2015 November
The doctrine of the shut door is not something that was invented by Seventh-day Adventists. It is taught throughout the Bible.
Ellen White had a dream concerning the executive judgment 35 years and one day after the great disappointment in 1844, described in volume 4 of the Testimonies.
Soon all the world must choose between the Mark of the Beast and the Seal of God. Man’s extremities are God’s opportunities. His biddings are also His enablings.
Guilty Once; Guilty Ten Times Over
‘Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all’ (James 2:10).
Current Events
Current Events – The Red Moon – A Harbinger of Doom?
So does the blood red moon tetrad of 2014 and 2015 signal that another season of war is now upon us?
Keys Storehouse
Keys to the Storehouse – The Circuit of Beneficence
The word beneficence means active goodness. Most people are unaware of any circuit of beneficence working around them. Oh how selfish the heart of man has become in living to itself!
Inspiration – Christ Our Only Hope
By living a sinless life He (Jesus) testified that every son and daughter of Adam can resist the temptations of the one who first brought sin into the world.
Question & Answer – What does it mean that Caiaphas “rent his clothes” in Matthew 26:65
“He [Christ] bore even the guiltiness of Caiaphas, knowing the hypocrisy that dwelt in his soul, while for pretense he rent his robe."
Health – Sunlight and Infectious Disease
It was not until the mid 1800s that, through the work of Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, and Robert Koch, “germs” were revealed to be a cause of contagious and infectious disease.
Lord’s Prayer Series – Be Sober, Be Vigilent
Temptations do not come from God. Rather they come from the world, the flesh; that is, from within us, and from the devil. So what does it mean when the Bible says in the Lord’s Prayer, “Do not lead us into temptation?”
Children's Story
Children’s Story – The Blind Poet
I looked through our hymnbook to find the names of the women who wrote hymns. I found more hymns by Fanny Crosby than by any other woman.
Honey is an excellent source of all–natural energy at just 17 grams of carbohydrates per tablespoon. This natural unprocessed sugar—fructose and glucose...
½ cup tomato sauce ¼ cup honey 1 tsp. corn starch 2 Tbs. lemon juice ½ tsp. garlic salt Combine all ingredients and cook them in a saucepan for a few minutes. Allow mixture to boil and thicken while stirring it to smooth the mixture. This serves as a glorious dip for spring rolls or ... Read more
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – A Great Crisis in Israel
November 29, 2015 - December 5, 2015-“The crisis that Esther faced demanded quick, earnest action; but both she and Mordecai realized that unless God should work mightily in their behalf,..."
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Ezra, the Skilled Scribe
December 6, 2015 - December 12, 2015-“The experience of Ezra … attracted the favorable notice of King Artaxerxes, with whom Ezra freely conversed regarding the power of the God of heaven, and His purpose in restoring His people to Jerusalem.”
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Nehemiah, a Decided Reformer
December 13, 2015 - December 19, 2015-“Nehemiah’s whole soul was in the enterprise he had undertaken. His hope, his energy, his enthusiasm, his determination, were contagious, inspiring others with the same high courage and lofty purpose.”
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Onward Reformation!
December 20, 2015 - December 26, 2015-"Nehemiah was not a priest; he was not a prophet; he made no pretension to high title. He was a reformer raised up for an important time."
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.