LandMarks Magazine Contents

2020 January

Editorial – Keep Praying

God is bending from His throne to hear the cry of the oppressed. To every sincere prayer He answers, ‘Here am I.’

The Prayers from Babylon

We know from these Scriptures that during the end time, the time in which we are living, many of God’s children will be in Babylon and are called to get out of there and go back to Zion or spiritual Jerusalem.

Contending Churches

However, in the closing days of His ministry Jesus wept over Jerusalem. He no longer said that the Jewish Church was His or His Father’s house but instead that it was the house of the Jews and their leaders!

The Judgment

This investigative judgment must take place before Jesus comes, for at His coming He brings the reward for the overcomers, and fulfills all the promises made to them. Hence their cases must then have been decided.

Pen of Inspiration – God is at the Helm, Brethren

God has given the human mind great power, power to show that the Creator has endowed man with ability to do a great work against the enemy of all righteousness, power to show what victories may be gained in the conflict against evil.

Children’s Story – A Modern Raven

The most wonderful answer to prayer that I ever saw was that of a poor Mohammedan widow, who, with her children, was starving

Keys to the Storehouse – Ask Yourself!

Hearts are deceived as to their true condition—in fact, many of us think that we are ready for Jesus to come, but we are farther away than we think.

Question & Answer – How Did Simeon describe the baby Jesus?

this Child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against.’ They must fall who would rise again

Health – Nature’s Substitute for Penicillin

First of all, it makes the garlic and cayenne go down easier, but most importantly, raw honey boosts immune function, and has strong anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.

Life Sketches – Courageous Journey

The Judaizing Christians also had gone all over the world stirring up division and trouble in every church that Paul had raised up.

Food – Red Beans Take the Cake

Different beans affect our bodies in different ways. That is why we need a variety.

Recipe – Simple Pasta Salad

Simple Pasta Salad

Bible Study Guides – Lessons from Book of Joshua – Agony at Ai

January 26 – February 1, 2020 - I have been shown that God here illustrates how He regards sin among those who profess to be His commandment-keeping people.

Bible Study Guides – Lessons from Book of Joshua – The Achan Syndrone

February 2 – February 8, 2020 - Achan’s covetousness was excited by the sight of that costly robe of Shinar; even when it had brought him face to face with death he called it ‘a goodly Babylonish

Bible Study Guides – Lessons from Book of Joshua – The Blessings and the Curses

February 9 – February 15, 2020 - Israel had received the law directly from the mouth of God at Sinai; and its sacred precepts, written by His own hand, were still preserved in the ark.

Bible Study Guides – Lessons from Book of Joshua – Helping the Gibeonites

February 16 – February 22, 2020 - The Hebrews had been specially warned against entering into any league with the idolaters of Canaan, and a doubt as to the truth of the strangers’ words arose in the minds of the leaders

Bible Study Guides – Lessons from Book of Joshua – God Directs the Conquest

February 23 – February 29, 2020 - He will help His believing children in every emergency if they will place their entire confidence in Him and implicitly obey Him.

Health Nugget – Destination: Eternity

Those who escape from this earth with their lives will be destined for eternity. Once mankind’s life is brought into harmony with his life-support systems, he can be safely reinstated into the original plan for the human race.

All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.