Satan’s Five Discouragements

The devil is a very busy individual. He mounts attack upon attack against God’s people, severely trying them until many become discouraged and want to give up. In his efforts to thwart the plan of salvation, he has attempted to discourage even God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Yes, friends, discouragement is the devil’s business.

For hundreds of years, the devil worked to hide that he was the real oppressor, instead convincing God’s chosen people that the Messiah would come to deliver them from an earthly oppressor. So, when Jesus came to save them from their sins rather than the Romans, most of the Jews rejected Him because He was not the Messiah they were expecting or, dare I say, wanted. They saw themselves as holy people, God’s chosen nation, but they failed to recognize that they were sinners more in need of a Saviour than rescue from an oppressive ruler.

“They could find no rest from the accusings of a troubled conscience. Thus, Satan worked to discourage the people, to lower their conception of the character of God, and to bring the faith of Israel into contempt. He hoped to establish the claim put forth when he rebelled in heaven—that the requirements of God were unjust and could not be obeyed. Even Israel, he declared, did not keep the law.

“While the Jews desired the advent of the Messiah, they had no true conception of His mission. They did not seek redemption from sin, but deliverance from the Romans. They looked for the Messiah to come as a conqueror, to break the oppressor’s power, and exalt Israel to universal dominion. Thus the way was prepared for them to reject the Saviour.” The Desire of Ages, 29, 30

“Humanity, becoming more degraded through ages of transgression, called for the coming of the Redeemer. Satan had been working to make the gulf deep and impassable between earth and heaven. By his falsehoods he had emboldened men in sin. It was his purpose to wear out the forbearance of God, and to extinguish His love for man, so that He would abandon the world to satanic jurisdiction.” Ibid., 34, 35

By making men and women so wicked and, as a consequence, creating so much wickedness in the world, the devil was attempting to wear out the forbearance of God.

“Satan was unwearied in his efforts to overcome the Child of Nazareth. From His earliest years, Jesus was guarded by heavenly angels, yet His life was one long struggle against the powers of darkness. That there should be upon the earth one life free from the defilement of evil was an offense and a perplexity to the prince of darkness. He left no means untried to ensnare Jesus. No child of humanity will ever be called to live a holy life amid so fierce a conflict with temptation as was our Saviour.” Ibid., 71

“No one upon earth had understood Him, and during His ministry He must still walk alone. Throughout His life His mother and His brothers did not comprehend His mission. Even His disciples did not understand Him. He had dwelt in eternal light, as one with God, but His life on earth must be spent in solitude. …

“Alone He must tread the path; alone He must bear the burden.” Ibid., 111

Are you tempted to be discouraged, believing there is not a single person in the world who understands? No one understood Jesus; not one person—not His mother, His family, His disciples, not even John the Baptist—understood what Jesus was about to do for mankind. If Satan tempts you to be discouraged because you feel all alone in the world, remember that you have a Saviour, and He walked His entire life alone, though surrounded by many people, in a world that chose not to understand Him.

“There were none on earth who could comprehend His divine mission, or know the burden which He bore in behalf of humanity.” Ibid., 326

“Satan excited the evil passions of men, in order to fasten his rule upon them. … From generation to generation he worked to blind the people to these prophecies, that they might reject Christ at His coming. …

“Since he [Lucifer] had lost heaven, he was determined to find revenge by causing others to share his fall. This he would do by causing them to undervalue heavenly things, and to set the heart upon things of earth.” Ibid., 115, 116

God said, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17. And with these words, it became Satan’s determined effort to cause Christ to doubt them. He took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and said, “If You are the Son of God … .” If he could shake Christ’s confidence in God, he would win the great controversy. The plan of salvation would be ruined if Christ were to lose faith in the Father and work a miracle on His own behalf.

“Satan saw that he must either conquer or be conquered. The issues of the conflict involved too much to be entrusted to his confederate angels. He must personally conduct the warfare. All the energies of apostasy were rallied against the Son of God. Christ was made the mark of every weapon of hell.” Ibid., 116

Jesus became Satan’s focal point. All of his army came together to find some way to bring about the downfall of Jesus Christ.

“Many look on this conflict between Christ and Satan as having no special bearing on their own life; and for them it has little interest. But within the domain of every human heart this controversy is repeated. Never does one leave the ranks of evil for the service of God without encountering the assaults of Satan. The enticements which Christ resisted were those that we find it so difficult to withstand.” Ibid.

“In all ages, temptations appealing to the physical nature have been most effectual in corrupting and degrading mankind. Through intemperance, Satan works to destroy the mental and moral powers that God gave to man as a priceless endowment. …

“Our only hope of eternal life is through bringing the appetites and passions into subjection to the will of God.

“In our own strength, it is impossible for us to deny the clamors of our fallen nature. Through this channel Satan will bring temptation upon us. Christ knew that the enemy would come to every human being, to take advantage of hereditary weakness, and by his false insinuations to ensnare all whose trust is not in God.” Ibid., 122

Christ’s mission to this world was more than His death on the cross and the example of His life. Jesus came to reveal to man the true character of God, to break Satan’s power over man, setting his captives free. Jesus offered love, the power to overcome, and a new life with a changed heart and nature. But this aroused the devil’s ire, and he summoned all his forces to contest Christ’s work. And so it will be for those who choose to follow Christ in these final hours of the great controversy  (The Desire of Ages, 257).

In Matthew 16, Jesus told the disciples that He was to be crucified to redeem mankind, but this was so contrary to what they had always been taught they could not believe or accept it. Peter immediately began to argue with Jesus. But Jesus gave the most severe rebuke that He had ever given to any of His disciples because Satan was speaking through Peter, “But He turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.’ ” Verse 23

“Satan was trying to discourage Jesus, and turn Him from His mission [of being crucified]; and Peter, in his blind love, was giving voice to the temptation. The prince of evil was the author of the thought. His instigation was behind that impulsive appeal. In the wilderness, Satan had offered Christ the dominion of the world on condition of forsaking the path of humiliation and sacrifice. Now he was presenting the same temptation to the disciple of Christ.” The Desire of Ages, 416

“Satan, the author of sin and all its results, had led men to look upon disease and death as proceeding from God—as punishment arbitrarily inflicted on account of sin. Hence, one upon whom some great affliction or calamity had fallen had the additional burden of being regarded as a great sinner.

“Thus, the way was prepared for the Jews to reject Jesus. He who ‘hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows’ was looked upon by the Jews as ‘stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted;’ and they hid their faces from Him. Isaiah 53:4, 3.” Ibid., 471. The disciples believed that the true Messiah would not be in a situation like this, therefore, this couldn’t possibly be the Messiah.

“To the heart of Christ it was a bitter task to press His way against the fears, disappointment, and unbelief of His beloved disciples. It was hard to lead them forward to the anguish and despair that awaited them at Jerusalem. And Satan was at hand to press his temptations upon the Son of man. Why should He now go to Jerusalem, to certain death? All around Him were souls hungering for the bread of life. On every hand were suffering ones waiting for His word of healing. The work to be wrought by the gospel of His grace was but just begun. And He was full of the vigor of manhood’s prime. Why not go forward to the vast fields of the world with the words of His grace, the touch of His healing power? Why not take to Himself the joy of giving light and gladness to those darkened and sorrowing millions? Why leave the harvest gathering to His disciples, so weak in faith, so dull of understanding, so slow to act? Why face death now, and leave the work in its infancy? The foe who in the wilderness had confronted Christ assailed Him now with fierce and subtle temptations. Had Jesus yielded for a moment, had He changed His course in the least particular to save Himself, Satan’s agencies would have triumphed, and the world would have been lost.” Ibid., 486

The devil knew that the salvation of our world rested fully on just one Person. He knew that he would rule the whole world if he could overcome Him. But it seems that the devil forgot who that Person is—the Creator of all things, who holds up worlds and maintains everything in its order, the One who grants mercy, grace, and pardon to a world in need of redemption, and the power to overcome, Jesus Christ.

“At this time [a few days before the crucifixion] Christ’s work bore the appearance of cruel defeat. … To His disciples the case seemed hopeless.” Ibid., 621

“In the wilderness of temptation, the destiny of the human race had been at stake. Christ was then conqueror. Now the tempter had come for the last fearful struggle. For this he had been preparing during the three years of Christ’s ministry. Everything was at stake with him. If he failed here, his hope of mastery was lost; the kingdoms of the world would finally become Christ’s; he himself would be overthrown and cast out. But if Christ could be overcome, the earth would become Satan’s kingdom, and the human race would be forever in his power.” Ibid., 686, 687

So what temptation did the devil press upon Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane? Complete and eternal separation from the Father, the fear that His sacrifice would be unacceptable, that He would never be one with God again.

“Satan and his confederacy of evil, the legions of apostasy, watched intently this great crisis in the work of redemption [in the Garden of Gethsemane]. The powers of good and evil waited to see what answer would come to Christ’s thrice-repeated prayer. Angels had longed to bring relief to the divine sufferer, but this might not be. No way of escape was found for the Son of God.” Ibid., 693

“And what was to be gained by this sacrifice? How hopeless appeared the guilt and ingratitude of men! In its hardest features, Satan pressed the situation upon the Redeemer: The people who claim to be above all others in temporal and spiritual advantages have rejected You. They are seeking to destroy You, the foundation, the center, and seal of the promises made to them as a peculiar people. One of Your own disciples, who has listened to Your instruction, and has been among the foremost in church activities, will betray You. One of Your most zealous followers will deny You. All will forsake You. … The sins of men weighed heavily upon Christ, and the sense of God’s wrath against sin was crushing out His life.” Ibid., 687

“Satan led the cruel mob in its abuse of the Saviour [during His trial]. It was his purpose to provoke Him to retaliation if possible, or to drive Him to perform a miracle to release Himself, and thus break up the plan of salvation. One stain upon His human life, one failure of His humanity to endure the terrible test, and the Lamb of God would have been an imperfect offering, and the redemption of man a failure.” Ibid., 734

“Satanic agencies confederated with evil men in leading the people to believe Christ the chief of sinners, and to make Him the object of detestation. Those who mocked Christ as He hung upon the cross were imbued with the spirit of the first great rebel. He filled them with vile and loathsome speeches. He inspired their taunts. But by all this he gained nothing.” Ibid., 760, 761

Just as Satan worked to discourage Jesus in the hope of causing the world to be lost, he now seeks to discourage you and cause you to be lost. Jesus has paid the price for the salvation of this world, but as individuals, we still retain free will, and it is here that Satan focuses all his power. If he can, through temptation and harassment, he will cause me to become discouraged, and if I give in to discouragement and give up, then I am lost. This is the devil’s whole purpose for all mankind.

Since the devil successfully uses discouragement against Christians and those who want to become Christians, let’s look at a few of his methods.

Health Problems

When your body is sick and weak, your mind is affected and there is no escaping it. The devil comes, whispering everything imaginable, telling you that you might as well give up. You haven’t been able to overcome, and you will never overcome. But remember, no matter how sick or weak you are, even if you are the worst sinner, you can trust yourself to Jesus Christ, and the devil cannot cause you to be lost. (See Hebrews 7:25; The Desire of Ages, 125.)

Financial Problems

Have you ever had to choose between doing the will of God or losing your job because you won’t work on the Sabbath, or have you sacrificed your education because you will not attend classes or tests on the Sabbath? This is another way the devil brings discouragement because of the financial burden that following the Lord seems to bring. Some people have said, “I am choosing to obey God even if it costs me my career.” Jesus was [and remains] the Prince of heaven. He sat on a throne, wore a crown, and carried a scepter. All the universe’s riches were His, yet He became poor in this world to save you. If you become poor and sacrifice everything to follow Jesus, you will have an everlasting reward worth more than anything this world can offer.


Character defects in family or church members can discourage those striving for heaven. Too often, hypocrisy runs rampant in Christians’ lives.

It is purported that Mahatma Ghandi said: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”

For those looking ahead to the soon-coming of our Lord, a shaking time is coming. We must strive to remove from our hearts the selfishness and besetting sins that hold us back from developing the perfected character—the Christlike character—required by God to live in His presence. When the time of shaking is over, everyone who is not converted, every hypocrite, will be shaken out (Hebrews 12).

The book of Revelation was written primarily for the last days, but unlike the book of Daniel, it was not written for the whole world, but for God’s church (Revelation 1:1). “ ‘I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches.’ ” Revelation 22:16. When Jesus comes again, He will take only His church out of this world; no one else is going.

Don’t misunderstand; over the history of this world, many people have lived and died, and never belonged to a church, never heard or spoke the name of Christ, but they will be saved and resurrected with the church triumphant. Those who have overcome (repeated seven times in Revelation 2 and 3) and who live through the time of trouble and are alive when Jesus comes again will be taken up from this world. God’s church will have the seal of God in their forehead, and it is clear that in the last days, if you do not have the seal of God in your forehead, you will suffer His judgments.

“They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.” Revelation 9:4

If you want to be ready when Jesus comes, you must be a member of His church.

Throughout the Scriptures, a woman is used as a symbol of the church. Revelation 12 describes a pure woman as God’s church. Revelation 12:17 describes the last church on earth as a people who will keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus Christ (Revelation 14:12). They will also have the spirit of prophecy.

“Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Revelation 19:10, last part

Revelation 17 tells us that those who are a part of Christ’s church when He comes will have three characteristics—called, chosen, and faithful. “ ‘These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.’ ” Verse 14. We will not be taken to heaven if we lack these three characteristics.

God tells us that we must be baptized with water, but it isn’t the water that is important. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change, a symbol of being baptized by the Holy Spirit, an acceptance into the body of Christ. God’s bride, His church, has “made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7). She has been given “fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen” (Verse 8) represents the righteous acts of the saints. And finally, God’s church is “called to the marriage supper of the Lamb” (Verse 9). “By one Spirit [Holy Spirit] we were all baptized into one body [body of Christ, the church].” 1 Corinthians 12:13

My Own Defects of Character

We all (sorry, no exceptions) have character defects that we struggle to overcome. The devil wants you to believe that you can’t give them up. He whispers that you have done it a thousand and one times now, and you will never succeed. As long as you are in this world, you will face this struggle, but do not be discouraged. Sanctification is the process by which we overcome, and the struggle is a part of overcoming. The devil repeatedly tempted Jesus throughout His life, and he will do the same to you (John 15:20).

“The apostle Paul declares, ‘I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing’ (Romans 7:18). To those who have tried so hard to obtain by faith so-called holy flesh, I would say, You cannot obtain it. Not a soul of you has holy flesh now. No human being on the earth has holy flesh. It is an impossibility.” Selected Messages, Book 2, 32. Not one human being is free from struggle. That is why we pray. And Jesus promises that if we ask Him, He will help us.

“There’s no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able to bear, but will with the temptation make it possible for you to endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13, literal translation. God has promised to give you all the help that you need, but, if you intend to win, don’t give up the fight.

False Theology

The devil tried to discourage Jesus by telling Him that because He had taken upon Himself the sins of the world, He would be forever separated from God because sin and holiness do not coexist (Isaiah 59:2). But the Bible says that nothing can separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38, 39). And no matter the cost, man must be saved. For this reason, Jesus was tempted as no human being will ever be tempted. There is no human being so sinful that they cannot be saved. I am saved when I commit myself to Jesus and give my heart to Him alone, He then becomes sovereign in my life.

Jesus, as our Saviour, endured everything the devil brought against Him, and He did it to save you. The devil is trying to press the same discouragements upon us. He wants us to believe that we are beyond redemption and that our character defects can never be removed. But he is wrong. “ ‘The one who comes to Me I will by no case cast out.’ ” John 6:37, last part

If you put your trust in Jesus, He will save you.

Pastor John J. Grosboll is Director of Steps to Life and pastors the Prairie Meadows Church in Wichita, Kansas. He may be contacted by email at, or by telephone at 316-788-5559.