1995 November
Editorial – The Confusion: Babylon
The key issue is that if we do not recover from our Laodicean condition when the plagues fall it will be just as bad for Laodicea as for Babylon.
Who Shall Enter the Pearly Gates?
God offers his righteousness as a wedding garment. The decision is ours. Let us accept the wedding garment on God's simple condition of obedience.
Are You a Student in Abraham’s School?
Men are startled by the quick descent from Edenic purity to a condition where murder was easy, yet it was the result of the education chosen by Cain.
If we look around, we know people, even in our own families, that have faults. If we dwell on them, we will become hard-hearted.
Strong and terrible have become the masters of iniquity in the world under the control of Satan, but strong is the Lord God who judgeth Babylon.
Adam and Eve in Eden were partakers of the divine nature, but as a consequence of sin in Eden, they lost their intimate connection or their union with God.
Food for Life – Animal Products
During thanksgiving season, we should be extra wary of the biological effects which the food we eat will incur upon us, especially that of animal products.
Martin Luther, part XII – The Protest at Spires
The Edict of Spires would mean Luther’s execution and the uprooting of Reformation doctrine. It would mean a flood of persecution in Germany.
Children's Story
Children’s Story – The Wormy Puffball
We may appear to be good Christians from the outside, but if we are not converted and we are not overcoming, then we're just like the puffball in this story
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.