1997 April
"A clear revelation has been given me in regard to the need of our people assembling together, confessing their sins, repenting before God, and continuing in prayer"
Doctrine, Salvation
The cross has a dark side and a light side. The light side is how much God loves us. The dark side is, God’s Son was permitted to endure the enmity of Satan.
You are what you eat. Plants, fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds, through digestion and assimilation, become our flesh and bones.
Christian Life
In Matthew 25:11–13, Jesus gives us a shocking illustration of the parallel between these ten bridesmaids and the people of God living before Jesus comes.
Now is not the time to depend upon antibiotics and drugs to take care of ourselves. It is time for us to aid our immune systems to fight these things.
Christian Life
The Main Theme of Jesus’ Preaching
If we keep looking at the goal and keep walking, we will arrive at the destination. It will not be too long. The journey will not be too hard. The obstacles will not be too great.
No one shall go into that city unless he is pure in heart. Everything that is polluting, everything that defiles is outside the city. All who enter there pass in as conquerors.
Children's Story
Children’s Corner — A Favorite of Mr Sankey
The whole world is familiar with the song "Ninety and Nine," It only remains to tell the simple, strange little story behind Mr Sankey 's favorite song.
Today there is a special invitation to each of us from Jesus Christ Himself. He says, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
Christian Life
And at that time shall Michael stand up,...and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.