LandMarks Magazine Contents

2005 June

Editorial – Types and Shadows, Part I

The moral law is spoken of in the Bible as unchangeable. It was called God’s covenant and included only what God spoke to the people. (Deuteronomy 4:13; 5:22.) It is something that God will never alter or change. (Psalm 89:34.)

The Seven Churches, Part IX: The Church of Philadelphia

Verses 7 and 8 of Revelation 3 introduce the message to the church of Philadelphia: “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write,...

The Man Who Would Not Give Up, Part I

Jacob realized that unless he had divine help it was all over. We have a better chance of being saved, friend, if we realize that we cannot ever save ourselves by anything we do.

Aim High

So often, in this life, we aim low. We are afraid, by faith, to aim high. We may ask God, every day, “Lord, send me one soul to whom I may witness.”

Peter’s Counsel to Parents, Part VI: Christ the Youth’s Safeguard

What a grand theme this is for contemplation,—the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ! Contemplating Christ and His righteousness, leaves no room for self-righteousness, for the glorifying of self.

Seventh-day Adventist Camp Meetings

The spiritual life of our people is largely influenced by our camp meetings. At these gatherings, all important interests in the cause of God are considered and advanced.

The Ten Commandments, Part I: Hear, Listen, Keep, and Do

The Lord wants us to have open ears so we can hear; He wants us to learn; He wants us to keep; and He wants us to do. If we do these four things, we will be part of a tribal concept, a congregational concept where God can pour out His blessing upon His people.

The Pen of Inspiration – Camp Meeting Preparation

Do not carry this undone work to the camp meeting. If it is not done at home, your own soul will suffer, and others will be greatly injured by your coldness, your stupor, your spiritual lethargy.

Ask the Pastor – Return to Which Roots?

Just because something was taught at one time in the Seventh-day Adventist Church by the pioneers, does not mean that it is forever settled.

Restoring the Temple – Extremes in Diet

Those who are advocating a reform in diet should, by the provision they make for their own table, present the advantages of hygiene in the best light.

Nature Nugget – Mystery Birds of the Marsh

In North America, there are six species of rails, all of which are secretive and closely tied to marsh and wetland habitats.

Children’s Corner – Three in a Row, Part 1

The three children were sitting near a small hut, or cabin, which clung to the side of one of the great mountains looking down upon the mining town of Silver Plume, Colorado.

Recipe – Sautéed Mushrooms

Place mushrooms with oil in a glass or stainless steel baking dish. Broil for 10 to 15 minutes, turning the sautéed mushrooms as they brown. Serve hot.

Food for Life – Sautéed Mushrooms

Yeast is not the only kind of fungi. Mushrooms are another kind of fungi. There are over 800 varieties of mushrooms known.

Bible Study Guides – The Final Warning, Part 11

June 26, 2005 - July 2, 2005 - What great blessing will result from the power of the final warning? For New Testament type, see Acts 2:41; 11:21, 14.

Bible Study Guides – The Final Warning, Part 111

July 3, 2005 - July 9, 2005 - The ‘time of trouble, such as never was’ [Daniel 12:1], is soon to open upon us; and we shall need an experience which we do not now possess and which many are too indolent to obtain.

Bible Study Guides – The Time of Trouble, Part 1

July 10, 2005 - July 16, 2005 - Find 12 more items in the following quotation that occur when Jesus leaves the sanctuary at the close of probation. (Daniel 12:1; Jeremiah 30:7.)

Bible Study Guides – The Time of Trouble, Part 11 – The Two Kingdoms

July 17, 2005 - July 23, 2005 - In this lesson, we will consider two kingdoms referred to in God’s Word, the time period for each, their purposes, and their relationship to each other.

Bible Study Guides – The Time of Trouble, Part 111 – The Restoration of the Kingdom of Glory

July 24, 2005 - July 30, 2005 - In this lesson, we will study the steps involved with the reestablishing of the kingdom of glory. We will find that the restoration of the kingdom of glory has already begun.

All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.