Tuberculosis, a major cause of death throughout the world even today, was one of the leading causes of death in Ellen White’s day. It is usually spread by infected air-borne droplets, coughed up by individuals with the active disease and inhaled by susceptible persons—a very similar means of transmission to the modern emerging viruses that have recently caused panic throughout the world. Therefore, Ellen White’s counsel to God’s people about how to help people afflicted with tuberculosis has never been more appropriate for study and application than today. Here is her counsel:
“Sanitariums that are erected for consumptive patients should be placed some distance out of the city, where there is plenty of open space, a clear stream, and land which can be cultivated. Then the patients can be drawn out into the fresh air, while those who are strong can cultivate the soil. …
“Large numbers of persons with this disease should not be gathered together in one home. …
“She [Sister Hansen] may entirely recover from her lung difficulty, but it will be well to take every precaution. …
“Let those of the patients who are able to work be given something to do. They should give the muscles judicious exercise. Let them work in the soil. This will be found especially advantageous. Let all be taught that cheerfulness is God’s remedy for sickness. Let them talk faith, and think as little as possible about disagreeable things. Let the heart go forth in praise and thanksgiving to God. Let them pray for themselves and for one another, and let them keep the love of God in the soul. The great Physician can heal consumption. …
“Many who are threatened with consumption will be healed through faith. Many others will be healed through proper eating and drinking and through living largely in the open air. To those who are suffering from this disease I would say, Take regular exercise, and keep as cheerful as possible. Keep busy, and live as much as possible out-of-doors. Keep your heart free from all jealousy and evil-surmising, and ask God to help you to improve as fast as possible. Some will overcome the disease; yes, many will, through faith in the mighty Healer. ‘Let him take hold of My strength, that he may make peace with Me;’ the Lord says, ‘and he shall make peace with Me’ (Isaiah 27:5).”
Excerpts from Manuscript Releases, vol. 9, 281–287.