
“While I was in England, one day there was a great parade in the streets. It was the Queen’s Jubilee. Everyone was talking about it. The shop windows were filled with her pictures, and all were extolling the queen of England.” The Review and Herald, February 11, 1890

The Royal Jubilee is the celebration of a significant milestone in a British monarch’s reign. The Silver Jubilee marks 25 years, Ruby is 40, Golden is 50, Diamond is 60, and Platinum is 70 years. Monarchs rarely lived long enough to reach most of these milestones, but since the early 1800s there have been two: Queen Victoria and her granddaughter, Queen Elizabeth.

Mrs. White’s reference to the Queen’s Jubilee is regarding the June 1887 Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria. She ruled from 1837 to 1901—64 years—the longest reign of any British monarch, until Elizabeth celebrated her Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. Elizabeth would reign for an additional three months until her death on September 8, 2022.

The Royal Jubilee is marked by celebration throughout the Commonwealth—banquets, parades through London, visiting dignitaries, and firework displays. The British public is invited to join in the celebration, lining the streets and cheering for their monarch. It is estimated that $1.4 million was spent on Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee and that over a million of England’s citizenry participated in the event.

“If men can make so much ado over the Queen’s Jubilee, if they can manifest so much enthusiasm over a finite being, can we not speak to the glory of the Prince of Life, who is so soon to come in majesty to take His weary, worn followers to Himself … ?” Ibid.

Hark! The Jubilee is sounding
O the joyful news is come,
Free salvation is proclaimed
In and through God’s only Son.
Now we have an invitation,
To the meek and lowly Lamb,
Glory, honor, and salvation,
Christ the Lord is come to reign.
Now let each one cease from sinning,

Come and follow Christ the Way;
We shall all receive a blessing,
If from Him we do not stray;
Golden moments we’ve neglected,
O the time we’ve spent in vain.
Glory, honor, and salvation;
Christ the Lord is come to reign.

Come, dear children, praise your Jesus,
Praise Him, praise Him evermore.
May His great love now constrain us,
His great name for to adore:
O then let us join together,
Crowns of glory to obtain,
Glory, honor, and salvation;
Christ the Lord is come to reign.

Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the use of Christians, 1803