10th Anniversary Issue

Ten years ago, August 1993, the first issue of LandMarks was published. As we mark this significant milestone, it is our desire, as God has directed, to use such occasions to “call Him to the minds of the people.” The Desire of Ages, 447. We want to impress upon the minds of the readers the “great necessity of preparation of heart, by confession and humiliation, to be accepted of God and acknowledged as his dear children.” The Signs of the Times, January 4, 1883. Our regret is that ten years have passed, and we are still in this old, wicked world. How we long for heaven!

With the passage of time, changes have been made to the magazine’s format. New features, such as “Children’s Corner,” “Food for Life,” “Nature Nugget,” “Restoring the Temple,” “Ask the Pastor,” and the “Bible Study Guide” have been added to address the needs of you, our readers, to help you pre-pare for Christ’s soon return, and to help you lead balanced lives. We also enjoy hearing from you, our readers, and sharing some of your communications in “Letters to the Editor.”

Each month the goal of the LandMarks editorial staff is to bring to you truth-filled articles that will encourage you, enhance your walk with God, help prepare you for Christ’s soon return, and assist you in your work of spreading the Three Angels’ Messages. “Truth is truth, and will remain truth, and in the end will triumph gloriously.” Review and Herald, December 28, 1897. “Truth is truth, and we are to stand on the affirmative side, presenting the truth and refusing to be drawn into controversy.” Manuscript Release No. 760, 6. “Truth is truth, and it will enlighten all who seek for it with humble hearts. Error is error, and no amount of worldly philosophizing can make it truth.” This Day With God, 188.

Believing that truth is eternal, in this anniversary issue we are sharing with you articles reprinted from some of the earliest issues of LandMarks. The messages they contain are as timely for us today as they were ten years ago, if not more so. May you be richly blessed as you read these offerings of truth.

The Editorial Staff

Hold Fast

Hold fast to truth. False gods, false men, false reasons,

Are pressing closer round us every day;

And plots, confusions, schemes, intrigues, and treasons

Would lead unwary hearts and souls away.

Hold fast to faith. Doubts, deeply multiplying,

Would draw the clouds of darkness closer down;

And unbelief, like valley mists low-lying

Would hide the glow of heaven’s starry crown.

Hold fast to love. The earth is filled with hating.

Fierce anger, lust, revenge, all clamor high,

While weary hearts are waiting, waiting, waiting,

For gentle tone and touch and kindly eye.

Hold fast to God. The world is ebbing, gliding,

Through your frail grasp, a thread of slipping sands;

But, God, the One all-constant, all-abiding,

Unchanged of old, unchanging ever stands.

The Battle of Life

The great battle of life,

The battle every man must fight,

Is the battle of self.

It is the battle that tests the worth,

the will, the power of hell, the power of faith.

On this field of fate lay Alexander,

While two demoniacs were to conquer.

Napolean lost the battle here

while Mary Magdalene was the victor.

All who win are greater than Napoleon

or even Alexander.

All who lose are less than Mary

Or even the demoniacs.

Marshall J. Grosboll