“When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” Psalm 61:2
“The enemy presents bribes to win us to the world, as he presented bribes to Christ in the wilderness of temptation. Unless we depend upon a power out of and above ourselves, the enemy will succeed in accomplishing our ruin. But in looking to Jesus, by studying His life and character, by earnestly desiring to be like Him, our minds will be balanced in the right direction, that we may overcome selfishness, and choose a course of righteousness. Looking unto Jesus, we shall hear a voice saying, ‘This is the way; walk ye in it.’ ‘If any man will come after me [now the conditions], let him deny himself, and take up his cross [which cuts directly across the natural inclinations], and follow Me.’
“… Jesus says, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.’ He invites you to step upon new and higher ground than that which you have occupied in the past. If your heart is filled with love to Christ, it will be demonstrated that He is stronger than the passions which have ruled you, whose indulgence have undermined noble impulses, and left the soul to the mercy of Satan’s temptations. …
“In serving their own lust, they make it manifest that they are not subject to the rule of Christ, but day by day are robbing God of that which is His due. … They refuse to be the children of Christ, and choose rather to be the slaves of Satan. …
“Christ invites the sinner to come to Him. With what loving entreaties He follows the sinner! When the heart of the sinner is touched, he yields his will to God’s will, and selfish inclination is no longer the controlling power; for the slavery of Satan is broken, and the soul brought into subjection to Christ. Impressed with the sense of the Saviour’s long-suffering, forbearance, compassion, and measureless love, the repenting soul is deeply conscious of his own unworthiness and guilt. He yields his will to the will of God, and longs to reveal his loyalty to Christ, watching for opportunities to speak forth His goodness and love. He sees in Jesus matchless charms, and his heart is captivated. … He becomes a partaker of the divine nature.” The Youth’s Instructor, October 27, 1892