LandMarks Magazine Contents

1994 May

Editorial – Why?

A winnowing process is going on just as it did in the days of Christ; and by it, many will be separated from God’s work.

The Eternal Weight of Glory

Before there can be an understanding of the nature of the church, there must be a deep personal experience of submission to the Word of God.

Reformers and the Church

It is time for Historic Adventists to wake up to the reality that our profession must coincide with our character or our profession is worthless.

The Work of John the Baptist and the Stones That He Could Not Lay

The work of John the Baptist represents the work for these times; to prepare the way of the Lord.


Gird up the loins of your mind with the Word of God. Exercise faith and prayer for the angels of God to aid you. Do not let anything worldly creep into your mind; guard the avenues of the soul and fill your mind, again, with the Word of God.

The Church Without a Pastor

Every Christian needs to understand what the Bible says about apostate pastors. If you listen to an apostate pastor, you are in danger of losing your soul.

The Armada, part 2

The Armada was defeated. Most of its ships were in sinking. Between 4,000 and 5,000 of its soldiers were dead. Of the English, no more than 100 had fallen.

Well Armed for the Battle

We do not enter into the conflict alone. Heavenly intelligences guide our every step when we are seeking to carry the message to a perishing world.

All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.