LandMarks Magazine Contents

2012 March

Editorial – The Hundred and Forty Four-Thousand

For those of you who are mathematicians, 144 is a Fibonacci number. It is both a round number and a square number. But the reason that students of prophecy are fascinated with this number is because God says that in the last generation He is going to seal 144,000 people from His true church (Israel), ... Read more

Do Not Sleep as Do Others

He said we are not of the night, nor of the darkness. “Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. But let us who are of the day be sober.” Verses 6–8.


The love of Jesus is the fruit born by the Holy Spirit that gives birth to its graces, which are joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. In Testimonies, vol. 2, 134 and 135, the following is recorded: “Mildness, gentleness, forbearance, longsuffering, being not easily provoked, bearing all things, hoping all things, enduring all ... Read more

Enemy Number One

This is a very serious situation. We need to search our hearts to see if we are or are not really doing God’s will. We individually need to ask ourselves, “Are there things in my life which represent the mixed multitude? Am I harboring anything that is not worthy of the approval of God?” If ... Read more

The Warp and the Woof

From the original meaning of warp and woof, another meaning, a metaphorical meaning, has evolved based on the initial usage. The expression “woof and warp” (“warp and weft”) is sometimes used metaphorically as one might use the word “fabric.”

God is So Good!

It was a Thursday afternoon and I was tired after another busy week. As I drove home from a day of Bible work at Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, I considered not knocking on doors. I told myself, “God can’t use you today; you’re too tired, so go home and study some literature for training ... Read more

Inspiration – Preparation of the Soil

Throughout the parable of the sower [Luke 8:5–8], Christ represents the different results of the sowing as depending upon the soil. In every case the sower and the seed are the same. Thus He teaches that if the word of God fails of accomplishing its work in our hearts and lives, the reason is to ... Read more

Q&A – The Unpardonable Sin, Is There any sin that cannot be forgiven?

“In rejecting Christ the Jewish people committed the unpardonable sin; and by refusing the invitation of mercy, we may commit the same error. We offer insult to the Prince of life, and put Him to shame before the synagogue of Satan and before the heavenly universe when we refuse to listen to His delegated messengers, ... Read more

Keys to the Storehouse – The Angels’ Report

Angels of God have been commissioned to this earth as “ministering spirits” (see Hebrews 1:14) to present “to us the righteousness of Christ, justification by faith, the exceeding great and precious promises of God’s word, free access to the Father by Christ, the comfort of the Spirit, the well-grounded assurance of eternal life in the ... Read more

Children’s Story – Ellen Meets James

Ellen had no thought of marriage during these early years. Convinced that Jesus was coming soon, she devoted all her time and energy to preparing herself and spreading the good news to others. She felt that there was no time for marriage. So, unwed, Ellen prayed, obeyed, and traveled for God.

Health – The Mysteries of Life

It appears that vitamins assist in the maintenance of every life process and the normal conditions of every cell in the body. This, then, includes every organ, gland, tissue, nerve, bone, and tooth; the eyes, skin, hair, blood, digestive juices and all other fluids—everything that can be named in the body.

Current Events – Two Sabbaths with Dateline Change

On the stroke of midnight Thursday night, December 29, 2011, the date shifted from Thursday to Saturday, December 31, 2011, in Samoa as its position in relation to the International Date Line (IDL) changed. Samoan time moved forward by a whole 24 hours, having skipped Friday, December 30, entirely. This change also marked the division ... Read more

Food – Veganized Desserts

It wasn’t so long ago that vegan desserts were viewed at best as an amusing oxymoron and at worst as some sort of gastronomic punishment. Perhaps you have not felt well after eating sweet, sugary desserts and even suffered from stomachaches or became moody and exhausted.

Recipe – Brownies

¼ cup canola oil (or soy butter) 1/3 cup honey 1/3 cup raw sugar or date sugar 1 egg (or substitute) 3 Tbsp. milk (soy or nut) ½ tsp. sea salt 1 ½ tsp. pure vanilla 1 tsp. ground coriander, optional ½ cup carob powder 1 ½ tsp. Rumford baking powder (or 1 Tbsp. EnerG®) ... Read more

Bible Study Guides – True Education

April 1, 2012 - April 7, 2012 - What does true education encompass? I Thessalonians 5:23. Note: “True education is the preparation of the physical, mental, and moral powers for the performance of every duty; it is the training of body, mind, and soul for divine service. This is the education that will endure unto ... Read more

Bible Study Guides – Centered in the Family

April 8, 2012 - April 14, 2012 - Children are left to come up instead of being trained up. The poor little children are thought not to know or understand a correction at ten or twelve months old, and they begin to show stubbornness very young.

Bible Study Guides – Discerning the Counterfeits

April 15, 2012 - April 21, 2012 - In the education of children and youth, fairy tales, myths, and fictitious stories are now given a large place. Books of this character are used in the schools, and they are to be found in many homes. How can Christian parents permit their children to use books ... Read more

Bible Study Guides – Knowledge Acquired From God’s Word

April 22, 2012 - April 28, 2012 - What fundamental knowledge is essential to salvation? John 17:3. Note: “The knowledge of God as revealed in His word is the knowledge to be given to our children. From the earliest dawn of reason they should be made familiar with the name and the life of Jesus.”

All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.