2000 October
Editorial – He sits as God, Part II
In II Thessalonians 2, when describing the antichrist power, Paul says “He sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is god.” We have seen already that the temple of God is His church...
It was a symbolic act of the separation, the divorcing of God’s people from Himself. When was this act completed? It was completed when the priest said, "…We have no king but Caesar." John 19:15.
All of God’s counsel is given for our good, and how much hardship and misery it would have saved our first parents if they followed God’s counsel. When they ignored God’s counsels they placed themselves in a position where they could more easily be lead into sin.
What Must I do to be Saved? This is a question that a certain young man asked Jesus. (See Matthew 19:16.) Of all the questions that we might talk about tonight, surely this is the most important.
Facing the Crisis – With Supernatural Intervention
The fulfillment of a soon-coming Saviour is absolutely impossible without divine intervention. For at the present rate of progress, to reach every nation, tongue and people with the everlasting gospel will take thousands of years.
Children's Story
Every day, my husband and his brothers would go about the arduous process of trying to get water to the fields. Lately this process had involved taking a truck to the local water rendering plant and filling it up with water.
Food, Recipe
Food for Life – Excessive Indulgence
Now this encircles a wide range of activities, right? On the top of the same page we read, "Excessive indulgence in eating, drinking, sleeping, or seeing, is sin."
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – “The Offering of the Body of Jesus”
October 29- November 4, 2000 - Every morning and evening a lamb of a year old was burned upon the altar, with its appropriate meat offering, thus symbolizing the daily consecration of the nation to Jehovah, and their constant dependence upon the atoning blood of Christ.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – “Who Can Bring a Clean Thing Out of an Unclean?”
November 5-11, 2000 - The washing was the burial with Christ in the water in the likeness of His death, representing that all who repent of the transgression of the law of God receive purification, cleansing, through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – “A Table in the Wilderness”
November 12-18, 2000 - We may be secure. The Lord will not leave His people to the will of the enemy. He will carry us through all the strait places. He can spread a table for us in the wilderness.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – “I Am the Light of the World”
November 19-25, 2000 - Truth looked down from heaven and saw not the reflection of her image; for dense clouds of moral darkness and gloom enveloped the world, and the Lord Jesus alone was able to roll back the clouds: for He was the Light of the world.
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.