2002 January
Editorial – The Overwhelming Surprise, Part III
The important future is before us. To meet its trials and temptations, and to perform its duties, will require great faith, energy, and perseverance.
The Many and the Few in Adventism, Part I
There are so many aspects of world conformity that are happening in Adventism today. Let me just mention one. We are not even going to get into the things that are often mentioned in regard to diet,...
Have you ever considered how the Reformation would be finished? It would be finished by people who had the same experience as the man who got the ball rolling in the beginning. I believe that the people who will finish the Reformation, and who will receive the Latter Rain, will embrace Christ, as did Martin ... Read more
Reaction and the Promises of God
More than food for thought, it drove some of us into starting to do something about the time in which we live. We began to react. Let us consider reaction and the promises that God gives us.
Then, on Father’s Day, I awoke to find my son, Isaac, had died. I tried to breathe life into his little body, but it did not help. He was only six weeks old. Apparently he had died of crib death or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, also known as S.I.D.S.
Children's Story
False Revivals – Angels of Light Personated
"Satan…comes as an angel of light…by means of false reformations. The churches are elated, and consider that God is working marvelously for them, when it is the work of another spirit."
Inspiration – The Old Year and the New
As a people we have not realized the work which should have been done in the last days of the old year, and much of it is left undone. The excitement of the Christmas holiday is now in the past, and what has been the record that has passed up to God?
Restoring the Temple – To Arms with Your Immune System, Part I
Our powerful immune systems wipe out the invaders before they ever knew what hit them. Only when a microbe launches a particularly strong invasion (or the microbe itself is particularly virulent) does our immune system put its entire arsenal into play, stimulating symptoms such as tiredness, fever, runny nose, and coughs.
Children's Story
Children’s Story – Rescue at Night, Part II
She took a deep breath of fresh night air and looked outside for Bill. "Sh-h-h!" she said to the children. "You’ll be outside in a minute."
Food, Recipe
"That blasts of January would blow you through and through" Shakespeare. Let us read some hints from our Lord as to the remedies for weather like this. "I will tell you a little about my experience with charcoal as a remedy. For some forms of indigestion, it is more efficacious than drugs. A little olive ... Read more
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Faith and Acceptance
January 27- February 2, 2002 - "But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – The Test of Discipleship
February 3- 9, 2002 - "Obedience is the test of discipleship. It is the keeping of the commandments that proves the sincerity of our professions of love. When the doctrine we accept kills sin in the heart,..."
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – Growing Up Into Christ
February 10-16, 2002 - Growing in Christ - With what does the Bible tell us our knowledge of Jesus must be connected, for us to grow in our Christian experience? 2 Peter 3:18.
Bible Study Guides
Bible Study Guides – The Work and the Life
February 17-23, 2002 - There can be no growth or fruitfulness in the life that is centered in self. If you have accepted Christ as a personal Saviour, you are to forget yourself, and try to help others.
All Bible texts, unless appearing in quoted references or otherwise identified, are from the New King James Version.