Children’s Story – Ten Bucks and A Pony Ride

“Well, girls,” Dad said. “We are down to just a few cents.” Reaching deep into the pocket of his trousers, he withdrew a small fistful of coins, then opened his fist to reveal the collection of pennies, nickels, and dimes.

“Where do you think we can get some money?” Dad asked. The trio silently pondered their situation and this question, specifically, for a few moments. “I know!” he exclaimed eagerly, his face brightening. “Let’s ask the Lord to help us.” Right there, Dad knelt down with his two young daughters beside him. “Dear Father,” he prayed, “You know we have needs, and we don’t have any money. Please help us to find some. Thank You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

As they opened their eyes after the prayer, Dad seemed to have an idea. “I know, girls! Let’s go to Central Park. Maybe someone dropped ten dollars.” There had just been a carnival at the park, and many people had passed through. Perhaps someone had carelessly dropped a bit of money.

So, believing in the promise, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find,” Matthew 7:7, the three started walking towards the park. The day was overcast and breezy, so they walked briskly to keep warm. Arriving at the park, they slowly walked along the paths where the carnival had been, casting their eyes from side to side, scanning the grass for any coins or bills. Several greenish papers caught their eyes, but upon investigation, they were only pieces of trash.

Suddenly Dad shouted, “What’s this?” He jumped forward to snatch up a green paper, lest it should blow away, out of reach. Quickly he unfolded it and excitedly exclaimed, “It’s ten bucks! Thank You, Lord!”

Walking on a little further, Dad and his girls approached the last few booths that remained from the carnival. One of the girls spotted a pony ride, and the girls eagerly tugged Dad in its direction. “How much for a ride?” Dad asked.

“Ahhh,” the ponies’ owner smiled. “How ’bout a dollar?”

The newly acquired $10 was handed over, and $9 in change was returned. Dad then hoisted his two little girls onto the Shetlands’ sturdy backs. Off they went, round and round and round. They were thankful for the double blessing they had received—God’s answer to Dad’s prayer and the bonus of pony rides.