More than six hundred years ago, the people of Scotland made up their minds that they did not want to be ruled by the king of England. They wanted to rule themselves. This led to war between the two countries.
Again and again, the English army defeated the Scotch. At last, Robert Bruce was made leader of the Scotch army. Six times Bruce led his brave little army against the great army of England. Six times he was driven back. Then his army was scattered, and he had to hide in order to save his life.
Sometimes he hid in the woods. Sometimes he hid in the mountains, and sometimes in the huts of poor peasants. The English soldiers tried to find and capture him. He had to flee one hiding place to another.
At last he was almost ready to give up. It seemed to him there was no use trying to do anything more. That night he lay down on a heap of straw in an old hut. But he could not sleep. He was thinking about his failures.
At last morning came. As he lay on his bed of straw, he was greatly discouraged. Would his country ever be free?
Just then he saw a spider trying to swing herself by her thread from one beam of the roof to another. She failed, and the thread swung back to its starting place. She tried again, and again it fell back. She made another effort, only to fall back a third time. But the little spider had started to weave a web, and she never thought of giving up. Six times she tried to throw her frail thread across. Six times it fell short.
For a moment Robert Bruce seemed to forget about his own failures. He watched the little spider with deep interest. He hoped she would not give up. He wanted to see her succeed.
The seventh time she swung herself out on her slender line. Would she fail again? No! This time the thread was thrown safely across, and fastened to the beam.
Bruce was almost ashamed of himself. If a little spider would not give up, why should he? He, too, would try the seventh time. With new courage he left his hiding place. He got his friends together. He told them of his plans. He sent them out to encourage his soldiers.
Soon another army of brave Scotsmen were around him. Another great battle was fought, and this time the English were completely defeated. They fled into their own country. Scotland was made free, and Robert Bruce was its king. Balloons, True Education Series, 44, 45.