Decay is a part of nature that we don’t like to think about. But it is an essential part as long as there is death. Have you ever thought how you would walk through the woods if the trees that had died never decayed? The trees would be piled up over your head. Decay is a merciful provision of the great Creator to take care of the effects of death.
“Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return” was part of the curse after sin entered the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:19). Nature demonstrates this fact. There are several agents which are used in this process of building rich loamy soil out of dead vegetation. We will look especially at the fungus. When trees die they would never decay were it not for fungi and bacteria that break down organic compounds and return them to air and soil.
Let’s take a walk and see some of these fungi. The dead logs are sprinkled with several kinds. Some are shaped like sea shells. Others are cup-shaped. The colors are lovely. It is hard to remember they are part of the process of decay.
As I have observed these fungi from time to time, my mind has been impressed with this thought: The Creator could have made these formations ugly. But in His great love I can hear Him say, “Death and decay are so hard for My children to bear. I will make some lovely fungus to work on these dead trees. As they see that, they will think of My love and know that I will soften life’s hard experiences for them.”
I can serve a Creator like that, can’t you?
The Journal of Health and Healing, Vol. 7, No. 4, ©1982, 17