Q & A – What must John have thought of his future while he was banished on the barren island of Patmos?

The Spirit of Prophecy tells us that John was content even on the island of Patmos.

“In former years his eyes had been greeted by the sight of forest-covered hills, green valleys, and fruitful plains; and in the beauties of nature it had ever been his delight to trace the wisdom and skill of the Creator. He was now surrounded by scenes that to many would appear gloomy and uninteresting; but to John it was otherwise. While his surroundings might be desolate and barren, the blue heavens that bent above him were as bright and beautiful as the skies above his loved Jerusalem. In the wild, rugged rocks, in the mysteries of the deep, in the glories of the firmament, he read important lessons. All bore the message of God’s power and glory.

“All around him the apostle beheld witnesses to the Flood that had deluged the earth because the inhabitants ventured to transgress the law of God. The rocks thrown up from the great deep and from the earth by the breaking forth of the waters, brought vividly to his mind the terrors of that awful outpouring of God’s wrath.

  • In the voice of many waters—deep calling unto deep—the prophet heard the voice of the Creator.
  • The sea, lashed to fury by the merciless winds, represented to him the wrath of an offended God.
  • The mighty waves, in their terrible commotion, restrained within limits appointed by an invisible hand, spoke of the control of an infinite Power.
  • And in contrast he realized the weakness and folly of mortals, who, though but worms of the dust, glory in their supposed wisdom and strength, and set their hearts against the Ruler of the universe, as if God were altogether such a One as themselves.
  • By the rocks he was reminded of Christ, the Rock of his strength, in whose shelter he could hide without fear.

From the exiled apostle on rocky Patmos there went up the most ardent longing of soul after God, the most fervent prayers.” The Acts of the Apostles, 571, 572.