Editorial – Testing Our Teachings

Whatever our defects and short-comings, we should not be discouraged. “Our greatest sins which separate our souls from God are unbelief and hardness of heart. Why is it that we are so unbelieving and unimpressible? The reason for it is, we are filled with self-confidence. We feel self-sufficient. If we receive some token of God’s blessing, we take it as a guarantee that we are all right. …

“How the enemy has brought his own spirit into our work! We do not love one another, as Christ has enjoined upon us, because we do not love Christ. If your track is crossed in any way, if any one differs in opinion from you, then in place of feeling humility of mind, in place of carrying your burden to Christ, and asking Him for wisdom and light to know what is truth, you draw from Him, and are tempted to present your brother’s views in a false light, that they shall not have influence. We know that this manner of spirit is not of God, no matter by whom it is manifested. …

“We should feel the necessity of searching the Scriptures for ourselves. … for, says the prophet, ‘if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them’ (Isaiah 8:20). …

“The Lord sends light among us to prove of what manner of spirit we are. We are not to deceive ourselves. … If we only understood the evil of this spirit of intolerance, how we would shun it! We join ourselves to the enemy of God and man when we accuse our brethren, for Satan was an accuser of the brethren. We bear false witness when we add a little to our brother’s words, and give them a false coloring; and in the sight of God we are not doers, but transgressors of the law. We are not on the Lord’s side; we are on the side of him who hurts, destroys, and tears down the cause of truth. We should pray for one another, instead of drawing apart. …

“We are to follow the Example. A flood of light shines upon us, and all jealousy should be put away; for jealousy is cruel as the grave. Purge out the old leaven; for a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. Let us love one another. … Let us remember how forbearing and patient He [Jesus] was with the erring children of men. We should be in a wretched state if the God of heaven were like one of us, and treated us as we are inclined to treat one another.” The Review and Herald, August 27, 1889.