1998 November
Editorial — The Fruits of the Spirit
If Jesus is dwelling in our hearts (John 15:4), then all the fruits of the Spirit will be seen in our lives; not one will be missing.
Doctrine, Prophecy
Over two and a half centuries passed, beyond apostolic time, before the introduction, by the Roman Catholic Church, of Sunday observance.
A divided house is not new. A division came into the early church because of apostasy. God sought to lead His people back out of that apostasy.
Jesus was looked upon as a root out of dry ground because He did not draw His nourishment from earthly sources. Jesus’ source of nourishment was streams of heavenly origin.
Food for Life — Vegetables and Fruit
It is not well to eat fruit and vegetables at the same meal. If the digestion is feeble, the use of both will often cause distress and inability to put forth mental effort.
"Our assurance of salvation is based on God’s grace by faith, not on our behavior or character development." This is the message of the New Theology.
The Saints Sitting in Judgment
The saints have no participation in the work of the judgment until the coming of the Lord. 1 Corinthians 4:5. The decision of every case is made by God the Father beforehand.
We will take a look at four men that unreservedly gave themselves to the propagation of the Second Advent message in 1838.
Children's Story
Children’s Story — The Strength of Clinton
When Clinton Stevens was eleven years old, he was taken very sick with pneumonia. During convalescence, he suffered an unexpected relapse
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.