Bible Study Guides – The 144,000 and the Seventh Seal

June 22, 2014 – June 28, 2014

Key Text

“And the Lord said unto him [the man clothed with linen, who had the writer’s inkhorn at his side], Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.” Ezekiel 9:4.

Study Help: Evangelism, 225–236.


“The sign, or seal, of God is revealed in the observance of the seventh-day Sabbath, the Lord’s memorial of creation. … The Sabbath is clearly designated as a sign between God and His people.” Testimonies, vol. 8, 117.


  • Now, under the sixth seal, what preparations are being made in the political world? Revelation 11:18. Why are the winds of contention being held in check? Revelation 7:1, 3. What will happen when the winds of strife are released? I Thessalonians 5:3.
  • What work must be done on earth between the events foretold in Revelation 6:13 and 6:14? Ezekiel 9:4; Revelation 7:1–4.

Note: “The Israelites placed over their doors a signature of blood, to show that they were God’s property. So the children of God in this age will bear the signature God has appointed. They will place themselves in harmony with God’s holy law. A mark is placed upon every one of God’s people just as verily as a mark was placed over the doors of the Hebrew dwellings, to preserve the people from the general ruin.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 968, 969.

  • Describe the final gospel messages under which this work (the sealing of the 144,000) will be completed. Revelation 14:6–12; 18:1–4.


  • What is the evidence that the two prophetic references about the restoration of the Lord’s Sabbath belong to the Christian era? Isaiah 8:14–16; 61:4; 58:12–14.

Note: “In the time of the end every divine institution is to be restored. The breach made in the law at the time the Sabbath was changed by man, is to be repaired. God’s remnant people, standing before the world as reformers, are to show that the law of God is the foundation of all enduring reform and that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is to stand as a memorial of creation, a constant reminder of the power of God. In clear, distinct lines they are to present the necessity of obedience to all the precepts of the Decalogue. Constrained by the love of Christ, they are to co-operate with Him in building up the waste places. They are to be repairers of the breach, restorers of paths to dwell in.” Prophets and Kings, 678.

  • With regard to His law, why does God demand much more of this last generation than of former generations? John 9:41; Luke 12:47, 48.

Note: “Let none plead as an excuse for not keeping the Sabbath, that their fathers died accepted of God when keeping the first day of the week. No doubt they were accepted; for they did not sin against the light that is shining upon you in your day. God would have us walk in the light which shines upon us. We are to appreciate the truth that is presented to our understanding; for if we do not walk in the light, it becomes darkness, and our darkness will be proportionate to the light that is given.

“We shall not be held accountable for the light that has not reached our perception, but for that which we have resisted and refused. A man could not apprehend the truth which had never been presented to him, and therefore could not be condemned for light he had never had. But if he had opportunity to hear the message, and to become acquainted with the truth, and yet refused to improve his opportunity, he will be among the number of whom Christ said, ‘Ye will not come unto me that ye might have life’ (John 5:40). Those who deliberately place themselves where they will not have an opportunity of hearing the truth, will be reckoned among those who have heard the truth, and persistently resisted its evidences.” The Review and Herald, April 25, 1893.


  • What will the 144,000 be able to say when they see Christ coming in glory? Isaiah 25:8, 9.

Note: “The living righteous are changed ‘in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye’ (I Corinthians 15:52). At the voice of God they were glorified; now they are made immortal and with the risen saints are caught up to meet their Lord in the air. Angels ‘gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other’ (Matthew 24:31). Little children are borne by holy angels to their mothers’ arms. Friends long separated by death are united, nevermore to part, and with songs of gladness ascend together to the City of God.” The Great Controversy, 645.

  • What will the unsaved multitudes say? Revelation 6:15–17.

Note: “[When God’s holy law is revealed as the rule of judgment to all the inhabitants of the earth] the enemies of God’s law, from the ministers down to the least among them, have a new conception of truth and duty. Too late they see that the Sabbath of the fourth commandment is the seal of the living God. Too late they see the true nature of their spurious sabbath and the sandy foundation upon which they have been building. They find that they have been fighting against God. Religious teachers have led souls to perdition while professing to guide them to the gates of Paradise. Not until the day of final accounts will it be known how great is the responsibility of men in holy office and how terrible are the results of their unfaithfulness. Only in eternity can we rightly estimate the loss of a single soul. Fearful will be the doom of him to whom God shall say: Depart, thou wicked servant. …

“No human pen can portray the scene [of Jesus’ return as a mighty conqueror with a vast, unnumbered throng of holy angels]; no mortal mind is adequate to conceive its splendor. ‘His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of His praise. And His brightness was as the light’ (Habakkuk 3:3, 4). As the living cloud comes still nearer, every eye beholds the Prince of life. No crown of thorns now mars that sacred head; but a diadem of glory rests on His holy brow. His countenance outshines the dazzling brightness of the noonday sun. ‘And He hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords’ (Revelation 19:16).

“Before His presence ‘all faces are turned into paleness’ (Jeremiah 30:6); upon the rejecters of God’s mercy falls the terror of eternal despair.” The Great Controversy, 640, 641.


  • Why is there silence in heaven? John 14:1–3; Matthew 16;27; Revelation 8:1. What condition will prevail in heaven for “half an hour”?

Note: “Amid the reeling of the earth, the flash of lightning, and the roar of thunder, the voice of the Son of God calls forth the sleeping saints.” The Great Controversy, 644.

  • In describing the 144,000 seen on Mount Zion, what characteristics does John emphasize? Revelation 14:1–5. What understanding can aid us in our desire to be among that number?

Note: “John saw a Lamb on Mount Zion, and with Him 144,000, having His Father’s name written in their foreheads. They bore the signet of heaven. They reflected the image of God. They were full of the light and the glory of the Holy One. If we would have the image and superscription of God upon us, we must separate ourselves from all iniquity. We must forsake every evil way, and then we must trust our cases in the hands of Christ. While we are working out our own salvation with fear and trembling, God will work in us to will and to do of His own good pleasure. While you must do your part, yet it is God that must give you aid, and sanctify you. Christ makes us penitent that He may forgive us. We have an idea that we must do some part of the work alone. We have thought that there are two or three steps that we must take without any help or support. But this is not so. The Spirit of God is continually wooing and drawing the soul to right purposes, and into harmony with the law of God.” The Review and Herald, March 19, 1889.

“[Revelation 14:1 quoted.] In this world their minds were consecrated to God; they served Him with the intellect and with the heart; and now He can place His name ‘in their foreheads’ (Revelation 14:1, last part).” The Acts of the Apostles, 590, 591.

“Are we striving with all our God-given powers to reach the measure of the stature of men and women in Christ? Are we seeking for His fullness, ever reaching higher and higher, trying to attain to the perfection of His character?

“When God’s servants reach this point, they will be sealed in their foreheads.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 1, 370.


  • What promise have the faithful people of God embraced by faith from the beginning of the world? Hebrews 11:13–16; II Peter 3:13; Matthew 5:5, 10.

Note: “Through humility and self-surrender we may become heirs with Him [Christ] when ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’ (Psalm 37:11).

“The earth promised to the meek will not be like this, darkened with the shadow of death and the curse. …

“Jesus is there, peace is there.” Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings, 17.

  • Since the coming of Christ is at the door, what is the most important question that every individual should put to himself or herself? Acts 2:37, last part; 16:30, 31.

Note: “Notwithstanding our unworthiness, we are to remember that there is One who can take away sin, and who is willing and anxious to save the sinner.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 970.

“We are to copy no human being. There is no human being wise enough to be our criterion. We are to look to the man Christ Jesus, who is complete in the perfection of righteousness and holiness. He is the author and finisher of our faith. He is the pattern man. His experience is the measure of the experience that we are to gain. His character is our model. Let us, then, take our minds off the perplexities and the difficulties of this life, and fix them on Him, that by beholding we may be changed into His likeness.” Ibid.


1 Although another world war has been threatening to break out, why are the winds of contention being held back by the providence of God?

2 What are the three final gospel messages to be given to the world?

3 What is prophesied in Isaiah 8:14–16 and 58:12–14, and how do we know that this prophecy belongs to the Christian dispensation?

4 Describe the 144,000, victorious saints.

5 Describe the conditions of the new earth.

© 2010 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – The Fifth and Sixth Seals

June 15, 2014 – June 21, 2014

Key Text

“The great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” Revelation 6:17.

Study Help: The Great Controversy, 304–308, 333, 334, 640–646.


“The righteous cry with trembling: ‘Who shall be able to stand?’ (Revelation 6:17). The angels’ song is hushed, and there is a period of awful silence. Then the voice of Jesus is heard, saying: ‘My grace is sufficient for you’ (II Corinthians 12:9 RSV). The faces of the righteous are lighted up, and joy fills every heart.” God’s Amazing Grace, 356.


  • When the fifth seal was opened, what was seen? Revelation 6:9.
  • Where is the altar of sacrifice in the gospel dispensation—in heaven or on earth? John 19:16, 17; Hebrews 13:10–13. Where were millions of Christian martyrs sacrificed? Matthew 24:21, 22; Revelation 12:11.

Note: “Persecution opened upon the faithful with greater fury than ever before, and the world became a vast battlefield.” The Great Controversy, 54, 55.

  • Which is the only altar in heaven, and what is offered on that altar? Revelation 8:2–4.


  • What were the souls under the altar doing? Revelation 6:10. In what sense can dead people cry? Genesis 4:9, 10; Hebrews 11:4.

Note: “As the blood of Abel cried from the ground, there are voices also crying to God from martyrs’ graves, from the sepulchers of the sea, from mountain caverns, from convent vaults: ‘How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth’ (Revelation 6:10)?” Testimonies, vol. 5, 451.

“Satan and his angels controlled the minds of evil men, while unseen in the midst stood an angel of God, taking the fearful record of their iniquitous decrees and writing the history of deeds too horrible to appear to human eyes. ‘Babylon the great’ was ‘drunken with the blood of the saints’ (Revelation 17:5, 6). The mangled forms of millions of martyrs cried to God for vengeance upon that apostate power.” The Great Controversy, 59, 60.

  • Why were white robes given to these martyrs? Revelation 6:11, first part.

Note: “ ‘[Revelation 6:9, 10 quoted.] And white robes were given unto every one of them [they were pronounced pure and holy]’ (verse 11, first part).” Manuscript Releases, vol. 20, 198.

“God permits the wicked to prosper and to reveal their enmity against Him, that when they shall have filled up the measure of their iniquity all may see His justice and mercy in their utter destruction. The day of His vengeance hastens, when all who have transgressed His law and oppressed His people will meet the just recompense of their deeds; when every act of cruelty or injustice toward God’s faithful ones will be punished as though done to Christ Himself.” The Great Controversy, 48.

“Christ is acquainted with all that is misunderstood and misrepresented by men. His children can afford to wait in calm patience and trust, no matter how much maligned and despised; for nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, and those who honor God shall be honored by Him in the presence of men and angels.” Sons and Daughters of God, 308.


  • What events take place at the opening of the sixth seal? Revelation 6:12. How are the next two events similar to that of Christ’s prophecy given on the Mount of Olives? Matthew 24:29, 30.

Note: “Prophecy not only foretells the manner and object of Christ’s coming, but presents tokens by which men are to know when it is near. Said Jesus: ‘There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars’ (Luke 21:25). ‘The sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory’ (Mark 13:24–26). The revelator thus describes the first of the signs to precede the second advent: [Revelation 6:12 quoted].

“These signs were witnessed before the opening of the nineteenth century. In fulfillment of this prophecy there occurred, in the year 1755, the most terrible earthquake that has ever been recorded.” The Great Controversy, 304.

“ ‘Almost, if not altogether alone, as the most mysterious and as yet unexplained phenomenon of its kind, … stands the dark day of May 19, 1780—a most unaccountable darkening of the whole visible heavens and atmosphere in New England.’—R. M. Devens, Our First Century, 89.” Ibid., 306.

  • How did Christ explain the time in which these signs were to be fulfilled? Matthew 24:29, first part.

Note: “What rendered this [dark day of May 19, 1780] more striking was the fact that the time of its fulfillment had been definitely pointed out. In the Saviour’s conversation with His disciples upon Olivet, after describing the long period of trial for the church—the 1260 years of papal persecution, concerning which He had promised that the tribulation should be shortened—He thus mentioned certain events to precede His coming, and fixed the time when the first of these should be witnessed: ‘In those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light’ (Mark 13:24). The 1260 days, or years, terminated in 1798. A quarter of a century earlier, persecution had almost wholly ceased.” The Great Controversy, 306.


  • How was the prophecy of the stars falling from heaven fulfilled? Revelation 6:13; Matthew 24:29, third part.

Note: “This prophecy [of the last of the signs] received a striking and impressive fulfillment in the great meteoric shower of November 13, 1833. That was the most extensive and wonderful display of falling stars which has ever been recorded; ‘the whole firmament, over all the United States, being then, for hours, in fiery commotion!’ …

“ ‘No language, indeed, can come up to the splendor of that magnificent display; … no one who did not witness it can form an adequate conception of its glory. It seemed as if the whole starry heavens had congregated at one point near the zenith, and were simultaneously shooting forth, with the velocity of lightning, to every part of the horizon; and yet they were not exhausted—thousands swiftly followed in the tracks of thousands, as if created for the occasion’—F. Reed, in the Christian Advocate and Journal, Dec. 13, 1833. ‘A more correct picture of a fig tree casting its figs when blown by a mighty wind, it was not possible to behold’—‘The Old Countryman,’ in Portland Evening Advertiser, November 26, 1833.” The Great Controversy, 333, 334.

  • Whom did the Lord then call to warn people in the United States about the nearness of Christ’s return? What was the result of his work?

Note: “As Elisha was called from following his oxen in the field, to receive the mantle of consecration to the prophetic office, so was William Miller called to leave his plow and open to the people the mysteries of the kingdom of God. With trembling he entered upon his work, leading his hearers down, step by step, through the prophetic periods to the second appearing of Christ.” The Great Controversy, 331.

“Many who did not accept his views as to the exact time of the second advent were convinced of the certainty and nearness of Christ’s coming and their need of preparation. In some of the large cities his work produced a marked impression. Liquor dealers abandoned the traffic and turned their shops into meeting rooms; gambling dens were broken up; infidels, deists, Universalists, and even the most abandoned profligates were reformed, some of whom had not entered a house of worship for years. Prayer meetings were established by the various denominations, in different quarters, at almost every hour, businessmen assembling at midday for prayer and praise. There was no extravagant excitement, but an almost universal solemnity on the minds of the people.” Ibid., 332.


  • With what opposition did the work of William Miller meet? II Peter 3:3, 4.

Note: “It was made to appear a sin, something of which men should be ashamed, to study the prophecies which relate to the coming of Christ and the end of the world. …

“While drawing crowded houses of intelligent and attentive hearers, Miller’s name was seldom mentioned by the religious press except by way of ridicule or denunciation.” The Great Controversy, 336.

  • How is the increasing decadence of nominal Christianity described in the end-time prophecies? Matthew 24:12; Luke 18:8, last part; II Timothy 3:1–5.

Note: “Thousands who pride themselves upon their wisdom and independence regard it as an evidence of weakness to place implicit confidence in the Bible; they think it a proof of superior talent and learning to cavil at the Scriptures and to spiritualize and explain away their most important truths.” The Great Controversy, 583.

  • How are the very few faithful ones—the true followers of Christ—distinguished from the rest of the world? Matthew 24:13; Luke 21:34–36; Revelation 3:11, 18, 19.

Note: “We need to repent constantly, that we may be constantly victorious.” “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 959.


1 Where—in heaven or on earth—is the altar seen by John at the opening of the fifth seal? In what sense can dead saints cry?

2 What shows that the dead saints are in the grave and that their crying is symbolic?

3 What events take place at the opening of the sixth seal? What happened in 1755, 1780, and 1833?

4 Describe the professed Christian world of today.

5 How can genuine Christians be distinguished from nominal Christians?

© 2010 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – The Opening of the Seals

June 8, 2014 – June 14, 2014

Key Text

“I saw in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.” Revelation 5:1.

Study Help: The Acts of the Apostles, 578–589.


“Oh, that all could behold our precious Saviour as He is, a Saviour. Let His hand draw aside the veil which conceals His glory from our eyes.” [Emphasis author’s.] “Ellen G. White Comments,” The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, vol. 7, 967.


  • What was seen when the first seal was opened? Revelation 6:1, 2. What does white symbolize in Scripture? Revelation 3:4, 5; 19:8; Isaiah 1:18.
  • Describe the early Christian church and her spiritual conquests. How did persecution gain advantages for the gospel? Acts 8:4; Colossians 1:23.

Note: “In the days of the apostles the Christian believers were filled with earnestness and enthusiasm. So untiringly did they labor for their Master that in a comparatively short time, notwithstanding fierce opposition, the gospel of the kingdom was sounded to all the inhabited parts of the earth. The zeal manifested at this time by the followers of Jesus has been recorded by the pen of inspiration for the encouragement of believers in every age.” The Acts of the Apostles, 578.

“If primitive Christianity could enter the hearts of all who claim to believe the truth, it would bring to them new life and power. The people who are in darkness would then see the contrast between truth and error, between the teachings of God’s word and the fables of superstition.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 580.


  • In what sense were the early Christians a peculiar people? Revelation 2:1, 3.

Note: “The early Christians were indeed a peculiar people. Their blameless deportment and unswerving faith were a continual reproof that disturbed the sinner’s peace. Though few in numbers, without wealth, position, or honorary titles, they were a terror to evildoers wherever their character and doctrines were known.” The Great Controversy, 46.

“The members of the church were united in sentiment and action. Love for Christ was the golden chain that bound them together. They followed on to know the Lord more and still more perfectly, and in their lives were revealed the joy and peace of Christ. They visited the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and kept themselves unspotted from the world, realizing that a failure to do this would be a contradiction of their profession and a denial of their Redeemer.

“In every city the work was carried forward. Souls were converted, who in their turn felt that they must tell of the inestimable treasure they had received. They could not rest till the light which had illumined their minds was shining upon others.” The Acts of the Apostles, 579.

  • How did the early church deal with unfaithful leaders? Revelation 2:2 (compare Acts 20:28–30). Yet sadly, toward the end of the first century, why did the church lose her primitive godliness? Revelation 2:4, 5.

Note: “After a time the zeal of the believers began to wane, and their love for God and for one another grew less. Coldness crept into the church. Some forgot the wonderful manner in which they had received the truth. One by one the old standard-bearers fell at their post. Some of the younger workers, who might have shared the burdens of these pioneers, and thus have been prepared for wise leadership, had become weary of oft-repeated truths. In their desire for something novel and startling they attempted to introduce new phases of doctrine, more pleasing to many minds, but not in harmony with the fundamental principles of the gospel. In their self-confidence and spiritual blindness they failed to discern that these sophistries would cause many to question the experiences of the past, and would thus lead to confusion and unbelief.” The Acts of the Apostles, 580.


  • What was seen when the second seal was opened? Revelation 6:3, 4. What does red stand for? II Kings 3:19–23.

Note: “Great numbers sealed their testimony with their blood. Noble and slave, rich and poor, learned and ignorant, were alike slain without mercy.

“These persecutions, beginning under Nero about the time of the martyrdom of Paul, continued with greater or less fury for centuries. Christians were falsely accused of the most dreadful crimes and declared to be the cause of great calamities—famine, pestilence, and earthquake. As they became the objects of popular hatred and suspicion, informers stood ready, for the sake of gain, to betray the innocent. They were condemned as rebels against the empire, as foes of religion, and pests to society. Great numbers were thrown to wild beasts or burned alive in the amphitheaters.” The Great Controversy, 40.

“Under the fiercest persecution these witnesses for Jesus kept their faith unsullied. Though deprived of every comfort, shut away from the light of the sun, making their home in the dark but friendly bosom of the earth, they uttered no complaint. With words of faith, patience, and hope they encouraged one another to endure privation and distress. The loss of every earthly blessing could not force them to renounce their belief in Christ. Trials and persecution were but steps bringing them nearer their rest and their reward.” Ibid., 41.

  • Why can it be said that “by defeat they conquered” (The Great Controversy, 41)? Revelation 7:14, 17.

Note: “Thousands were imprisoned and slain, but others sprang up to fill their places. And those who were martyred for their faith were secured to Christ and accounted of Him as conquerors. They had fought the good fight, and they were to receive the crown of glory when Christ should come. The sufferings which they endured brought Christians nearer to one another and to their Redeemer. Their living example and dying testimony were a constant witness for the truth; and where least expected, the subjects of Satan were leaving his service and enlisting under the banner of Christ.” The Great Controversy, 42.


  • What change was taking place under the third seal, at the beginning of the fourth century? Revelation 6:5, 6.

Note: “Satan … laid his plans to war more successfully against the government of God by planting his banner in the Christian church. If the followers of Christ could be deceived and led to displease God, then their strength, fortitude, and firmness would fail, and they would fall an easy prey.

“The great adversary now endeavored to gain by artifice what he had failed to secure by force. Persecution ceased, and in its stead were substituted the dangerous allurements of temporal prosperity and worldly honor. Idolaters were led to receive a part of the Christian faith, while they rejected other essential truths. They professed to accept Jesus as the Son of God and to believe in His death and resurrection, but they had no conviction of sin and felt no need of repentance or of a change of heart. With some concessions on their part they proposed that Christians should make concessions, that all might unite on the platform of belief in Christ. …

“Most of the Christians at last consented to lower their standard, and a union was formed between Christianity and paganism. Although the worshipers of idols professed to be converted, and united with the church, they still clung to their idolatry, only changing the objects of their worship to images of Jesus, and even of Mary and the saints. … As the followers of Christ united with idolaters, the Christian religion became corrupted, and the church lost her purity and power.” The Great Controversy, 42, 43.

  • How was the apostasy predicted by the apostle Paul? II Thessalonians 2:7–9.

Note: “As persecution ceased, and Christianity entered the courts and palaces of kings, she laid aside the humble simplicity of Christ and His apostles for the pomp and pride of pagan priests and rulers; and in place of the requirements of God, she substituted human theories and traditions.” The Great Controversy, 49.


  • What was seen under the fourth seal? What was the name of the fourth rider? Revelation 6:7, 8. How was papal Rome gaining political control in the sixth century?

Note: “ ‘The noon of the papacy was the midnight of the world’—J. A. Wylie, The History of Protestantism, b. 1, ch. 4. The Holy Scriptures were almost unknown, not only to the people, but to the priests. Like the Pharisees of old, the papal leaders hated the light which would reveal their sins. God’s law, the standard of righteousness, having been removed, they exercised power without limit, and practiced vice without restraint. Fraud, avarice, and profligacy prevailed. Men shrank from no crime by which they could gain wealth or position. The palaces of popes and prelates were scenes of the vilest debauchery. Some of the reigning pontiffs were guilty of crimes so revolting that secular rulers endeavored to depose these dignitaries of the church as monsters too vile to be tolerated. For centuries Europe had made no progress in learning, arts, or civilization. A moral and intellectual paralysis had fallen upon Christendom.” The Great Controversy, 60.

  • What actions of the papacy fulfilled these verses: Matthew 24:21, 22; Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:7; 17:6?

Note: “No other power could be so truly declared ‘drunken with the blood of the saints’ (Revelation 17:6) as that church which has so cruelly persecuted the followers of Christ.” The Great Controversy, 382.


1 What is symbolized by a white horse?

2 Since the church is considered an army, and since we are in a spiritual war, describe the victorious experience of the early Christians.

3 How is apostasy seen during the second seal?

4 During the third seal, what further lowering of standards occurred?

5 Why is pale the color of the fourth horse, and how did the papacy try to control the people’s conscience?

© 2010 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – The Sealed Scroll

June 1, 2014 – June 7, 2014

The Lord Has Spoken

Key Text

“One of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.” Revelation 5:5.

Study Help: The Great Controversy, 646–652.


“The fifth chapter of Revelation needs to be closely studied. It is of great importance to those who shall act a part in the work of God for these last days. There are some who are deceived. They do not realize what is coming on the earth.” Testimonies, vol. 9, 267.


  • John the apostle, while in vision, saw God the Father holding a sealed book. Revelation 5:1–3. What are the contents of that book?

Note: “There in His [God’s] open hand lay the book, the roll of the history of God’s providences, the prophetic history of nations and the church. Herein was contained the divine utterances, His authority, His commandments, His laws, the whole symbolic counsel of the Eternal, and the history of all ruling powers in the nations.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 9, 7.

  • Why are we unable to open the sealed book? Deuteronomy 29:29. How did the prophet react when none was found to open it? Revelation 5:4. What help must we receive from God before we can understand what He wants to reveal to us? John 16:12, 13; I Corinthians 2:12–16.

Note: “As we contemplate the great things of God’s word, we look into a fountain that broadens and deepens beneath our gaze. Its breadth and depth pass our knowledge.” Education, 171.


  • What does God want us to study—especially today? Revelation 1:1–3.

Note: “Let us give more time to the study of the Bible. We do not understand the word as we should. The book of Revelation opens with an injunction to us to understand the instruction that it contains. … When we as a people understand what this book means to us, there will be seen among us a great revival. We do not understand fully the lessons that it teaches, notwithstanding the injunction given us to search and study it. …

“The veil whose apparent mystery has kept many from lifting it, God’s own hand has withdrawn from these portions of His word. The very name ‘Revelation’ contradicts the statement that it is a sealed book. ‘Revelation’ means that something of importance is revealed. The truths of this book are addressed to those living in these last days. We are standing with the veil removed in the holy place of sacred things. We are not to stand without. We are to enter, not with careless, irreverent thoughts, not with impetuous footsteps, but with reverence and godly fear. We are nearing the time when the prophecies of the book of Revelation are to be fulfilled.” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 113.

  • Study alone does not guarantee our salvation. What attitude and experience do we need in order to be on that sea of glass for eternity? Revelation 1:3; Matthew 7:21–27; John 15:1–5.

Note: “What part will you act in the closing scenes of this world’s history? Are you awake to these solemn realities? Do you realize the grand work of preparation that is going on in heaven and on earth? Let all who have received the light, who have had the opportunity of reading and hearing the prophecy, take heed to those things that are written therein; ‘for the time is at hand’ (Revelation 22:10). Let none now tamper with sin, the source of every misery in our world. No longer remain in lethargy and stupid indifference. Let not the destiny of your soul hang upon an uncertainty. Know that you are fully on the Lord’s side. Let the inquiry go forth from sincere hearts and trembling lips, ‘Who shall be able to stand’ (Revelation 6:17)? Have you, in these last precious hours of probation, been putting the very best material into your character building? Have you been purifying your souls from every stain? Have you followed the light? Have you works corresponding to your profession of faith?” Testimonies, vol. 6, 404, 405.


  • Who “hath prevailed to open the book”? Revelation 5:5–7. What two characters are combined in the “Root of David”? And how (or under what circumstances) are these two characters manifested?

Note: “The Saviour is presented before John under the symbols of ‘the Lion of the tribe of Judah’ and of ‘a Lamb as it had been slain’ (Revelation 5:5, 6). These symbols represent the union of omnipotent power and self-sacrificing love. The Lion of Judah, so terrible to the rejecters of His grace, will be the Lamb of God to the obedient and faithful. The pillar of fire that speaks terror and wrath to the transgressor of God’s law is a token of light and mercy and deliverance to those who have kept His commandments. The arm strong to smite the rebellious will be strong to deliver the loyal.” The Acts of the Apostles, 589.

“When we study the divine character in the light of the cross we see mercy, tenderness, and forgiveness blended with equity and justice. We see in the midst of the throne One bearing in hands and feet and side the marks of the suffering endured to reconcile man to God. We see a Father, infinite, dwelling in light unapproachable, yet receiving us to Himself through the merits of His Son. The cloud of vengeance that threatened only misery and despair, in the light reflected from the cross reveals the writing of God: Live, sinner, live! ye penitent, believing souls, live! I have paid a ransom.” Ibid., 333.

  • Why is Jesus called “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”? Revelation 13:8. What was Paul able to proclaim in the light of Romans 5:8? I Corinthians 2:2, 7.

Note: “The plan of salvation had been laid before the creation of the earth; for Christ is ‘the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world’ (Revelation 13:8); yet it was a struggle, even with the King of the universe, to yield up His Son to die for the guilty race. … Oh, the mystery of redemption! the love of God for a world that did not love Him!” Patriarchs and Prophets, 63, 64.


  • What are the fruits of the ministry exercised by the true followers of Christ to whom the sealed book has been opened? I Peter 2:5, 9–12; 3:8–17.

Note: “The Lord Jesus is making experiments on human hearts through the exhibition of His mercy and abundant grace. He is effecting transformations so amazing that Satan, with all his triumphant boasting, with all his confederacy of evil united against God and the laws of His government, stands viewing them as a fortress impregnable to his sophistries and delusions. They are to him an incomprehensible mystery. The angels of God, seraphim and cherubim, the powers commissioned to cooperate with human agencies, look on with astonishment and joy, that fallen men, once children of wrath, are through the training of Christ developing characters after the divine similitude, to be sons and daughters of God, to act an important part in the occupations and pleasures of heaven.” The Faith I Live By, 142.

  • What is the greatest joy of Christ, “the Root of David,” and when will He share His joy with the redeemed? Revelation 21:3, 4; Romans 8:16–18; Galatians 3:29.

Note: “The Saviour’s joy is in seeing, in the kingdom of glory, the souls that have been saved by His agony and humiliation. And the redeemed will be sharers in His joy, as they behold, among the blessed, those who have been won to Christ through their prayers, their labors, and their loving sacrifice. As they gather about the great white throne, gladness unspeakable will fill their hearts, when they behold those whom they have won for Christ, and see that one has gained others, and these still others, all brought into the haven of rest.” The Great Controversy, 647.

  • What song will the redeemed, including the 24 elders, be able to sing? Revelation 5:9, 10.

Note: “It will be seen that He who is infinite in wisdom could devise no plan for our salvation except the sacrifice of His Son. The compensation for this sacrifice is the joy of peopling the earth with ransomed beings, holy, happy, and immortal.” The Great Controversy, 652.


  • How will the 24 elders and all the redeemed continue praising the Lord for His love and sacrifice? Revelation 5:11–14.

Note: “Never can the cost of our redemption be realized until the redeemed shall stand with the Redeemer before the throne of God. Then as the glories of the eternal home burst upon our enraptured senses we shall remember that Jesus left all this for us, that He not only became an exile from the heavenly courts, but for us took the risk of failure and eternal loss. Then we shall cast our crowns at His feet, and raise the song, ‘Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing’ (Revelation 5:12).” The Desire of Ages, 131.

  • What will the universe be like when the controversy is ended? Isaiah 11:9; 32:17; Romans 14:11.

Note: “The great controversy is ended. Sin and sinners are no more. The entire universe is clean. One pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the vast creation. From Him who created all, flow life and light and gladness, throughout the realms of illimitable space. From the minutest atom to the greatest world, all things, animate and inanimate, in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy, declare that God is love.” The Great Controversy, 678.


1 Why is the opening of the “sealed book” very important in our days?

2 What help will enable us to understand some of the hidden things in connection with the plan of God?

3 Why is Jesus able to unveil future events?

4 Who is associated with Jesus’ ministration in the heavenly sanctuary?

5 When we have a better understanding of the plan of redemption, how will we express our joy and gratitude to the Lord?

© 2010 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Recipe – Sweet Potato Cauliflower Soup


1 large head cauliflower 3 medium to large sized peeled sweet potatoes, cut into 1″ pieces
Olive oil for drizzling
1 sweet onion, diced 2 cloves garlic
7 cups filtered water ¾ tsp salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut up cauliflower into bite sized pieces. Place cauliflower onto ungreased cookie sheet and lightly drizzle with olive oil. Place in oven and let roast until golden brown on the tops and tender, but not mushy, about 20-30 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool. In large stockpot, bring other ingredients to a boil. Reduce heat and allow to remain at a constant simmer until sweet potatoes are tender. Add in cooked cauliflower and divide soup into 2 parts.

Let soup cool and then blend one part soup in blender unto very smooth. Combine with second part soup and stir.

Food – Veganism in a Nutshell

What is a Vegan?

Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. Vegans, in addition to being vegetarian, do not use other animal products and by-products such as eggs and dairy products.

The key to a nutritionally sound vegan diet is variety. A healthy and varied vegan diet includes fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

It is very easy for a vegan diet to meet the recommendations for protein as long as calorie intake is adequate. Almost all foods except for alcohol, sugar, and fats provide some protein. Vegan sources include: lentils, chickpeas, tofu, peas, peanut butter, soy milk, almonds, spinach, rice, whole wheat bread, potatoes, broccoli, kale.

Vegan diets are free of cholesterol and are generally low in saturated fat. Thus eating a vegan diet makes it easy to conform to recommendations given to reduce the risk of major chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. High-fat foods, which should be used sparingly, include oils, margarine, nuts, nut butters, seed butters, avocado, and coconut.

Vitamin D is not found in the vegan diet but can be made by humans following exposure to sunlight. At least ten to fifteen minutes of summer sun on hands and face two to three times a week is recommended for adults so that vitamin D production can occur. Food sources of vitamin D include vitamin D-fortified soy milk and rice milk.

Calcium, needed for strong bones, is found in dark green vegetables, tofu made with calcium sulfate, calcium-fortified soy milk and orange juice, and many other foods commonly eaten by vegans.

Vegan diets can provide zinc at levels close to or even higher than the RDA. Zinc is found in grains, legumes, and nuts.

Dried beans and dark green leafy vegetables are especially good sources of iron, better on a per calorie basis than meat. Iron absorption is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C along with foods containing iron.

In order to maximize production of DHA and EPA (omega-3 fatty acids), vegans should include good sources of alpha-linolenic acid in their diets such as flaxseed, flaxseed oil, tofu, soybeans, and walnuts.

Common Vegan Foods

Oatmeal, stir-fried vegetables, cereal, toast, orange juice, peanut butter on whole wheat bread, frozen fruit desserts, lentil soup, salad bar items like chickpeas and three bean salad, dates, apples, macaroni, fruit smoothies, popcorn, spaghetti, vegetarian baked beans, guacamole, chili. Tofu lasagna, homemade pancakes without eggs, hummus, eggless cookies, soy ice cream, tempeh, corn chowder, soy yogurt, rice pudding, fava beans, banana muffins, spinach pies, oat nut burgers, falafel, corn fritters, French toast made with soy milk, soy hot dogs, vegetable burgers, pumpkin casserole, scrambled tofu, seitan.

Because some people on vegan diets have developed vitamin B12 deficiencies, it is safest for a vegan to use sublingual Vitamin B12 tablets unless a vegan food is used regularly that has been fortified with Vitamin B12.

Children’s Story – ‘Neath the Green Earth

In some places the salt is found mixed with earth. Then to retrieve it, water is poured into the salt, melting the salt. The salt water, which is now called brine, is then pumped out and boiled in large kettles till nothing is left but the salt.

In other parts of the earth, salt is found on the surface in large quantities. On the island of Carmen, in the Gulf of California, where there has been a large salt lake, there now remains a solid crust of salt that is several feet thick.

The wonderful “salt tree” grows wild in the northern part of India. Salt can always be found clinging to this tree. The natives gather it and eat it with great relish.

When we meet a friend in this country (America), we say, “How do you do?” but when one Arab meets another, they each produce a piece of salt for the other to touch with his tongue. This act means friendship and welcome. If an enemy eats salt at an Arab’s door, he becomes his friend forever, for by so doing he really asks to be forgiven, and the request thus made is never refused.

I wonder if we always forgive each other as freely as do the Arabs! Uncle Ben hopes that his boys and girls will remember this beautiful lesson. Don’t forget that we ask the Lord to “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us.” (Matthew 6:12.)

What great Teacher said, “Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another”? Mark 9:50.

In merry old England, many years ago, the little dish containing the salt was so placed on the table that the rank of the guest could be known. The poorest folks always sat below the salt, and the rich ones above the salt. What a strange custom this was!

Who can tell us about a great feast that will soon be held when the rich and poor, great and small, will sit down together and to which “whosoever will” may come? And what great King will serve the guests at this feast?

Now just see what a wonderful article we are studying about. It is found in great mines, in the sea, in springs, in mountains, on the surface of the ground where salt lakes have been, and also on the salt tree of old, old India. Salt is useful for good for both man and beast.

One of the most valuable uses of salt is to preserve or keep. People of olden times even thought that salt was sacred because of its great power to preserve various articles from decay. Who can tell what Jesus meant when He said, “Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13)?

The Jews at the time of Christ used rock salt, and sometimes salt obtained from the Dead Sea and the marshes.

Travelers tell us that this salt is of poor quality and that when it is left in the sun or is exposed to the air, it loses its saltiness, and is then, of course, good for nothing.

Jesus wants us to be just like the good salt of the earth. He wants us to keep ourselves pure, and to save souls from death by pointing them to Christ, who is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6). To do this we must have “salt in ourselves,” and never lose our saltiness.

This means we must always have the spirit of Christ in us, and love to do good as He did, and be always willing to speak the kind word and do the kindly deed.

Jesus said, “Salt is good; but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be seasoned? It is neither fit for the land, nor yet for the dunghill; but men cast it out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” Luke 14:34. Dear boys and girls, let us hear, and be the real salt of the earth—always ready to help one another, and to speak a word for our dear Saviour who has done so much for us.

Among all the voices of earth the Lord would have us hear His voice. He wants us to hear so that we shall remember it always, and believe just what He says, and do just what He commands. Then His truth will be as salt in us to keep us from sin and sinning.

Excerpts from Uncle Ben’s Cobblestones, W. H. B. Miller, Pacific Press Publishing Association., Mountain View, California, 1904, 29–40.

Health – Lemons

According to the classic herbal medicine text, A Modern Herbal, by Margaret Grieve (Dorset Press, 2002), lemons are the most valuable of all fruits for the preservation of health. Used by cultures around the world since ancient times to improve and maintain health, lemon juice packs a strong phytochemical punch. With the potential to ease conditions from inflammation to poisoning to cancer, lemons deserve a closer look into the medicinal features that give them their healing properties.


Lemons have long been recognized for their healing properties. Nero, the notorious emperor of Rome, famously drank copious quantities of lemon juice to counteract attempts on his life by poisoning. During the 18th century, British Royal Surgeon James Lind discovered that lemons could ward off scurvy, a debilitating epidemic illness among sailors that resulted from Vitamin C deficiencies. Since then, it has been British law that every ship carry enough lemon juice for every sailor. Since ancient times in Indonesia, women with migraines have been advised to wash dishes or soak their feet in water with lemon juice.

Citric Acid

Lemon juice is 6.7 to 8.6 percent citric acid. Citric acid is a powerful chelator, or substance that can bind metal ions and remove them from solution. This makes citric acid a sought-after chemical in soaps and cleaning products, but it also may provide powerful health benefits by treating heavy-metal poisoning in people and helping fight viral and bacterial infections.

Vitamin C

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant required for the growth and repair of body tissues. Vitamin C is required for the formation of collagen, a protein found in skin, scar tissue, blood vessels and other body tissues. Antioxidants like vitamin C help slow the aging process, fight tumors, repair wounds and ward off inflammatory illnesses.

Additional Properties

Bioflavonoids in lemon juice strengthen blood vessels and maintain eye health. Limonene may have anti-cancer properties. Potassium, also present in lemon juice, is essential for normal kidney function and is an electrolyte, critical for nerve and muscle function.


The juice isn’t the only medicinal part of the lemon. Per unit weight, citrus peel has considerably higher quantities of medicinal phytochemicals than the juice. The peel contains higher concentrations of citric acid and active anti-cancer compounds than the juice or the pulp. In a 2001 study, researchers Hakim and Harris found that the peel showed strong potential for significantly reducing risk of non-melanoma skin cancers.

Research by Texas Agriculture Experiment Station scientists has shown that citrus compounds called limonoids targeted and stopped neuroblastoma cells in the lab. They now hope to learn the reasons for the stop-action behavior and eventually try the citrus concoction in humans.

“Neuroblastomas account for about 10 percent of all cancer in children,” Harris said, “and is usually a solid tumor in the neck, chest, spinal cord or adrenal gland.” The finding in citrus is promising not only for its potential to arrest cancer, but because limonoids induce no side affects, according to Dr. Ed Harris, Experiment Station biochemist who collaborated on the study with Dr. Bhimu Patil, a plant physiologist at the Texas A&M University-Kingsville Citrus Center in Weslaco.

“Limonoids are naturally occurring compounds,” Harris said. “Unlike other anti-cancer drugs that are toxic, limonoids apparently do not hurt a person. That’s the beautiful potential.”

Patil calls citrus fruit “a vast reservoir of anti-carcinogens.” As a plant physiologist, he has succeeded in isolating and purifying a number of limonoids from citrus so that the biochemists could evaluate and compare their anti-cancer abilities at the molecular level.

“Limonoids are unique to citrus,” Patil said. “They are not present in any other fruits or vegetables. My goal is to find the direct benefits of citrus on human health.” Science Daily, 2004.

Medicinal Uses

Lemon juice is an astringent and can be used to gargle with for sore throats or as lotion for sunburn. It’s also a cooling drink for fevers. With strong anti-inflammatory properties, lemon juice is recommended for acute rheumatism. Lemon juice has been used to counteract narcotic poisoning, and has long been recognized for its value as a hangover cure.

Handy Hints Using Lemon

Asthma – drink 1 tablespoon before each meal to help throat and nasal passages

Persistent cough – combine equal portions of olive oil and lemon juice and warm slightly. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times daily

Morning sickness – carry a handkerchief and a bottle of lemon essential oil. When feeling nauseous, dab a little on the handkerchief and breathe in the vapor

Garlic breath – cut a lemon in bite sized segments and chew, skin, pith and all

Eczema – combine equal quantities of lemon juice and pineapple juice and apply every hour

Mosquito bites – dab equal parts of lemon juice and vinegar to reduce irritation

Gum disease – rub gums with lemon peel sprinkled with salt

Lighten age spots – press a slice of freshly cut lemon onto the spots for 10 minutes once a week until the spots have faded

To get rid of warts – dab lemon juice on the wart then press a piece of freshly cut onion on wart. Keep in place for 10 minutes

So, don’t underestimate this little yellow fruit that God gave us to not only enhance the flavor of our food, but also to be used as a medicine with all of its healing properties.

Question & Answer – Succour, What does this mean?

The word succour means to give assistance and support in times of hardship and distress. In Hebrews 2:18 it says, “For in that He Himself hath suffered being tempted, He is able to succour them that are tempted.”

Example: Jesus waited for His Father to “ succour ” or to help Him.

“In the wilderness, when all means of sustenance failed, God sent His people manna from heaven; and a sufficient and constant supply was given. This provision was to teach them that while they trusted in God and walked in His ways He would not forsake them. The Saviour now practiced the lesson He had taught to Israel. By the word of God succour had been given to the Hebrew host, and by the same word it would be given to Jesus. He awaited God’s time to bring relief. He was in the wilderness in obedience to God, and He would not obtain food by following the suggestions of Satan. In the presence of the witnessing universe, He testified that it is a less calamity to suffer whatever may befall than to depart in any manner from the will of God.” The Desire of Ages, 121.

Example: The Moravians were calm and waited for the Lord’s help; they waited for Him to succour them.

“On board the ship was a company of Moravians. Violent storms were encountered on the passage, and John Wesley, brought face to face with death, felt that he had not the assurance of peace with God. The Germans, on the contrary, manifested a calmness and trust to which he was a stranger.

“ ‘I had long before’, he says, ‘observed the great seriousness of their behavior. Of their humility they had given a continual proof, by performing those servile offices for the other passengers which none of the English would undertake; for which they desired and would receive no pay, saying it was good for their proud hearts, and their loving Saviour had done more for them. And every day had given them occasion of showing a meekness which no injury could move. If they were pushed, struck, or thrown about, they rose again and went away; but no complaint was found in their mouth. There was now an opportunity of trying whether they were delivered from the spirit of fear, as well as from that of pride, anger, and revenge. In the midst of the psalm wherewith their service began, the sea broke over, split the mainsail in pieces, covered the ship, and poured in between the decks as if the great deep had already swallowed us up. A terrible screaming began among the English. The Germans calmly sang on. I asked one of them afterwards, “Were you not afraid?” He answered, “I thank God, no.” I asked, “But were not your women and children afraid?” He replied mildly, “No; our women and children are not afraid to die.” ’ Whitehead, Life of the Rev. John Wesley, page 10.” The Great Controversy, 254, 255.

In times of hardship and distress, we need to wait on the Lord to succour us, to give us the needed help for that time.

Inspiration – Oakland Tent Meeting

We have the deepest interest that this meeting, at this time, shall not be in vain. We want to see the work of God prospering. We know that it is a very important time. It is a solemn time. We feel the importance of our people’s arousing and awaking, that they may understand the time in which we live. The probation of all of us must soon close. And are we ready for the appearing of the Son of man in the clouds of heaven? Have we the wedding garment on? Or shall we be of that number that shall be left outside because unready? How anxious we are that every one of you should have the wedding garment on. Not the garment of your own righteousness, but the righteousness of Christ; that you should have this on, and so be prepared, that, when the examination of the guests shall take place, you may not be of those that shall be bound hand and foot, and cast out, because unready. It is readiness that we want. It is fitness that we want. And who is ready? To be unready will be an entire failure. To be unready will be an eternal loss. But if we can, in this day of probation, see that we are unready; if we can here see our wretchedness, and our need, and now humble ourselves before God, He will be found of us, and He will work for us mightily. And now is the time for us to begin to work. You that have not entered, heart and soul and spirit, into this work, now is the time for you to engage in it with all your souls. Christ has said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy mind, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength” (Mark 12:30). Tell me, is any provision made here for a division of your affections? Where is there any chance for your affections to be separated from God, and yet you be acquitted in the day of God? I terribly fear that many that bear the name of Seventh-day Adventists are stumbling-blocks in the way of sinners. They neither enter into the work themselves, and those that would enter in, they hinder by their unconsecrated lives. God forbid that we should go down to death with the blood of souls upon our garments. God forbid that we should stand merely bearing the name of Christians, when we are not sanctified by the truths we profess. God forbid that we at last find that our lives have been an entire failure, an entire mistake, and there appear no soul to whom we can point, as one whom we have been the means of saving, and bringing in through the gates, into the city. Shall it appear finally that we have been wrapped up in our own self-righteousness, all covered up with the spirit and love of the world?

And you that have not sanctified your souls by obeying the truth, do you expect that Christ at his appearing will make you ready? There will then be no atoning blood to wash away the stains of sins. It is while it is called today that you may, if you will, hear his voice, and harden not your heart, as in the day of provocation. It is today that the Spirit of God invites. It is today that the sweet voice of mercy is falling upon your ears. It is today that the heavenly invitation comes to you. It is today that in Heaven everything says, Come. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And whosoever will, let him come and take of the water of life freely (Revelation 22:17).

Will you enter into the work right here at the commencement of the meeting? We have not come here for the amusement of any. We have not come here to gratify the curiosity of any. We have come here thinking that perhaps God, in our weakness, would give us strength to speak a word to the people, and invite them to come, for all things are now ready. The heavenly invitation to the supper has gone forth, and we want you to come. We do not want you, backslidden ones, to wait till the meeting is about closing, and then try to put in for a share. You want the blessing at the very commencement.

Do you want to find Jesus? He is at the feast. You may find Him here. He has come up to the feast. There are men and women that have brought Him with them; and now we want you to press through, and touch the hem of His garment, that you may receive of the virtue that is found in Him, and triumph in the God of your salvation.

The waters of the fountain are freely opened for you; and will you drink? Will you come? Will you obey the gracious invitation? Come, for all things are now ready. Whosoever will, let him come and partake of the waters of life freely. It is now that we want childlike simplicity. We want to see everything like pride, and vanity, and folly, put away. We have the Judgment in view. Men and women will want strength that is greater than any human aid to lean upon. They must lean upon the mighty arm of Jehovah. We have in view that day when the works of men are to be tried, and tested; and we want you to get ready. We make appeals to you, in the name of our Master, to get ready. We make appeals to you to rid yourselves of the pride of the world, the pride, and vanity, and folly, of life. Jesus loves you. Jesus pities you. The angelic host He sends to minister unto you. And now, while all Heaven is interested for you, will you be interested for yourselves? Will you begin to seek God earnestly for your own salvation? Will you work it out with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12)? Will you be careful how you step before God? Will you have the approbation of Him whose arm moves the universe? Give me the smiles of God, and the approving glance of my Redeemer, and I will give you the whole world besides. Let me have one word of approbation from Jesus, and it is enough. I love Him, for in Him my hopes of everlasting life are centered. I love His word and His requirements. I love to do His will. And only let me know what my duty is, and I am ready to perform. It is my meat and drink.

I look a little ahead, and I see a crown of glory that is laid up for us who wait, and love, and long for, the appearing of the Saviour (I Peter 5:4).

It is the waiting ones who are to be crowned with glory, honor, and immortality. You need not talk to me of the honors of the world, or the praise of its great ones. They are all vanity. Let but the finger of God touch them, and they would soon go back to dust again. I want honor that is lasting, honor that is immortal, honor that will never perish; a crown that is richer than any crown that ever decked the brow of a monarch.

Oh! to have the approbation of high Heaven! This is what we want. Let us gain the spirit of humility. Let in a spirit of confession. Do not be so afraid that if you confess your sins, no one will have confidence in you. The apostle says, Pray one for another, and confess one to another, that ye may be healed. You want to let the spirit of humility right in here. You want to find Jesus. We want to triumph in Him here. We want a shout of the King in the camp. But we must first have Him in our midst.

And you who have been hanging on to the skirts of Zion, we want to hear your songs for rejoicing ere this meeting shall close. We want to see you stand in the congregation of the saints, and say, Hear what the Lord has done for me. We want to hear your voices speaking forth the honors of your Redeemer. We want to hear songs of praise from lips that have not sounded his praise for months. We want to hear shouts of victory from those that have been overcome. We want to have the sweet Spirit of Christ come freely into our midst. We want the waters of salvation to flow here. And we want all to take hold of the work together. Shall we take right hold together, and sweet union and love be here, melting, and cementing, and uniting, our hearts together as one? Oh, that here we might triumph in God! Oh, that all you that are here might go home better men and women, and carry a power with you into your families, a saving power into your neighborhoods, a saving power wherever you go. You who engage in your various employments, you want the power of the truth inwrought in your very souls. Not merely put on; but inwrought in your very being, that you can talk to others as though these things were living realities. Get away from the chilling influence, and spirit of earth. Get a little higher. “Upward to God be the heart’s adoration.” A little nearer to God, to Jesus, and to angels. Get the heavenly unction; and then you can take it home with you.

Remarks By Mrs. E. G. White, at the Tent-Meeting in Oakland, July 2, 1869. The Review and Herald, August 17, 1869.