1998 August
Editorial — Preparation for the Latter Rain, part 3
Not all Christians will receive the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit. Only those who have been purified in character, in thought, in word and action.
Celebration services excite the participants into a emotional state of mind and in this emotional excitement a person can more easily be led to make theological or experiential changes.
Ichabod, God’s Glory is Departed
"Ichabod," means "The glory is departed from Israel." God’s character was no longer mirrored in the character of His people, but He did not forsake them.
Children's Story
Children’s Story — The Head Nurse’s Story
His father was a mill-owner in Pennsylvania, and Jem was an only child. He had the largest room in the ward, but his character was the most precious of all.
Christian Life
Judas Felt a Desire to Be Changed
Do you desire to be changed, like Judas did, but instead of expelling the sin from your soul, you are secretly fostering covetousness?
Christian Life
The Song of Moses and of the Lamb
Jesus' self-denying, self-sacrificing love, a love that must be manifested in the lives of all those who would sing the song of the Lamb.So then, what was the song of Moses?
If when the people come into the house of worship, they have genuine reverence for the Lord and bear in mind that they are in His presence, there will be a sweet eloquence in silence.
William Miller possessed a strong physical constitution, an active and naturally well-developed intellect, an irreproachable moral character.
Food for Life — Fruits, Grain and Vegetables
Food should be eaten that best supply the elements needed for building up the body. In order to know what are the best foods, we must study God’s diet.
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.