Testimony – Only Weak People Need God

“Only weak people need God.” That’s what I used to tell my Christian friends when I was a young man. I perceived Christians as too weak to stand on their own two feet, needing the “crutch” of religion to sustain them in life. I mocked my Christian friends and ridiculed those who tried to witness to me of God’s love. You see, I grew up an atheist, having no belief in God. Both of my parents were from large families, so I had many aunts and uncles and cousins, all professing to be Christians. But it didn’t take long to realize that what they professed on Sunday morning was far from how they lived the rest of the week.

And so I concluded that Christianity was just a charade. And if the Christian life was not real, then how could God be real? I married my wife in 1969, and we moved to San Diego to begin our lives together.

We lived an indulgent, rebellious life there until 1986, when we moved to the Pacific Northwest. I became dissatisfied with my lifestyle and felt inclined for the first time in my life to search for something beyond myself. I decided to read the Bible, and then attended a Revelation seminar held in the town where I lived. I soon responded to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and after almost 20 years of selfish indulgence, I laid my sins of drugs and alcohol upon the altar of Christ.

Miraculously, my victory was immediate and complete, never having the desire nor inclination to take them up again. In 1988, I was baptized and joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I was ordained as a deacon in 1989. I was asked to serve as an elder in 1990. And in 1992, I was asked to serve as the head elder, which I faithfully did for the next 21 years. In 2012, several members of our church became uncomfortable with some of the doctrines that were being taught by a young pastor that was now leading our church. I soon found myself at odds with this pastor with regard to the humanity of Christ, victorious living, and the character of the 144,000.

We found neither support nor cooperation from our local conference leaders.

Their support for their pastor was firm and we were told to cease our resistance and to move in harmony with the church. Finding ourselves unable to do so with a clear conscience before God, and no longer feeling welcome in our own church, we decided to separate from the church we loved and to start a home church. Having been in church leadership for so many years, it was natural that I should lead out in worship.

As our numbers grew, it became evident that we needed some structure in our church, and so we decided to rent a local Grange Hall every Sabbath. For legal reasons, we called ourselves the Little Flock Advent Church, and for the past 6 years it has been my privilege to serve as the shepherd of our little flock. In 2015, we contacted Steps to Life to inquire about becoming a part of the Free Seventh-day Adventist Church.

We soon realized that we were historic Adventists and that the doctrines and principles which we embraced were in common with the teachings of the Free Seventh-day Adventists. We were overjoyed to find that there were still many who had not bowed the knee to Baal! Today, we proudly bear the name Little Flock Free Seventh Day Adventist Church. I immediately enrolled in the Training Program for Ministers and Church Leaders offered by Steps to Life, to prepare me to serve as a pastor.

What a wonderful program this is. I highly recommend it, not only for church leaders, but for all who desire to better understand God’s purpose for His church and to experience His guidance that will lead us into His kingdom. The church has been warned that the last great deception of Satan would be to make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit of God (Selected Messages, Book 1, 48). We are seeing the fulfillment of this prophecy today.

This training program brings to light the counsel that God has given to guide His church through the time of trouble. It is Satan’s desire that the Spirit of Prophecy should go unheeded and that the church lose confidence in its counsel. Brothers and sisters, we cannot allow this to happen! Those who refuse to be guided by the testimony of Jesus will not fit the description that God has given of His remnant people in Revelation 12:17. Therefore they will not be among those who make up that happy throng.

I met Pastor Grosboll and Pastor Nunez last year when they were conducting a crusade south of Seattle. I have spoken with many over the phone at Steps to Life, and we now feel that we are a part of a much larger family.

Today, our average Sabbath attendance is about 25 souls. We are thankful to have a comfortable place to worship where we are surrounded by the beauty of the Olympic Mountains and plenty of trees and wildlife.

In late March of this year, Pastor Nunez traveled from Wichita, Kansas, to the Olympic Peninsula to meet with our church. On Sabbath, March 24, one day after my 69th birthday, it was a privilege to be ordained as a Seventh-day Adventist pastor. It is the desire, as well as the delight of my heart, to serve the Lord and His church until the day He comes to take us home.

By the signs of the times, that day is not too far off. It is my purpose to be a good and faithful shepherd, so that you will meet me, as well as every other member of the Little Flock Free Seventh-day Adventist Church without the loss of one, on the day we stand together around the sea of glass. May the Lord find us faithful until that day. Amen.