Bible Study Guides – The Ordinances

November 22, 2003 – November 28, 2003

Memory Verse

“For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come.” 1 Corinthians 11:26.

Suggested Reading: The Desire of Ages, 652–661.


“The passover pointed backward to the deliverance of the children of Israel, and was also typical, pointing forward to Christ, the Lamb of God, slain for the redemption of fallen man. The blood sprinkled upon the door-posts pre-figured the atoning blood of Christ, and also the continual dependence of sinful man upon the merits of that blood for safety from the power of Satan, and for final redemption. Christ ate the passover supper with his disciples just before his crucifixion, and the same night instituted the ordinance of the Lord’s supper, to be observed in commemoration of his death. The passover had been observed to commemorate the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt. It had been both commemorative and typical. The type had reached the antitype when Christ, the Lamb of God without blemish, died upon the cross. He left an ordinance to commemorate the events of his crucifixion.” Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, 225.

“In the place of the national festival which the Jewish people had observed, He [Christ] instituted a memorial service, the ordinance of feet washing and the sacramental supper, to be observed through all time by His followers in every country. These should ever repeat Christ’s act, that all may see that true service calls for unselfish ministry.” The Signs of the Times, May 16, 1900.

1 In coming into the world, what position did the Son of God voluntarily choose? Philippians 2:6, 7.

note: “This glorious Being loved the poor sinner and took upon Himself the form of a servant, that He might suffer and die in man’s behalf. Jesus might have remained at His Father’s right hand, wearing His kingly crown and royal robes. But He chose to exchange all the riches, honor, and glory of heaven for the poverty of humanity, and His station of high command for the horrors of Gethsemane and the humiliation and agony of Calvary.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 121

“It is not the seeking to climb to eminence that will make you great in God’s sight, but it is the humble life of goodness, meekness, fidelity, and purity that will make you the object of the heavenly angels’ special guardianship. The pattern Man, who thought it not robbery to be equal with God, took upon Himself our nature and lived nearly thirty years in an obscure Galilean town, hidden among the hills. All the angel host was at His command; yet He did not claim to be anything great or exalted. He did not attach ‘Professor’ to His name to please Himself. He was a carpenter, working for wages, a servant to those for whom He labored.” Evangelism, 132.

2 In His teaching, how did Jesus state this principle of His life? Matthew 20:28.

note: “In His life and lessons, Christ has given a perfect exemplification of the unselfish ministry which has its origin in God. God does not live for Himself. By creating the world, and by upholding all things, He is constantly ministering for others. ‘He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.’ Matthew 5:45. This ideal of ministry God has committed to His Son. Jesus was given to stand at the head of humanity, that by His example He might teach what it means to minister. His whole life was under a law of service. He served all, ministered to all. Thus He lived the law of God, and by His example showed how we are to obey it.” The Desire of Ages, 649.

“To all Christ has given the work of ministry. He is the King of glory, yet He declared, ‘The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.’ [Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45.] He is the Majesty of heaven, yet He willingly consented to come to this earth to do the work laid upon Him by His Father. He has ennobled labor. That He might set us an example of industry, He worked with His hands at the carpenter’s trade. From a very early age He acted His part in sustaining the family. He realized that He was a part of the family firm, and willingly bore His share of the burdens.” My Life Today, 168.

3 As viewed by the world, which is considered the greater, the one that ministers, or the one ministered to? Luke 22:27.

note: “Let us be careful to follow his [Christ’s] example, and feel that we are responsible for the performance of the same duties which we lay upon others to perform. Let us not enjoin upon others that which we will not do ourselves. Jesus rebuked the scribes and Pharisees because they bound upon their brethren burdens which were grievous to be borne, which they themselves would not touch with one of their fingers. In our day there are those who, while urging and exhorting their brethren to greater efforts, fail to set them an example in zeal and effort for the cause of God. Those who urge upon others the performance of duties, must themselves be the first to engage in the good work, or their instruction will lose its force. The world’s Redeemer did thus, and we are to follow in his footsteps.” Review and Herald, November 7, 1893.

4 As viewed by heaven, which class is regarded the greater? Matthew 20:25–27; Luke 22:26.

note: “All things both in heaven and in earth declare that the great law of life is a law of service. The infinite Father ministers to the life of every living thing. Christ came to the earth ‘as He that serveth.’ Luke 22:27. The angels are ‘ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation.’ Hebrews 1:14. The same law of service is written upon all things in nature. The birds of the air, the beasts of the field, the trees of the forest, the leaves, the grass, and the flowers, the sun in the heavens and the stars of light—all have their ministry. Lake and ocean, river and water spring—each takes to give.” Education, 103.

5 The night before Jesus was crucified, what ordinance did He institute to keep before His followers the principle of unselfish service? John 13:3–5.

note: “Reconciliation one with another is the work for which the ordinance of feet washing was instituted. By the example of our Lord and Master, this humiliating ceremony has been made a sacred ordinance. Whenever it is celebrated, Christ is present by His Holy Spirit. It is this Spirit that brings conviction to hearts.” Evangelism, 275.

“As Christ celebrated this ordinance with His disciples, conviction came to the hearts of all save Judas. So we shall be convicted as Christ speaks to our hearts. The fountains of the soul will be broken up. The mind will be energized, and, springing into activity and life, will break down every barrier that has caused disunion and alienation. Sins that have been committed will appear with more distinctness than ever before; for the Holy Spirit will bring them to our remembrance. The words of Christ, ‘If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them’ [John 13:17], will be clothed with new power.” Review and Herald, November 4, 1902.

6 What did Jesus say when he had completed his task of washing the disciples’ feet? John 13:12–15.

note: “For these disciples the mission of Christ finally accomplished its purpose. Little by little His example and His lessons of self-abnegation molded their characters. His death destroyed their hope of worldly greatness. The fall of Peter, the apostasy of Judas, their own failure in forsaking Christ in His anguish and peril, swept away their self-sufficiency. They saw their own weakness; they saw something of the greatness of the work committed to them; they felt their need of their Master’s guidance at every step.” Education, 93, 94.

“Duties are laid down in God’s Word, the performance of which will keep the people of God humble and separate from the world, and from backsliding, like the nominal churches. The washing of feet and partaking of the Lord’s supper should be more frequently practiced. Jesus set us the example, and told us to do as He had done.” Early Writings, 116.

7 With what words did Jesus point out the true attitude His followers should maintain? John 13:16, 17.

note: “The example of washing the feet of his disciples was given for the benefit of all who should believe in him. He required them to follow his example. This humble ordinance was not only designed to test their humility and faithfulness, but to keep fresh in their remembrance that the redemption of his people was purchased upon conditions of humility and continual obedience upon their part.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1, 202.

8 After washing his disciples’ feet what did Jesus do? Matthew 26:26, 27.

note: “Here our Saviour instituted the Lord’s supper, to be often celebrated, to keep fresh in the memory of his followers the solemn scenes of his betrayal and crucifixion for the sins of the world. He would have his followers realize their continual dependence upon his blood for salvation. The broken bread was a symbol of Christ’s broken body, given for the salvation of the world. The wine was a symbol of his blood, shed for the cleansing of the sins of all those who should come unto him for pardon, and receive him as their Saviour.” Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, 227.

9 In eating the broken bread and drinking of the cup, what is kept in mind? How long is this memorial to last? 1 Corinthians 11:26.

note: “At the first feast He attended with His disciples, Jesus gave them the cup that symbolized His work for their salvation. At the last supper He gave it again, in the institution of that sacred rite by which His death was to be shown forth ‘till He come.’ 1 Corinthians 11:26.” The Desire of Ages, 149.

“The Communion service points to Christ’s second coming. It was designed to keep this hope vivid in the minds of the disciples.” Ibid., 659.

10 What is the result when one partakes of this bread and wine not discerning the body of Christ? 1 Corinthians 11:27–29.

note: “Christ’s example forbids exclusiveness at the Lord’s supper. It is true that open sin excludes the guilty. This the Holy Spirit plainly teaches. But beyond this none are to pass judgment. God has not left it with men to say who shall present themselves on these occasions. For who can read the heart? Who can distinguish the tares from the wheat?

“There may come in among you those who are not in heart united with truth and holiness, but who may wish to take part in these services. Forbid them not.” Evangelism, 277.

11 How did Jesus and the disciples manifest their joy on this occasion? Matthew 26:30.

note: “In His discourse to the disciples, Jesus made no mournful allusion to His own sufferings and death. His last legacy to them was a legacy of peace. He said, ‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.’ [John 14:27.]

“Before leaving the upper chamber, the Saviour led His disciples in a song of praise. His voice was heard, not in the strains of some mournful lament, but in the joyful notes of the Passover hallel [Psalm 117 quoted].” The Desire of Ages, 672.

12 When will Jesus again drink of the fruit of the vine? Mathew 26:29.

note: “At the first feast He attended with His disciples, Jesus gave them the cup that symbolized His work for their salvation. At the last supper He gave it again, in the institution of that sacred rite by which His death was to be shown forth ‘till He come.’ 1 Corinthians 11:26. And the sorrow of the disciples at parting from their Lord was comforted with the promise of reunion, as He said, [Matthew 26:29 quoted].

“The wine which Christ provided for the feast, and that which He gave to the disciples as a symbol of His own blood, was the pure juice of the grape. To this the prophet Isaiah refers when he speaks of the new wine ‘in the cluster,’ and says, ‘Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it.’ Isaiah 65:8.” The Desire of Ages, 149.

These lessons are adapted from the Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, April 1912.

Bible Study Guides – Baptism

November 15, 2003 – November 21, 2003

Memory Verse

“Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Acts 2:38.

Suggested Reading: The Desire of Ages, 109–113


“Christ came to John [the Baptist], repenting on the sinner’s account, believing in behalf of the sinner, that through the plan he had devised, of taking humanity, and in suffering and dying for man, the sinner would, through repentance, faith, and baptism, be accepted of God. He was buried by John in the liquid grave, and came up out of the water to represent to man, in his holy life, the true pattern for him to copy.

“The steps in conversion, plainly marked out, are repentance, faith in Christ as the world’s Redeemer, faith in his death, burial, and resurrection, shown by baptism, and his ascension on high to plead in the sinner’s behalf. At the very commencement of his public ministry, he presents himself in the character he sustains to man throughout his mediatorial work. He identifies himself with sinners as their substitute, taking upon himself their sins, numbering himself with transgressors, and doing the work the sinner is required to do in repentance, faith, and willing obedience. What an example is here given in the life of Christ for sinners to imitate! If they will not follow the example given them, they will be without excuse.” The Youth’s Instructor, February 1, 1874.

1 Just before leaving the 11 apostles on Mount Olivet, what instruction did Jesus give them? Matthew 28:19, 20.

note: “Jesus committed to his disciples the scheme of making known their religion to all nations, tongues, and people. It was the most sublime enterprise ever intrusted to man—to preach a crucified and risen Saviour, and a full and free salvation to all men, both rich and poor, learned and ignorant—to teach that Christ came to the world to pardon the repentant, and to offer them a love high as heaven, broad as the world, and enduring as eternity.

“They were to teach the observance of all things whatsoever Jesus had commanded them, and were to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Jesus was about to be removed from his disciples; but he assured them that although he should ascend to his Father, his Spirit and influence would be with them always, and with their successors even unto the end of the world.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3, 238.

2 How had Christ already set the example? Matthew 3:13–15; Mark 1:9; Luke 3:21.

note: “Jesus was our example in all things that pertain to life and godliness. He was baptized in Jordan, just as those who come to Him must be baptized. The heavenly angels were looking with intense interest upon the scene of the Saviour’s baptism, and could the eyes of those who were looking on, have been opened, they would have seen the heavenly host surrounding the Son of God as He bowed on the banks of the Jordan. The Lord had promised to give John [the Baptist] a sign whereby he might know who was the Messiah, and now as Jesus went up out of the water, the promised sign was given; for he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit of God, like a dove of burnished gold, hovered over the head of Christ, and a voice came from heaven, saying, ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ [Matthew 3:17.]” The Youth’s Instructor, June 23, 1892.

3 What was the burden of John the Baptist’s message? Mark 1:4, 5.

note: “The message given to John the Baptist for the people of his day is one that every believer might study to advantage. ‘And he came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins . . . .’ [Luke 3:3–14 quoted.]

“The work of reformation here brought to view by John, the purging of heart and mind and soul, is one that is needed by many who today profess to have the faith of Christ. Wrong practises that have been indulged in need to be put away; the crooked paths need to be made straight, and the rough places smooth. The mountains and hills of self-esteem and pride need to be brought low. There is need of bringing forth ‘fruits meet for repentance.’ [Matthew 3:8.]” Review and Herald, April 22, 1909.

4 What should precede baptism? Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38.

Note: “Repent ye and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out. [Acts 3:19.] There is no time for you to waste. Heaven and immortal life are valuable treasures that cannot be obtained without an effort on your part. No matter how faultless may have been your lives, as sinners you have steps to take. You are required to repent, believe, and be baptized. Christ was wholly righteous; yet He, the Saviour of the world, gave man an example by Himself taking the steps which He requires the sinner to take to become a child of God, and heir of heaven.

“If Christ, the spotless and pure Redeemer of man, condescended to take the steps necessary for the sinner to take in conversion, why should any, with the light of truth shining upon their pathway, hesitate to submit their hearts to God, and in humility confess that they are sinners, and show their faith in the atonement of Christ by words and actions, identifying themselves with those who profess to be His followers?” Testimonies, vol. 4, 40, 41. [Emphasis supplied.]

5 At what time in the believer’s experience is baptism proper? Acts 22:16. Compare Romans 10:13.

note: “The honest seeker after truth will not plead ignorance of the law as an excuse for transgression. Light was within his reach. God’s Word is plain, and Christ has bidden him search the Scriptures. He reveres God’s law as holy, just, and good, and he repents of his transgression. By faith he pleads the atoning blood of Christ, and grasps the promise of pardon. His former baptism does not satisfy him now. He has seen himself a sinner, condemned by the law of God. He has experienced anew a death to sin, and he desires again to be buried with Christ by baptism, that he may rise to walk in newness of life. . . .” The Faith I Live By, 148.

6 With whom is the believer buried in baptism? What should characterize the after-life? By what act of the believer is Christ’s resurrection commemorated? Romans 6:4, 5.

note: “The repentant believer, who takes the steps required in conversion, commemorates in his baptism the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. He goes down into the water in the likeness of Christ’s death and burial, and he is raised out of the water in the likeness of his resurrection—not to take up the old life of sin, but to live a new life in Christ Jesus.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3, 204.

“Those who have risen with Christ to walk in newness of life are the elect of God. They are holy unto the Lord, and are acknowledged by Him as His beloved. As such, they are under solemn covenant to distinguish themselves by showing humility of mind. They are to clothe themselves in garments of righteousness. They are separate from the world, from its spirit, its practises, and they are to reveal that they are learning of Him. . . . If they realize that they have died with Christ, if they keep their baptismal vow, the world will have no power to draw them aside to deny Christ. If they live the life of Christ in this world, they are partakers of the divine nature.” Sons and Daughters of God, 133.

7 What was Paul and Silas’ jail experience at Philippi, and how did the jailer respond? Acts 16:24–34.

note: “The apostles did not wait until they were refreshed, and their wounds were dressed, before they began their work. This is not the spirit manifested by the natural heart; but Paul and Silas had the spirit of Christ, not the spirit of revenge. And the jailer ‘took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.’ [Acts 16:33.]

“We have a work to do in presenting Christ. We need to talk of Christ, and the practical lessons he gave, until our hearts are warmed with the love of God. We should not make much of the trials and opposition we meet. It is true they may close the door of influence for a time, but it will open to us the wider after a little. The work for us to do is rightly to represent our faith in our life and character as well as in our words. By living faith we must cling to the promises of God.” The Youth’s Instructor, October 11, 1900.

8 Following Peter’s sermon at Pentecost, how many believed on Jesus and were baptized? Acts 2:41.

note: “On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the praying disciples, and they testified as to its source to all, wherever they went.

“The missionary spirit was poured out in unlimited supplies, and the disciples testified of a crucified and risen Saviour, and convinced the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come. They did just as their risen Lord had directed them to do, and began at Jerusalem to publish the gospel, in the very place where the deepest prejudice existed, and where the most confused ideas prevailed in regard to Him who had been crucified as a malefactor. Three thousand received the message, and were converted.” Review and Herald, November 6, 1894.

9 When Philip had preached Jesus to the Ethiopian eunuch, what did this believer request? Acts 8:26–38.

note: “In this instance we have an illustration of the care of God for his children. He called Philip from his successful ministry in Samaria, to cross the desert and go to Gaza to labor for a single inquiring soul. The promptness with which the eunuch accepted the gospel and acted upon its belief should be a lesson to us. God designs that we should be prompt in accepting and confessing Christ, prompt in obeying him, and in answering the call of duty. The eunuch was a man of good repute, and occupied a high and responsible position. Through his conversion the gospel was carried to Ethiopia, and many there accepted Christ, and came out from the darkness of heathenism into the clear light of Christianity.” The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3, 305.

10 What should be the experience of the baptized believer? Colossians 3:1–3.

note: “ ‘If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.’ 11 Corinthians 5:17. Through the power of Christ, men and women have broken the chains of sinful habit. They have renounced selfishness. The profane have become reverent, the drunken sober, the profligate pure. Souls that have borne the likeness of Satan have become transformed into the image of God. This change is in itself the miracle of miracles. A change wrought by the Word, it is one of the deepest mysteries of the Word.” The Acts of the Apostles, 476.

11 What was manifested in Christ’s resurrection? 11 Corinthians 13:4. Compare Romans 6:4.

note: “Put away all doubt. Dismiss your fears. Obtain the experience that Paul had when he exclaimed, ‘I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.’ [Galatians 2:20.] Surrender everything to Christ, and let your life be hid with Christ in God. Then you will be a power for good.

“The Lord did not lock the reservoir of heaven after pouring his Spirit upon the early disciples. We also may receive of the fullness of his blessing. Heaven is full of the treasures of his grace, and those who come to God in faith may claim all that he has promised.” The Home Missionary, November 1, 1890.

12 What power is it the privilege of the baptized believer to know? Philippians 3:10; Ephesians 1:18–20.

note: “Do you ask, ‘How am I to abide in Christ?’ In the same way as you received Him at first. ‘As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him.’ ‘The just shall live by faith.’ Colossians 2:6; Hebrews 10:38. You gave yourself to God, to be His wholly, to serve and obey Him, and you took Christ as your Saviour. You could not yourself atone for your sins or change your heart; but having given yourself to God, you believe that He for Christ’s sake did all this for you. By faith you became Christ’s, and by faith you are to grow up in Him—by giving and taking. You are to give all,—your heart, your will, your service,—give yourself to Him to obey all His requirements; and you must take all,—Christ, the fullness of all blessing, to abide in your heart, to be your strength, your righteousness, your everlasting helper,—to give you power to obey.” Steps to Christ, 69, 70.

These lessons are adapted from the Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, April 1912.

Bible Study Guides – Conversion

November 8, 2003 – November 14, 2003

Memory Verse

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.

Suggested Reading: Steps to Christ, 49–55.


“None of the apostles and prophets ever claimed to be without sin. Men who have lived the nearest to God, men who would sacrifice life itself rather than knowingly commit a wrong act, men whom God has honored with divine light and power, have confessed the sinfulness of their nature. They have put no confidence in the flesh, have claimed no righteousness of their own, but have trusted wholly in the righteousness of Christ.

“So will it be with all who behold Christ. The nearer we come to Jesus, and the more clearly we discern the purity of His character, the more clearly shall we see the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and the less shall we feel like exalting ourselves. There will be a continual reaching out of the soul after God, a continual, earnest, heartbreaking confession of sin and humbling of the heart before Him. At every advance step in our Christian experience our repentance will deepen.” The Acts of the Apostles, 561.

1 What did Jesus teach concerning the importance of conversion? Matthew 18:2, 3.

note: “It is impossible for us, of ourselves, to escape from the pit of sin in which we are sunken. Our hearts are evil, and we cannot change them. . . . Education, culture, the exercise of the will, human effort, all have their proper sphere, but here they are powerless. They may produce an outward correctness of behavior, but they cannot change the heart; they cannot purify the springs of life. There must be a power working from within, a new life from above, before men can be changed from sin to holiness. That power is Christ. His grace alone can quicken the lifeless faculties of the soul, and attract it to God, to holiness.” Steps to Christ, 18.

2 In what circumstance is all humanity involved? Romans 3:10, 23.

note: “If the transgressor is to be treated according to the letter of this covenant [the law of God], then there is no hope for the fallen race; for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. The fallen race of Adam can behold nothing else in the letter of this covenant than the ministration of death; and death will be the reward of everyone who is seeking vainly to fashion a righteousness of his own that will fulfill the claims of the law. By His word God has bound Himself to execute the penalty of the law on all transgressors. Again and again men commit sin, and yet they do not seem to believe that they must suffer the penalty for breaking the law.” The Signs of the Times, September 5, 1892.

3 What is sin? 1 John 3:4.

note: “Ministers who exhort sinners to be converted should distinctly define what sin is and what conversion from sin is. Sin is the transgression of the law. [1 John 3:4.] The convicted sinner must exercise repentance toward God for the transgression of His law, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” Confrontation, 75.

“The desire for an easy religion that requires no striving, no self-denial, no divorce from the follies of the world, has made the doctrine of faith, and faith only, a popular doctrine . . . .

“Let none deceive themselves with the belief that they can become holy while willfully violating one of God’s requirements. The commission of a known sin silences the witnessing voice of the Spirit and separates the soul from God.” The Great Controversy, 472.

4 By what agency is the sinner convicted of sin? John 16:7, 8. What tool does this agency use to convince the sinner of transgression? Romans 7:9, 13.

note: “The office of the Holy Spirit is distinctly specified in the words of Christ: ‘When He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.’ John 16:8. It is the Holy Spirit that convicts of sin. If the sinner responds to the quickening influence of the Spirit, he will be brought to repentance and aroused to the importance of obeying the divine requirements.” The Acts of the Apostles, 52.

“There is no safety nor repose nor justification in transgression of the law. Man cannot hope to stand innocent before God, and at peace with Him through the merits of Christ, while he continues in sin. He must cease to transgress, and become loyal and true. As the sinner looks into the great moral looking glass, he sees his defects of character. He sees himself just as he is, spotted, defiled, and condemned. But he knows that the law cannot in any way remove the guilt or pardon the transgressor. He must go farther than this. The law is but the schoolmaster to bring him to Christ. He must look to his sin-bearing Saviour. And as Christ is revealed to him upon the cross of Calvary, dying beneath the weight of the sins of the whole world, the Holy Spirit shows him the attitude of God to all who repent of their transgressions.” Selected Messages, Book 1, 213.

5 When the sinner is under conviction of wrong has he power himself to turn to obedience? Romans 7:18; 8:7, 8. How does the deliverance come? Romans 5:8; 8:3, 4.

note: “Man cannot transform himself by the exercise of his will. He possesses no power by which this change can be effected. The leaven—something wholly from without—must be put into the meal before the desired change can be wrought in it. So the grace of God must be received by the sinner before he can be fitted for the kingdom of glory. All the culture and education which the world can give will fail of making a degraded child of sin a child of heaven. The renewing energy must come from God. The change can be made only by the Holy Spirit. All who would be saved, high or low, rich or poor, must submit to the working of this power.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 96, 97.

6 What is the first step away from sin? Acts 2:37, 38.

note: “How shall a man be just with God? How shall the sinner be made righteous? It is only through Christ that we can be brought into harmony with God, with holiness; but how are we to come to Christ? Many are asking the same question as did the multitude on the Day of Pentecost, when, convicted of sin, they cried out, ‘What shall we do?’ The first word of Peter’s answer was, ‘Repent.’ Acts 2:37, 38. At another time, shortly after, he said, ‘Repent, . . . and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out.’ Acts 3:19.

“Repentance includes sorrow for sin and a turning away from it. We shall not renounce sin unless we see its sinfulness; until we turn away from it in heart, there will be no real change in the life.” Steps to Christ, 23.

7 What is our part in securing pardon? What is Christ’s part? Who does the cleansing? 1 John 1:9. Compare Psalm 32:5; 51:2.

note: “The only reason that we have not remission of sin is that we have not acknowledged to Him whom we have wounded by our transgressions, whom we have pierced by our sins, that we are at fault, and in need of mercy. The confession that is the outpouring of the inmost soul will find its way to the heart of infinite pity; for the Lord is nigh unto him that is of a broken heart, and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

“How mistaken are those who imagine that confession of sin will detract from their dignity, and lessen their influence among their fellow men. Clinging to this erroneous idea, though seeing their faults, many fail to confess them, but rather pass by the wrongs they have done others, so embittering their own lives, and shadowing the lives of others. It will not hurt your dignity to confess your sins. Away with this false dignity. Fall on the Rock and be broken, and Christ will give you the true and heavenly dignity. Let not pride, self-esteem, or self-righteousness keep anyone from confessing his sin, that he may claim the promise. ‘He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy’ (Proverbs 28:13).” Selected Messages, Book 1, 326, 327.

8 What change is involved in conversion? Ezekiel 36:26. Compare Jeremiah 32:39; Ezekiel 11:19.

note: “When Jesus speaks of the new heart, He means the mind, the life, the whole being. To have a change of heart is to withdraw the affections from the world, and fasten them upon Christ. To have a new heart is to have a new mind, new purposes, new motives. What is the sign of a new heart?—a changed life. There is a daily, hourly dying to selfishness and pride.

“Then a spirit of kindness will be manifested, not by fits and starts, but continually. There will be a decided change in attitude, in deportment, in words and actions toward all with whom you are in any way connected. You will not magnify their infirmities, you will not place them in an unfavorable light. You will work in Christ’s lines. . . .

“The religion of Christ is to take possession of the whole being, and give force and power to all our faculties, renovating, cleansing, and refining. It manifests itself without parade, and high-sounding words, but is shown in an upright and unselfish life.

“God’s power alone can change a heart of stone to a heart of flesh.” Sons and Daughters of God, 100.

9 How did Jesus describe this divine transformation? John 3:3. Compare John 1:12, 13; 1 Peter 1:23.

note: “The Christian’s life is not a modification or improvement of the old, but a transformation of nature. There is a death to self and sin, and a new life altogether. This change can be brought about only by the effectual working of the Holy Spirit. . . .

“When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life. Sinful thoughts are put away, evil deeds are renounced; love, humility, and peace take the place of anger, envy, and strife. Joy takes the place of sadness, and the countenance reflects the light of heaven. . . . The blessing comes when by faith the soul surrenders itself to God. Then that power which no human eye can see creates a new being in the image of God. . . .” God’s Amazing Grace, 22.

10 Who may receive this new birth? John 3:16.

note: “The whole universe is under the control of the Prince of Life. Fallen man is subject to him. He calls upon them to obey, believe, receive, and live. He has paid the ransom money for the whole world. All may be saved through him. He will present those who believe on him to God as loyal subjects of his kingdom. He will be their Mediator as well as their Redeemer. He would gather together a church embracing the whole human family, if all would leave the black banner of rebellion and apostasy, and place themselves under his banner. He will defend his chosen followers against Satan’s power, and will subdue all their enemies. Through him they will be conquerors, and more than conquerors.” The Home Missionary, July 1, 1897.

11 What change will be seen in the converted life? Matthew 3:8; Galatians 5:22, 23.

note: “As the sinner, drawn by the power of Christ, approaches the uplifted cross, and prostrates himself before it, there is a new creation. A new heart is given him. He becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus. Holiness finds that it has nothing more to require. God Himself is ‘the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.’ Romans 3:26. And ‘whom He justified, them He also glorified.’ Romans 8:30. Great as is the shame and degradation through sin, even greater will be the honor and exaltation through redeeming love. To human beings striving for conformity to the divine image there is imparted an outlay of heaven’s treasure, an excellency of power, that will place them higher than even the angels who have never fallen.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 162.

12 What invitation does Jesus still give to those who have tried to work righteousness in their own strength? Matthew 11:28–30.

note: “The natural excellencies that men may imagine they possess are not to be considered. Natural religion, so-called, does not weigh in the scales with God, because all have sinned and come short of his glory. Those who are wise in their own estimation must see their need of heavenly wisdom. This fact is to stand out in clear lines: Man is a lost sheep, and can never, without divine aid, recover himself, or come back to the fold. There is only One who can reclaim him, and restore him to holiness and divine favor,—Jesus Christ our Redeemer. But, degraded by sin as he is, blind and wretched, man may be redeemed if he will accept Christ as his personal Saviour, and come back to his loyalty to God.” The Youth’s Instructor, August 27, 1896.

These lessons are adapted from the Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, April 1912.

Bible Study Guides – Spiritualism, Evil Angels and Their Work

November 1, 2003 – November 7, 2003

Memory Verse

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.” 1 Timothy 4:1, 2.

Suggested Reading: Early Writings, 262–266; The Great Controversy, 495–498, 551–562.


“None need be deceived by the lying claims of spiritualism. God has given the world sufficient light to enable them to discover the snare. . . . The theory which forms the very foundation of spiritualism is at war with the plainest statements of Scripture. The Bible declares that the dead know not anything, that their thoughts have perished; they have no part in anything that is done under the sun; they know nothing of the joys or sorrows of those who were dearest to them on earth.” The Great Controversy, 556.

1 What falsehood has furnished the foundation for spiritualism? Genesis 3:4.

note: “The deification of the dead has held a prominent place in nearly every system of heathenism, as has also the supposed communion with the dead. The gods were believed to communicate their will to men, and also, when consulted, to give them counsel. Of this character were the famous oracles of Greece and Rome.

“The belief in communion with the dead is still held, even in professedly Christian lands. Under the name of spiritualism the practice of communicating with beings claiming to be the spirits of the departed has become widespread. It is calculated to take hold of the sympathies of those who have laid their loved ones in the grave. Spiritual beings sometimes appear to persons in the form of their deceased friends, and relate incidents connected with their lives and perform acts which they performed while living. In this way they lead men to believe that their dead friends are angels, hovering over them and communicating with them. Those who thus assume to be the spirits of the departed are regarded with a certain idolatry, and with many their word has greater weight than the word of God.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 684, 685.

2 What does the Scripture teach concerning those who are dead? Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6.

note: “A correct understanding of ‘what saith the Scriptures’ in regard to the state of the dead is essential for this time. God’s Word declares that the dead know not anything, their hatred and love have alike perished. We must come to the sure word of prophecy for our authority. Unless we are intelligent in the Scriptures, may we not, when this mighty miracle-working power of Satan is manifested in our world, be deceived and call it the workings of God; for the Word of God declares that, if it were possible, the very elect should be deceived. Unless we are rooted and grounded in the truth, we shall be swept away by Satan’s delusive snares. We must cling to our Bibles. If Satan can make you believe that there are things in the Word of God that are not inspired, he will then be prepared to ensnare your soul. We shall have no assurance, no certainty, at the very time we need to know what is truth.” Review and Herald, December 18, 1888.

3 Then by what agency must the wonders of spiritualism be wrought? Revelation 16:14.

note: “Fearful sights of a supernatural character will soon be revealed in the heavens, in token of the power of miracle-working demons. The spirits of devils will go forth to the kings of the earth and to the whole world, to fasten them in deception, and urge them on to unite with Satan in his last struggle against the government of heaven. By these agencies, rulers and subjects will be alike deceived. Persons will arise pretending to be Christ Himself, and claiming the title and worship which belong to the world’s Redeemer. They will perform wonderful miracles of healing and will profess to have revelations from heaven contradicting the testimony of the Scriptures.” The Great Controversy, 624.

4 In what way do fallen angels receive worship? 1 Corinthians 10:19–21; Psalm 106:37, 38.

note: “The Lord declared to Israel: ‘The soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set My face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.’ Leviticus 20:6.

“The ‘familiar spirits’ were not the spirits of the dead, but evil angels, the messengers of Satan. Ancient idolatry, which, as we have seen, comprises both worship of the dead and pretended communion with them, is declared by the Bible to have been demon worship. . . . [1 Corinthians 10:20 and Psalm 106:37, 38 quoted.] In their supposed worship of dead men they were in reality worshiping demons.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 685.

5 What is Satan able to do? 11 Corinthians 11:14, 15.

note: “Satan will work in a most subtle manner to introduce human inventions clothed with angel garments. But the light from the Word is shining amid the moral darkness; and the Bible will never be superseded by miraculous manifestations. The truth must be studied, it must be searched for as hidden treasure. Wonderful illuminations will not be given aside from the Word, or to take the place of it. Cling to the Word, receive the ingrafted Word, which will make men wise unto salvation.” Selected Messages, Book 2, 100.

6 What has the Spirit revealed would take place in the last days? 1 Timothy 4:1, 2.

note: “Let the truths that are the foundation of our faith be kept before the people. Some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. They talk science, and the enemy comes in and gives them an abundance of science; but it is not the science of salvation. It is not the science of humility, of consecration, or of the sanctification of the Spirit. We are now to understand what the pillars of our faith are,—the truths that have made us as a people what we are, leading us on step by step.” Review and Herald, May 25, 1905.

7 Against whom are Satan and his angels especially to war? Revelation 12:17. What is the testimony of Jesus? Revelation 19:10.

note: “Those who love and keep the commandments of God are most obnoxious to the synagogue of Satan, and the powers of evil will manifest their hatred toward them to the fullest extent possible. John foresaw the conflict between the remnant church and the power of evil, and said, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.’ [Revelation 12:17.]

“The forces of darkness will unite with human agents who have given themselves into the control of Satan, and the same scenes that were exhibited at the trial, rejection, and crucifixion of Christ will be revived. Through yielding to satanic influences, men will be transformed into fiends; and those who were created in the image of God, who were formed to honor and glorify their Creator, will become the habitation of dragons, and Satan will see in an apostate race his masterpiece of evil—men who reflect his own image.” Review and Herald, April 14, 1896.

“Little heed is given to the Bible, and the Lord has given a lesser light to lead men and women to the greater light.” Colporteur Ministry, 125.

“We have the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the spirit of prophecy. Priceless gems are to be found in the word of God. Those who search this word should keep the mind clear. Never should they indulge perverted appetite in eating or drinking.” Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 114.

8 To what are the fallen angels reserved? Jude 6; 11 Peter 2:4.

note: “The earth looked like a desolate wilderness. Cities and villages, shaken down by the earthquake, lay in heaps. Mountains had been moved out of their places, leaving large caverns. Ragged rocks, thrown out by the sea, or torn out of the earth itself, were scattered all over its surface. Large trees had been uprooted and were strewn over the land. Here is to be the home of Satan with his evil angels for a thousand years.” Maranatha, 313.

9 At the time of judgment of the fallen angels, who will take part? 1 Corinthians 6:2, 3.

note: “During the thousand years between the first and the second resurrection, the judgment of the wicked takes place. . . . At this time the righteous reign as kings and priests unto God. John in the Revelation says: ‘I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them.’ ‘They shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.’ Revelation 20:4, 6. It is at this time that, as foretold by Paul, ‘the saints shall judge the world.’ 1 Corinthians 6:2. In union with Christ they judge the wicked, comparing their acts with the statute book, the Bible, and deciding every case according to the deeds done in the body. Then the portion which the wicked must suffer is meted out, according to their works; and it is recorded against their names in the book of death.

“Satan also and evil angels are judged by Christ and His people.” The Faith I Live By, 354.

10 What fate awaits the devil and his angels? Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:7–9.

note: “I entreat that there may be a putting away from the life every action which does not bear the approval of God. We are drawing near to the close of earth’s history; the battle is growing daily more fierce. There is a day appointed when men who have bowed to the mandates of Satan will find themselves the subjects of the wrath of God, when the Judge of all the earth shall pronounce the sentence against Satan and his adherents, ‘Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.’ [Matthew 25:41.]” Loma Linda Messages, 228.

11 What prophecy will then have been fulfilled? Malachi 4:1.

note: “Then are fulfilled the words of the prophet: ‘The indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and His fury upon all their armies: He hath utterly destroyed them, He hath delivered them to the slaughter.’ Isaiah 34:2. ‘Upon the wicked He shall rain quick burning coals, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.’ Psalm 11:6, margin. Fire comes down from God out of heaven. The earth is broken up. The weapons concealed in its depths are drawn forth. Devouring flames burst from every yawning chasm. The very rocks are on fire. The day has come that ‘shall burn as an oven.’ Malachi 4:1. The elements melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein are burned up. (11 Peter 3:10.) The fire of Tophet is prepared for the king, the chief of rebellion; the pile thereof is deep and large, and ‘the breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it.’ Isaiah 30:33. The earth’s surface seems one molten mass—a vast, seething lake of fire. It is the time of the judgment and perdition of ungodly men—‘the day of the Lord’s vengeance, and the year of recompences for the controversy of Zion.’ Isaiah 34: 8.” The Story of Redemption, 428, 429.

12 What shall not arise the second time? Nahum 1:9.

note: “The plan of salvation, making manifest the justice and love of God, provides an eternal safeguard against defection in unfallen worlds, as well as among those who shall be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Our only hope is perfect trust in the blood of Him who can save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him. The death of Christ on the cross of Calvary is our only hope in this world, and it will be our theme in the world to come. Oh, we do not comprehend the value of the atonement! If we did, we would talk more about it. The gift of God in His beloved Son was the expression of an incomprehensible love. It was the utmost that God could do to preserve the honor of His law, and still save the transgressor. Why should man not study the theme of redemption? It is the greatest subject that can engage the human mind. If men would contemplate the love of Christ, displayed in the cross, their faith would be strengthened to appropriate the merits of His shed blood, and they would be cleansed and saved from sin.” The Signs of the Times, December 30, 1889.

These lessons are adapted from the Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, California, April 1912.

Food for Life – Honeymoon UnFrench Toast

Favorite Recipes from Staff and Friends of Steps to Life

“Yesterday we attended the celebration of a wedding conducted in style, worthy of imitation. . . . The hall was decorated in tasteful style, nothing superfluous or silly. . . . There was a long table arranged with food which was placed upon plates and passed around to each one. Then waiters were constantly passing around with a supply if any more was required. Grapes were passed around in abundance. Everything was liberal, yet plain. They did not even on this occasion depart from their principles of diet, which made the thing consistent and admirable. They had extras, graham pudding with dates in it, gems mixed with raisins, custard, apple pie and baked apples, a few other simple things. Nothing like fine flour was seen, even upon this extra occasion.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 5, 382.

Submitted by Connie Kent

Recipe – Honeymoon UnFrench Toast

12.3 oz. box silken tofu, extra firm

1 cup water

1/4 cup Vitamite or Better Than Milk powder

1/3 cup oil

1/3 cup honey

1/2 teaspoon cardamom

1/2 teaspoon coriander

1/2 teaspoon butter flavor

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 Tablespoon arrow root powder

1 Tablespoon egg replacer powder

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all ingredients together thoroughly. Dip sliced bread into mix and place on an oiled cookie sheet. Bake 4 to 5 minutes, then turn over. Broil at 450 degrees for 2 to 5 minutes on other side, watching carefully. Sprinkle coriander lightly on second side if desired.

A LandMarks reader, Connie Kent resides with her husband in Archdale, North Carolina. She enjoys developing new recipes and conducts vegan cooking classes in her community. Honeymoon UnFrench Toast is one of her original recipes.

Nature Nugget – Fish Cleaning Stations

Fishes have thousands of scales for parasites to get under and create annoyance, but no fingers with which to scratch themselves. Cleaning stations provide that service for them. Cleaning stations are places on the coral reef where various species of fish and shrimps, known as cleaners, provide the services of parasite removal and grooming for other species. The relationship between these cleaners and their patients is a symbiotic relationship, which is beneficial to both parties involved. The cleaners benefit by feeding on the parasites and dead tissue, and the patients benefit by having these things removed from their bodies. Fish literally line up to wait their turn at these stations, and ocean-going species travel long distances to the reefs to receive this service. Species as large as sharks and Manta Rays and even sea turtles and Moray Eels visit these stations. Even the most voracious predators are careful not to harm a cleaner, allowing it to nibble everywhere and freely explore mouth and gills. The service provided at the cleaning stations is so important that the whole coral reef community would die without it.

Of the approximately fifty species of fish that are known to perform the service of cleaners, none are as well known and represented as members of the wrasse family. Cleaner wrasses or doctorfish, as they are sometimes called, are boldly marked with blue, white, black, and sometimes yellow longitudinal stripes. The cleaner wrasses advertise their services with a dance routine. The flash of their electric-blue stripe acts as a beacon to attract fish in need of cleaning. Orderly queues soon form. By rushing forward, turning sideways, and then retreating, it draws each patient into an abnormal but most accessible position. The patient then spreads its fins, opens its mouth, and lifts its gill covers. The wrasse’s tweezer-like teeth then get to work removing ectoparasites, dead skin, and tissue from old wounds. They have been known to clean up to 300 fish in a six-hour period and remove as many as 1,200 parasites a day.

Cleaner shrimp, of which there are six species, are identified with bold red bands or markings. They mate for life and work in pairs, usually at night or in crevices. Cleaner shrimp attract patients by doing a tap dance with their spindly legs. Like the cleaner wrasses, the shrimps clean the whole surface of the fish including inside the mouth and gills, picking off ectoparasites and dead tissue with their pincers. When superficial surgery is required, it is left to the cleaner shrimp, which makes small incisions in the skin with their sharp claws to remove hidden parasites. During this procedure, the patient may wince with pain, but it still remains motionless. Cleaner shrimp will even clean plaque from the teeth of scuba divers who remove their mouthpieces and open their mouths, allowing the shrimp in.

Just as the fish in the sea have to come to the cleaning stations on the coral reefs to be cleansed of their parasites, so we as sinners need to come to Christ and repent to be cleansed from the parasites of sin. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. “If you are condemned, there is but one course for you to pursue: you must repent toward God because of the transgression of His law, and have faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ as the one who only can cleanse from sin.” Selected Messages, Book 1, 317.

David Arbour writes from his home in DeQueen, Arkansas. He may be contacted by e-mail at:

Ask the Pastor – Funerals and Weddings


I would like to know how funerals and weddings were started in the church.


The origin for both of these services is found in the days of Adam and Eve. The book of Genesis is the seedbed for every doctrine found in the rest of the Bible. It is the place of beginnings. There are many matters that will find a more developed maturity, which is related in the Bible at later times, but the beginnings of all things as pertaining to us are found in Genesis.

The first wedding is found in Genesis 2:21–25. The ceremony is short but complete in putting man and woman together as mates for life. This is the model that is still used today in modern ceremonies. I have quoted many times from this passage to provide the setting for the wedding service. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” The fact that God intended that this service should serve as a model for all marriages is found in these words. Adam and Eve did not have father or mother. They were created fully mature human beings right from the hand of God, yet the text helps us to understand the process of husband and wife coming together in a bond of matrimony unto themselves till the end of time. There are several other marriages spoken of in the Bible, but the one that captures our attention is found in the New Testament story of John 2.

Culturally, wedding ceremonies differ. But there is one thing that is acknowledged by all cultures and that is a recognition that two people are united in marriage to signify that they are not just living together in an adulterous lifestyle. Whether or not a piece of paper [marriage license] is present is not the issue. The issue is that the community has recognized that these two have left their homes of father and mother and are setting up their own home. So a wedding is a means of keeping law and order in the community. Otherwise chaos would result such as we see in society today where marriage laws are allowed to go unenforced.

A funeral takes place as a means of allowing grief to be processed. Grief is an emotion which, if not allowed to be expressed, can and does cause great mental distress. The process of dealing with the death of a friend or of a family member is important to the whole plan of salvation. Death is a reminder to what sin causes. (Romans 6:23.) But like the plan of salvation, God has a healing process in dealing with grief. Everyone who loves is vulnerable to the pain of grief, for love means attachment, and all human attachments are subject to loss. But grief need not, should not, be a destructive emotion of loss without hope.

Knowing this, we find that Jesus attended several funerals in the New Testament. The shortest text in the New Testament is John 11:35: “Jesus wept.” Funerals are for the purpose of getting the grief process started so that life for the living can go on.

Because marriages and funerals are an integral part of human life, they must also be a part of the life of church members. This is why these two issues are found in Scripture. For both weddings and funerals, the focus must be upon how God enters into the process. God as the center of the marriage and a funeral with God as the center provides hope for a sinful world. Never miss the fact that human emotions need to be expressed—joy in the wedding and sorrow in the loss of a loved one. Jesus has given us examples in both of these.

Pastor Mike Baugher is Associate Speaker for Steps to Life Ministry. If you have a question you would like Pastor Mike to answer, e-mail it to:, or mail it to: LandMarks, P. O. Box 782828, Wichita, KS 67278.

Children’s Story – Tales of a Tennessee Chain Gang, Part IV

What is Happening: Although their sentences had been suspended, several Sabbathkeepers are serving time on a chain gang for refusing to pay court fines, because they believed the State had taken them from their homes and work for no just cause.

Shortly before nine o’clock in the morning on July 16, 1895, two heavy wagons lumbered out of Dayton loaded with picks, shovels, 18 prisoners, and an equal number of balls and chains.

Guarding Sabbathkeepers and common criminals alike, Deputy Sheriff Jim Howard cradled a double-barreled shotgun in his arms, as he rocked back and forth on the high seat of the wagon.

The wagons lurched for 18 miles over the dusty road that ran north from Dayton and stopped at an empty house near Spring City, Tennessee. The afternoon was spent filling straw ticks, making crude tables, and attaching old wagon wheels to the upstairs windows, to keep in the prisoners.

A convict, assigned to kitchen duty, prepared cabbage, onion bread, and sugar for supper, and Bill Burchard settled down for 50 days “on the hard rock ground.” After cold biscuits and molasses for breakfast, the Rhea County chain gang set to work breaking up rock for the approaches to a nearby bridge.

The first full day of work was a Friday, so when the Sabbathkeepers went to bed that night, they doubtless had special prayer about the events of the next day. They probably were waiting nervously when Deputy Howard clomped into their room the next morning.

“ ‘Spose this is the day ya’ll won’t do no work,” he said.

“That’s right, sir,” Pastor Colcord replied—as politely as he knew how.

“Well, don’t make no difference—I just won’t count your Saturdays against your sentence, and it wouldn’t do to have ya work tomorrow either.”

The deputy’s arbitrary decision was obviously illegal, but it was better to keep quiet than create a confrontation over working on Saturday.

Meanwhile, the Sentinel kept up weekly reports on every phase of the prisoners’ plight, and newspapers around the country kept up their barrage against the bigotry of Tennessee.

Once the Spring City job was done, the chain gang was moved to a two-story, log house about a mile and a half from Graysville. Burchard noted that this was really his first time behind bars, since all the windows were equipped with them. The weather was hot, though, so the guard left the front door open at night and stood on the porch.

When the last of the cases came to trial, the Sabbathkeepers enjoyed the free legal assistance of a former congressman from Tennessee and the attorney for the Cincinnati Southern Railroad of Chattanooga. The combination of their skill and the jury’s weariness over the whole affair won acquittals in the remaining cases.

In Bill Burchard’s last report, he said: “We are all well, healthy, and happy. The sun has been extremely hot today. One big fellow got so hot this afternoon he had to stop, but none of us has done that yet.

“They furnish us plenty to eat now, and as Brother Morgan is cook, it is well prepared. My time should be out in a week from today. I must close as it is dark, and the workhouse is out of lamp oil.”

What a privilege it is to be a citizen of these United States today. How thankful we can be for the freedom we each have to worship God, according to our individual beliefs. It is actually a rare privilege seen in the history of this earth. How carefully we need to guard this freedom.

Restoring the Temple – Danger is Brewing in the Cup, Part I

The culprit is caffeine! Whether you get it in your coffee, tea, soda, eat it in your chocolate and cocoa, or swallow pills, caffeine is affecting your health in dozens of dangerous ways.

Many people cannot start their day without a cup of coffee. Others must have it at their ten o’clock break. Children and adolescents get their caffeine from cokes and soft drinks. Office workers, construction workers, pilots, and schoolteachers use caffeinated beverages to buy a few more hours of alertness at the job.

With 70 percent of the world’s coffee supply consumed in the United States, the average American has 227 mg of caffeine per day. Four out of five Americans are drinking coffee on any given day. About 20 percent of these use more than 350 mg daily, which is sufficient to produce dependency. Coffee and tea contribute the greatest amount of caffeine in our diet. The caffeine content of coffee and tea depends on the method of preparation and the strength of the brew. It can vary from 30–140 mg per five-ounce cup. Soft drinks are the third largest contributor of caffeine, containing 30–55 mg per twelve ounces.

What’s Brewing?

Caffeine belongs to a family of chemicals called methylxanthines. This drug has adverse effects on our body, which can be felt from head to toe. So, while coffee lovers are brewing their coffee, soda lovers guzzling their soda pops, and pill users are popping their pills, methylxanthines are brewing a whole host of health problems inside their bodies.

Central Nervous System

Many people do not depend on a nutritious breakfast to give them “go power” but on coffee. It is common knowledge that caffeinated drinks affect the nervous system and provide temporary relief from fatigue and sluggishness. At first, caffeine produces a state of alertness and increased energy. When the drug effects wear off, it causes irritability, nervousness, headaches, and depression. Yet, while it may speed up reaction time and improve automatic processing skills like doing arithmetic problems, it worsens performance of more complicated tasks. “Caffeine also worsens fine motor coordination due to an increase in hand tremors.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol. 43, 1995, 860.

Fetuses and Pregnant Women

Within thirty minutes of consumption, caffeine reaches peak levels in the blood and saturates other body tissues at a level proportional to their water content. Unborn fetuses take in caffeine through the placenta, and breast-fed infants get it through human breast milk.

Caffeine does not get eliminated from the body right away. Depending on age, sex and hormone levels, medications, smoking status, and pregnancy, caffeine may stay around for days. Newborns, pregnant women, and those using birth control pills remove caffeine even more slowly from their bodies. After three hours to four days, only 50 percent (half-life) of the caffeine is removed from a newborn’s body. This is due to the fact that infants do not have the enzymes to metabolize the drug. The half-life of caffeine in nonsmoking adults is 5–7 hours, in pregnant women 18–20 hours.

Caffeine has a variety of physiological effects on the body. See Table 1. Adults who drink 1–3 cups of coffee or have 1–4 sodas daily consume 75–200 mg of caffeine and will experience clear physiological effects.

PMS and Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Women who drink 8–10 cups of coffee daily have a 7 times greater risk of having PMS symptoms than those who do not drink. A female physician with fibrocystic breast disease was consuming 1,300 mg of methylxanthines per day. When she stopped using coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate for a month, the lumps in her breasts diminished. After two months, her fibrocystic disease disappeared.


Linda Massey, a bone researcher from Washington State University states that caffeine can have negative effects on our bones. According to Creighton University’s Osteoporosis Research Unit, “The more regularly a woman drinks coffee, the more calcium is excreted in her urine. The loss adds to about 5 mg of calcium for every six ounces of coffee or two cans of cola.” Schardt, D. and S. Schmidt, “Caffeine: The Inside Scoop,” Nutrition Action Healthletter, December 1996.

Birth Defects, Miscarriages, and Infertility

Studies with laboratory animals reveal that mother rats who take large amounts of caffeine bear malformed babies. Three women who drank 8–25 cups of coffee per day reported birth defects in their children. Since caffeine easily crosses the human placenta, the fetus is quite vulnerable to this drug, especially as infants metabolize it very slowly.

In one study 4,000 women who consumed 150–300 mg of caffeine per day during their pregnancy had more than twice the risk of delivering under-weight babies (less than 5.5 pounds) than those who consumed less caffeine. The risk of delivering a low birth weight baby is almost five times greater for women who consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. Infants born with low birth weight have an increased risk of dying in early infancy. Due to these adverse effects of caffeine on the fetus, the FDA advises pregnant women to avoid caffeine-containing foods and drugs, if possible, or consume them only sparingly.

Ever tried getting pregnant while consuming caffeine-containing drinks? A 1996 study showed that women who were consuming more than 300 mg of caffeine had double the risk of miscarriage. Allen Wilcox of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Research Triangle, North Carolina, showed that women who drank just one cup of regular coffee a day were half as likely to become pregnant during any given menstrual cycle as those who drank less. Since then ten more studies have been conducted, and they have found that three or more cups of regular coffee a day impairs fertility.

Table 1 – Physiological Effects of Caffeine Intake

  • Increases urinary losses of calcium
  • Increases risk of low birth weight babies and birth defects
  • Decreases fertility
  • Causes insomnia and disrupted sleep
  • Causes irritability, nervousness
  • Causes headaches and anxiety
  • Produces alertness at first, then depression
  • Stimulates central nervous system
  • Elevates blood sugar and blood cholesterol
  • Aggravates peptic ulcers
  • Elevates blood pressure
  • Causes irregular heartbeat and palpitations
  • Increases PMS symptoms
  • Produces breast lumps
  • Increases risk of bladder and other cancers

To be concluded . . .

Reprinted from Danger is Brewing in the Cup, Northwestern Publishing Association, Sacramento, California.

From the Pen of Inspiration – How Do We Stand?

To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” “Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” [Revelation 2:7; 22:14.] The solemn question should come home to every member of our churches, How are we standing before God, as the professed followers of Jesus Christ? Is our light shining forth to the world in clear, steady rays? Have we, as a people solemnly dedicated to God, preserved our union with the Source of all light? Are not the symptoms of decay and declension painfully visible in the midst of the Christian churches of today? Spiritual death has come upon the people that should be manifesting life and zeal, purity and consecration, by the most earnest devotion to the cause of truth. The facts concerning the real condition of the professed people of God, speak more loudly than their profession, and make it evident that some power has cut the cable that anchored them to the Eternal Rock, and that they are drifting away to sea, without chart or compass.

What is to be done? The True Witness points out the only remedy: “Repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” [Revelation 2:5.] Christ will cease to take your name upon his lips in his intercession with the Father, unless there is a decided change in the life and characters of those who have wandered from the living God, and forsaken his service. Jesus declares, “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” [Revelation 3:15–17.] And yet the case is not altogether beyond remedy. The Mediator has not left them hopeless. He says, “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed.” [Verse 18.]

Although the oil in the lamps is almost consumed, and they have not been replenished, still you have not yet reached that desperate position described in the parable of the foolish virgins. They slumbered long, until their lamps were gone out, and they had made no provision for the time of need; and when the Bridegroom came, they were seeking, too late, to replenish their lamps: for the door was shut, and they were left to outer darkness and despair. But the counsel of the True Witness is full of encouragement and comfort. The churches may yet obtain the gold of truth, faith, and love, and be rich in heavenly treasure. “Buy of me gold that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear.” [Revelation 3:18.] The white raiment is the righteousness of Christ that may be wrought into the character. Purity of heart, purity of motive, will characterize every one who is washing his robe, and making it white in the blood of the Lamb.

Today let the question come home to the heart of every one who professes the name of Christ, “Dost thou believe in the Son of God?” Not, “Do you admit that Jesus is the Redeemer of the world?” Not to soothe your conscience and the consciences of others by saying, “I believe,” and think that is all there is to be done. But do you believe with all your heart that Jesus is your Saviour? Do you bring him into your life, and weave him into your character, until you are one with Christ? Many accept Jesus as an article of belief, but they have no saving faith in him as their sacrifice and Saviour. They have no realization that Christ has died to save them from the penalty of the law which they have transgressed, in order that they may be brought back to loyalty to God. Do you believe that Christ, as your substitute, pays the debt of your transgression? Not, however, that you may continue in sin, but that you may be saved from your sins; that you, through the merits of his righteousness, may be re-instated to the favor of God. Do you know that a holy and just God will accept your efforts to keep his law, through the merits of his own beloved Son who died for your rebellion and sin?

You may say that you believe in Jesus, when you have an appreciation of the cost of salvation. You may make this claim, when you feel that Jesus died for you on the cruel cross of Calvary; when you have an intelligent, understanding faith that his death makes it possible for you to cease from sin, and to perfect a righteous character through the grace of God, bestowed upon you as the purchase of Christ’s blood. The eyes of fallen men may be anointed with the eye-salve of spiritual comprehension, and they may see themselves as they really are,—poor, and miserable, and blind, and naked. They may be brought to realize their need of repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.

The plan of salvation is not appreciated as it should be. It is not discerned or comprehended. It is made altogether a cheap affair; whereas to unite the human with the divine, required an exertion of Omnipotence. It was necessary that a great condescension should be made on the part of God in behalf of fallen man, who had transgressed the unchangeable law of Jehovah. Christ, by clothing his divinity with humanity, elevates humanity in the scale of moral value to an infinite worth. But what a condescension on the part of God, and on the part of his only begotten Son, who was equal with the Father! All this had to be done because God’s law had been transgressed.

So great has been the spiritual blindness of men, that they have sought to make of none effect the word of God. They have declared by their traditions, that the great plan of redemption was devised, in order to abolish, and make of none effect, the law of God; when Calvary is the mighty argument that proves the immutability of the precepts of Jehovah. The fact that God had to give his only begotten Son to die for a race condemned by the law, is sufficient to prove that the law could not be altered one jot or tittle. The professed Christian world is indeed in need of eye-salve, that they may see the character of God and his law. Their prayer should be as was David’s of old, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” [Psalm 119:18.]

“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.” [Revelation 3:19.] Has there been a departure from God? then there must be a returning unto him; there must be a doing of the first works; there must be a close examination of the life. The state of the character must be compared with the great moral standard of righteousness. There must be a searching out of the peculiar sins which have been offensive to God, which have dishonored his name, and quenched the light of his Spirit, and killed the first love from the soul. Whether it has been pride, sensuality, or turning the grace of Christ into lasciviousness, it must be thoroughly repented of, and forsaken.

Review and Herald, July 24, 1888.