Nature – The Electric Eel

All living things produce electricity. In most animals and plants, the pulses of electric current are so tiny that special instruments are needed to detect them. But some fishes are able to produce enormous amounts of electricity—enough to stun or even kill.

The most powerful of these electric fishes is the electric eel. It can discharge up to 650 volts—enough to kill a person on contact. (The electric current used in houses in U.S. is usually 120 volts.)

Electric eels live in the shallow, muddy waters of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers of South America. They are not related to other kinds of eels and resemble them only in their snakelike shape. The electric eel has no dorsal or tail fins, as other fish do. It swims with the aid of a long anal fin, which runs nearly the whole length of the underside of its body. It can swim backward, forward, up and down, with equal ease. These eels are air-breathers and must come up to the water’s surface frequently, approximately every 10 minutes or so.

The electric eel is like a living storage battery. All of its normal body organs are crowded into the front fifth of its body. The remaining four-fifths is packed with more than 5,000 tiny electric generators.

The electric eel uses its electricity in several ways. When it swims, a small “battery” in its tail sends out weak electric pulses at a rate of 20 to 50 a second. They bounce off objects and come back to special pits in the eel’s head. It uses electric “echoes” in much the same way that bats and whale sharks use sound to navigate. Scientists believe the eel may use these pulses to communicate with other eels.

It is fortunate that the electric eel has this ability to navigate by electricity. As it grows older, its eyes are damaged by its own electricity, and it becomes blind. Actually, eyesight is not too useful in the dark and muddy waters in which it lives.

If an enemy threatens the electric eel, or a frog or some other possible prey is in the water nearby, the eel acts promptly. It turns on the powerful “main battery” that fills most of its body. Discharges lasting about 0.002/second are sent out in quick succession. The eel can continue discharging at a rate of up to 150 pulses/second without showing any signs of tiring. Fishes and frogs are killed by the eel’s strong electric shocks. A larger animal—even a horse that has come down to the water to drink—may be stunned and drown. But except for the gradual damage to its eyes, the eel does not seem to be affected by the electricity, with vital organs located in the front of their bodies and the rest covered by fatty tissue which acts as an insulator.

Young eels produce very little electricity. The larger they grow, the more powerful their electrical shocks become.

Excerpts from Nature’s Champions, Alvin and Virginia Silverstein, © 1980, 16, 17.

Pray that the mighty energies of the Holy Spirit, with all their quickening, recuperative, and transforming power, may fall like an electric shock on the palsy-stricken soul, causing every nerve to thrill with new life, restoring the whole man from his dead, earthly, sensual state to spiritual soundness.

God’s Amazing Grace, 312

Keys to the Storehouse — Finding Favor?

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” Luke 2:52

It is our desire to be in favor with both God and man! That may not always be possible today, especially if you are serious about wanting to remain in favor with God. So, the searching question is: whose favor is first in your life? Is it your children? Is it your spouse? Is it your taste buds? Or maybe you favor appearances? What is your desire in finding favor?

“They [the children of Israel] desired something which they could look upon to resemble God. The gods of the Egyptians were in their minds, and Satan was improving this opportunity, in the absence of their appointed leader, to tempt them to imitate the Egyptians in their idolatry. They suggested that if Moses should never return to them, they could return into Egypt, and find favor with the Egyptians, by bearing this image before them, acknowledging it as their god.” Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, 274, 275.

Are you “bearing this image” of television, movies or the way you dress, to find favor with the world? “I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. … I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me” (Psalm 101:2, 3).

“… and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and rose up to play.” Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, 273.

We are living in the tarrying time—waiting for our Lord to return. During this time many would like to be “part of” or “accepted by” the Egyptians—the world, the “house of bondage.” God said to each of us: “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage” (Exodus 20:2).

Why would you choose to return to the house of bondage—the worldly ways from which you were delivered? Why would you want to eat, drink and be merry with those who are not walking with your Lord? Are you looking to be friends with the world because your Lord has not yet returned? Many have lowered the Christian standards of dress, diet, and lifestyle, to “find favor” with and fit in the world.

Tragically, mingling with the world will cause many to lose favor with the Lord. Will you be called a “stiff-necked people” having lost your piety and consecration to God, and forfeit His protection? (see Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, 282.)

While we tarry, focus on the preparation of our hearts and minds for the soon coming of our Lord. We want to find favor with God and not with fallen man.

“… choose you this day whom ye will serve …” (Joshua 24:15).

Heavenly Father: Preserve us from the ways of this world which lead us away from Thee. Give us the strength to stand for right and to not be moved by any attractions that may beckon us to return to Egypt from whence You have rescued us. We choose to find favor with Thee. We choose not to be a stiff-necked people. “Hold up my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps slip not” (Psalm 17:5). Thank you Lord. Amen.

Pen of Inspiration – The Future

At the transfiguration Jesus was glorified by His Father. We hear Him say, “Now is the Son of man glorified, and God is glorified in Him” (John 13:31). Thus before His betrayal and crucifixion he was strengthened for His last dreadful sufferings.

As the members of the body of Christ approach the period of their last conflict, “the time of Jacob’s trouble,” they will grow up into Christ, and will partake largely of His Spirit. As the third message swells to a loud cry, and as great power and glory attends the closing work, the faithful people of God will partake of that glory. It is the latter rain which revives and strengthens them to pass through the time of trouble. Their faces will shine with the glory of that light which attends the third angel.

I saw that God would in a wonderful manner preserve His people through the time of trouble. As Jesus poured out His soul in agony in the garden, they will earnestly cry and agonize with Him day and night for deliverance. The decree will go forth that they must disregard the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, and honor the first day, or lose their lives; but they will not yield, and trample under their feet the Sabbath of the Lord, and honor an institution of Papacy. Satan’s host, and wicked men, will surround them, and exult over them, because there will seem to be no way of escape for them. But in the midst of their revelry and triumph, there is peal upon peal of the loudest thunder. The heavens have gathered blackness, and are only illuminated by the blazing light and terrible glory from Heaven, as God utters His voice from His holy habitation.

The foundations of the earth shake, buildings totter and fall with a terrible crash. The sea boils like a pot, and the whole earth is in terrible commotion. The captivity of the righteous is turned, and with sweet and solemn whisperings they say to each other, “We are delivered. It is the voice of God.” With solemn awe they listen to the words of the voice. The wicked hear, but understand not the words of the voice of God. They fear and tremble, while the saints rejoice. Satan and his angels, and wicked men, who had been exulting that the people of God were in their power, that they might destroy them from off the earth, witness the glory conferred upon those who have honored the holy law of God. They behold the faces of the righteous lighted up, and reflecting the image of Jesus. Those who were so eager to destroy the saints, could not endure the glory resting upon the delivered ones, and they fell like dead men to the earth. Satan and evil angels fled from the presence of the saints glorified. Their power to annoy them was gone forever.

Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4b, 112–114.

Testimony – Only Weak People Need God

“Only weak people need God.” That’s what I used to tell my Christian friends when I was a young man. I perceived Christians as too weak to stand on their own two feet, needing the “crutch” of religion to sustain them in life. I mocked my Christian friends and ridiculed those who tried to witness to me of God’s love. You see, I grew up an atheist, having no belief in God. Both of my parents were from large families, so I had many aunts and uncles and cousins, all professing to be Christians. But it didn’t take long to realize that what they professed on Sunday morning was far from how they lived the rest of the week.

And so I concluded that Christianity was just a charade. And if the Christian life was not real, then how could God be real? I married my wife in 1969, and we moved to San Diego to begin our lives together.

We lived an indulgent, rebellious life there until 1986, when we moved to the Pacific Northwest. I became dissatisfied with my lifestyle and felt inclined for the first time in my life to search for something beyond myself. I decided to read the Bible, and then attended a Revelation seminar held in the town where I lived. I soon responded to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and after almost 20 years of selfish indulgence, I laid my sins of drugs and alcohol upon the altar of Christ.

Miraculously, my victory was immediate and complete, never having the desire nor inclination to take them up again. In 1988, I was baptized and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I was ordained as a deacon in 1989. I was asked to serve as an elder in 1990. And in 1992, I was asked to serve as the head elder, which I faithfully did for the next 21 years. In 2012, several members of our church became uncomfortable with some of the doctrines that were being taught by a young pastor that was now leading our church. I soon found myself at odds with this pastor with regard to the humanity of Christ, victorious living, and the character of the 144,000.

We found neither support nor cooperation from our local conference leaders.

Their support for their pastor was firm and we were told to cease our resistance and to move in harmony with the church. Finding ourselves unable to do so with a clear conscience before God, and no longer feeling welcome in our own church, we decided to separate from the church we loved and to start a home church. Having been in church leadership for so many years, it was natural that I should lead out in worship.

As our numbers grew, it became evident that we needed some structure in our church, and so we decided to rent a local Grange Hall every Sabbath. For legal reasons, we called ourselves the Little Flock Advent Church, and for the past 6 years it has been my privilege to serve as the shepherd of our little flock. In 2015, we contacted Steps to Life to inquire about becoming a part of the Free Seventh-day Adventist Church.

We soon realized that we were historic Adventists and that the doctrines and principles which we embraced were in common with the teachings of the Free Seventh-day Adventists. We were overjoyed to find that there were still many who had not bowed the knee to Baal! Today, we proudly bear the name Little Flock Free Seventh Day Adventist Church. I immediately enrolled in the Training Program for Ministers and Church Leaders offered by Steps to Life, to prepare me to serve as a pastor.

What a wonderful program this is. I highly recommend it, not only for church leaders, but for all who desire to better understand God’s purpose for His church and to experience His guidance that will lead us into His kingdom. The church has been warned that the last great deception of Satan would be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God (Selected Messages, Book 1, 48). We are seeing the fulfillment of this prophecy today.

This training program brings to light the counsel that God has given to guide His church through the time of trouble. It is Satan’s desire that the Spirit of Prophecy should go unheeded and that the church lose confidence in its counsel. Brothers and sisters, we cannot allow this to happen! Those who refuse to be guided by the testimony of Jesus will not fit the description that God has given of His remnant people in Revelation 12:17. Therefore they will not be among those who make up that happy throng.

I met Pastor Grosboll and Pastor Nunez last year when they were conducting a crusade south of Seattle. I have spoken with many over the phone at Steps to Life, and we now feel that we are a part of a much larger family.

Today, our average Sabbath attendance is about 25 souls. We are thankful to have a comfortable place to worship where we are surrounded by the beauty of the Olympic Mountains and plenty of trees and wildlife.

In late March of this year, Pastor Nunez traveled from Wichita, Kansas, to the Olympic Peninsula to meet with our church. On Sabbath, March 24, one day after my 69th birthday, it was a privilege to be ordained as a Seventh-day Adventist pastor. It is the desire, as well as the delight of my heart, to serve the Lord and His church until the day He comes to take us home.

By the signs of the times, that day is not too far off. It is my purpose to be a good and faithful shepherd, so that you will meet me, as well as every other member of the Little Flock Free Seventh-day Adventist Church without the loss of one, on the day we stand together around the sea of glass. May the Lord find us faithful until that day. Amen.

Present Position and Work

Seventh-day Adventists are charged with making the Sabbath a test. And some will have it that we denounce and reject all who do not believe as we do. It is true that we teach that God is testing the people by His law. But we deny the charge that we denounce and reject those who differ from us. Our course toward all men whom we can reach with our publications, our sermons and our entreaties, proves the charge false. We beseech all men, without respect to profession of religion, color, or rank in society, to turn from their sins, keep God’s commandments and live. And we manifest a zeal and earnestness in this matter somewhat in proportion to the importance of the testing message we bear. And because our testimony is pointed and earnest, condemning those who choose to pass along with the popular current and violate the law of God, some are disturbed, and with feelings of retaliation, falsely charge us. It is not our work to test, condemn, and denounce, the people. It is not in our hearts to unnecessarily injure the feelings of any. But with our present convictions of truth and duty, we should do great violence to our own consciences, and sin against God, should we cease to declare to the people the purpose of God in testing the world by His law, just before the day of wrath. …

But if the Sabbath is not a test, it is not worth our while to go to the trouble of teaching and observing it in the face of decided opposition. If we can be as good Christians while breaking the fourth commandment, as while keeping it, should we not at once seek to be in harmony with the rest of the Christian world? Why be so odd as to obey the commandment of God, if one can be as good a Christian while living in violation of it? And there are frequent inconveniences, and pecuniary sacrifices, to be suffered by those who are so particular concerning the observance of the fourth commandment. If the Sabbath is of so little importance as not to be a test of Christian fellowship and eternal salvation; if men who break the Sabbath should be embraced in our fellowship the same as if they observed it; and if they can reach Heaven as surely in violating the fourth commandment as in keeping it; why not abandon it at once, and cease to agitate the public mind with a question of no real importance which is so unpleasant and annoying.

Seventh-day Adventists believe that in the restoration of the Bible Sabbath, under the last message of mercy, God designs to make it a test to the people. Hence many of them labor with earnestness to teach it, and are ready to make any sacrifices in order to observe it, and do their duty in teaching it to others. Convince them that it is not a test, and they will not trouble the people nor themselves longer with it. But should they give the people to understand that they regard the Sabbath of so little importance as not to be a test, “the sword of the Spirit,” on that subject at least, would become in their hands as powerless as a straw. They could not then convict the people upon this subject. Indeed their position before the people, in earnestly calling their attention to a subject that is of so little importance as not to constitute a test of Christian character, and which would subject them to a heavy cross, much inconvenience, sacrifice, and reproach, would be but little less than solemn mockery. With our present view of the importance of the subject, we have a sufficient reason for earnestly urging the claims of the fourth commandment upon our fellow-men.

The remarks of Elder J. N. Andrews in reference to the Sabbatarians of England in the seventeenth century, have so direct a bearing upon this subject that I give the following from his History of the Sabbath, pp. 335, 336:

“The laws of England during that century were very oppressive to all dissenters from the established church, and bore exceedingly hard upon the Sabbath-keepers. Yet fine, imprisonment, and even capital punishment, would not have proved sufficient to suppress the Sabbath. It was in the house of its own friends that the Sabbath was wounded. In the seventeenth century eleven churches of Sabbatarians flourished in England, while many scattered Sabbath-keepers were to be found in various parts of that kingdom. Now but three of those churches are in existence. It was not the lack of able men among the Sabbath-keepers to defend the truth, not the fierce assaults of their persecutors, that has thus reduced them to a handful. The fault is their own, not indeed for any disgraceful conduct on their part, but simply because they made the Sabbath of no practical importance, and lowered the standard of divine truth on this thing to the dust. The Sabbath-keeping ministers assumed the pastoral care of first-day churches, in some cases as their sole charge, in others they did this in connection with the oversight of Sabbatarian churches. The result need surprise no one; as both ministers and people said to all men, in thus acting, that the fourth commandment might be broken with impunity, the people took them at their word.”

Seventh-day Adventists have nothing to boast of. God has often reproved and chastised us for unfaithfulness. And when we have returned to Him, and humbly and faithfully battled for the truth, amid reproaches and persecutions, He has greatly blessed us. Nothing is so much to be dreaded as that calm which is the result of tempering unpopular, testing truth to the ears of the people so as not to offend. Rather let the reproach come, and the storm rage, if it be the result of speaking the truth of God in love.

As a people we have had our difficulties to surmount, our trials to bear, and our victories to gain. We are gathered from Methodists, Regular Baptists, Freewill Baptists, Seventh-day Baptists, Presbyterians, Congregationalists, Episcopalians, Dutch Reform, Disciples, Christians, Lutherans, United Brethren, Catholics, Universalists, Worldlings, and Infidels. We are composed of native Americans, English, Welsh, Scotch, Irish, French, Germans, Norwegians, Danes, Swedes, Poles, and others. To bring together a body composed of such material, affected more or less by the religious sentiments, and forms of the several denominations, with all their national peculiarities, has called for much patient, and persevering toil. And it is by the grace of God that we are what we are. And let His name be praised that in our darkest hours, when we have humbled ourselves, He has ever come to our aid.

From their past brief history Seventh-day Adventists may learn much as to their present work and future prospects. When in humility they have borne a decided testimony in the fear of God, their labors have been signally blessed. When they have been willing to bear the cross of present truth, and sacrifice time, convenience and means to advance the work, they have shared the approving smiles of Heaven. They have seen that nothing can keep the body in a healthy condition but the plain and pointed testimony. This will do the work of purification, either by purging their sins, or separating from them the unconsecrated and rebellious. Let the result be what it may, such testimony must be borne, or this people will fall as others have fallen. And terrible would be their fall, after having so clear light, and having had committed to them so sacred a trust as the last message of mercy to sinners.

From the past we may also learn what to expect in the future, in the line of persecution. Satan has been angry because this people have been seeking for the “old paths,” that they might walk therein. He has been especially disturbed as they have plead for the restoration of the Sabbath, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If the people be taught that God is testing them upon the Sabbath, and that they should listen to the testimony of Jesus, in the spirit of prophecy, which reproves their sins, and calls on them to consecrate themselves and what they possess to the Lord, we may depend upon it, the ire of the dragon will be stirred. This we have witnessed and suffered in proportion to our faithfulness in the work. When we have borne a pointed testimony, we have been the especial objects of the wrath of the dragon; but with it have also shared largely the blessing of God. When we have been unfaithful, the dragon has been comparatively quiet, but we have suffered leanness of soul. And thus we may expect it will be for time to come.

The position of suspense is not the most happy one. Those who wait for the return of the Lord in uncertainty as to the definite period of His second advent, are in danger of becoming restless. Hence the application of certain texts to this time, and to the people who are waiting for their Lord. “Ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:36). “Be ye also patient, stablish your hearts; for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh” (James 5:8). “Here is the patience of the saints, here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12).

In such a position, how natural the often-repeated inquiry, “How long before the Lord will come?” But no definite answer can be given to this inquiry. And it is best that this question cannot be definitely answered. Definite time has answered the purpose of God. It brought the Advent people to the waiting time, requiring great patience. Throughout this entire period of the patience of the saints, the only safe position is to keep the coming of Christ ever before us, and to regulate all our acts in full view of the terrible realities of the Judgment. To put off the coming of the Lord, and view that event in the distance, and enter into the spirit of the world, would be dangerous in the extreme. It is true that there are prophecies to be fulfilled, just prior to the coming of the Lord; but their fulfillment is of such a nature that it can be realized in a short time. Unbelief may suggest that as the time has continued longer than the waiting ones expected, it may still continue many years. But saving faith takes the safe position, and views the event at the door. This fact should ever be borne in mind, that while we have no means of showing that the Lord will come at an immediate definite point, no one can prove that He may not very soon come. And while it cannot be proved that the Lord will not very soon come, I will call attention to the following facts which show that the second advent cannot be a distant event.

  1. The three messages constitute a solemn warning to the world to prepare for the coming of Christ. The closing division of this great warning is a test to the world and ripens the harvest of the earth. Those who receive the warning and prepare for the coming of the Lord, are ripened by it for immortality. Those who reject it, are ripened for the day of slaughter.
  2. The warning given by Noah, the manner his message was treated, and the wrath of God in a flood of water, illustrate the closing events of the present state of things (Matthew 24:37). God did not call this preacher of righteousness to warn the next to the last generation before the flood, but the very last. The very generation which drank the waters of the flood, saw Noah build the ark, and heard his warning voice. How absurd the supposition that Noah built the ark, and gave his warning message in the time of next to the last generation, so that those who heard his message and saw his work, passed into the grave, and the ark went to decay, and their children came upon the stage of action to witness unwarned terrors of the flood.
  3. The last great warning was to be given to the last generation of men. The very ones who hear it, receive it, obey it, and are waiting for the Lord, will exclaim, as the Son of man shall return with His angels down the blazing vault of heaven, “Lo! this is our God, we have waited for Him, and He will save us” (Isaiah 25:9). And the very men who reject the warning, and justly merit the wrath of God, will also witness the second advent in flaming fire with terror and anguish. This warning is not given to next to the last generation, but to the very last. Then, as certain as the great warning, illustrated by the three messages of Revelation 14 has been, and is being given in our day, just so certain the generation that has heard the warning will witness the day of wrath, and the revelation of the Son of God from Heaven. One of two things is certain; either Seventh-day Adventists are wrong in the application of the messages, or Christ is very soon coming. If they are correct in their application of the great warning, then the very men who hear it will witness its terrible realities.


“Verily I say unto you,” says Christ, “this generation shall not pass away, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:34, 35). We do not believe that the word generation marks any definite number of years. The Lord designed to teach that the people who should live at the time of the fulfillment of the last sign mentioned (falling stars of 1833), and should hear the proclamation of the coming of Christ, based partly upon the fulfilled signs, should witness the scenes connected with His coming. God has raised up men to give the solemn warning to the world at the right time. The signs were fulfilled at the right time to give force to the warning. And the very generation of men that live after the three great signs are fulfilled, and who hear and reject the warning message, will drink the unmingled cup of the wrath of God. And those of this very generation who receive the message, suffer disappointment and endure the trails of the waiting position, will witness the coming of Christ, and exclaim, “Lo! this is our God, we have waited for Him.”

Dear reader, if watchful and faithful to duty, we shall very soon enter the harbor of eternal rest. Keep a good look-out. Oh, be not deceived, and overcome by the world, the flesh, and the Devil. True faith forbids your looking into the future, and laying plans for the benefit of the next generation. It shuts you up to the present. But it is to be feared that those who are employing their physical and mental forces to accumulate wealth for their children, while they are neglecting their duty to the cause of present truth, and do not give themselves and families time to seek and serve God, are making a terrible mistake. They not only fail to help the cause, and fail to walk with God, and fail to exert the best influence in their own families, but their influence in professing so solemn and definite a position as that the present is the period for the third and last solemn warning, while in works they deny their faith, is decidedly against the cause.

The world exhibits madness in grasping for wealth. A spirit of insanity has taken hold of men upon the subject of worldly gain; and many who profess present truth are more or less imbued with it. With those who do not fear God and keep His commandments, and are not looking for the soon coming of His Son, this is what might be expected. But with Seventh-day Adventists there is no excuse. With them it is insanity and madness. Why should they accumulate wealth for their children? Should the Lord remain away a hundred years, wealth handed down to them would be their almost certain ruin. Look to the history of truly good and great men. Have they sprung up amid wealth? Or have they come from families trained in the school of poverty and want? Read the histories of the early lives of Martin Luther and Abraham Lincoln. Both were poor boys. But they both became great men, by facing want, grappling with poverty, and overcoming those obstacles ever lying in the path of want. Such a struggle in early life gave them experience, and was the safeguard of their purity. While the names of these good men are embalmed in the memory and affection of the people, those of hundreds, who received riches from their parents, have rotted, because money was in the way of their doing what they should have done, and being what they might have been. Setting aside the coming of the Lord, there is no more certain ruin to the children than for them to look to, and lean upon, their parents’ wealth.

But what can be said of the influence of those brethren who profess to believe that the last great warning to the world is being given, yet devote their entire energies to accumulating wealth for their children? What can be the influence upon their children? Is it not to lead them to love this world? to put off the coming of the Lord? to neglect the necessary preparation? Are they not taking a course directly to shut them out of the kingdom of Heaven? And is there any hope of the salvation of either parents or children while pursuing such an inconsistent course? Without the faith of the soon coming of the Lord, they are pursuing a course to secure their ruin. With this faith, while pursuing a course to deny it in work, they are making that ruin certain.

The short period of probation remaining should be improved in laying up treasure in Heaven, and seeking that preparation necessary to its enjoyment in the next life. Parents, I entreat you, live out the precious Advent faith before your children. Lead them to Jesus, and teach them by your faith and works to secure a preparation for His coming. Let your influence in favor of truth and holiness extend to all around, that it may be said of you, “Well done, good and faithful servant; … enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” (Matthew 25:23).

Life Incidents in Connection with the Great Advent Movement, 332–342.

Escaping the Corruption of the World – Claiming the Promises

Peter’s second epistle opens with an incredible statement that on the surface seems simple and straightforward, but upon careful examination reveals a depth of spiritual insight that we may not fully understand until we receive the light of eternity.

“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as 

  1. His divine power
  2. has given to us
  3. all things
  4. that pertain to life and godliness,
  5. through the knowledge of Him
  6. who called us by glory and virtue,
  7. by which have been given to us
  8. exceedingly great and precious promises,
  9. that through these
  10. you may be partakers of the divine nature,
  11. having escaped the corruption
  12. that is in the world through lust.”
    2 Peter 1:2–4 NKJV

Let’s look at these verses phrase by phrase and try to gain at least a cursory understanding of the love the Lord has for us and the provisions that God has made for our salvation that Peter clearly understood and is attempting to share with the recipients of his second letter.

This letter was written “To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 1:1). Surely that includes today’s children of Israel—Modern Israel.

In commenting on Peter’s second epistle, Inspiration makes the following statement:

“The apostle presents before the believers the ladder of Christian progress, every step of which represents advancement in the knowledge of God, and in the climbing of which there is to be no standstill. Faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and charity are the rounds of the ladder. We are saved by climbing round after round, mounting step after step, to the height of Christ’s ideal for us. Thus He is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.” The Acts of the Apostles, 530.

Clearly the most notable aspect of Peter’s letter is Peter’s ladder, the ascension of which develops in us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. However, let’s examine closely what Peter wrote as an introduction to that wonderful key to salvation. In the opening lines of his letter, Peter actually states the result of our faithful climb before stating how to achieve those results.

In verse 3, Peter states that what we accomplish is done through “His divine power.” It isn’t perfectly clear if the antecedent of “His” is “God” or “Jesus our Lord,” as stated in verse 2, but it really doesn’t matter. Both entities are divine and both long for the salvation of mankind. As Jesus said in John 10:30, “I and My Father are one.”

Then Peter states that this power has given us some very precious gifts. We did nothing to deserve these gifts—else they would not be gifts. But what precious gifts they are: all things; but note that there is actually a qualifier for the “all things” that He has given us: it is indeed “all things” but only those things that pertain to life and godliness—not just some of the things that we need, but all things.

It is worthwhile to note, by the way, that twice in these verses, Peter notes the fact that the things we need for salvation are gifts. In verse 3 he tells us how we have been given these gifts: through divine power (which, you should remember, is infallible); and in verse 4 he confirms that it is through divine glory and virtue that we have been so lovingly gifted.

Then Peter explains how we obtain these things. Understand that a gift is not a gift until it is accepted by the receiver. Thus we obtain these gifts “through the knowledge of Him”—and note that it isn’t just anybody who has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness, but it is “Him who has called us by glory and virtue.” And who is this “Him” who called us? Again, it doesn’t matter whether the antecedent is God or Christ.  Jesus made it clear in John 8:19 (“If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also”) and 14:9 (“He who has seen Me has seen the Father”) that their characters are exactly identical, and to know one is to know the other. Obviously we acquire that knowledge through a continuing, consistent, and thorough study of His word—in all of its manifestations.

Then comes other gifts in verse 4: “exceedingly great and precious promises.” Surely our hearts thrill with gratitude when we recognize that the pathway to heaven is open to us through these promises. In case we have difficulty grasping the assurance of these promises, Paul confirmed their significance in Hebrews 6:17, 18 when he wrote, “Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath, that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us.”

That hope exists because (1) God cannot lie; (2) He deems us as heirs of His promises; (3) those promises and His counsel are immutable and unchangeable; (4) and He confirmed those promises by an oath “in which it is impossible for God to lie.”

The harmony of the truths expressed by the different Bible writers can be overwhelming sometimes.

Then Peter gives us two incredible results of the working of those promises in our lives when we accept and act on them.

First we become partakers of the divine nature. Just as Christ combined His divinity with humanity through the mystery of the incarnation, we have the incredible privilege of combining our humanity with His divinity and thereby being partakers of the divine nature.

In explaining the assumption of humanity by divinity, Inspiration wrote: “The doctrine of the incarnation of Christ in human flesh is a mystery, ‘even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations’ (Colossians 1:26). It is the great and profound mystery of godliness. ‘The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us’ (John 1:14).” Selected Messages, Book 1, 246.

Then explaining the assumption of divinity by humanity, Inspiration wrote: “Genuine faith appropriates the righteousness of Christ, and the sinner is made an overcomer with Christ; for he is made a partaker of the divine nature, and thus divinity and humanity are combined.” Faith and Works, 94.

Second and equally incredible, we are thus enabled—or given the power—to escape the corruption that is in the world through unsanctified desire, a longing for that which is forbidden, or lust.

Peter continues here a theme expressed in his first epistle in which he warned the sojourners and pilgrims on the narrow way to “abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul” (1 Peter 2:11).

After explaining the almost unbelievable results of a successful climb—the reality of being partakers of the divine nature—Peter then provides the progression necessary to achieve those results in verses 5 through 7—a passage that we are all familiar with:

“But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love” (2 Peter 1:5–7).

By claiming and acting on the promises given us through the Word, we have assurance confirmed by the oath of God Himself that salvation is within our reach. We can escape the corruption of the world and we can manifest the character of Christ perfectly.

John Pearson is the office manager and a board member of Steps to Life. He may be contacted by email at:

Be Ready to Give an Answer

Before Jesus returns, those who are faithful to the ten commandments are going to meet with religious intolerance from the majority of Christian churches. At that time, faithful ministers and leaders will mostly be in jail or possibly hiding in a cave somewhere. The common people are going to be arraigned in front of courts and legislatures to give a reason for their faith.

I am disturbed as I visit with different brothers and sisters around the country that so many are unprepared for that time. I wonder how they will be able to tell a court what they believe. All should be able to give a simple Bible study about the cardinal features of their faith, and be able to do it succinctly in a few minutes.

Every Seventh-day Adventist should be able to give a Bible study on the seal of God and the mark of the beast. However, before these subjects can be understood there are a few other topics that need to be explained in preparation. First, it is helpful to know who the beast is in Revelation 13:1–10, and who the little horn is in Daniel 7. To understand the mark of the beast, it is first necessary to identify the beast.

In giving an interesting Bible study, often less is best. When Adventists first started giving Bible studies in the late 19th century they used a hundred to a hundred fifty texts to prove their point. Soon they found out that this was way too much material and caused overload. To keep a person’s interest, studies must be kept simple.

The Seal of God

1    The seal of God is found in His law. Isaiah 8:16 says, “Bind up the testimony, seal the law among My disciples.” The law is the Ten Commandments, so the seal of God must have something to do with His law. It says, “seal the law.”

Some former Adventists believe that the seal of God is the Holy Spirit. However, the New Testament teaches that we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not the seal. The seal of God has to do with the law.

2    The words sign and seal are used interchangeably in the Bible. Romans 4:11 says, “And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while still uncircumcised, that he might be the father of all those who believe, though they are uncircumcised, that righteousness might be imputed to them also.”

3    The Sabbath has always been the sign of the true worshipers of the God of heaven.

“And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, ‘Speak also to the children of Israel, saying: “Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the Lord who sanctifies you. You shall keep the Sabbath, therefore, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. Work shall be done for six days, but the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.” ’ And when He had made an end of speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses two tablets of the Testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God” (Exodus 31:12–18).

4    The Sabbath is a perpetual covenant between God and His people. “Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant” (Exodus 31:16).

The Sabbath commandment has all the identifying characteristics of the seal of a covenant, which authenticates the following:

  • a) the name of the covenanter
  • b) the covenanter’s position
  • c) his jurisdiction: the area that person governs or has authority over

The fourth commandment identifies:

a    God—the covenanter

b   Creator of the heavens and the earth—His position

c    Heaven and earth—His jurisdiction

The Sabbath is a perpetual covenant between God and His people.

5    The Sabbath commandment has always distinguished God’s people from the rest of the world. “Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them” (Ezekiel 20:12).

This sign is mentioned again in verse 20: “Hallow My Sabbaths, and they will be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am the Lord your God.”

6    Breaking the Sabbath commandment is likened in the Bible to spiritual adultery. “They have committed adultery, and blood is on their hands. They have committed adultery with their idols, and even sacrificed their sons whom they bore to Me, passing them through the fire, to devour them. Moreover they have done this to Me: They have defiled My sanctuary on the same day and profaned My Sabbaths” (Ezekiel 23:37, 38).

7    God’s children in the last days are especially pointed out in prophecy as commandment keepers. “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (Revelation 14:12).

“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17).

This is an important point to remember, as most of our Protestant friends believe they are keeping the commandments while neglecting the fourth. But James makes it very clear when he says, “Whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all. For He who said, ‘Do not commit adultery,’ also said, ‘Do not murder.’ Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty” (James 2:10).

This text points out that you cannot be called a commandment keeper while breaking even one. It is clear that James is referring to the ten commandment law, because he mentions both the sixth and seventh commandments. It points out that the ten commandment law is the standard for the judgment. To have a clear conscience, one must keep the seventh day Sabbath, regardless of what the state says, or the popular churches say. Nowhere in Scripture can we find that the Sabbath was changed from the seventh to the first day of the week. Peter said, “We ought to obey God rather than man” (Acts 5:29).

In less than 15 minutes the seal of God can be explained. It is an important subject to know because it is only those who have received the seal who will be under divine protection from the time of trouble that lies ahead.

Seventh-day Adventists have been given the light of the three angels’ messages to share with the world. The third angel’s message is a warning against the worship of the beast, its image, and its mark.

The Beast and the Little Horn

Once the “beast” and the “little horn” are identified it will not take a long time to explain the mark of the beast.

1    Scripture indicates that the beast power and the little horn power represent the papacy by pointing out the special characteristic of this. “He shall speak great words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law” (Daniel 7:25, literal translation).

2    The papacy has deliberately attempted to change God’s law. J. F. Snyder of Bloomington, Illinois, once asked a Catholic clergyman this question: “Does the Catholic church claim to have changed the Sabbath?”

In response, C. F. Thomas said, “Of course the Catholic church claims that the change was her act, and the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters.” Sentinel, May 21, 1995, Number 22.

The Bible says in Daniel 7:25 that changing “times and law” is a special characteristic of this power and the Catholic church openly claims to have done just exactly that. However, it is often a terrible shock for Roman Catholics to find out this truth, but it is better to be shocked now rather than be shocked when Jesus comes and find out they have been supporting the wrong side of the battle between Christ and Satan.

The Mark of the Beast

1    Those who receive the mark of the beast will also be the recipients of God’s wrath. “A third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation’ ” (Revelation 14:9, 10).

This has been described by Ellen White to be the most fearful threatening in the whole Bible. (See Early Writings, 254.) That being the case, shouldn’t we be interested in knowing how to avoid it and warning others as well?

2    Only those who refuse to obey the truth but obey unrighteousness receive God’s wrath. “But to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath” (Romans 2:8).

There are many, including Christians, who are ignorant of present truth and have never heard the last warning message to the world found in Revelation 14.

3    “All unrighteousness is sin” (1 John 5:17, first part).

4    “Sin is the transgression of God’s law” (1 John 3:4, literal translation).

5    The mark of the beast involves the transgression of one or more of the ten commandments. We know that because if you receive the mark of the beast, you are going to receive the wrath of God. Nobody receives the wrath of God except those who obey unrighteousness (break God’s law). We read that in Romans 2:8.

6    The mark of the beast is a special characteristic or feature or teaching of the beast power that leaves its mark, something that is seen.

The proclamation of this truth today is often criticized as being hateful toward the Catholics – an accusation that could not be further from the truth. It is because of God’s love for Catholics and other Protestants that have been deceived that this warning is given. He is not willing that any miss out on eternal life and has raised up the Seventh-day Adventist Church to give this last message of mercy before He comes in the clouds of heaven.

Before He returns every person on earth will make a decision that will determine their eternal destiny. All will be marked with one or the other. Either they will receive the seal of God, or they will receive the mark of the beast.

This mark is not a literal mark, but is the manifestation of a decision that is made. The deciding factor will be when Sunday observance is enforced by pain of law in the United States. At that time, all people will have to decide whom they will follow—man or God, and this decision will determine their eternal destiny.

Ellen White describes God’s people in the end time as a little company. Those who followed Jesus when He walked out of Jerusalem after His resurrection are also described as a little company. On the day of Pentecost the followers of Christ are also described as a little company. Over and over, in the Spirit of Prophecy, God’s true followers are called a little company.

At Christ’s first coming, there was a multitude of people who believed in a coming Messiah, but out of those millions of people there was only a little company who truly believed in Him enough to follow Him. In Luke 12:32, KJV, Jesus said, “Fear not, little flock.” At that time there were only a handful of people left that were following Him. The 5,000 that had been fed on the mount had walked away. He said, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”

Isaiah said, “For though your people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea, a remnant of them will return” (Isaiah 10:22). A remnant will be saved.

Dear friend, you must not be discouraged if it seems you are all alone in your belief, or the church you attend is small with only a handful of faithful believers. You must say, Lord, show us what to do to get this message out. It would be wonderful if all of God’s people could give a simple answer for what they believe on all of our beliefs.

Remember, it does not have to be complicated with numerous proof texts. The truth is straightforward and should be simply stated. God is going to have a little company and we want to be part of it.

We are told that for a little time it will appear as though the devil has won the great controversy. It looked that way at Jesus’ first coming so we must be ready for that and not be discouraged.

I have tried to analyze this over and over again. It is the most ironic, paradoxical thing that I have ever thought about in my life that when Jesus was crucified on the cross, He did not die from the wounds of crucifixion. We often say that it was our sins that killed Him and, in a sense, that is almost true. Jesus said, “No one takes it [My life] from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father” (John 10:18). Jesus willingly chose to lay down His life so you and I could live. This love is beyond our understanding.

Throughout eternity the redeemed will study about God’s gift to man, His only begotten Son, and what He did for us to be saved. We are told that angels also long to look into these things. This study will never be exhausted throughout eternity.

Before we can go to heaven, we have a work to do. Ellen White says this work is never going to be finished by ministers alone. The whole church must be involved in the outreach. All should have the experience and joy of being part of someone’s conversion story and witness them giving their lives to Jesus.

Ellen White wrote, “The plan of holding Bible readings was a heaven-born idea. There are many, both men and women, who can engage in this branch of missionary labor. … He will crown with success every humble effort made in His name.” Gospel Workers, 339.

Pray about getting involved. We all need to be involved in some kind of outreach. There are many resources that can be used for Bible studies but the best one is the one you understand yourself.

[All emphasis supplied.]

(Unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, Bible texts are from the New King James Version.)

Pastor John J. Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life and pastors the Prairie Meadows Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by email at:, or by telephone at: 316-788-5559.

Editorial – The Abomination of Desolation

One of the major themes of the book of Daniel (chapters 8:10–13; 9:26, 27; 11:29–35; 12:8–13) is the abomination of desolation. Jesus told His disciples to understand what it meant when Daniel said it would stand where it should not (Mark 13) or in the Holy Place (Matthew 24).

Adventists have understood this abomination as referring to events in past history—the destruction of Jerusalem and His church being trampled for 42 months—but it also refers to events in the future. See the following quotes by Ellen White:

“As the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman armies was the signal for flight to the Judean Christians, so the assumption of power on the part of our nation in the decree enforcing the papal sabbath will be a warning to us. It will then be time to leave the large cities, preparatory to leaving the smaller ones for retired homes in secluded places among the mountains.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 464, 465.

“Satan sees that he is about to lose his case. … He makes one last desperate effort to overcome the faithful by deception. He does this in personating Christ. He clothes himself with the garments of royalty which have been accurately described in the vision of John. …

“There was one object before the praying ones—the final and eternal salvation of their souls. This object was before them constantly—that immortal life was promised to those who endure unto the end. Oh, how earnest and fervent had been their desires. The judgment and eternity were in view. Their eyes by faith were fixed on the blazing throne, before which the white-robed ones were to stand. This restrained them from the indulgence of sin.” Last Day Events, 164, 165.

“One effort more, and then Satan’s last device is employed. He hears the unceasing cry for Christ to come, for Christ to deliver them. This last strategy is to personate Christ, and make them think their prayers are answered.” Ibid., 165.