2018 March
The members of the church will individually be tested and proved
They believed that He was the Messiah until they found out that He also reproved their sins and told them that He was meek and lowly in heart and they needed to become like He was.
Great significance was attached to the names given by Hebrew parents to their children. Often these stood for traits of character that the parent desired to see developed in the child.
Christian Life
The Spelling of Love. Rebuke or Discipline or The Greatest Blessing
These are just a few examples of the courteous rebuke in Scripture. We could add Nicodemus, David, Cain, Saul—the first king of Israel, Saul who turned to Paul, and the list goes on. Somehow, I think we have a real problem or difficulty accepting the reality of this side of Christ. But as Inspiration says, ... Read more
Current Events
Current Events – According to the World or God?
The Doomsday Clock is now just 2 minutes to ‘midnight,’ the symbolic hour of the apocalypse. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced the symbolic Doomsday Clock a notch closer to the end of humanity Thursday, moving it ahead by 30 seconds after what the organization called a “grim assessment” of the state of geopolitical affairs.
Pen of Inspiration – The Discipline of Suffering
And thus, although the seed of his sowing was reaped by his people in harvests of evil, the lifework of Solomon was not wholly lost. For him at last the discipline of suffering accomplished its work.
Question & Answer: Who makes a “covenant with death and with hell”?
But still more emphatically are those making a covenant with death and an agreement with hell, who renounce the truths which Heaven has provided as a defense for the righteous in the day of trouble, and accept the refuge of lies offered by Satan in its stead—the delusive pretensions of spiritualism.
Health – Breakfast – Great Benefits
Overweight patients were instructed to change their meal pattern from a heavy meal and snacks in the evening to a heavy morning meal, moderate lunch, and a light supper. They were to eat their last meal ideally at noon but by no means later than 3:00 p.m
Life Sketches
There is more than one Jesus preached in the world today, just like there was back then. Many people say they believe in Jesus, but they don’t all believe in the same Jesus. There are two supernatural spirits seeking control of this planet.
Keys Storehouse
Keys to the Storehouse – Personal Walk with God
Personalize your walk with God each day by opening your heart to God, not once, not twice, but continually throughout the day. Make sure you take special times for special prayers as shared herein. Make a daily consecration to God.
Children's Story
Children’s Story – God’s Little Lamp
When Mother taught it to me, I thought she said, ‘Bless Thy little lamp tonight.’ You see, I had a small kerosene lamp in my bedroom. I loved the lamp very much. So, it seemed quite all right to ask God to bless it.
One reason is its phenomenal anti-inflammatory properties, which are believed to be due to the presentence of curcuminoids. One of turmeric’s many traditional uses has been for the treatment of arthritis, because of its ability to lower inflammation.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Abraham’s Calling
April 1-7 It was no light test that was thus brought upon Abraham, no small sacrifice that was required of him. There were strong ties to bind him to his country, his kindred, and his home. But he did not hesitate to obey the call.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – The Faith of Abraham
April 8-14 During his stay in Egypt, Abraham gave evidence that he was not free from human weakness and imperfection. In concealing the fact that Sarah was his wife, he betrayed a distrust of the divine care, a lack of that lofty faith and courage so often and nobly exemplified in his life.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – The Promised Seed
April 15-21, 2018 To Abraham was given the promise that of his line the Saviour of the world should come: ‘In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.’ ‘He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ’ (Genesis 22:18; Galatians ... Read more
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Abraham’s Two Sons
April 22-28, 2018 When Abraham was nearly one hundred years old, the promise of a son was repeated to him, with the assurance that the future heir should be the child of Sarah. But Abraham did not yet understand the promise. His mind at once turned to Ishmael, clinging to the belief that through him ... Read more
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.