1 cup Honey 2 ½ cups water
3 lbs. apricots, firm, but not hard
Fill canning pot halfway full with water and bring to a boil. Place flat lids in a small pot, cover with hot water and bring to a simmer. Combine honey and water in a medium pot and bring to a simmer. Wash apricots and dry on a towel. Using a paring knife, cut apricots in half and remove pit. Pack jars with apricots, cut side down. Packing apricots cavity side down makes it easier to fit more into the jar. Ladle hot honey syrup into the jars until apricots are covered. Leave ½ inch of headspace at the top of the jars. Top jars with hot lids and screw rings. When all the jars have been filled and topped with lids, lower them into the hot water bath. Cover pot, bring water to a boil and process for ten minutes. Turn off the heart, remove lid, and carefully remove the jars of preserved apricots.