Bible Study Guides – Seeking Guidance

October 21, 2012 – October 27, 2012

Key Text

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5.

Study Help: Selected Messages, Book 2, 325–328; That I May Know Him, 249–252, 268.


“We are to seek to know ‘What saith the Lord,’ yielding our lives to His guidance.” This Day With God, 140.


  • When called to lead the army of Israel, how did Gideon obtain the extra guidance he desired? Judges 6:36–40.

Note: “Gideon dared not place himself at the head of the army without still further evidence that God had called him to his work, and that He would be with him. … [Judges 6:36, 37 quoted.] In the morning the fleece was wet, while the ground was dry. But now a doubt arose, since wool naturally absorbs moisture when there is any in the air; the test might not be decisive. Hence he asked that the sign be reversed, pleading that his extreme caution might not displease the Lord. His request was granted.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 548.

  • How does our own attitude affect how much guidance we can expect from God? Psalms 25:9; 32:8–10; James 1:5–8.

Note: “[James 1:5–7 quoted.] This petition for wisdom is not to be a meaningless prayer, out of mind as soon as finished. It is a prayer that expresses the strong, earnest desire of the heart, arising from a conscious lack of wisdom to determine the will of God.” Testimonies, vol. 2, 131.


  • When Manoah’s wife was told she would bear a son, how were the couple’s prayers for guidance rewarded? Judges 13:8–23. What can we learn from their example?

Note: “The Lord regarded instruction to the mother of such importance that He sent an angel, who veiled his glory, in order to give a direct message to the wife of Manoah, and prescribe the course of action which she should pursue. The instruction given to the wife of Manoah is the instruction that all mothers should follow in order that the prenatal influence may be of a right character.” The Signs of the Times, April 9, 1896.

“Christian parents should begin the education of their children in their infancy. They should, in view of their God-given responsibilities, pray most earnestly to know the will of God, and for strength to do it. … [Judges 13:8, 12 quoted.] If this prayer should go forth from the unfeigned lips of mothers, they would find that help would be given them from God.” Good Health, April 1, 1880.

“The words spoken to the wife of Manoah contain a truth that the mothers of today would do well to study. In speaking to this one mother, the Lord spoke to all the anxious, sorrowing mothers of that time, and to all the mothers of succeeding generations. Yes, every mother may understand her duty. She may know that the character of her children will depend vastly more upon her habits before their birth and her personal efforts after their birth, than upon external advantages or disadvantages.” The Signs of the Times, February 26, 1902.

  • What is revealed in God’s word concerning health and temperance? I Corinthians 3:19; 9:27; 10:31.

Note: “In the selection of our food, we should not seek merely to please the taste, but should choose that which is most healthful. In dress, we should seek that which is simple, comfortable, convenient, and appropriate.

“He who will observe simplicity in all his habits, restricting the appetite and controlling the passions, may preserve his mental powers strong, active, and vigorous, quick to perceive everything which demands thought or action, keen to discriminate between the holy and the unholy, and ready to engage in every enterprise for the glory of God and the benefit of humanity.” Our High Calling, 270.


  • What prayer of David reveals how he recognized the Source of his only hope of success? Psalm 31:1–3.

Note: “Every ship sailing the sea of life needs to have the divine Pilot on board; but when storms arise, when tempests threaten, many persons push their Pilot overboard, and commit their bark into the hand of finite man, or try to steer it themselves. Then disaster and wreckage generally follow, and the Pilot is blamed for running them into such dangerous waters. Do not commit yourselves into the keeping of men, but say, ‘The Lord is my helper’; I will seek His counsel; I will be a doer of His will. All the advantages you may have cannot be a blessing to you, neither can the highest class education qualify you to become a channel of light, unless you have the co-operation of the divine Spirit. It is as impossible for us to receive qualification from man, without the divine enlightenment, as it was for the gods of Egypt to deliver those who trusted in them. Students must not suppose that every suggestion for them to prolong their studies is in harmony with God’s plan. Let every such suggestion be taken to the Lord in prayer, and seek earnestly for His guidance—not only once, but again and again. Plead with Him, until you are convinced whether the counsel is of God or man. Do not trust yourself to men. Act under the divine Guide.” Fundamentals of Christian Education, 348.

  • What is the main way that God can guide us? John 5:39. Why is our cooperation essential? Matthew 13:13.

Note: “Let the Word be your guide, your rule of conduct. It will teach you refined manners, godly conduct, and unerring judgment. Study the Word. When you are in perplexity, search the Word for instruction that is suited to your case. Seek the Lord for guidance. Never entertain that which the Lord forbids in His Word, and that which His Word requires, ever seek to do.” The Upward Look, 87.

“In the service of God there is no middle ground. Said Christ, ‘He that is not with me is against me’ [Matthew 12:30]. Let none expect to make a compromise with the world, and yet enjoy the blessing of the Lord. Let God’s people come out from this world, and be separate. Let us seek more earnestly to know and do the will of our Father in heaven.” The Review and Herald, June 15, 1886.


  • What assurances are we given that God hears our prayers for guidance? Proverbs 3:5–8; 28:5.

Note: “We need not walk stumblingly, or in uncertainty. If we ask guidance of the Lord, the promise is, ‘Ye shall receive’ [Matthew 21:22]. The promise is yea and amen in Christ Jesus. ‘Seek and ye shall find’ [Matthew 7:7]. This is what we need to do every hour of our life; for if we seek the right way in sincerity, we shall find it. We must feel the need of help from the Lord, and seek for it in humble prayer.” The Signs of the Times, August 15, 1892.

  • When we pray for guidance, what kinds of blessings can we count on receiving? Psalm 34:10; Isaiah 33:15, 16.

Note: “In God you can do valiantly. Tell it to the Lord in prayer, talk it to the Lord by the way. ‘Thee I seek; Thee I will follow; Thee I will serve. Under the shadow of Thy wings will I abide. Command me as Thou wilt; I will obey Thy voice.’ Yield always to the heavenly guidance. When trials come, possess your soul in patience. Wait on the Lord and have one purpose in view, to seek the eternal good of all those with whom you are connected, holding fast your integrity in the strength of your God.” That I May Know Him, 268.

“If we do not feel immediate answers to our prayers, we should hold fast our faith, not allowing distrust to come in, for that will separate us from God. If our faith wavers, we shall receive nothing from Him. Our confidence in God should be strong; and when we need it most, the blessing will fall upon us like a shower of rain.” Testimonies, vol. 1, 121.

  • How does continual prayer for God’s leading affect our overall state of mind? Isaiah 26:3.

Note: “Those who take Christ at His word, and surrender their souls to His keeping, their lives to His ordering, will find peace and quietude. Nothing of the world can make them sad when Jesus makes them glad by His presence.” The Desire of Ages, 331.


  • When faced with perplexity, what are we ever to keep in mind? John 15:1–5.

Note: “There are many who get above the simplicity of Jesus Christ, supposing that they must do some great thing in order to work the works of God. Things of a temporal nature absorb the attention of others, and they have little time or thought for eternal realities. Wearied out with cares that draw their minds from spiritual things, they cannot find time for communion with God. Constantly they ask themselves the question, How can I find time to study and practice the Word of God? …

“Our first and highest duty is to know that we are abiding in Christ. He must do the work. We are to seek to know ‘What saith the Lord,’ yielding our lives to His guidance. When we have the Spirit of an abiding Christ, everything will take on a changed aspect. The Saviour alone can give us the rest and peace we so much need. And, in every invitation He gives us to seek the Lord that He may be found of us, He is calling us to abide in Him. This is an invitation, not merely to come to Him, but to remain in Him. It is the Spirit of God that moves us to come. When we have this rest and peace, our daily worries will not lead us to be coarse and rough and uncourteous. We shall no longer follow our own way and will. We will want to do the will of God, abiding in Christ as the branches in the vine.

“Christ declares Himself [to be] ‘the way, the truth, and the life’ (John 14:6). The way to heaven is represented as a narrow path, cast up for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in. But truth illuminates this path at every step. …

“Salvation means to us complete surrender of soul, body, and spirit. Because of the unruly elements of our nature our passions often gain the mastery. The only hope for the sinner is to cease from sin. Thus his will will be in harmony with the will of Christ. His soul will be brought into fellowship with God.” This Day with God, 140.


1 What can we learn from Gideon’s attitude in prayer?

2 How must we follow the example of Manoah and his wife?

3 Why do we need to cooperate with God?

4 How can God’s promises help the moody person?

5 What are the keys to consistent guidance from God?

© 2003 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – Intercessory Prayer

October 14, 2012 – October 20, 2012

Key Text

“Where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock?” Jeremiah 13:20.

Study Help: Patriarchs and Prophets, 315–330; Testimonies, vol. 1, 397–405.


“Are you watching for souls as they that must give an account, or are you yourselves drowsy, ease-loving, and lukewarm?” The Signs of the Times, October 4, 1883.


  • What should we learn from the attitude of Abraham toward the Sodomites? Genesis 18:20–33; Galatians 6:1.

Note: “There was no self-confidence, no boasting of his [Abraham’s] own righteousness. He did not claim favor on the ground of his obedience, or of the sacrifices he had made in doing God’s will. Himself a sinner, he pleaded in the sinner’s behalf. Such a spirit all who approach God should possess. Yet Abraham manifested the confidence of a child pleading with a loved father. He came close to the heavenly Messenger, and fervently urged his petition. …

“Love for perishing souls inspired Abraham’s prayer. While he loathed the sins of that corrupt city, he desired that the sinners might be saved. His deep interest for Sodom shows the anxiety that we should feel for the impenitent. We should cherish hatred of sin, but pity and love for the sinner. All around us are souls going down to ruin as hopeless, as terrible, as that which befell Sodom. Every day the probation of some is closing. Every hour some are passing beyond the reach of mercy. And where are the voices of warning and entreaty to bid the sinner flee from this fearful doom? Where are the hands stretched out to draw him back from death? Where are those who with humility and persevering faith are pleading with God for him?

“The spirit of Abraham was the spirit of Christ. The Son of God is Himself the great Intercessor in the sinner’s behalf. He who has paid the price for its redemption knows the worth of the human soul.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 139, 140.


  • Why did God spare Israel after the gross idolatry at the foot of Mount Sinai? Exodus 32:7–14, 30–32.

Note: “Moses realized how dreadful would be the fate of the sinner; yet if the people of Israel were to be rejected by the Lord, he desired his name to be blotted out with theirs; he could not endure to see the judgments of God fall upon those who had been so graciously delivered. The intercession of Moses in behalf of Israel illustrates the mediation of Christ for sinful men. But the Lord did not permit Moses to bear, as did Christ, the guilt of the transgressor.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 326.

  • Name two more examples of the power of Moses’ intercessory prayers. Numbers 11:2; 21:7.
  • Who had helped to mold the character of Moses in such a way for him to manifest such intense fervor in intercessory prayer? Exodus 2:1–10; Hebrews 11:23–25.

Note: “Jochebed was a woman and a slave. Her lot in life was humble, her burden heavy. But through no other woman, save Mary of Nazareth, has the world received greater blessing. Knowing that her child must soon pass beyond her care, to the guardianship of those who knew not God, she the more earnestly endeavored to link his soul with heaven. She sought to implant in his heart love and loyalty to God. And faithfully was the work accomplished. Those principles of truth that were the burden of his mother’s teaching and the lesson of her life, no after influence could induce Moses to renounce.” Education, 61.

“The mother should feel her need of the Holy Spirit’s guidance, that she herself may have a genuine experience in submission to the way and will of God. Then, through the grace of Christ, she can be a wise, gentle, loving teacher. To do her work as it should be done requires talent and skill and patient, thoughtful care. It calls for self distrust and earnest prayer. Let every mother strive by persevering effort to fulfill her obligations. Let her bring her little ones to Jesus in the arms of faith, telling Him her great need, and asking for wisdom and grace.” Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 128.


  • What can parents learn from Job’s example? Job 1:1–5.

Note: “Parents should meet their grave responsibilities with fear and trembling. Fervent prayers should be offered for divine strength and guidance in this task.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 200.

  • Why is prayer especially important at times when wayward children need to be corrected? Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21.

Note: “Some parents correct their children severely in a spirit of impatience, and often in passion. Such corrections produce no good result. In seeking to correct one evil, they create two. Continual censuring and whipping hardens children and weans them from their parents. Parents should first learn to control themselves, then they can more successfully control their children. Every time they lose self-control, and speak and act impatiently, they sin against God. They should first reason with their children, clearly point out their wrongs, show them their sin, and impress upon them that they have not only sinned against their parents, but against God. With your own heart subdued and full of pity and sorrow for your erring children, pray with them before correcting them. Then your correction will not cause your children to hate you. They will love you. They will see that you do not punish them because they have put you to inconvenience, or because you wish to vent your displeasure upon them; but from a sense of duty, for their good, that they may not be left to grow up in sin.” Testimonies, vol. 1, 398.

  • What prayer was in the heart of Hannah as she would prepare coats for her son, Samuel? I Samuel 2:18, 19.

Note: “Every fiber of the little garment had been woven with a prayer that he [Samuel] might be pure, noble, and true. She did not ask for her son worldly greatness, but she earnestly pleaded that he might attain that greatness which Heaven values—that he might honor God and bless his fellow men.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 572.


  • Explain some key elements in winning our associates to Christ. I Timothy 4:16.

Note: “If believers associate with unbelievers for the purpose of winning them to Christ, they will be witnesses for Christ, and having fulfilled their mission, will withdraw themselves in order to breathe in a pure and holy atmosphere. They will draw near to God, and send up earnest petitions to Christ in behalf of their friends and associates.” Our High Calling, 300.

  • How did Sister White respond when told that Vermont was “a hard field” for the gospel? Jeremiah 13:20. Describe her early experience with unbelieving friends.

Note: “We know there is earnest work to be done, requiring patience, perseverance, and untiring effort. Let the work be done by unselfish, humble men; let them work and pray, and pray and work. Labor by the fireside, brethren. Come close to hearts. Let unbelievers see that you care for their souls; search the Scriptures with them; weep and pray with them. In your earnest efforts, represent the love of Christ. Oh! this love, if we have it, is too much inclosed in our hearts, and does not appear in words or deeds as it should. How will you meet your relatives, your friends, and your neighbors in the Judgment, if you have not labored in every way possible to bring them to the truth? My prayer is that the Lord may so impress the minds of men and women in Vermont that they cannot rest until they commence in earnest to labor for souls. When they do this it will no longer be said, Vermont is a hard field.” The Review and Herald, November 20, 1883.

“I arranged meetings with my young friends, some of whom were considerably older than myself, and a few were married persons. A number of them were vain and thoughtless; my experience sounded to them like an idle tale, and they did not heed my entreaties. But I determined that my efforts should never cease till these dear souls, for whom I had so great an interest, yielded to God. …

“At every one of our little meetings I continued to exhort and pray for each one separately, until every one had yielded to Jesus, acknowledging the merits of His pardoning love. Every one was converted to God.” Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, 41, 42.


  • How are we encouraged to imitate the greatest Example of intercessory prayer? Luke 22:31, 32; John 17:20.

Note: “The Son of God is Himself the great Intercessor in the sinner’s behalf. He who has paid the price for its redemption knows the worth of the human soul. With an antagonism to evil such as can exist only in a nature spotlessly pure, Christ manifested toward the sinner a love which infinite goodness alone could conceive. In the agonies of the crucifixion, Himself burdened with the awful weight of the sins of the whole world, He prayed for His revilers and murderers, ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do’ [Luke 23:34].” Patriarchs and Prophets, 140.

  • Why must we redouble our efforts in praying for others? Romans 13:10, 11; I Corinthians 15:34.

Note: “We must be much in prayer if we would make progress in the divine life. When the message of truth was first proclaimed, how much we prayed. How often was the voice of intercession heard in the chamber, in the barn, in the orchard, or the grove. Frequently we spent hours in earnest prayer, two or three together claiming the promise; often the sound of weeping was heard and then the voice of thanksgiving and the song of praise. Now the day of God is nearer than when we first believed, and we should be more earnest, more zealous, and fervent than in those early days. Our perils are greater now than then. Souls are more hardened. We need now to be imbued with the spirit of Christ, and we should not rest until we receive it.” Testimonies, vol. 5, 161, 162.


1 Why did Abraham plead so fervently for the Sodomites?

2 What factors motivated the prayers of Moses?

3 How can parents improve their relationship with their children?

4 How can we be more effective witnesses in our communities?

5 Why is prayer so important in the divine life?

© 2003 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – The Early Patriarchs

October 7, 2012 – October 13, 2012

Key Text

“The Lord is far from the wicked: but He heareth the prayer of the righteous.” Proverbs 15:29.

Study Help: Testimonies, vol. 8, 329–331; Patriarchs and Prophets, 195–203.


“The patriarchs were men of prayer, and God did great things for them.” The Signs of the Times, August 14, 1884.


  • In the words of the apostle Peter, to whom do “all the prophets witness”? Acts 10:36–43. Name some of the patriarchs who knew Christ as a Saviour. Romans 5:12–15.

Note: “All the communion between heaven and the fallen race has been through Christ. It was the Son of God that gave to our first parents the promise of redemption. It was He who revealed Himself to the patriarchs. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses understood the gospel. They looked for salvation through man’s Substitute and Surety. These holy men of old held communion with the Saviour who was to come to our world in human flesh; and some of them talked with Christ and heavenly angels face to face.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 366.

  • What characterized the prayer life of Adam after his fall? II Corinthians 7:10. How did God renew his faith, not only for eternity, but even in this temporal life? Genesis 3:15.

Note: “Adam’s life was one of sorrow, humility, and continual repentance. … He entreated pardon from God through the promised Sacrifice.” Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, 50, 51.


  • What is noteworthy about Enoch? Genesis 5:23, 24.

Note: “Pray in your closet, and as you go about your daily labor let your heart be often uplifted to God. It was thus that Enoch walked with God. These silent prayers rise like precious incense before the throne of grace. Satan cannot overcome him whose heart is thus stayed upon God.” Steps to Christ, 98, 99.

“Enoch’s walk with God was not in a trance or a vision, but in all the duties of his daily life. He did not become a hermit, shutting himself entirely from the world; for he had, in the world, a work to do for God. In the family and in his intercourse with men, as a husband and father, a friend, a citizen, he was the steadfast, unwavering servant of God.

“His faith waxed stronger, his love became more ardent, with the lapse of centuries. To him prayer was as the breath of the soul. He lived in the atmosphere of heaven.” Testimonies, vol. 8, 329, 330.

  • What distinguished Enoch’s prayer life? Hebrews 11:5.

Note: “Righteous Enoch was so distressed with the increasing wickedness of the ungodly that he would not daily associate with them, fearing that he should be affected by their infidelity and that he might not ever regard God with that holy reverence which was due His exalted character. His soul was vexed as he daily beheld them trampling upon the authority of God. He chose to be separate from them, and spent much of his time in solitude, giving himself to reflection and prayer. He waited before God, and prayed to know His will more perfectly, that he might perform it. God communed with Enoch through His angels, and gave him divine instruction. He made known to him that He would not always bear with man in his rebellion—that it was His purpose to destroy the sinful race by bringing a flood of waters upon the earth.” The Signs of the Times, February 20, 1879.

“The men of that [Enoch’s] generation mocked the folly of him who sought not to gather gold or silver, or to build up possessions here. But Enoch’s heart was upon eternal treasures. …[Hebrews 11:5 quoted.]

“To such communion God is calling us. As was Enoch’s must be their holiness of character who shall be redeemed from among men at the Lord’s second coming.” Testimonies, vol. 8, 330, 331.


  • What comprised Noah’s witness to the world? Hebrews 11:7. Why was his life preserved? Proverbs 15:29.
  • What major domestic trial did Abraham face? Genesis 21:9–11. How did prayer reward him? Genesis 21:12, 13.

Note: “Abraham is greatly distressed. Ishmael is his son, beloved by him. How can he send him away! He prays to God in his perplexity, for he knows not what course to take. The Lord, through His angels, directs Abraham to listen to the voice of Sarah his wife, and not to let his affection for his son, or for Hagar, prevent his compliance with her wishes. For this was the only course he could pursue to restore harmony and happiness again to his family. Abraham had the consoling promise from the angel, that Ishmael, although separated from his father’s house, should not die, nor be forsaken of God; he should be preserved because he was the son of Abraham. God also promised to make of Ishmael a great nation.” The Signs of the Times, March 27, 1879.

  • What was the greatest trial of Abraham’s life? Genesis 22:1, 2. How did he wisely respond?

Note: “Stricken with grief, he [Abraham] bowed before God, and prayed as never before for a confirmation of this strange command, for greater light if he must perform this terrible duty.” The Signs of the Times, March 27, 1879.

  • How was Abraham’s worthy example later imitated by his faithful servant? Genesis 24:42–52.

Note: “He [Abraham’s servant] prayed earnestly to God to direct him in his choice of a wife for Isaac. He asked that certain evidence might be given him, that he should not err in the matter.” Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, 109.


  • What encounter with God did Jacob experience early in life? Genesis 28:10–22. How did Christ later explain the meaning of this ladder to prayerful Nathanael? John 1:51.

Note: “Christ is the ladder that Jacob saw, whose base is upon the earth, and whose topmost round reaches the throne of God.” The Signs of the Times, April 11, 1895.

  • How did Jacob pray in a crisis hour? Genesis 32:24–30.

Note: “Jacob prevailed because he was persevering and determined. His experience testifies to the power of importunate prayer. It is now that we are to learn this lesson of prevailing prayer, of unyielding faith. The greatest victories to the church of Christ or to the individual Christian are not those that are gained by talent or education, by wealth or the favor of men. They are those victories that are gained in the audience chamber with God, when earnest, agonizing faith lays hold upon the mighty arm of power.” Patriarchs and Prophets, 203.

  • How are we blessed by Jacob’s victory? Psalm 46:10, 11.

Note: “Go to your closet, and there alone plead with God: ‘Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me’ [Psalm 51:10]. Be in earnest, be sincere. Fervent prayer availeth much. Jacob-like, wrestle in prayer. Agonize. Jesus in the garden sweat great drops of blood; you must make an effort.” Messages to Young People, 131.

“A formal religion, a feeble faith, does not correspond to the truth we profess. It demands living energy and fervency of spirit. It must be heart-felt with us, if we would urge it to the hearts of others. … He who feels his weakness and wrestles with God, as did Jacob, and like this servant of old cries, ‘I will not let thee go except thou bless me’ [Genesis 32:26], will go forth with the fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. The atmosphere of Heaven will surround him. He will go about doing good. His influence will be a positive force acting upon others. He will be a living epistle, known and read of all men. He will know that the Captain of his salvation expects him to do his very best, and he will do it with cheerfulness.” The Signs of the Times, February 24, 1888.


  • What results come from deep communion with God, as experienced by men such as Moses? Exodus 33:11–23; 34:35.

Note: “Moses was hidden in the cleft of the rock when the glory of the Lord was revealed to him, and it is when we are hidden in Christ that we obtain some view of the majesty and love of God.” The Signs of the Times, April 25, 1892.

  • How can we share in the glory manifested to Moses on Mount Sinai? II Corinthians 3:18; 4:6–10.

Note: “If we keep the Lord ever before us, allowing our hearts to go out in thanksgiving and praise to Him, we shall have a continual freshness in our religious life. Our prayers will take the form of a conversation with God as we would talk with a friend. He will speak His mysteries to us personally. Often there will come to us a sweet joyful sense of the presence of Jesus. Often our hearts will burn within us as He draws nigh to commune with us as He did with Enoch. When this is in truth the experience of the Christian, there is seen in his life a simplicity, a humility, meekness, and lowliness of heart, that show to all with whom he associates that he has been with Jesus and learned of Him.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 129, 130.

“God help us to have a knowledge of the truth, and if you have seen the truth of God, press right to the light and put up the bars behind you. Make not flesh your arm; but have a living experience for yourselves, and then your countenance will shine with the glory of God. You have walked with Him, and He has upheld you. You have wrestled with Him and pleaded with Him, and He has let His light shine upon you.” Faith and Works, 78.


1 Who promised Adam and Eve salvation?

2 Name some key points in Enoch’s experience with God.

3 How did the prayers of the patriarchs affect others?

4 Why is it important to understand the life of Jacob?

5 How is the experience of Moses to be repeated today?

© 2003 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Bible Study Guides – Our Need of Prayer

September 30, 2012 – October 6, 2012

The Power of Prayer

Key Text

“Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13.

Study Help: Steps to Christ, 93–104; Testimonies, vol. 1, 120, 121.


“Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the secret of spiritual power.” Gospel Workers, 254.


  • How and why has direct communication with our Creator been cut off? Genesis 3:6–10. What has Jesus explained to us about the only way it is restored? John 14:6; 16:19–28.

Note: “The distance from earth to heaven may seem very great, for sin has fixed a great gulf; it has separated man from God, and has brought woe and misery upon the human race. But Christ throws Himself into the gap. He it is that opens communication between man and God.” Bible Echo and Signs of the Times, January 15, 1889.

“This earth because of transgression had been struck off from the continent of heaven. Communication had ceased between man and his Maker; but the way has been opened, so that he may return to the Father’s house. Jesus is ‘the way, the truth, and the life’ [John 14:6]. The gate of heaven has been left ajar, and the radiance from the throne of God shines into the hearts of those who love Him, even though they dwell in the sin-cursed earth. The light that encircled the divine Son of God will fall upon the pathway of all those who follow in His footsteps.” The Review and Herald, February 28, 1888.

“We are to pray in the name of Christ, our Mediator. Our petitions are of value only as they are offered in His name. He has bridged the gulf that sin has made. By His atoning sacrifice, He has bound to Himself and His Father those who believe in Him. His is the only name under heaven whereby we may be saved.” The Signs of the Times, November 18, 1903.


  • What should be our attitude in prayer? Matthew 6:7; Luke 18:9–14.

Note: “There are two kinds of prayer—the prayer of form and the prayer of faith. The repetition of set, customary phrases when the heart feels no need of God, is formal prayer. … We should be extremely careful in all our prayers to speak the wants of the heart, and to say only what we mean. All the flowery words at our command are not equivalent to one holy desire. The most eloquent prayers are but vain repetitions, if they do not express the true sentiments of the heart. But the prayer that comes from an earnest heart, when the simple wants of the soul are expressed just as we would ask an earthly friend for a favor, expecting that it would be granted—this is the prayer of faith. The publican who went up to the temple to pray is a good example of a sincere, devoted worshiper. He felt that he was a sinner, and his great need led to an outburst of passionate desire, ‘God be merciful to me a sinner’ [Luke 18:13].” The Signs of the Times, August 14, 1884.

  • What characteristic of Jesus should always bring us hope? Luke 15:1, 2. How did Jesus respond to what was intended as a charge against Him? Luke 5:30–32.

Note: “It was taught by the Jews that before the favor of God is extended to the sinner, he must first repent. In their view, repentance is a work which men are to accomplish of themselves, by which to earn the favor of heaven. And it was this thought that moved the Pharisees to exclaim in astonishment and anger, ‘This man receiveth sinners’ [Luke 15:2]. According to their ideas He should permit to approach Him those only who had repented of their sins. But Jesus teaches that salvation does not come through our seeking after God, but through God’s seeking after us. Repentance is born in the heart by beholding the love of Christ, who gave His life to save the sinner. It is the goodness of God, manifested in Christ, that softens the heart. It is the virtue that goes forth from Jesus that inspires the purpose of the soul to turn away from sin. We do not repent in order that God may love us, but God reveals His love to us that we may repent. Thus repentance is not the ground of God’s love toward us, but the fruit of that love.” The General Conference Bulletin, December 1, 1895.


  • As we see our sinfulness, what comfort comes in seeking Heaven’s blessing? Hebrews 4:15, 16.

Note: “We are not to be so overwhelmed with the thought of our sins and errors that we shall cease to pray. Some realize their great weakness and sin, and become discouraged. Satan casts his dark shadow between them and the Lord Jesus, their atoning sacrifice. They say, It is useless for me to pray. My prayers are so mingled with evil thoughts that the Lord will not hear them. These suggestions are from Satan. In His humanity Christ met and resisted this temptation, and He knows how to succor those who are thus tempted. In our behalf, He ‘offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears’ [Hebrews 5:7].

“Many, not understanding that their doubts come from Satan, become faint-hearted, and are defeated in the conflict.

“Do not, because your thoughts are evil, cease to pray. If we could in our own wisdom and strength pray aright, we could also live aright, and would need no atoning sacrifice. But imperfection is upon all humanity. Educate and train the mind that you may in simplicity tell the Lord what you need. As you offer your petitions to God, seeking for forgiveness for sin, a purer and holier atmosphere will surround your soul.” The Signs of the Times, November 18, 1903.

“Jesus receives and welcomes you as His own friend. He loves you. He has pledged Himself to open before you all the treasures of His grace. He says, Make use of My name, and it will be your passport to the heart of My Father, and to all the riches of His grace.” Ibid., February 28, 1906.

  • What type of prayer is always answered positively—and immediately? Psalm 51:1–12; I John 1:9; 5:14, 15.

Note: “When we pray for earthly blessings, the answer to our prayer may be delayed, or God may give us something other than we ask, but not so when we ask for deliverance from sin. It is His will to cleanse us from sin, to make us His children, and to enable us to live a holy life. Christ ‘gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father.’ Galatians 1:4.” The Desire of Ages, 266.


  • What makes prayer effective? Mark 11:22–26; James 1:6.

Note: “The life of the soul depends upon habitual communion with God. Its wants are made known, and the heart is open to receive fresh blessings. Gratitude flows from unfeigned lips; and the refreshing that is received from Jesus is manifested in words, in deeds of active benevolence, and in public devotion. There is love to Jesus in the heart; and where love exists, it will not be repressed, but will express itself. Secret prayer sustains this inner life. The heart that loves God will desire to commune with Him, and will lean on Him in holy confidence.” The Review and Herald, April 22, 1884.

  • How often are we to pray? I Thessalonians 5:17; Psalm 16:8.

Note: “We may speak with Jesus as we walk by the way, and He says, I am at thy right hand.

“We may commune with God in our hearts; we may walk in companionship with Christ. When engaged in our daily labor, we may breathe out our heart’s desire, inaudible to any human ear; but that word cannot die away into silence, nor can it be lost. Nothing can drown the soul’s desire. It rises above the din of the street, above the noise of machinery. It is God to whom we are speaking, and our prayer is heard.” Gospel Workers, 258.

  • What assurances does God give us concerning prayer? Jeremiah 29:12, 13; James 5:16.

Note: “That prayer which comes forth from an earnest, believing heart is the effectual, fervent prayer that availeth much. God does not always answer our prayers as we expect, for we may not ask what would be for our highest good; but in His infinite love and wisdom He will give us those things which we most need.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 531.

  • How are we invited to pray? Luke 18:1–8.


  • How can prayer boost weary laborers? Isaiah 40:31.

Note: “[Many] workers can never attain the highest success until they learn the secret of strength. They must give themselves time to think, to pray, to wait upon God for a renewal of physical, mental, and spiritual power. They need the uplifting influence of His Spirit. Receiving this, they will be quickened by fresh life. The wearied frame and tired brain will be refreshed, the burdened heart will be lightened.” Education, 260, 261.

“Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the secret of spiritual power. No other means of grace can be substituted, and the health of the soul be preserved. Prayer brings the heart into immediate contact with the Well-spring of life, and strengthens the sinew and muscle of the religious experience.” Gospel Workers, 254, 255.

  • In what sense does a victorious heavenly atmosphere encompass the soul that has been praying? Isaiah 26:3.

Note: “If we keep the Lord ever before us, allowing our hearts to go out in thanksgiving and praise to Him, we shall have a continual freshness in our religious life. Our prayers will take the form of a conversation with God as we would talk with a friend. He will speak His mysteries to us personally.” Christ’s Object Lessons, 129.

“Go forward, the Lord says; I understand the case, and I will send you help. Continue to pray. Have faith in Me. It is for My name’s glory that you ask, and you shall receive (Matthew 7:7). I will be honored before those who are watching critically for your failure. They shall see the truth triumph gloriously.” Our High Calling, 127.


1 When was prayer first needed, and how long will this need continue?

2 How can we be sure that Heaven welcomes our prayers?

3 What are some benefits to be gained from prayer?

4 How can we know our prayers are heard?

5 What encouragement can we find in the Bible?

© 2003 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, Roanoke, Virginia. Reprinted by permission.

Recipe – Tomato Pie

1 (9-inch) deep-dish pie shell, baked

4 medium plum tomatoes

2 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil

1 cup chopped white onion

½ tsp. salt

½ cup Veganaise

1 cup Rice Shreds cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Halve tomatoes, remove seeds, and cut each half into about 6 wedges in bottom of baked pie shell. Sprinkle with ½ cup onion, ¼ teaspoon salt, and 1 tablespoon basil. Stir Veganaise and cheese together in a small bowl, and then spread half of mixture over onion layer. Repeat layering with remaining tomatoes, topping with the remaining Veganaise mixture. Bake 30 to 40 minutes, until golden brown. If piecrust starts over-browning, cover edges with aluminum foil. Allow pie to cool 20 minutes before serving.


Food – Tomato, Fruit or Vegetable?

To really figure out if a tomato is a fruit or vegetable, you need to know what makes a fruit a fruit and a vegetable a vegetable. The big question to ask is, does it have seeds? If the answer is yes, then technically (botanically) you have a fruit. This, of course, makes the tomato a fruit. Now don’t go looking for tomatoes next to the oranges in your grocery stores! Fruits like tomatoes are usually (alas, incorrectly) referred to as vegetables in most grocery stores and cookbooks. Most of us use the tomato as we do vegetables, primarily in savory dishes.

What health benefits do tomatoes give? In November 1998, a press release from the Heinz Institute of Nutritional Sciences touted the benefits of lycopene, a dietary carotenoid found in high concentrations in processed tomato products. Lycopene is an antioxidant, which purportedly fights the free radicals that can interfere with normal cell growth and activity. These free radicals can potentially lead to cancer, heart disease and premature aging. Tomatoes are also high in vitamin C (concentrated the most in the juice sacs surrounding the seeds) and contain goodly amounts of potassium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin B.

Unfortunately, the tomato is included in the list of the top ten foods to which most people are allergic. In the United States today, tomatoes are second in consumption only to potatoes.

There are thousands of varieties of tomatoes in an array of shapes, colors and sizes. The most common shapes are round (Beefsteak and Globe), pear-shaped (Roma) and the tiny cherry-sized (Cherry and Grape). Yellow varieties tend to be less acidic and thus less flavorful than their red counterparts.

When selecting tomatoes at the market, use your nose. Smell the blossom (not stem) end. The most flavorful ones will have a rich tomato aroma. Select tomatoes that are round, full and feel heavy for their size, with no bruises or blemishes. The skin should be taut and not shriveled. Store fresh ripe tomatoes in a cool, dark place, stem-side down, and use within a few days.

Refrigeration is the enemy of the tomato as it nullifies flavor and turns the flesh mealy.

When wintering your garden, you can salvage some of those tomatoes that haven’t yet ripened by wrapping them in newspaper and storing in a cool area between 55 and 70 degrees F for two to four weeks. Store them no more than two deep and check them often to use the ones that have begun to ripen. Don’t expect them to be as good as ones you’ve ripened on the vine, but they will probably still be better than store-bought.

Children’s Story – How It Was Blotted Out

For many years I had been a follower of strange gods, and a lover of this world and its vanities. I was self-righteous, and thought I had religion of my own which was better than that of the Bible. I did not know God and did not serve Him. Prayer was forgotten, public worship neglected; and worldly morality was the tree which brought forth its own deceptive fruit.

But when I married and our boy was growing up, our love for him made us very concerned about his welfare and future career. His questions often puzzled me and the sweet, earnest manner in which he inquired of his poor sinful father to know more about his Heavenly Father, and that “happy land, far, far away,” of which his nurse had taught him, proved to me that God had given me a great blessing in the child.

A greater distrust of myself and a greater sense of my inability to assure my boy of the truth contained in the simple little prayers that I had learned from my mother in childhood gradually caused me to reflect. Still, I never went to church, had not even a Bible in the house. What was I to teach my boy, Christ and Him crucified, or the doctrines I had tried to believe?

One of his little friends died, then another, then his uncle. All these deaths made an impression on the boy. He rebelled against it; wanted to know “why God had done it.” It was hard that God should take away his friends; he wished God would not do it. I, of course, had to explain the best I could.

One evening he was lying on the bed, and my wife and I were seated by the fire. She had been telling me that Willie had not been a good boy that day, and I had reproved him for it. All was quiet, when suddenly my son broke out in a loud crying and sobbing, which surprised us. I went to him, and asked him what the matter was.

“I don’t want it there, father; I don’t want it there,” said the child.

“What, my child, what is it?”

“Why, father, I don’t want the angels to write down in God’s book all the bad things I have done today. I don’t want it there; I wish it could be wiped out,” and his distress increased. What could I do? I did not believe, but yet I had been taught the way. I had to console him, so I said,

“Well, you need not cry; you can have it all wiped out in a minute if you want.”

“How, father, how?”

“Why, get down on your knees, and ask God, for Christ’s sake, to wipe it out, and He will do it.”

He jumped out of bed, saying, “Father, won’t you come and help me to pray?”

Now came the trial for me. The boy’s distress was so great, and he pleaded so earnestly, that I, the man who had never once bowed before God in spirit and in truth, got down on my knees beside that little child and asked God to wipe away his sins; and perhaps, though my lips did not speak it, my heart included my own sins too. We then rose, and he lay down in his bed again. In a few moments more he said,

“Father, are you sure my sins are all wiped out?”

Oh, how my response reacted upon my unbelieving heart, as the words came to my mouth, “Why, yes, my son; the Bible says that if from your heart you ask God for Christ’s sake to do it, and if you are really sorry for what you have done, it shall be all blotted out.”

A smile of pleasure passed over his face, as he quietly asked,

“What did the angel blot it out with? With a sponge?”

Again was my whole soul stirred within me, as I answered, “No, but with the precious blood of Christ. The blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin.”

The fountains had at last burst forth. They could not be checked, and my cold heart was melted within me. I felt like a poor guilty sinner, and, turning away, said, “My dear wife, we must first find God, if we want to show Him to our children. We cannot show them the way unless we know it ourselves.”

And in the silent hour of the night I bowed beside my dear boy, and prayed, “Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief!” My wife, too, united with me, and we prayed jointly for ourselves and our child. And God heard our prayers, and received us, as he always does those who seek him with the whole heart.

Adapted from Sabbath Readings for the Home Circle, by M. A. Vroman, South Lancaster Printing Co., South Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1905, 166–169.

Customs of Bible Times – Betrothal and Wedding

Ancient Marriage

Difference Between a Promise and a Betrothal

Among the Jews of Bible times a couple could be engaged with a promise of marriage that may not be definite, as these could be broken off or set aside. However, if there was a betrothal entered into, it was consid­ered as final.

The betrothal was not the same as the wedding, and these two events must not be confused. At least a whole year elapsed between the betrothal and the actual wedding. The law said, “What man is there that hath betrothed a wife, and hath not taken her?” Deuteronomy 20:7. Here the two events are differentiated: betrothing a wife and taking a wife, i.e., in actual marriage. It was during this period of about a year, between the betrothal and the wedding, that Mary was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 7:18).

The Apparel of the Groom and Bride

When the night arrived for the wedding festivities to begin, and it was time to go for his bride, the groom was dressed as much as pos­sible like a king. If he were rich enough to afford it, he wore a gold crown. Otherwise it would be a garland of fresh flowers. His garments would be scented with frankincense and myrrh; his girdle would be of silk and brilliantly colored; his sandals would be figured and carefully laced. … This preparation of the groom for the wedding has been aptly described in the prophecy of Isaiah, “He hath clothed me with the garments of sal­vation, He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments.” Isaiah 61:10.

The adorning of the bride was a very costly and elaborate affair. Much time was given to the preparation of her person. Every effort was put forth to make her complexion glossy and shining with a luster like unto marble. The words of David must have been their ideal for her: “that our daugh­ters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace.” Psalm 33 144:12. Her dark locks of hair were often braided with gold and pearls. She was decked with all the precious stones and jewels that the family had inherited from previous generations. Those who were too poor to afford much would borrow what they could from their friends.

The wedding festivities, and especial­ly the bride’s adornment, would always be remembered by her. The prophet Jer­emiah made reference to this thought, “Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire?” Jeremiah 2:32. The apostle John saw the New Jerusalem “prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Revelation 21:2.

The Groom Leaves His Father’s Home to Get His Bride

Sometimes the bride’s relations would conduct her from her father’s house to the house of her fiancé, where her new home was to be. But more often, as was the case of the ten virgins in Christ’s parable, the bridegroom himself went in person to bring her to his home for the wedding festivities to take place there. Before leaving the house that had been her home, she would receive the blessing of her relatives. Thus Rebekah’s relatives sent her away with a typical Eastern marriage blessing, “Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.” Genesis 24:60. The bride left her father’s house adorned and perfumed with a crown on her head. Ezekiel’s description of the bride is very appropriate, “I decked thee also with ornaments, and I put bracelets upon thy hands, and a chain on thy neck. And I put a jewel on thy forehead, and earrings in thine ears, and a beautiful crown upon thine head.” Ezekiel 16:11, 12.

The Wedding Procession

The bridegroom set out with his bride from the house of her parents, and there followed a grand procession all the way to his house. The streets of Asiatic cities were dark, and it was necessary that anybody venturing forth at night should carry a lamp or torch. Those invited guests, who did not go to the bride’s home, were allowed to join the procession along the way, and go with the whole group to the marriage feast. Without a torch or lamp, they could not join the procession or enter the bridegroom’s house.

The ten virgins waited for the procession to arrive. The five wise virgins were able to proceed because they had a reserve supply of oil for their lamps, but the foolish virgins lacked oil, so not being ready, they were barred from the wedding feast. Matthew 25:1–13.

With her face veiled, the bride allowed her hair to be loose and flowing while on the journey to the groom’s house. Her own relations preceded her in the procession, scattering ears of parched grain to the children along the way.

Arrival at the House of the Bridegroom

After arriving at the bridegroom’s house, some of the older women had the task of arranging the bride’s hair. Her flowing locks were hidden beneath a thick veil. From this time on, the custom would dictate that her face was not to be unveiled in public. She was led to her place under a canopy, which was located either inside the house or, if the weather permitted, in the open air. Her place was beside her husband, where both would hear new words of benediction given by one of the fathers or by some important person who might be present.

The Wedding Feast

Every guest that attended the feast was required to wear a wedding garment (Matthew 22:12). The wedding banquet was presided over by the ruler of the feast. John 2:8, 9. It was his duty to take care of all the preparations, and during the feast, he would mingle among the guests and see to it that they lacked nothing, instructing servants to carry out all the necessary details. The expression “children of the bride chamber” (Matthew 9:15), used by Jesus, simply means the guests at the wedding. The governor or ruler of the feast returned thanks at the dinner and pronounced benedictions at appointed times. He also blessed the wine. It was customary to tell riddles at these feasts like Samson did at his wedding (Judges 14:12–18). During the meal, mirthfulness prevailed and the guests were expected to exalt the bride.

There was no religious ceremony at the feast. In place of this were the benedictions of relatives and friends. The benediction of those who witnessed the wedding arrangements for Ruth and Boaz is a good example of what would be included in such a benediction (Ruth 4:11). It corresponds to the well wishing of Western wedding guests. After the wedding feast was over, the husband was escorted by his friends into the apartment where his wife had previously been conducted. These wedding festivities with relatives and friends lasted for a whole week (Judges 14:17), but the entire number of what was called “the days of the marriage” was thirty.

Fred H. Wight, Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, 1953, 129–134.

Current Events – Free Speech in Jeopardy

The pressure continues to change the definition of marriage between a man and a woman to any combination of two or more people of any gender. However, speak out publicly against the proposed change and be prepared for “all hell to break loose.”

Chick-fil-A Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy has never sugarcoated his ideals about traditional marriage. In the midst of a national firestorm surrounding gay marriage, Cathy won’t back down from his biblical values. Despite left-wing criticism and pressure, Cathy has reaffirmed his company’s stance and support for traditional family values.

“Guilty as charged,” Cathy told the Family Research Council. “We are very much supportive of the family—the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.

“We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.”

Cathy rightly expresses his gratitude for living in a country where we can share our values. Unfortunately, public sentiment has moved so far to the left that unless one shares values that adhere to popular opinion, regardless of how that aligns with Biblical standards, Satan attacks with all possible fury.

The opposition to Cathy’s stand supporting the Biblical definition of the family unit has come from a surprising array of sources. The Jim Henson Company has terminated its partnership with Chick-fil-A. (See The leaders of several large metropolitan areas have indicated that Chick-fil-A restaurants would not be welcomed in their cities. (Ibid.,, and .)

There have been more reasoned responses, such as from former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee:

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is standing up and speaking out for the chicken chain: “Too often, those on the left make corporate statements to show support for same-sex marriage, abortion or profanity, but if Christians affirm traditional values, we’re considered homophobic, fundamentalists, hate-mongers and intolerant.”

One recent blog entry expressed a different perspective from the mainstream response.

One would be hard-pressed to find a better example of Liberal Fascism than the move by liberal politicians to ban Chick-fil-A from their jurisdictions because of the owner’s opinion on gay marriage.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.” I Corinthians 6:9.

“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 18:22.

Health – Chia, the Inca Superfood

Chia seed is an ancient super food that is currently experiencing popularity. It is a member of the sage family (Salvia Hispanica). The little black and white seeds were once a staple of the Incan, Mayan and Aztec cultures, along with the Native Americans. Chia is actually the Mayan word for strength. The seeds were used by these ancient cultures as mega energy food, especially for their running messengers, who would carry a small pouch of it with them. It has been called Indian Running Food and gives an incredibly sustaining surge of energy.

This super food nutritional content is very similar to flax, but without the estrogen and phytoestrogen element. In Mexico, they say that one tablespoon of chia seeds can sustain a person for 24 hours. It also tastes great and is ready to eat really quickly—besides which it has an off-the-scale nutritional profile.

Why eat chia?

Chia seeds are said to have:

  • 2 times the protein of any other seed or grain
  • 5 times the calcium of milk, plus boron which is a trace mineral that helps transfer calcium into your bones
  • 2 times the amount of potassium as bananas
  • 3 times the reported antioxidant strength of blueberries
  • 3 times more iron than spinach and copious amounts of omega 3 and omega 6, which are essential fatty acids

They are a complete source of protein, providing all the essential amino acids in an easily digestible form. They are also a fabulous source of soluble fiber. Like flax, chia is highly hydrophilic—the seeds absorb water and create a mucilaginous gel. They can hold 9 to 12 times their weight in water and they absorb it rapidly—in under 10 minutes. The seeds can easily be stored dry for 4 to 5 years without deterioration in flavor, odor or nutritional value. You can substitute chia in any recipe that calls for flax.

The taste of chia is very mild and pleasant. That means it can easily be combined with other foods without changing the taste dramatically. People add it to their sauces, bread batters, puddings, smoothies and more. The flavor is retained, plus more nutrition is added.

Chia has been called a dieter’s dream food because when added to foods, it bulks them up, displacing calories and fat without diluting the flavor. Thus, someone can eat a typical serving, yet only consume about half the calories they might have eaten, because the food has been bulked up with chia.

The benefits of eating chia:

  • Provides energy
  • Boosts strength
  • Bolsters endurance
  • Levels blood sugar
  • Induces weight loss
  • Aids intestinal regularity

Chia slows the impact of sugars on the system, if eaten together. Chia gel creates a physical barrier between carbohydrates and the digestive enzymes that break them down, which slows the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar. That means the energy from the food is released steadily, resulting in more endurance. This is clearly of great benefit to diabetics in particular. It also means that it can be combined with super-sweet tastes like apple juice and will not spike blood sugar.

Due to the exceptional water-absorption quality of chia, it can help you prolong hydration and retain electrolytes, especially during exertion.

Whole, water-soaked chia seeds are easily digested and absorbed. Their tiny seeds break down quickly. They feel light in the body, yet energizing. Their nutrients can be quickly assimilated into the body.

The seeds bulk up, then work like an incredible digestive broom, sweeping through the intestinal tract, helping to dislodge and eliminate old accumulated waste in the intestines. When they are added to the diet many people find their stools also become more regular.

Chia is a complete protein with all 10 essential amino acids. It is loaded with antioxidants, contains vitamins, minerals and has lots of omega 3, 6 and 9. Read about the advantages of adding this great food to your diet.

Chia is a very reasonably priced, concentrated food. … One third of a cup makes over two cups of gel. …

Chia can be used in so many kinds of recipes—savory, sweet—it works with anything. You might want to try them in salad dressings, biscuit mixtures, smoothies, crackers, ice creams, juices and so on.

Chia seed protein contains no gluten. This makes it ideal for anyone with gluten sensitivity or simply wanting to find a replacement for gluten-containing grains like wheat, barley, rye and oats.

Conditions helped

Chia is reported to be beneficial for a vast range of issues, for example:

  • weight loss/balance
  • thyroid conditions
  • hypoglycemia
  • diabetes
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • celiac disease
  • acid reflux
  • lowering cholesterol

In the traditional cultures that consumed chia, like the Aztecs, it was also regarded as a medicine and was used in a myriad of ways—from cleaning the eyes to helping to heal topical wounds; relieving joint pain; used as poultices, to mention a few. One woman uses chia therapeutically to manage her acid reflux. Because of the highly absorbent properties, she can swallow a tablespoon of dry seeds with just a little water and they go into her stomach and absorb the excess acid. She makes sure to drink a glass of water a few minutes later, as the seeds are so hydrophilic that if they do not find enough to absorb in the stomach, they will draw from the tissues instead. By allowing the seeds to first absorb the acid, then drinking some more water, the woman was able to very simply, effectively and economically handle her condition.

Chia aids rapid development of tissue, due to its incredible nutrient profile and easy assimilation. It can be very beneficial for those healing from injuries, people like bodybuilders who are always re-forming tissues and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

They can be added dry and ground with linseed or other seeds, but the most common way to eat chia is to first soak the seeds. The nutrients then are easily absorbed. They can very rapidly absorb a large amount of liquid—between 9 to 12 times their volume, in under 10 minutes.

The Basic Gel

To make a basic chia gel, simply add one third cup of seeds to 2 cups of water. Stir the mixture well, to avoid clumping, and then leave it in your fridge, in a sealed jar. This will yield around one pint of chia gel. You can begin to eat the gel almost immediately if you like. Just 10 minutes is enough time for the gel to be formed. More of the nutrients will be easily accessible after a few hours however, so many people like to make up a batch like this and leave it in the fridge. It will stay good for about three weeks. Then you can just reach into the fridge and take out some of the ready-made gel whenever you need it. You might add it to smoothies, mix it with salad dressings, puddings or granola, or simply take it by the spoonful.

As mentioned above, chia will absorb anything—it doesn’t have to soak in water. We like soaking it in things like apple or grape juice for example. That way, the intense sweetness of the juice is also offset by the chia and it tastes great. You can also blend soft fruits—for example bananas and persimmons, then stir the chia into that mixture. Again, the longer the seeds are left to soak, the more their nutrients will be readily available to you, yet you could easily eat a meal like this in 10 minutes or less after preparing it.

You can also sprinkle the dry seeds onto salads or add them to granola mixes. You may also want to experiment with grinding them first in a coffee grinder, to make a chia flour that you can add to smoothies or soups.

Back to Eden Newsletter, Autumn 2011, No. 46.

Kaye Sehm lives with her husband in Albury, NSW Australia. She loves sharing our wonderful health message by running seminars and cooking schools promoting the way to health. She also presents classes on the many simple home remedies God has given us. Contact her by email at: