1996 June
Editorial – Keeping Our Eyes On Jesus Christ
When we keep our eyes on Christ, especially the closing scenes of His life, the love of God and the law of God become linked together in our minds. Unless Jesus had loved us beyond our comprehension He would never have gone to the cross.
When you are lying on the ground you cannot fall. In order to fall, at some previous time you must have been in an elevated position. That tells us that at some previous time Babylon was pure and was part of the people of God.
The act of Adam and the act of Christ are not equal, even though both brought far-reaching results. The saving act of Christ far surpasses and transcends all other acts, and can only be compared with them if qualifications are stated.
A foundational principle of cheap grace is the doctrine of original sin. It also teaches that Christ came in the unfallen nature of Adam, and that is why He could overcome. Cheap grace teaches that Jesus is not our example.
Who Shall Stand, Character Fit For Heaven
By the power of the Holy Spirit the moral image of God is to be perfected in the character. Every act, every word, and every thought is to be in accord with the principles of the law of heaven.
Christian Life
In Fashion With God, The Outward Adorning
To many the dress reform is too simple and humbling to be adopted. They cannot lift the cross. God works by simple means to separate and distinguish His children from the world.
John Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland
Calvin would spend the second half of his life in the little city of Geneva and would make it famous as the center of Protestantism and a place of refuge for the exiles of his native France and other persecuting countries.
Children's Story
Children’s Story – Kant and the Robbers
John Kant was Professor and Doctor of Divinity at Cracow. Kant was a pious man, with a spirit peculiarly gentle and guileless, and he at all times would have preferred to suffer injustice rather than exercise it.
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.