
Opioids, violence, sexual abuse, domestic abuse, racism, pandemic, voting rights, abortion, nuclear testing, global warming, war, child trafficking, suicide, disease, socialism, communism, politics, natural disasters, social disorder. Crisis! Crisis! Crisis!

It seems there is a new crisis every day and the people of the world are crushed by the weight of it all. But what is the real problem? Where do all these crises come from?

In a word: sin. Sin affects the natural world, it is the natural state of the human heart and the great desire of our nature. It is no wonder that there is a great dearth of faith in this world, often even among God’s own people.

“Satan desires to keep you in the lowlands of sin, but will you not decide that you will go free? Will you not say: ‘Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling’?” The Signs of the Times, August 8, 1892

Without sin, the world would be a perfect place, and, just as God designed it to be, we would be a perfect people.

In spite of the wickedness that seems to permeate everything around us, we have the assurance that Jesus is coming again and that sin and all who hold it dear will soon be gone.

“The chaos caused by sin will not last forever. Someday we will live as God intended—in peace, love, and happiness. Death and sorrow will be banished forever. And best of all, you can be a part of that amazing new world!” Darkness Before Dawn, 52

“The powers of darkness are arrayed against you. Satan desires to see you deserting your Leader. He would be greatly pleased to see you disappointing the One who has done so much for you. Do not yield to his temptations. Fight bravely against his suggestions. Remember that God and Christ and the heavenly angels are fighting with you.” The Youth’s Instructor, January 1, 1903

Lord, as You calmed the sea, calm our fears and doubts. Fill our hearts with Your peace. Help us to trust You during this time of progressing wickedness. Keep us faithful so that when all these crises have ended, we will be standing inside the holy city of God, with You.