1998 January
Editorial — To All the Believers Around the World
The year of 1997 has slipped into the annuls of history. What's on the record? What have we done for Jesus? Have we strengthened the feeble knees that hang?
Celebration worship began to surface in the Seventh-day Adventist church less than a decade ago. Today celebration worship in the churches runs rampant.
Christian Life
I have been shown that Satan has not been stupid and careless these many years, since his fall, but has been learning. He has grown more artful.
True faith is built on a "thus saith the Lord," and anything short of this is it's satanic counterpart, presumption, which eventually leads to apostasy.
Food for Life — Exercise and it’s Benefits
Notwithstanding all that is said and written concerning its importance, there are still many who neglect physical exercise.
Children's Story
Children’s Story — On Freedom’s Soil
This month's story is about a young man named Valentine Leer who leaned about Jesus. Because of where he lived, he was persecuted severely.
When you obey and honor someone, it is because they have authority, and you respect them. God has authority above everyone else.
Lessons on Reformation, part 3
The children of Israel crucified Jesus, the Son of God, yet the Spirit of God continued to plead with them even until the stoning of Stephen.
God the Father is in His own right the supreme Judge of man and of angels. He proposes to bring all mankind into judgment.
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.