Heath – Is Soy Dangerous?

We have heard people say, “Watch out for soy.” “Soy will cause this, that, and the other thing,” and “If you are eating soy, you will have some very bad things happen to you.” There are some websites that give information that sounds very good, causing people to wonder about soy and soy products.

Most of the negative allegations ultimately come from one or two sources, and are written by four people who are very anti-soy. At least two of these people have PhD degrees, which lends credibility to their claims. But let’s look at some of their allegations.

  1. Accusation: Soy causes infertility.

Soy has been used for centuries in the East. However, neither China nor Japan has a fertility problem and are very well populated though they have used soy for centuries.

Experiments were performed on female cheetahs. When they were fed high concentrations of genistein and daidzein, they had problems conceiving. One must note that cheetahs are cats that have different digestive systems than humans and they are also sensitive to these substances. We need to be cautious of studies that are based on high concentrations of a substance, which more than likely exceeds the amount that a person would normally eat.

In another experiment, one to five-day-old rats were injected with genistein. Later in life they had fewer pregnancies and some became infertile. There is a danger of using animal studies for determining what is good or bad for humans. Humans do not inject their food but ingest it, making these experiments to show doubtful similarities in outcome.

Let’s look at some examples of this, particularly in drug testing, because animals are used extensively.

Many drugs which tested safe in animals, later had to be recalled because of the dangerous results in humans.

  • Vioxx is a pain killer and it was safely tested on animals—rats, mice, monkeys and dogs. It tested safe and was even heart protective. But in humans it causes congestive heart failure, strokes and heart attacks.
  • Rezulin is a diabetes drug, which tested safe on animals but in humans it can cause liver failure.
  • Zomax is another pain medicine that tested safe on animals but had a deadly effect on humans.
  • Fen-phen was a weight loss drug, and it tested safe on animals, but in humans, caused thickening of the heart valves.
  • Thalidomide was widely tested on animals with total safety but with horrendous birth defects in children whose mothers took it for morning sickness.
  • Opren tested good on monkeys but killed 61 people.
  • Cylert was fine for animals but caused liver failure in hyperactive children.
  • Tobacco. For years animal tests were inconclusive, so the tobacco companies used that to their advantage and promoted their products. We now know, with very great clarity, that tobacco is one of the most potent detractors from health and a great promoter of cancer worldwide.

Other examples prove that animals are not necessarily the best for determining what is good or bad for humans. Ninety percent of the drugs that tested safe in animals failed human trial, and some are exactly opposite. An example of the opposite is penicillin. When it was first developed it was tried on rabbits and seen to be completely ineffective. It was a full decade later before it was used as an antibiotic in humans, because it failed the rabbit trials. Looking at animals to see what is good for humans is not necessarily the best thing, unless it can be backed up with real human trials and tests. Animal testing has proven to be quite unreliable and according to the soy testing, we are seeing one thing for people in populations using soy compared to cheetahs.

Eggs are considered the perfect source of protein because of rat studies. Young rats grew faster, but we were not told by the proponents of the egg industry that those were the rats that died sooner. Baby rats failed to thrive on soy; however, they also failed to thrive on human breast milk. Are we to say that baby rats are a good example for determining what is good for humans? Are we to say that human breast milk is bad for babies? Obviously not! Then we cannot take that same study and say soy should not be used on humans.

Animal biology is physiologically and anatomically different from humans; therefore animal studies can be very misleading. Human trials are much more reliable looking at the different populations that use soy versus those not using it. Those using soy typically have a better health status than western society and the diet often includes greater amounts of plant foods, especially leafy greens, and it has been found that the use of soy products did not detract from their overall health.

In reality, since virtually all of the accusations against soy are based upon animal studies and not humans, at best they can be meaningless and at worst they can be totally misleading and take you completely onto the wrong track and some wrong conclusions.

It is said that soy causes reproductive problems. One study reported that the declining male fertility in the last 60 years was blamed on estrogens, chemicals, plastics and tofu. The one thing they do not address is the estrogens that are fed to livestock for fattening. The phyto estrogens in tofu are very weak in estrogen activity, especially as compared to the potent estrogens that are fed to the livestock.

Soy has only become popular in the western world in the last twenty years or so. But here we have these studies going back 50 or 60 years before soy became popular.

We have also seen that when people, who have not been able to conceive, switch to a plant based diet, including tofu and soy products, they improve their chance of having children.

In one study men were administered doses of up to 30 times more than normal. First of all, 30 times more of what? It is not clear. Was it 30 times more of estrogen or tofu? Instead of eating one slice of tofu, was it 30 slices of tofu every day? Was it the isoflavones? The study is unclear. It would be unrealistic for anyone to eat 30 slices of tofu in a day, but that anti-soy conclusion was that the 30 times of whatever will lead to a drop in testosterone and then also it will cause some men to become demasculinized. Then the question is asked in a very calm, serious tone, “Do you want to become demasculinized”? No male would want that, but by the emotionally charged words they fail to realize that this is not a realistic situation and there is not a lot of real solid evidence behind the claim.

Another study seemed to indicate that there was an increased risk of infant male development. This was a small study in which they also failed to mention that mothers who had iron supplements during their pregnancies, or had the flu during their trimester, also had a heightened risk of that same abnormal male infant development. There is a lot of muddied water, and blame cannot be pinned only on soy.

Another claim is made that soy causes significant biological effects in women, and it is put in such a way that the significant biological effects are on the negative side. However, there are some that show that lengthening the cycle, which is what happens, actually ends up being protective against breast cancer—it correlates with a reduced risk of breast cancer.

We do not see the accusations of the anti-soy people playing out in real life. We do not see the infertility problems being a problem for humans. Whether or not it is in China, or people who are now switching to vegetarian from a meat diet, these things are based upon bad analysis and ridiculous dosages such as 30 times more than “what”; unreliable studies that are very small and isolated, as well as creating a negative slant on something that is positive. These are some of the problems with the accusations.

  1. Accusation: Soy raises the risk of cancer and other diseases.

There are isoflavones in the soy that are called genistein and daidzein. These are phyto estrogens. This is pretty much what this whole concept is based upon and that high estrogen levels will promote cancer. It is true that estrogen tells the cells to hurry up and multiply, and they fail to develop properly many times; that translates very easily into cancer. We looked at the fact that the meat industry feeds the animals estrogens to make them develop and to get fat quickly. The phyto estrogens in this are very weak in this action. In fact, some researchers believe that instead of their being a problem, they actually bind to the estrogen receptor sights and lock the receptor sites from the more potent estrogen. Therefore, they are actually being protected against breast cancer. They find this to be the case especially when the soy consumption has begun early in life as a young girl.

The anti-soy people use this as the basis for many accusations against soy and breast cancer when other studies do not indicate that soy increases breast cancer risk. Again, the focus is not on the fact that we get estrogens from the meat and dairy industry as well. Obviously, we do need some estrogen but we do not need a high or potent source physically.

We do not want to stop eating tofu because it is uncertain whether or not isolated substances may cause a harmful effect. We do not recommend mega doses of isoflavones. We want the full package as opposed to pulling out the isoflavones and giving that in concentrated or very large amounts.

It is claimed that protease inhibitors from soy increases risk of pancreatic cancer in rats and chicks. It is interesting that they look at rats and chicks and don’t seem to pay much attention to the fact that this does not happen in mice, dogs, pigs, monkeys or humans. So, apparently rats and chicks are extraordinarily sensitive to these inhibitors. When rats and chicks are fed nothing but soy, they do have an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. That is not the same with the other groups we have mentioned here.

It is also interesting that these protease inhibitors and other enzyme inhibitors are rendered basically irrelevant when the soy is made into tofu or soy milk, tempeh and so forth. Protease inhibitors inhibit the absorption of protein. They use that point also. But protein is so high in tofu and related products that it is really a non-issue.

The populations that use soy have a reduced risk of pancreatic cancer and other cancers.

The anti-soy people unfortunately have a difficult time accepting the fact that different species of creatures, including humans, act differently and process soy differently. It is also interesting that they ignore the fact the protease inhibitors have been shown in some studies to inhibit colon, prostate and breast cancer in humans. Some are constantly looking at a negative slant and not looking at the whole picture.

  1. Accusation: Soy shrinks brains and causes Alzheimer’s—Soy reduces cognitive function.

This accusation was based on one isolated study in Hawaii in which Japanese American men who ate tofu in their middle age had the greatest mental deterioration and dementia as seniors. This was based upon one study, and it is not a good idea to base our theories on one study. A physician found that the tofu these individuals were eating contained an extra-ordinary ordinary amount of aluminum. That gives us an idea of the real culprit as opposed to tofu. Again, we do not see this happening in the East or in other countries with men becoming demented or deteriorating mentally as they get older.

Other studies put children on a vegetarian diet with tofu and it boosted their grades and their energy. These were children who were having low grades and not performing well academically. After a vegan diet for a month that included tofu, they reported that the children showed improvement in both the classroom and on the basketball court. Some grade point averages (GPA) rose from 1.6 to 3.4. Others ranged from a 3.1 to a 3.9; that is from a B average to an A average. All scored at least an 85 percent on their final exam.

Does soy decrease cognizant function? Apparently not. Does soy cause cancer? Not that we can see. Does soy cause infertility? None of these symptoms have been proven in the practicalities of life.

  1. Accusation: Soy interferes with thyroid and causes goiter.

Soy contains goitrogens, which is considered another anti-nutrient that suppresses thyroid function. This only happens when iodine intake is low. It is very interesting that other foods that contain goitrogens are cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables are noted for cancer prevention. These include cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts; also sweet potatoes, lima beans and millet.

If we say that it is necessary to eliminate the foods that contain goitrogens, it will also be necessary to eliminate the cruciferous vegetables along with sweet potatoes, lima beans and millet. Of course, this is not recommended; the focus is only on soy.

The focus should not be on one particular substance in a food. In most common vegetables, you could find a potentially toxic or harmful nutrient that if isolated and concentrated and fed to humans, it would have some undesirable side effects.

  1. Accusation: Soy causes osteoporosis.

This is also totally unfounded. There is a strong correlation between the amount of animal foods in a diet and the strength of the bones. Studies show that the countries that use the animal products actually have a higher incidence of osteoporosis compared to cultures that use the plant food. This also includes the Chinese, Japanese and other Eastern people. The more plant food consumed, the stronger the bones.

Anti-soy people say that soy causes vitamin D deficiency and the high rate of osteoporosis is because of vitamin D depletion or because of it not being in the diet because of substituting soy oil instead of butter. So the butter people are using soy oil and they say that is a problem because they put vitamin D in butter. Actually sunshine is a better source of vitamin D than getting it through butter that has been supplemented. Our skin makes vitamin D from sunlight. Sunlight is one of the eight natural health laws.

Calcium from soy is nearly as bio-available as calcium from cow’s milk. Often the issue is how bio-available is a particular plant food when compared to meat—whether it is calcium, iron, or other nutrients. It is quite often not as straightforward as it is purported to be. It is actually good that the iron in the plant food is not as absorbable as it is in animal food, because it has been noted that high levels of iron for some people can increase their risk of heart disease. It is good to have checks and balances. Just because something is inhibited does not mean that the inhibition is bad; it may just put the brakes on something.

Calcium is usually a point of concern or controversy. Magnesium is just as important for body health and bones as calcium. Greens are an important source of calcium and magnesium. Other good sources of calcium are almonds, sesame seeds and tofu.

  1. Accusation: Soy causes zinc deficiency because of the phytates.

In large quantities phytates can block absorption, and they particularly focus on zinc. Phytates can block the absorption of several different minerals, and again the brakes are not necessarily a bad thing. The anti-soy people say that the safety feeling that vegetarians get is because of zinc deficiency, and they interpret that as being a high spiritual development. This is wrong. There is absolutely no proof that because of a zinc deficiency you enjoy spiritual things.

Soaking, roasting, sprouting, baking and leavening increased the bio-availability of minerals. Virtually any time you use soy, one of these things would have happened to it. Even if you are using just plain soybeans as a legume, you will have had to soak and boil them. If you are going to make tofu, you certainly would have soaked them at some point in time. Any time you use soybeans it will have included one of these processes. This applies to all of the phytates in the different vegetarian foods, including wheat. Wheat has been known to have phytates as well. We hear people say that vegetarians have to be careful that they do not have mineral deficiencies because of the phytates. Well, when you make bread, you are certainly baking, to make these minerals more bio-available. A healthy vegetarian diet is rich in nutrients by getting a good representation in of fruits, nuts, legumes, vegetables and whole grains.

Zinc deficiency is no more common in vegetarians compared to non-vegetarians and should not be singled out.

Some phytates act as potent antioxidants and favorably regulate cell growth. It is interesting that even though phytates have been promoted as being a problem, other studies show that they actually act as antioxidants. They are not necessarily a bad thing and they regulate cell growth. This could possibly put the brakes on the quick development of cancer cells and cells that are developing too quickly, slowing them down so they have time to mature and do what they need to do. Instead of being bad, phytates in the end could be very positive for us, particularly when we get them from the whole plant.

  1. Accusation: Soy contains toxins and anti nutrients.

We have already talked about phytates being antioxidants and actually helping to keep things in balance as far as cell development. We can also reference that to mineral absorption as well.

Many plant foods contain substances in concentration and isolation that would produce unwanted effects. All of the plant foods have some potential toxins in them. The following are some examples:

Broccoli, lentils and grapefruit contain naturally occurring pesticides, which could cause mutation. If we took certain substances in these plant foods, isolated them, concentrated them, made a very potent dosage out of them, we would have problems.

Peanuts and peanut butter contain aflotoxins that could cause cancer.

Celery contains toxins that could damage the immune system and cause photosensitivities. Are we telling people not to eat celery? No. Celery is very good and also contains organic sodium, which can be very good, especially in the hot summertime.

Spinach and chard contain oxalic acid that binds with calcium and diminishes absorption. Again, we are not telling people to stop eating spinach because of this.

In eating normal quantities of these foods, these things are not a problem. But the anti-soy people ignore that the isolated, compounded high levels of some of these things may cause problems.

A summary of what the anti-soy people do:

  • They rely upon animal studies that are not applicable to humans.
  • They use small or isolated studies that are not supported by the bulk of the studies.
  • They use examples of extreme intakes of soy.
  • They look at just certain components of soy that you would have to use in very high quantities isolated for it to be called a problem. This is not, in reality, how we use our soy.
  • They focus on naturally occurring substances that, in isolation, would cause undesirable side effects.

Some benefits of soy are as follows:

  • Various studies have shown that soy, in conjunction with a healthy diet, lowers risk of heart disease.
  • Soy has nine times less saturated fat as compared to cow’s milk.
  • Soy is cholesterol free, lowers total and LDL cholesterol. Interestingly, some anti-soy people say that lowering your cholesterol results in a greater number of deaths. Their proof is an article that they wrote themselves. This is totally unsupported by the scientific community.
  • Studies show that soy contributes to the reduction of cancer.
  • Soy contains many phyto chemicals, which protect against disease.
  • Soy may reduce insulin resistance, renal damage and fatty liver in diabetics. For people who are on insulin, switching from animal protein to plant protein can be very helpful. Part of that protein can be soy. Also, people who have renal failure need to bring down their protein, so switching them from animal protein to plant protein, including soy, can be very healthful.

Some guidelines for eating soy:

Eat a varied diet. Eat a plant-based diet, not a soy based diet. Eating soy at every meal is too much and goes against the principle of temperance. Some people believe they do not get enough protein; however, a plant-based diet will provide all of the protein needed from the different whole grains and legumes with some tofu or soy, and you will be just fine. You would virtually have to live on sweet potatoes and apples for the rest of your life in order to have a protein deficiency on a vegetarian diet. Eating a varied diet with enough calories to maintain proper body weight will give you enough protein. It is not essential to have soy in your diet, but the versatility of soy and the extra protein that it does provide are actually a benefit to the plant-based diet.

Minimize the intake of soy to two to three servings a day. Asians typically eat from one to three servings of soy per day. From looking at their population, they are doing quite well on that. Most vegetarian nutritionists will say to limit your consumption of soy to two to three servings a day.

Serving size. A serving is approximately three to four ounces of tofu, which is about one-fourth of a block of tofu, or one cup of soymilk. There are some days you might have a little extra, and some days you may not have any, but the average is no more than two or three servings per day.

Prefer whole soy foods such as tofu, soymilk, soy nuts rather than protein isolates. This goes back to the concept that whole foods are better than refined foods, just like we choose whole wheat bread instead of white bread. The whole food is better than the isolated part of it. You can look at the ingredient of the product and it will show whether it is a protein isolate or otherwise.

Soy supplements. Do not seek out soy supplements such as soy protein powders or isoflavones. At this point, these are not really supportive or necessary. Add some tofu to your diet and you will be just fine. Many of those anti-soy studies were based upon isolated components as opposed to the full package.

Follow a healthy diet and lifestyle. You need to follow a healthy lifestyle that includes the eight health laws.

Infants. Mother’s milk is still the best. As much as possible the infant should get the mother’s milk. Cow’s milk is not a better option. Soy infant formula has been used for over 50 years, and there is no evidence of it causing developmental problems or reproductive problems. Cow’s milk is highly allergenic, even though some people can be allergic to soy, which does not mean we write it off for everybody. Also, cow’s milk can be a factor in juvenile onset diabetes. Cow’s milk is not the better of the options; it is better to choose soy.

Selecting soy. Select non-GMO (genetically modified organism) tofu and soy products. There has been some preliminary exploration that the GMO can alter the protein component in the blood. It is the principle that the non-GMO is better.

All of the allegations or accusations are very shaky. A couple of the anti-soy people consider cholesterol to be their very best friend. That is also what the meat and dairy association said about 30 years ago. At that time they were advocating the necessity of dietary cholesterol. They did this to promote their product. They actually want you to eat saturated fat and not the plant oils. This, combined with the unreliable accusations made, sugguests that there is a particular agenda being promoted.

It is believed that the original humans were hunters, who ate meat, and that is the diet we need to go back to. We do not believe that. We believe that the original human beings were vegetarians. That is what we were created to be, and that is the diet to which we should return.

Be very careful about advocating anything with limited research on a few isolated studies or something that is not backed up by epidemiology studies—population studies—seeing what they are eating and not eating and seeing the results of the health status of that population. Stay balanced, temperate and in the middle of the road and do not get sidetracked on these various tangents.

Diane Herbert is a naturopath and lifestyle consultant. She received training from the NAD Lifestyle Consultant program, Thomas Edison State College, Clayton College of Natural Healing, and Bastyr University. Diane teaches health classes at the Gilead Institute located in Norcross, Georgia, gives health presentations, and contributes to the Institute’s literature and health flyer series. If you would like more information on water or other health topics, you may contact her at: The Gilead Institute of America, 6000 Live Oak Parkway, Suite 114, Norcross, Georgia 30093; telephone: 770-270-1087; Website: www.gileadinstitute.org.

Food – All About Tofu

Tofu is a curd made from soybeans. Although it is quite bland, it has a remarkable ability to soak up flavors and makes an excellent addition to many recipes. Tofu is actually a great convenience food and you should think of it as an ingredient rather than a meal in itself.

There are three main types of tofu. Firm tofu is dense, solid, and holds its shape in stir fries and soups or under the broiler as well as on the grill. It is higher in protein, fat and calcium than other varieties. Soft tofu works best when blended or mashed into dishes, and silken tofu is a creamy custard-like product that works well pureed. Silken tofu is particularly good for dips, sauces, and desserts.

Following are some ideas for using tofu as a vegan alternative in everyday dishes:

  • For any recipe that calls for cream, mayonnaise, sour cream, cream cheese or ricotta, replace half the amount with silken tofu.
  • Make a topping for baked potatoes. Combine 1/2 cup silken tofu with 1/2 cup sour cream and 1/4 cup chopped green onions or chives.

Whatever recipes you choose to make, add variety and nutrition to your meal planning. And with inventive dishes, you’ll never think tofu is boring again.

Recently, tofu has been creating quite a stir because of its potential health benefits. In addition to being a source of high-grade protein—comparable to meat in quality and more digestible—tofu is a good source of B vitamins, potassium and iron.

Tofu is sold in water-filled tubs or vacuum packs and can usually be found in the produce or dairy section of supermarkets. Since it has a limited shelf life, check the “best before” date on the package. After the package has been opened, drain the liquid, place any unused tofu in a bowl and cover with fresh cold water. Store covered in the refrigerator. Tofu will keep for one week if the water is changed daily.

Recipe – Chik-Style Salad

1 pkg. Soy Curls (8-oz., or approx. 4 ½ cups). Cover with warm water and soak for 10 minutes.

5 Tbsp. McKay’s Chicken Style Seasoning or 4 Tbsp Butler Chik-Style Seasoning

1 cup Vegenaise, Soyannaise, or Mayonnaise (8 oz.)

½ cup Sweet Relish (4 oz.)

1 cup diced celery (4.5 oz.)

1 cup diced onion (4 oz.)

½ tsp. garlic powder

Drain Soy Curls and dice. Add Chicken Style Seasoning and stir. Add remainder of ingredients and mix thoroughly. Refrigerate. Serve with a garnish of parsley, radish, pepper, etc. Makes a great sandwich, or topping for crackers! Serves 10.

For more information, recipes and pictures, please visit: www.butlerfoods.com

Food – A New Twist on Soy

Soybeans have long been a traditional part of the diet in Asia. Whole beans are sometimes used, but the most popular products, like tofu and soymilk, are usually only a part of the bean. Various products differ widely in nutrient value. I prefer the whole sum of foods when possible, as that is usually the most wholesome.

Soybeans contain the highest amount of protein of any grain or legume, and substantial amounts of fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and a variety of the phytochemicals useful for the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases.

The protein in the soybean is very digestible and contains all of the essential amino acids necessary for humans, and can sustain health at all stages of human development.

Approximately 50 percent of the fat in soybeans is linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fat and an essential nutrient. In addition, soybean oil can contain as much as 8 percent alpha-linolenic acid, which is an Omega-3 fatty acid, the type of fat found in fish which is believed to be beneficial in lowering the risk of heart disease.

Soluble and insoluble carbohydrates, including dietary fiber, make up about 30 percent of the soybean. The oligosaccharides raffinose and stachyose are significant because they are not digested or used as nutrients directly by the human body, but instead are used as nutrients by the bifido bacteria in the lower intestine to sustain and promote their growth. These types of intestinal flora are considered important for human health, as it is believed that their presence can reduce the incidence of many diseases of the lower tract, including colon cancer.

The major mineral components of soybeans are potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and phosphorus.

The water-soluble vitamins in soybeans are thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, inositol and choline. Fat-soluble vitamins present in the soybean are vitamins A and E.

“Soy Curls” are one of the newer whole-soy foods. Like tofu, they are a convenience food and a nutritious addition to many dishes. But because they are the whole bean, they have plenty of fiber and all the other nutrients found in soybeans. No seasoning or other ingredients have been added, which makes them very versatile. Alone, or with other foods, they can be seasoned according to your preference.