The sprouting of seeds, beans, grains, or nuts has been used as early as 3,000 b.c. in China. It has received various periods of use, growth, popularity, and disfavor.
There are many reasons why one should sprout. Sprouts are inexpensive and easy to grow. They require only a small amount of space and inexpensive “equipment.” They are an edible plant food that can be grown indoors in any climate. Unlike fruits and vegetables, which take 50 to 130 days to mature and be ready to eat, sprouts are ready to eat within a few days. They also afford the consumer one of the most concentrated but truly natural sources of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and protein.
All raw, unsprouted seeds, beans, grains, and nuts are biogenic-alive and capable of transferring their life energy to your body. When you eat sprouts, you are eating a tiny, easy-to-digest plant that is at its peak of nutritional value. The seed releases all of its stored nutrients in a burst of energy, as it attempts to become a full size plant. You then receive this energy and the nutrients when you eat the sprouts.
Several methods can be used to begin home sprouting—jars, sprout bags, trays, or an automatic sprouter. Regardless of how you grow your sprouts, there are four basics steps: the initial soaking and draining of the seeds, rinsing and caring of the growing seeds, harvesting of the seed, and using the seed as food.
To start sprouting, use the jar method, as it is the simplest and most reliable method. A wide-mouth, glass, half-gallon jar is best. In addition to the jar, you will need a lid ring or rubber bands and cheesecloth or nylon mesh to cover the jar opening yet allow air to circulate within the jar. Measure the appropriate amount of seeds into the jar, cover the jar with cheesecloth, and then fill it halfway with water. Allow the seed to soak for the required time and then invert it at a 45-degree angle, with the jar opening down. Once drained, rinse the sprouts in running tap water until the bottle overflows. This removes the waste products created by the seeds. Drain the seeds again, and then return the jar to its upright position and continue sprouting. Most seeds should be rinsed twice daily. Sprouts need to be rinsed more frequently in warm weather and will sprout quicker.