LandMarks Magazine Contents

2024 November

All That Is Hidden Will Be Revealed

Whether this crime remains unsolved or has been solved and the details merely kept hidden from the public, a day is coming when everything hidden will be revealed.

Sacrificing to Demons

Sacrificing to the devil, knowingly or unknowingly, has been a recurring theme throughout history. One’s initial religious experiences often profoundly shape his understanding and actions.

Guards on the Wall

I continue to ponder how the wall separating church and state will be demolished in the Western world. The destruction of this wall and this great separation is necessary for realizing all the components of the totalitarian system described in the book of Revelation.

Nearer the End

We are nearing the end of time, and we want now, not to meet the world’s tastes and practices, but to meet the mind of God;...

Shall We Gather at the River

History of how the Hymn Shall We Gather at the River came to be. Shall we gather at the river Where bright angel feet have trod,...

The Steamboat Trial

When a large steamboat is built, with the intention of having her employed upon the waters of a great river, she must be proved before put to service. Before trial, it is somewhat doubtful whether she will succeed.

The Comforter of His People

The people of God will not be free from suffering; but while persecuted and distressed, while they endure privation and suffer for want of food they will not be left to perish.

Cleave Asunder or Cleave To

The injunction to cleave to the Lord will be precious to us if we will understand and obey it. Trust constantly in God. Have unswerving faith in Him because of the unmistakable evidence given you of His love and power.

Turtles and Tortoises

The tortoise, is often confused for a turtle, and the turtle, often confused for a tortoise, are reptiles that carry their houses on their backs.

Health – Is Your Life in Balance?

The law of balance governs our bodies and minds. This balance is vital because severe consequences can result when the body and mind are out of balance.

In Relation to the Law

This deceptive reasoning can cloud our understanding of Christ’s human nature in relation to the law, and it is critical that we understand this relationship.

Recipe – Pistachio Biscotti

Pistachios A new study conducted by Cornell University reveals pistachios have greater levels of antioxidants than previously understood. In fact, pistachios are among the highest compared to values of other common foods, such as blueberries, pomegranates, cherries, and beets, known for their antioxidant capacity. Nationally-renowned nutrition consultant Dr. Mike Roussell, explains how this most recent ... Read more

“That Your Sins May Be Blotted Out”

December 1 – 7, 2024 - Before what great event and on what condition will our sins be blotted out in the judgment? Isaiah 43:25; Acts 3:19, 20

The Antitypical Day of Atonement

December 8 – 14, 2024 - “The heavenly things,” i.e., the heavenly sanctuary, must therefore be purified “with better sacrifices” (Hebrews 9:23, last part) on the antitypical day of atonement. What is meant by the “better sacrifices” required for the cleansing of the sanctuary in heaven? Hebrews 9:12, 26

A Comparison Between Type and Antitype

December 15 – 21, 2024 - THE DAY OF ATONEMENT IN TYPES AND SYMBOLS - On the great day of atonement, what procedure symbolized the removal of the confessed sins from the sanctuary and from the people? Leviticus 16:7–10

The Reunion of God’s Family

December 22 – 28, 2024 - At the coming of Christ the wicked are blotted from the face of the whole earth—consumed with the spirit of His mouth and destroyed by the brightness of His glory.

All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.