Happy New Year! Another year now opens its fair unwritten pages before you. The recording angel stands ready to write. Your course of action will determine what shall be traced by him. You may make your future life good or evil; and this will determine for you whether the year upon which you have just entered will be to you a happy new year. It is in your power to make it such for yourself and for those around you. Let patience, long-suffering, kindness, and love become a part of your very being; then whatsoever things are pure and lovely and of good report will mature in your experience.
“Angels of God are waiting to show you the path of life . . . Decide now, at the commencement of the new year that you will choose the path of righteousness, that you will be earnest and true-hearted, and that life with you shall not prove a mistake. Go forward, guided by the heavenly angels; be courageous; be enterprising; let your light shine; and may the words of inspiration be applicable to you— ‘I write unto you, young men, because you are strong and have overcome the wicked one.’
“If you have . . . given yourself to Christ, you are a member of the family of God and everything in the Father’s house is for you. All the treasures of God are open to you, both the world that now is and that which is to come. The ministry of angels, the gift of His Spirit, the labors of His servants—all are for you. The world, with everything in it is yours so far as it can do you good. Even the enmity of the wicked will prove a blessing, by disciplining you for heaven. If ‘ye are Christ’s’ ‘all things are yours.’ ” My Life Today, 5. [Ellipsis in the original.]
“For Christ’s sake, my brethren and sisters, make the most of the hours of the New Year to place the precious light of present truth before the people. The Angel of the covenant is empowering His servants to carry the truth to all parts of the world. He has sent forth His angels with the message of mercy; but, as if they did not speed on their way fast enough to satisfy His heart of yearning love, He lays on every member of His church the responsibility of proclaiming this message. ‘Let him that heareth say, come.’ Every member of the church is to show his loyalty by inviting the thirsty to drink of the water of life. A chain of living witnesses is to carry the invitation to the world. Will you act your part in this great work?” Colporteur Ministry, 18.
“A new year has commenced. What has been the record of the past year in your Christian life? How stands your record in heaven? I entreat you to make an unreserved surrender to God. Have your hearts been divided? Give them wholly to the Lord now. Make a different life history the coming year from that of the past. Humble your souls before God . . . put away all pretense and affectation. Act your simple, natural self. Be truthful in every thought and word and deed, and ‘in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves’ . . . As long as you look to Christ, you are safe.” Testimonies, vol. 4, 521, 522. [Emphasis supplied.]
Shall we not reform our diets also this New Year? One of the main subjects in the Spirit of Prophecy is healthful living. “In the judgment we shall see how seriously God regards the violation of the laws of health.” Counsels on Diets and Food, 40.
January Recipe:
Oat Crackers
4 Cups quick oats – (ground in a blender)
4 Tbs. date sugar or date rolls *
1 tsp. sea salt
1 Cup finely ground walnuts
*Place dates in blender with nuts or oats to pulverize.
Mix all ingredients well. Add enough water, cashew milk, or soymilk to knead the mixture into dough. Measure out 1/2 of the above dough and roll out very thin on parchment paper between sheets of plastic.
Bake on parchment or cookie sheet or any of the modern non-stick sheets until done, about 20 minutes at 300° degrees.
Thanks to Frances Brown of San Antonio, Texas, for this delicious recipe. We used it in our live-in clinic in Texas.
The End