Editorial – Are We Humble Enough to be Saved, part 1

The Lord saves such as be of a contrite ( Humble ) spirit. Psalm 34.

None of us will be saved unless we humble ourselves before God.

“All who are finally saved will in this life humble themselves before God, and seek to do His will. Thus the influence that goes forth from them will be of the character that makes for peace, that strengthens piety, that increases spiritual efficiency.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 21, 458.

Humility is one of the great lessons of the life of Christ from the stable to Calvary. It is a focal point of His teachings.

“In order that man might be in partnership with the great firm of heaven, Christ’s lessons, from the beginning to the close of His life, taught humility before God. This would lead man to a love for his brother,—a spirit of love and forbearance toward all for whom Christ has died. Genuine humility is expressed in the words: ‘Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, and of putting on of apparel; but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.’ Humility is the lesson which Jesus has given in all His teachings all through His ministry, by both precept and example. He raised this precious attribute out of the dust in which it had been trodden, and clothed it with the garments of His own righteousness.” Review and Herald, June 21, 1898.

When we are humble we will be removed from a spirit to criticize our brethren.

“God calls upon His people to be converted, to become humble as a little child, that they may have childlike faith. Those who have grown hard and cold and unimpressionable, may have the form of godliness but they have lost the virtue that keeps the mind humble. ‘Blessed are the poor in the spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’ Remove from the heart that criticizing spirit. God hates it. Those who yield to this spirit have given themselves up to do Satan’s work, and he stands by exulting.” Manuscript Releases, vol. 15, 166.

Humility will keep us from murmuring and complaining.

“‘Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’” These are not murmurers and complainers, but those who are content with their condition and surroundings in life. They do not cherish the feeling that they deserve a better position than that which Providence has assigned them, but manifest a spirit of gratitude for every favor bestowed upon them. Every proud thought and exalted feeling is banished.” Reflecting Christ, 61.

Humility will keep us from becoming hard-hearted.

“Unless we do cultivate humility in view of our own deficiencies, there will be developed in us an element of hard-heartedness akin to that in the character of Satan. Criticism and coldness and disunion in the church will undo the work of the Holy Spirit of God.” Signs of the Times, May 18, 1888.

Humility will enable us to receive any rebuke that God sends us.

“God sends to the church the greatest blessing he can give them in a knowledge of themselves. Satan is alluring them to sin that they may be lost; God gives a clear presentation of their sins that they may repent and be saved. The greatest danger of the world is, that sin does not appear sinful. This is the greatest evil existing in the church; sin is glossed over with self-complacency. Blessed indeed are they who possess a sensitive conscience; who can weep and mourn over their spiritual poverty and wanderings from God; who are poor in spirit and can receive the reproof God sends them; and who, with confessions and brokenness of heart, will take their places, all penitent, in humiliation at the cross of Christ. God knows it is good for men to tread a hard and humble path, to encounter difficulties, to experience disappointments, and to suffer affliction. Faith strengthens by coming in conflict with doubt, and resisting unbelief through the strength of Jesus.” Signs of the Times, June 15, 1876.

When humble we can endure the murmuring, reproach and provocation of others without retaliation.

“Consider the life of Moses. Meekness in the midst of murmuring, reproach, and provocation constituted the brightest trait in his character. Daniel was of a humble spirit. Although he was surrounded with distrust and suspicion, and his enemies laid a snare for his life, yet he never deviated from principle. He maintained a serene and cheerful trust in God. Above all, let the life of Christ teach you. When reviled, He reviled not again; when He suffered, He threatened not. This lesson you must learn, or you will never enter heaven.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 368.

The End