Dear Pastor and Mrs. John Grosboll,
Greetings to you in the name of the Lord. I’d like to take this time to thank you for the hearty and God inspiring message that you left it with us.
Your presence and the ordination of Evan Sadler into the Gospel ministry is a greatest blessing to us, you know what happened after you left us is that many thinking people responded positively to the Present Truth. I thank God that wise people are beginning to understand what is about to happen soon.
You left us around 3:30 pm on the Sabbath for Goroka, and you know what happened in the afternoon? I’ll tell you. A Lutheran pastor came and shared his testimonies in the closing of the Sabbath day worship. This is what he say: “I heard from my house the very truth that I am looking for. (His house is located 5-6 kilometers away from the camp site.) This SDA is backed up by God. And this SDA will finish God’s work on the earth. Many people from Sunday keeping churches who practiced holiness or promote holy living will come and join this movement.”
We were spellbound as we heard him spoke to us from the pulpit. One thing that enthrilled us was that his house is located 5-6 kilometers, but he got the message clear, just like a friend sitting next to him talking.
Finally may God bless you in His service from him.
With Christian Love,
Bisho Begorah
Papua New Ginea