2014 July
Editorial – Need for Greater Zeal in Soul Winning
...her burden for missionary work. In this letter she points out as she does many times in her writings the difference between the professed Christian who is only a nominal believer and the one...
It is pride that brings contention, and strife, and war. The Old Testament tells many stories of the problems that people had due to pride. One of the most famous of these is about a man who actually was called “the king of kings.”
Sheep have very little means of self-defense and therefore need a good shepherd to watch and care for them for sheep can actually walk and graze, completely unaware, into an area that is full of danger.
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness
John said, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord.” The Scripture he quoted was Isaiah 40:3 which says, “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord.”
We have the Bible and have been blessed with the Spirit of Prophecy. If we heed the instruction as never before and pay attention to the message of truth, we will not be ashamed when Jesus returns.
As we observe the 238th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, let us reflect on the role of the United States in prophecy and give praise and thanksgiving to our loving Father for having given us understanding of that role...
Keys Storehouse
Keys to the Storehouse – Spiritual Disorders
Spiritual disorders are similar to physical disorders in that both have consequences. The disorder that affects the spiritual life is sin. However, there is one specific sin that, if indulged, will cause a separation from God and produce much contagious unruly behavior.
Inspiration – The Barren Fig-Tree
The treatment of the barren fig-tree by the Saviour of the world, shows how all pretenders to godliness will be treated. He pronounced upon it His withering curse, and left it seared and sapless,...
Question & Answer – What is Presumptuous Sin?
Satan counterfeits the attributes of the Lord. His counterfeit of faith is presumption, which is so deceptive that each of us needs a true faith based on the Word so they will not be fooled.
Health – Diet in Relationship to Disease
Most diseases are related to what we eat. The book, Becoming Vegetarian, written by three registered dietitians examines the evidence that links diet to disease.
Current Events
Current Events – Vatican Peace Talks
Pope Francis Invites Israeli, Palestinian Leaders to Vatican Peace Talks...
Children's Story
Children’s Story – Gambetta and His Dog
Some years ago, a great French statesman named Gambetta was traveling from Paris to his home in the country by horseback. The night was so dark that he could hardly see his horse’s head, so he was traveling very slowly.
Food – Vacation Plans or Weekend Outings
When you think of summer weekends, what food pops into your mind? When you think of eating on the road, is fast food the first thing you think of? This summer, don’t eat foods that will leave you feeling depleted, bloated, and tired.
Recipe – Fruit on a Stick and Vege Kebab
Fruit on a Stick ¼ cup pineapple chunks ¼ cup blackberries ¼ cup chopped apple ¼ cup peeled orange sections ¼ cup grapes 4 wooden skewers Wash fresh fruits. Dress each skewer, alternating with different fruit. Vege Kebab 8 cherry tomatoes 1/8 cup pineapple chunks 1/8 cup cucumber chunks 1/8 cup baby carrots 3 Tbsp. ... Read more
Bible Study Guides
July 27, 2014 - August 2, 2014-The true glory and joy of life are found only by the working man and woman. Labor brings its own reward, and sweet is the rest that is purchased by the fatigue of a well-spent day.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Occupation and Service
August 3, 2014 - August 9, 2014-If it is your work to till the soil or to engage in any other trade or occupation, make a success of the present duty. Put your mind on what you are doing. In all your work represent Christ. Do as He would do in your place.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Get-Rich-Quick Schemes
August 10, 2014 - August 16, 2014-What is the difference between a get-rich-quick scheme and a proper investment of means? Proverbs 28:20; 31:16, 24.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Stewardship as a Talent
August 17, 2014 - August 23, 2014-God has committed to each of us sacred trusts, for which He holds us accountable. It is His purpose that we so educate the mind as to be able to exercise the talents He has given us in such a manner as to accomplish the greatest good and reflect ... Read more
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – The Importance of Charity
August 24, 2014 - August 30, 2014-“Learn that Christlike love is of heavenly birth, and that without it all other qualifications are worthless.” The Review and Herald, July 21, 1904.
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.