Bible Study Guides – “They Shall Perish But Thou Remainest”

July 24, 1999 – July 30, 1999

MEMORY VERSE: “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11.

STUDY HELP: Testimonies, vol. 3, 138–140.


“The infidel supposition, that the events of the first week required seven vast, indefinite periods for their accomplishment, strikes directly at the foundation of the Sabbath of the Fourth Commandment. It makes indefinite and obscure that which God has made very plain. It is the worst kind of infidelity; for with many who profess to believe the record of creation, it is infidelity in disguise. It charges God with commanding men to observe the week of seven literal days in commemoration of seven indefinite periods, which is unlike His dealings with mortals, and is an impeachment of His wisdom.” Signs of the Times, March 20, 1879.

“The Earth Shall Wax Old Like a Garment”

  1. How are we shown that the world is not now as it was created to be? Romans 8:22.

NOTE: “As the ‘whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together’
(Romans 8:26, 22), the heart of the infinite Father is pained in sympathy. Our world is a vast lazar house, a scene of misery that we dare not allow even our thoughts to dwell upon. Did we realize it as it is, the burden would be too terrible. Yet God feels it all. In order to destroy sin and its results He gave His best Beloved, and He has put it in our power, through co-operation with Him, to bring this scene of misery to an end. ‘This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.’ Matthew 24:14.” Education, 263–264.

  1. What promise do we have that God will make all things new? Isaiah 65:17.

NOTE: The literal meaning for “come into mind,” found in the margins of some Bibles, is “come upon the heart.”( See Prophets and Kings, 731, 732.)

“Scoffers Walking After Their Own Lusts”

  1. What warning did Peter give of skepticism regarding the creation and flood? 2 Peter 3:3–6.

NOTE: “Geologists claim to find evidence from the earth itself that it is very much older than the Mosaic record teaches. Bones of men and animals, as well as instruments of warfare, petrified trees, etc., much larger than any that now exist, or that have existed for thousands of years, have been discovered, and from this it is inferred that the earth was populated long before the time brought to view in the record of creation, and by a race of beings vastly superior in size to any men now living. Such reasoning has led many professed Bible believers to adopt the position that the days of creation were vast, indefinite periods.

“But apart from Bible history, geology can prove nothing. Those who reason so confidently upon its discoveries have no adequate conception of the size of men, animals, and trees before the flood, or of the great changes which then took place. Relics found in the earth do give evidence of conditions differing in many respects from the present; but the time when these conditions existed can be learned only from the Inspired Record. In the history of the flood, inspiration has explained that which geology alone could never fathom. In the days of Noah, men, animals, and trees, many times larger than now exist, were buried, and thus preserved as an evidence to later generations that the antediluvians perished by a flood. God designed that the discovery of these things should establish faith in inspired history; but men, with their vain reasoning, fall into the same error as did the people before the flood, the things which God gave them as a benefit, they turn into a curse by making a wrong use of them.” Christian Education, 191, 192.

  1. What should the evidence of creation lead men to see and understand clearly? Romans 1:20–21.

NOTE: “Cold, philosophical speculations and scientific research in which God is not acknowledged are a positive injury. And the evil is aggravated when, as is often the case, books placed in the hands of the young, accepted as authority and depended upon in their education, are from authors avowedly infidel. Through all the thoughts presented by these men, their poisonous sentiments are interwoven. The study of such books is like handling black coals; a student cannot be undefiled in mind who thinks along the line of skepticism. The authors of these books, which have sown the seeds of doubt and infidelity broadcast over the world, have been under the training of the great enemy of God and man, the acknowledged head of principalities and powers, the ruler of the darkness of this world. The word that God has spoken concerning them is, ‘They…became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools; because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful.’ Romans 1:21, 22. They rejected divine truth in its simplicity and purity for the wisdom of this world. Whenever books by these infidel authors are given the precedence, and the word of God is made secondary, there will be sent out of the schools a class of students no better fitted for the service of God than they were before they received their education.” Counsels to Teachers, Parents and Students, 423–424.

  1. What counsel is especially applicable to those ordained to preach the Word? 1 Timothy 6:20–21.

NOTE: “It is because of a neglect of prayer and of searching the Bible that the multitudes accept men-made theories, vain philosophies, or the flashing speculations of the human mind. God never designed that the soul should be nourished with the traditions and speculations of human invention. The imagination must plume for a higher flight than human ability can originate; for the mind must ascend to the Source of all wisdom. Souls all about us are starving for the bread of life, famishing for the living water, clear as crystal, that flows from the throne of God and of the Lamb. But the bread of life is denied these poor souls, and even from the pulpits discourses on science and vain philosophy are substituted for the word of God. It is the word of God that is as pure provender, thoroughly winnowed from all the chaff of human uncertainties and suppositions.” Signs of the Times, July 31, 1893.

  1. How does the Bible record the early history of mankind? Genesis 5:1–32; 11:10–32.

NOTE: “Without Bible history, geology can prove nothing. Relics found in the earth do give evidence of a state of things differing in many respects from the present. But the time of their existence can be learned only from the inspired record. It may be innocent to conjecture beyond this, if our suppositions do not contradict the facts found in the sacred Scriptures. But when men leave the word of God, and seek to account for His creative works upon natural principles, they are upon a boundless ocean of uncertainty. Just how God accomplished the work of creation in six literal days, He has never revealed to mortals. His creative works are as incomprehensible as His existence.” Signs of the Times, March 20, 1879.

“Giants in the Earth in Those Days”

  1. What evidence do we have that the early inhabitants of the world were intelligent and accomplished? Genesis 4:2, 17, 21–22.

NOTE: See Patriarchs and Prophets, 82–83.

  1. What are we told about the physical size of the men before the flood? Genesis 6:4, first part.

NOTE: “As Adam came forth from the hand of his Creator, he was of noble height, and of beautiful symmetry. He was more than twice as tall as men now living upon earth, and was well proportioned. His features were perfect and beautiful. His complexion was neither white, nor sallow, but ruddy, glowing with the rich tint of health. Eve was not quite as tall as Adam. Her head reached a little above his shoulders. She, too, was noble, perfect in symmetry, and very beautiful.” Last Day Events, 291–292.

  1. What are we told about the life span of early men? Genesis 5:5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 27, 31.

NOTE: “The book of Genesis gives quite a definite account of social and individual life, and yet we have no record of an infant’s being born blind, deaf, crippled, deformed, or imbecile. There is not an instance upon record of a natural death in infancy, childhood, or early manhood. There is no account of men and women dying of disease. Obituary notices in the book of Genesis run thus: ‘And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.’ ‘And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years: and he died.’ Concerning others, the record states: He lived to a good old age; and he died. It was so rare for a son to die before the father that such an occurrence was considered worthy of record: ‘And Haran died before his father Terah.’ Haran was a father of children before his death.

“God endowed man with so great vital force that he has withstood the accumulation of disease brought upon the race in consequence of perverted habits, and has continued for six thousand years. This fact of itself is enough to evidence to us the strength and electrical energy that God gave to man at his creation.” Testimonies, vol. 3, 138.

  1. What evidence is there that God had faithful witnesses before the Flood? Hebrews 11:4–7, 2 Peter 2:5, Jude 14–15.

NOTE: See Patriarchs and Prophets, 85, 86.

“Enoch instructed his family in regard to the flood. Methuselah, the son of Enoch, listened to the preaching of his grandson Noah, who faithfully warned the inhabitants of the old world that a flood of waters was coming upon the earth. Methuselah and his sons and his grandsons lived in the time of the building of the ark. They, with some others, received instruction from Noah, and assisted him in his work.” Signs of the Times, February 20, 1879.

“The Whole Creation Groaneth”

  1. Why is sickness so prevalent today that few people now die of old age? Deuteronomy 28:58–61.

NOTE: See Testimonies, vol. 3, 491.

  1. What promise are we given that, though the creation is wearing out, God does not change? Hebrews 1:10–12. Compare Isaiah 51:6–8.

NOTE: “The whole of the fifty-first chapter of Isaiah is worthy of close, earnest study, and we would do well to commit it to memory. It has a special application to those who are living in the last days.” Review and Herald, December 1, 1896.