted the Son of God [Christ’s temptation in the wilderness].” Pamphlet, 105, 1.