2020 August
Editorial – If You Are Loyal and True
If you are loyal and true, that God who walked with the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace, who protected Daniel in the lions’ den, who manifested Himself to John on the lonely island, will go with you wherever you go.
The greatest sign was when the abomination of desolation stood, but before that there were many other signs that told it was time to get ready to go. When the abomination of desolation appeared, it was the last call for Christ’s followers who had listened...
This vacation, however, was indeed the trip that changed my life. I was smitten with the incredibly wide openness of Big Bend, the vistas that stretched for miles in every direction, without a single golden arch to be seen.
He knows all about us, each one of us—all our wants, desires, successes, failures, joy, pain, ups and downs. He hears every prayer, knows every thought. He knows all about us and He loves us! Sometimes I wonder how God can love us, but He does.
Children's Story
Children’s Story – Keeper of the Light
Mary’s father was the keeper of a lighthouse on the coast of England. The light of these lamps shines at night to guide ships on their way and to keep them from dangerous rocks and shoals.
Inspiration – Our Job of Restoration
In this age, just prior to the second coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven, such a work as that of John the Baptist is to be done. God calls for men who will prepare a people to stand in the great day of the Lord.
Keys Storehouse
Keys to the Storehouse – Exciting Times
As I read the Ascension story of Jesus to heaven and all the beings awaiting His arrival, my heart just sang for joy and I prayed that I may be accounted worthy to see the heavenly country and all its peoples.
Nature – Sea Squirts aka Tunicates
Tunicates, commonly called sea squirts, are a group of marine animals that spend most of their lives attached to docks, rocks or the undersides of boats.
Question – What is meant by eye salve?
I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayest see” (Revelation 3:18.)
Health Nugget – Operation Whitecoat
Many of them ended up at Fort Detrick, Maryland, participating in the top-secret Operation Whitecoat, which ran from 1954 to 1973.
Life Sketches
Life Sketches – Brothers in Christ
Paul could have commanded this Christian what he should do, but instead he decided to entreat Philemon. He said, “I appeal to you for my son Onesimus,...
Food, Recipe
Recipe – Strawberry Guava Smoothie
Fragrant Guava Guavas are fragrant, delicious tropical fruits that many Americans know only because they are frequently used in jellies. But these red-fleshed (and sometimes white-fleshed) fruits pack an amazing nutritional wallop. New government research demonstrates that guava may indeed deserve a place among the antioxidant elite. On one widely used test of antioxidant power, ... Read more
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – The Work of the Missionary School
August 30 – September 5, 2020 - How will Bible study and instruction lead to a deeper spiritual experience in our missionary students? 1 Peter 1:23; Ephesians 5:26.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Reaching the World
September 6 – 12, 2020 - It is the privilege of every soul to be a living channel through which God can communicate to the world the treasures of His grace, the unsearchable riches of Christ.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Building for Eternity
September 13 – 19, 2020 - What do we have to look forward to in eternity? 1 Corinthians 2:9; Isaiah 64:4.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – The Promise of the Spirit
September 20 – 26, 2020 - The lapse of time has wrought no change in Christ’s parting promise to send the Holy Spirit as His representative. It is not because of any restriction on the part of God that the riches of His grace do not flow earthward to men.
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.